People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 291 Luo Chen: Look at what's on the Marauder's Map

Luo Chen, who was originally leaning against the wall, cheered up when he saw the person coming.

"I wipe, what's going on? Why is this guy here?"

Originally, Luo Chen thought that after he changed the plot repeatedly, Barty Crouch Jr. would have no chance to play.

The result was slapped in the face again.

And the reason why he is so sure.

It was because in the field of vision of his golden eye spell, this guy was covered with two red halos.

Although they are all coral red, the color of the front layer is too light, almost one-twelfth of the coral red behind him.

So this guy in front of him must be in disguise, and based on the situation in the original book, this guy must be Barty Crouch Jr. who didn't run away.

"Oh, Alastor! I thought you were coming later, with those delegations." Dumbledore came down the steps, welcoming Moody.

But now "Moody" doesn't want to get too close to Dumbledore, he is worried that his disguise will be seen through.

"The Ministry of Magic attaches great importance to this event." Moody said, and the fake eye on his face was also spinning around.

Observing every wizard present, the man wearing prosthetic limbs was limping, walking around non-stop, and the floor he was stepping on made a rattling sound.

Take it easy, take it heavy.

Finally, his eyes focused on Lu Ping and Luo Chen.

The professors and teachers present had also heard the name of Mad-Eye Moody to some extent. At this time, except for Dumbledore, Luo Chen and the four principals who did not change their faces.

The eyes of the rest of the teachers looking at this Moody were full of various meanings.

Some are disgusted.

Some are jealous.

There is also fear.

But there is no doubt that these ordinary teachers can't wait to leave here. After all, although Moody is a hero of the Ministry of Magic, he is a legendary Auror.


And even if they are teachers at Hogwarts, they are all adults. Who can guarantee that their hands will be clean?

"I'll retire in one year!" Moody said self-consciously, "So I want to draw a successful conclusion to my career. It is also necessary to advance!"

Moody's gaze finally moved away from Lupine.

He stared at Dumbledore for a while, with a little scrutiny in his eyes.

Dumbledore knew what this guy was trying to say?

Afraid of bringing uncertain risks to Harry Potter, after all Lupine is a werewolf.

He made a gesture to indicate that other ordinary teachers could leave first, leaving only Luo Chen, Lu Ping and the four principals.

Before leaving, Luochen handed one to Filch with a reassuring look, and the latter was the last one to leave.

After all, Luo Chen and Lu Ping were standing very close to each other just now.

And although Filch was not far away, he felt that the other party's gaze lingered on Luo Chen for a long time.

Although Luo Chen has done a lot of great things since he woke up, and gained quite a reputation. But I don't know if there is anything out of bounds.

So he worries.

Was Luo Chen caught by this guy?


At this time, Luo Chen quietly walked up to Lu Ping's side, and whispered something in his ear?

The latter froze for a moment, then took out the Marauder's Map from his pocket.

In order to monitor Hogwarts Castle in real time and ensure that Peter Pettigrew will not return silently, he will always carry this Marauder's Map with him.

And when he was on the train, Luo Chen had already sensed it.

It just doesn't have to be said.

Snape, who knew the purpose of this map, narrowed his eyes quietly when he saw this scene.

Move your steps and approach the door.

McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout didn't feel anything, as for Dumbledore, he just glanced lightly.

Then continue to talk and communicate with "Moody".

The other party must come with a mission. Among the people present, Luo Chen, Flitwick, and Sprout were not members of the Order of the Phoenix. Moody's deliberate performance is also what it should be.

"I solemnly swear that I have no good intentions!"

Lupine tapped his wand on the Marauder's Map. The sound of chanting the mantra was very low.

But all of his things had already been seen by Moody's magic eye. He also saw that the parchment was a magic item, but he didn't think much about it.

Talking to Dumbledore one after another.

He also paid 100% attention. Because although he knew that Moody was Dumbledore's man, the spirit of the other party was too tough.

His old master is not in good condition now, so he can only use Legilimency to get his mind, and he doesn't get much information.

It is not possible to kill the opponent directly, after all, the opponent needs to provide hair, nails and other things.

the other side.

Lines of text appear on the Marauder's Map.

When Lupine saw a few people standing in the principal's office at this time, and the most eye-catching Barty Crouch.

His eyes widened sharply, but he restrained his movements very well, and handed the Marauder's Map to Luo Chen a little more.

Tap the name of Barty Crouch with the wand.

Luo Chen nodded slightly.

Stretching out his finger, he pointed at the floor under Crouch's feet. The floor is quietly activated, but the spell has just been cast.

A sense of crisis tempered by years of fighting.

Barty Crouch quickly jumped out of the circle and ducked.

Pulling out his wand, Luo Chen glared at him, and asked, "Brat, what are you doing?"

McGonagall, Flitwick, and Sprout were also shocked.

Snape really understood that it must be Lupine and Luochen who discovered the problem with the man in front of him, plus he was a master of potions.

The moment he had doubts, he carefully observed the other party. Compared with the real Moody, he really had many problems.

So he silently raised his wand and pointed it at him.

"Stop acting, little...cough, Barty Crouch!" Luo Chen gave Lu Ping a look while speaking. The latter directly erected the Marauder's Map and showed the contents on it to everyone present.

Barty Crouch Jr. is completely dumbfounded.

Does Hogwarts still have such powerful magic props?

Why hasn't he heard of it?

And why didn't he mention his old master's profound knowledge and experience?

Could it be that his old master sent him to deliver food on purpose? !

But it shouldn't be, his old master's current state is extremely bad. Not even possessing a weak Muggle baby. It is estimated that it will take at least half a year to wait to accumulate enough magic energy and strength.

So he was ordered to sneak into Hogwarts in advance.

Provide necessary guarantees and preparations for the successful implementation of follow-up plans.

He didn't hold it this time, and put Harry Potter's name into the Goblet of Fire as well. Then plan and arrange as in the original book.

Just prepare to kidnap Harry Potter and leave Hogwarts directly after Voldemort is ready.

Simply and directly.

Coupled with the fact that there are so many countries and teams participating in the Goblet of Fire, the scene must be very chaotic.

He's had plenty of opportunities, and because of that.

He was also strictly forbidden by Voldemort not to directly intervene in the specific progress of the Goblet of Fire event.

Because with Voldemort's current ability, he still has no way to provoke so many countries at once.

Whether it is the most mysterious Huaxia.

The most explosive beautiful country.

The weirdest African Waggadu.

And Brazil with a variety of means.

At least in this respect, Voldemort hasn't completely turned into a fool.

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