Some of the little wizards present saw that Karkaroff and Maxim had united against Dumbledore before, and it was very effective.

So starting from the Slytherin table, the little wizard gradually became noisy. They feel they too have a right to qualify for the Goblet of Fire.

Even if it's just a name!

As a result, Dumbledore gave him an amplifying spell and a quiet sentence.

Instantly suppressed.


Although he, Dumbledore, was a kind and kind old man on weekdays, that didn't mean he had no temper.

This involves the safety of little wizards, especially Harry Potter.

Just now these two guys united against him and did not give a strong enough reason. He felt a little upset.

If it is not for the spirit of coming, it is a guest.

Not too much to ask for.

Shouting in front of him, Dumbledore, he can drag the two of them to the next hut to study carefully how to establish the correct three outlooks on life!

The other delegations also had no comments.

They have already made it clear through those contacts that they should negotiate.

So this welcome party, which was no longer lively, slowly came to an end.

On the second day.

As soon as the little wizard entered the auditorium, he saw that an area was vacated in the center of the high platform of the auditorium.

A square stone pillar stood on it, and on the top of the stone pillar stood the Goblet of Fire, which was always burning with blue flames.

On the periphery of the stone pillar is a huge white ring with a radius of more than two meters.

This is the spell set by Dumbledore, which can ensure that little wizards under the age of 16 cannot step in.

At this moment, there were quite a few young wizards around there, some of whom had reached the age limit. Amidst the cheers of the crowd, they wrote their names and threw their names into the burning Goblet of Fire on the spot, and then disappeared.

Those who are bold and curious, will try the feeling of being scorched by the blue flame when casting their names.

The result doesn't hurt, it feels like a puff of dry heat.

It's amazing.

Somewhat different from the original book, Cedric also voted for his own name. He also met the conditions, but at this time, he was not the one surrounded by people.

Instead, they were surrounded by a Hufflepuff seventh-year senior.

The man had a stocky figure and a rich face. Surrounded by the crowd, I felt a little embarrassed. Even though he is recognized as the seventh grader with the strongest overall strength in Hufflepuff College.

He tossed the note in, and there was a round of cheers. He scratched his hair embarrassingly. To the equally eager Cedric: "Come on, Cedric!"

Cedric was heartbroken by a single word.

He really wanted to put his name in, but he wanted to do it quietly by himself.

Because he is only a sixth grader, his chances of being selected in the end are very slim.

So I was also worried that I would lose face in the end.

But he understood that the senior in front of him definitely didn't mean to make things difficult for him on purpose. His encouragement is genuine.

"Senior Mu Ze, I, I actually..." Seeing that Cedric was about to refuse, the other Hufflepuff students who had surrounded Mu Ze also expressed encouragement.

In the end, Cedric wrote down his name on the spot, threw the parchment into the Goblet of Fire, and disappeared after being licked by the flames.

It so happened that there was a commotion behind the crowd.

It was the Weasley brothers who got the aging potion from nowhere.

They stood among a group of young wizards, patted their chests, full of confidence.

"George, are you ready?"

"Of course, Fred! We're going to show Mr. Principal that he can't treat us so unfairly!"

"Yes, George. There must be a place for us in this event."

"Come on, Fred, you first!"

Although the two were still mischievous in various ways as in the original book, because of Luo Chen's relationship, they were caught on the spot so many times

During the summer vacation, he had just been sharpened at Luochen's construction site. This temperament is actually much more restrained than in the original book.

So when things came to an end, it was not as straightforward as it had been imagined before.

If this is really successful.

I'm afraid it would have completely disrupted Dumbledore's plan, and the consequences... would most likely be the same as the imitation dragon leather belt package newly bought by the traitor Percy for their father.

"Look who this is, the poor and cowardly Weasley! Haha!" At this moment, a deliberately shrill and harsh mocking voice came from behind the Weasley brothers.

The two of them had already made up their minds, and the mouth of the bottle was aimed at their own mouths.

I was stimulated at this time, and suddenly turned my head to look, and found that it was indeed Malfoy and the others.

At this time, he was standing side by side with Quan Ride from the delegation from Dongying Institute of Magic. But his face was bitter and mean, while the latter had a calm face.

As for the further back, they followed their respective attendants, but looking at the Magic Institute, I am afraid that apart from the team leader, other delegation members have rushed over.

Dressed in a golden robe, the imposing manner was really extraordinary when he came in.

At least those little wizards who were close instinctively withdrew far away.

The Weasley brothers seemed to have a tacit understanding, and Qiqi stretched out his left hand to give Malfoy a middle finger.

They didn't know it before, but this summer they worked on the construction site of Luochen's house, communicated a lot with those adult wizards and squibs from all over the country, and learned a lot of interesting things.

And Malfoy never reacted.

He has not yet reached his father's level, so he has always thought that their family is extremely repellent of Muggles. Naturally, they can go as far as they can with Muggle culture.

But the day was different.

He understood very clearly, and his face changed.


"Dizzy." He took out his wand, and threw a spell over him.

The Weasley brothers were prepared.

Then it unleashed the Iron Armor Curse, protecting the two of them, and Fred shot a Disarming Curse.


The Stunning Curse and the Iron Armor Curse cancel each other out.

But the Weasley brothers didn't even move, and the Disarming Curse hit Quan Ride's hand steadily.

The wand in his hand flew straight into the air, flew around several times, and landed in Fred's hand.

It all happened very quickly, and the results were astonishing.

Even the Weasley brothers didn't react.

The representatives from the Magic House are all parallel imports, right?

This doesn't even count as a warm-up, so you lose? !

A trace of ferocity flashed across Quan Ride's face, and he rubbed his tingling wrist.

"Give me back my wand!"

Even if he lost, his attitude was still tough.

But who are the Weasley brothers, you can talk about it, then maybe this matter is okay.

But you are defeated, and you still have such a bad temper!

Then I can't stand it.

"If you have the ability, you can grab it yourself!" George sarcastically said. He even took the magic wand in Fred's hand and tossed it lightly twice.

The latter clenched his fists and almost made a move.

But fortunately, a golden-robed wizard behind him persuaded him.

Then he threw it away forcefully.

"The wand is mine. You should give it back to me!" Quan Ride said. But the attitude is much better than before.

But this is still not a gesture of asking for help.

The Weasley brothers still didn't let go.

"I'll leave it to you!" The two sides were already at the limit, so Quan Ri had to decisively let... his subordinates.

"Yes, Master Quan!" Several golden-robed wizards bowed to accept their orders.

Four people were separated and the more they came out.

A look of astonishment flashed across Brother Weasley's face. Is this really hands on?

What kind of guest is this!

How domineering!

"Everyone, this is Hogwarts, please speak well!"

A burly figure walked up to the Weasley brothers.

No one expected it. Senior Mu Ze, who usually likes more things than less things, will stand up at this time.

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