People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 346 Old Malfoy's Showdown

He believed that Luo Chen had also guessed it.

But asking himself so bluntly made Scrimgeour panic even more.

After all, he just came here to pit Luochen.

In fact, Luo Chen didn't think so much, he thought that the people in the Magic Institute would kill them if they killed them!

Who let their disgusting old Quan family dare to pretend to be him.

Huh - now that I think about it, my hairs still stand on end!

If it weren't for the fact that the current waters in the magic world of Dongpu are very deep, and for the sake of the overall plan, Luo Chen could go to Dongpu in no time, and kill the big tengu and Baqi secretly.

The main thing is.

From the beginning to the end, Luo Chen thought that he was an outsider.

He arranges plans, disturbs the wind and rain, and has always been a chess player.

Scrimgeour hesitated and couldn't say a complete sentence, and he didn't even dare to meet Luo Chen's eyes.

After watching it for a while, Luo Chen felt bored, so he went back to his guest room. He will continue to stay here. Anyway, he had kept the breath of Sirius long ago. He can't run away.

Not long after, Sun Wuhan quickly ran to Scrimgeour holding a roll of parchment.

As soon as he came in before, he saw his subordinate licking Luo Chen madly, and he was not happy at the moment. Naturally, there will be no good tone for him.

"How about it?"

"Director, we found three relatively unique auras in it, and the rest can basically match the work and daily contacts of the Leaky Cauldron Bar!"

Since learning the Chasing Wind and Shadow Curse, this group of people has gradually developed the habit of protecting the scene.

So when Luo Chen collected the breath of the room before, he still maintained the original state of the room. Someone accidentally broke in before.

After the Aurors are in place, they will collect such excess, including their own breath.

But because the level of the spell was not as good as Luo Chen's, Luo Chen collected 23 kinds of breaths.

But only 21 are really useful.

Stripping out what they've found, the last three, they're not sure who the specific people are.

"Can you continue to follow?" Scrimgeour also became more serious.

"Only one is fine, the other two are a little blurry, I'm afraid..." Just as he was speaking, an Auror suddenly came running behind him. Looking very young, he interrupted in a low voice: "Director, deputy director, I... we have some new discoveries."

"What?" Scrimgeour didn't care about his leapfrog report at all.

"I found this aura. It's very similar to the aura Black left in Azkaban." The Auror said, and the number 20 was stamped on the small brown glass bottle in his hand.

"Are you sure?" Scrimgeour's eyes widened immediately.

The young Auror hesitated for a short moment, then nodded firmly.

Scrimgeour immediately gave an order to Sun Wuhan, who had a slightly strange expression on his face: "Arrange people to compare immediately!"

"Uh, yes, Director!" After finishing speaking, he snatched the glass bottle from the little Auror's hand, turned and left.

Scrimgeour looked at the little Auror, patted him on the shoulder, said "Yes", and turned to leave.

However, those colleagues who were with him looked at the little Auror with a hint of mischief and pity.


the other side.

Old Malfoy and Black had scurried out of Diagon Alley before the Aurors arrived. They were in the middle of an unknown rural city at this time.

The mobility of people here is relatively poor, and most people have average knowledge.

Old Malfoy was relieved and brought Black here. They randomly found a teahouse on the side of the road and wanted to open a box, but they didn't have such a high-end configuration, so they could only make do in the corner.

"Old Malfoy, what did you bring me here for?"

Old Malfoy didn't answer right away, he looked around cautiously, and casually laid down a protective shield, which was one of the curses passed down by his family.

It can block the prying of the outside world to a certain extent.

It will also prevent idlers from approaching.

"You saw it at the Leaky Cauldron before. Those people from the Magic Institute will definitely not be able to please them. It is estimated that there will be some big news. It is impossible for the two of us to continue to be together. The goal is too big, so I remind you……"

"Stop, needless to say, don't worry, even if I get caught and go back to Azkaban, I won't confess to you." Black interrupted impatiently. He picked up the black tea and drank it in one gulp. The tea was boiling hot, but he didn't seem to feel anything.

"That's good, but at this point, you also need to pay me...the reward for saving you."

In fact, Blake is a little depressed.

These deals were about to be concluded. He doesn't need to really do those dirty dirty things. All you need is intelligence evidence.

In the end, I didn't expect to be disturbed by a person hiding in the dark.



"Horcrux, I want the Horcrux in your hand!"

Blake was taken aback, and looked at old Malfoy. He seemed to have seen this word somewhere.

And this expression fell into the eyes of old Malfoy, but it made him excited. This guy really knows about Horcruxes, and he must have Horcruxes in his hand.

Luo Chen didn't lie to him.

The efforts during this time were not in vain.

Black couldn't think of it for a while, but he knew that this must be the main purpose of old Malfoy's patient hospitality to this day.

After deliberating, he said, "Why should I give it to you? I think Patriarch Malfoy is very clear about the importance of this thing. He is much more valuable than my bad life!"

"No, Black, you're a smart man!" Old Malfoy pressed his hands on the table, leaned forward slightly, and said, "You have many opportunities to continue to participate in the great cause of the Dark Lord, so this is not bad. , two Horcruxes."

Dark Lord?


One or two? !

Black caught the key word, this thing has something to do with Voldemort.

Sure enough, it's not a good thing. But according to what he knew about old Malfoy, there were so many of these things, so they probably weren't particularly precious.

"That won't work, after all, it's the Dark Lord himself..."

"I know it was given to us by him himself. But you need to help me, even for your sister Narcissa's sake, help me!" Old Malfoy was suddenly agitated, and wanted to hold the other's hand, but Flicking to nothing, he continued: "Besides, didn't you still say you wanted to take Draco as your godson a while ago? You really couldn't bear to see the Dark Lord attack our family because of a horcrux that is more symbolic than practical. ?"

"You know how cruel he is, and with your help, he will return soon. If there is no Horcrux, join me in order to get rid of the crime... So, don't we really want to be the ghosts of the Dark Lord's subordinates?"

The old Malfoy was sincere.

It is estimated that in this life, I seldom talk to another person like this.

But it was also like this, Black actually felt that with Voldemort's character, it was really possible for old Malfoy to do what he said!

And with the knowledge about the Horcrux, I am more and more convinced that I have seen it.

But I just can't remember it.

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