But the problem is.

This little Barty Crouch doesn't know how he came out?

That period of memory was erased, although he was "imprisoned" in Crouch's mansion, but from what Snape saw from the memory of the other party.

This Barty Crouch Jr. is his "wife" in Crouch's eyes.

Very twisted, kind of scalp tingling feeling.

But this was the final result obtained with the combination of ordinary Veritaserum and Snape's Legilimency chanting.

Well, combined with the fact that Barty Crouch Jr. used Polyjuice Potion to become Moody before, the other party may have already gotten used to it. Maybe he also takes Polyjuice Potion now and then when he's at home.

Pretending to be Crouch's mad wife? !

But the problem is that for the compound decoction to work, the hair or nails of the target person must be collected, and the target person must be alive.

So it doesn't make sense here at all.

And in his memory, Snape didn't have the slightest memory of seeing Barty Crouch Jr. imprisoned in Crouch's mansion and taking compound medicine.

So he's arguing with Crouch right now.

He felt that this was a joint play between the father and son.

But Crouch also has an incredible face, acting like a thief!

The Veritaserum he prepared later was also very effective. Although this old Batty asked some trash questions, but...

"Okay, okay, stop talking, you two!" Fudge raised his hand and interrupted. He was the Minister of the Ministry of Magic. After listening for a while, he knew the truth.

He took a deep look at Crouch and said, "No matter what, this is a sad thing, Crouch..."

"Here!" Barty Crouch Jr. raised his head ferociously.

"Didn't mention you!" Luo Chen interrupted, "I'm calling your father!"

Little Barty: I seem to be offended!


"It's okay, Minister, I..." Crouch suddenly covered his face and wept. His eyes were already red, but at this moment, the tears flowed down like money, and he said, "Sorry, I think I want to be alone. Quiet."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left, completely losing the eagerness that followed Fudge and Dumbledore to Hogwarts in a hurry.

Neither Luo Chen nor Dumbledore stopped him, and watched him leave quietly. One of the Aurors followed to protect.

"Hey!" Fudge looked at his back and sighed, "Albus, and Professor Snape, let's stop this matter, Barty Crouch Jr., I will take it back, Then……"

"No, he can't leave yet, he still has information to come out, why did he come to Hogwarts?" Snape looked anxious, waving his arms again and again, his robe was slightly raised by his violent movements , issued a dull porphyrin sound.

Fudge's pupils shrank.

He thought to himself, he has already given face so much.

And he also knew this matter in his heart, if he really wanted to get to the bottom of it, it would become a big trouble for the Ministry of Magic.

But Dumbledore and Luo Chen were both here, he took a long breath and adjusted his mentality.

"The most important thing for us now is to hold the Goblet of Fire competition. I might as well tell you that the Japanese delegation has arrived at the Ministry of Magic. It is expected that the Ilvermorny delegation will also arrive tomorrow. Are these bad things important? We should work together to maintain the image of the British wizarding world."

The former asks, the latter states and affirms.

Fudge tried his best to persuade, and he used very appropriate reasons, but his tone became more and more high-pitched.

Obviously expressing his dissatisfaction.

"It doesn't matter, that..."

"Severus!" Dumbledore said suddenly, since he arrived here, he didn't say much, and only nodded slightly when he met Luo Chen.

Snape suddenly became normal.

He snorted fiercely, shook his robe, and left the office.

All of a sudden, there were only Barty Crouch Jr., Luochen, Fudge and Dumbledore left here.

"Minister Fudge, Severus has such a temper. Not even I can change it," Dumbledore explained for Snape.

But those who are familiar with him can also hear that the old guy is also dissatisfied from his flat and fast tone.

But what he focused on was the overall situation.

"It's okay." Fudge said with a smile, then looked at Luochen who was observing Barty Crouch Jr., and said, "Luochen, I have received replies from delegations from various countries a few days ago, and they all expressed their respect for our Goblet of Fire." Therefore, the first game is to hunt dragons.”

"Well, okay, I'll go back and continue preparing the venue." Luo Chen said without turning his head, then his body froze suddenly, and he scratched his hair.

Turning around to confirm: "Dragon hunting? Isn't it stealing dragon eggs?"

"Stealing dragon eggs?" Not to mention Fudge, even Dumbledore looked over in surprise.

Then he felt that Luo Chen's suggestion was good.

Of course, the so-called dragon hunting is just a publicity stunt.

But the actual situation is to steal the treasure guarded by the fire dragon.

Then it is no problem to use fire dragon eggs.

It can also make the game more interesting and exciting.

In this way, the choice of fire dragon should pay attention to its time period, it must be the kind of fire dragon that is particularly irritable and in the breeding period.

A few thoughts quickly turned around, but has such an example appeared before?

After all, the Goblet of Fire has been around for a long time, and after Fudge came to power, he didn't know about it.

And the Ministry of Magic still has so much work to do, and is busy preparing to receive delegations from other countries.

How can there be so much leisure to pay attention to the previous, but a small school-level competition in the European circle.

Dumbledore knew better.

Luo Chen immediately realized that he had slipped the tongue, and said with a smile: "These all came to my mind suddenly, and you all know that my ancestors did soul experiments. There was such a project in the Goblet of Fire competition a long time ago. "

Fudge suddenly understood.

That's good, it's more abiding by tradition.

Only Dumbledore frowned. Why didn't he see similar news in the history of the school? Did it happen when other colleges were held?

In this way, it is understandable that their school history lacks this part of the record.

"Okay, that's it, Mr. Bichar, please set off for Romania to find Charlie Weasley on another day. He is a very good guy and will guide you to deal with this matter. I will deal with the relevant procedures as soon as possible. Arrange for Crouch...no, Bagman to deliver."

"Charlie, I've heard of it. Unfortunately, the year before last..."

"Ahem!" Dumbledore coughed suddenly.

Luo Chen understood instantly, and changed his words: "The year before last, I was planning to go to Romania to see the famous dragon farms in Europe, but unfortunately I didn't arrange the time, and there were too many things to do."

Fudge hesitated for a moment, he felt that the two had a secret.

But after thinking about it, forget it, who doesn't have a secret?

Besides, he had already offended Dumbledore just now.

After explaining this matter, Fudge called Lincoln in and asked him to escort Barty Crouch Jr.

Before walking out of the office, Lincoln specially cast a Disillusionment Charm on Barty Crouch Jr.

When parting, what did Fudge suddenly think of?

"By the way, Mr. Bichar, the Japanese delegation has come, and they want to meet you!"

"Meet me, why?"

"I don't know the details. It seems that they are all deputy team leaders, the current elders of the Quan family, who say they are old with your ancestors!"


"The Quan family... Quan?"

"They can't be from Bangzi (deliberate typo), right?" Luo Chen was startled on the spot.

Fudge recalled.

"That's right, their Quan family is divided into the main family and the branch family. The branch family is responsible for controlling things in Bangzi's magic world. The main family is already from Dongying..."

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