People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 297 Luo Chen: You have to die in another world

Luo Chen felt that he was quite polite and friendly to these little wizards on weekdays.

Even if the little wizards of Slytherin's family of dark wizards asked him for advice, Luo Chen would always answer his questions without hesitation about the knowledge he taught.

In addition, he is still a professor at Hogwarts, it's fine for these little wizards not to appreciate him, what the hell is he afraid of? !

When he went to the auditorium earlier, so many students surrounded him.

Mulu adored him, almost regarded him as an idol. Luo Chen thought it was a sign of his popularity.


It seemed that there were still more than 10 minutes before the end of get out of class.

It is also impossible for Lupine to directly announce that he will not dismiss the get out of class, he has to be responsible for his career. But after this class, to be honest, the most difficult thing was not Ron, not Harry Potter, but him.

Why did I have a funny brain at the beginning, and I would excitedly use Boggart as a teaching tool. It was Luo Chen who discovered it and was watched by him for nearly a class.

Embarrassing feet picking!

Seriously, as Lupine.

He didn't know how many white eyes he received and disgusted and disgusted eyes from others.

I have long been used to it.

But only when facing Luo Chen's eyes that are as calm as water, without the slightest emotion fluctuation. He felt that the pressure in his heart was so huge.

Looking at the bottom, more than half of the little wizards lowered their heads, not daring to meet Luo Chen's gaze. It is estimated that their feelings are similar to his.

He was afraid that Luo Chen would suddenly attack him at this time.

"Professor Bichar!"

"Huh?" Luo Chen, who had kept a fixed posture and hadn't moved in a class, instinctively raised his head, stretched subconsciously, and said, "Is it over?"

Just after he finished speaking, he realized something was wrong, and Luo Chen hurriedly coughed twice again.

"I mean, you guys are doing well, and Professor Lupine, I approve of you. Work hard, everyone!"

After saying this, Luo Chen got up, put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly towards the door.

The whole person behaved very calmly, and no one could see that there was anything wrong.

Wait until Luo Chen leaves the classroom.

A little wizard who was poking his head, saw Luo Chen's back turned around the corner of the corridor, so he said uncertainly: "Tell me, did the professor fall asleep just now?"

"Impossible! He is Professor Bichar!"

"That's it!"

"I think so too!"

These three confusing conversations came from the mouths of three Gryffindor girls.

But after they finished talking to each other, the three girls nodded again and again in agreement, feeling that they already understood the reason why Luo Chen would "sleep" over before.

"So what are you talking about?" Ron pressed.

"Such a simple thing, don't you understand? The professor used to teach me what it was like, but now it's..." The little lion is worthy of being a little lion.

Fortunately, in the end, the more excessive words were stopped.

Sticking out his tongue playfully, he quickly lowered his head, not even daring to look at Lupine.

But these words did wake up these little wizards.

That's right, no matter what class Luo Chen took in the past, the scenes he produced were all extremely grand, which made people's adrenaline soar and excited him.

But in the class just now, even though they were able to manifest what they feared most in their hearts, and then defeated it with spells, it was quite a sense of accomplishment.

But those little wizards who were afraid of Luochen were full of fear and embarrassment.

But these situations, in Luo Chen's view, were nothing more than petty troubles.

It didn't match his teaching style, which is why Luo Chen found it extremely boring.

Then fell asleep because of boredom.

This is also very logical.

Just sleep with eyes open, this skill is not something that ordinary people can master.

Lupine didn't interrupt these little wizards' wild conjectures, and he didn't think it was possible at first.

But the more you ponder.

I just feel that this matter is nine out of ten, and it is really like this.

In short, judging from Luo Chen's final evaluation, his class was considered to be in Luo Chen's eyes, and these little wizards performed well.

Then the teaching plan he made before for this semester can be implemented step by step.


But is that really the case?

Luo Chen didn't remember it? !

He remembered that he saw from the beginning to the end, every little wizard who was afraid of him was firmly remembered in his heart.

He had to think carefully, whether he committed the wrath of the sky, or the grievance of man, these little wizards targeted him like this.

And because of the trick to activate the Boggart Repelling Curse.

So Luo Chen also watched all kinds of himself from the sidelines.

For example, Grandma Neville Longbottom pretended to be herself.

For example, painting myself in clown makeup.

Another example is myself dancing the monkey orangutan dance.


At the beginning, he was also pissed off. But he knew the key trick to activate this spell, so he could only endure it.

And the further back, after the anger in my heart accumulated to the extreme, there was only embarrassment left.

This is similar to how a person feels when looking at some embarrassing photos of his life, selfies, or those photos of his childhood with his girlfriend or friends.

It's just a shame.

So in the end, I could only come up with such a bad idea, to make some guys think that "he fell asleep because he was bored".

Finally, after a few words of praise, he left.

Also to continue acting.

But in fact, after he turned the corner of the corridor, he ran away, and Xiao Bai behind couldn't catch up at all. I even forgot the extremely heavenly and earthly curse.

He ran to Tower 3 in one breath, closed the gate firmly, and took a few breaths.

Gradually calm down.

He sat down on the sofa and rubbed his face with his hands.

"Social death!"

After sighing, Luo Chen's first thought was not to quickly suppress this embarrassing thing.

Those were all young wizards, it was impossible for Luo Chen to lock them up frantically, and cast the Forgetting Curse one by one to erase their memories.

This will not be allowed, it is too inhumane, and it does not conform to Luo Chen's code of conduct.

On the contrary, I feel that this is really embarrassing.

But also an opportunity.

The content of today's Defense Against the Dark Arts course will definitely be publicized. It's sure to be a hit at Hogwarts, too.

He pondered, when the time comes, everyone will find this matter amusing, and then they can't wait to prove themselves. What fears most is whether someone other than Luo Chen will come out to support Luo Chen.

And it is not his small group of people who support himself and what he fears most in his heart.

It was Luochen's best target.

He wants to develop his power and recruit his subordinates, and these people are the best candidates.

Because it was impossible for Luo Chen to carry out a reign of terror and darkness like Voldemort did, that kind of power would not last long.

It is also unhealthy for a force.

Since the fall of Voldemort alone, the entire Death Eater army quickly disintegrated, and no one has recovered Voldemort's remnant soul for more than ten years, which is the best proof.

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