People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 289: So Embarrassed That I Want to Cut Out a Three-Bedroom and One Living Room

Luo Chen blinked.

In the end, he didn't ask. He felt that he must have read it wrong.

What a serious, upright person Meg is.

"Forget it, I'm not the kind of person who cares about everything." After Luo Chen finished speaking, he looked sideways at Scrimgeour, and asked, "Mr. Scrimgeour, if there is nothing else, I will follow up first, those little wizards The current situation needs to be taken care of.”

Scrimgeour nodded and said, "Mr. Bichar, please."

So he cast the Heaven and Earth Curse and returned to the Hogwarts Express.

Unexpectedly, Mag was almost suffocated internally.

She actually wanted to use Snape's topic just now to find out about Luo Chen's details.

She had to confirm whether Luo Chen was as those little wizards said, his strength was comparable to that of Dumbledore, and even surpassed that of Dumbledore.

If this is the case, he must remind Dumbledore to pay close attention to Luo Chen.

It's a pity that McGonagall hasn't seen Dumbledore's habits clearly for so many years. No matter how much he paid attention to Luo Chen, he would not tell others easily.

For example, at the beginning of the summer vacation, he and Luo Chen went on an expedition, and got the resurrection stone from Gaunt's old house.

But at present, only Luo Chen and himself know about the resurrection stone.

Even in order to heal Dumbledore, Snape only knew that he was seriously injured by the powerful black magic. Combined with the fact that Luo Chen was also injured at the same time, it was possible to deduce it.

So after several attempts by him, Dumbledore told Snape and Lupine, who had been recruited by him in advance, some irrelevant information.

Cough, now back to McGonagall.

Besides testing Luo Chen, she also felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

In the previous few months, in the ordinary wizard level exam and the ultimate wizard level exam, those Xiaomu showed excellent results in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

She hasn't taken it too seriously yet. After all, her teaching results in the previous school year were quite good. It's just that compared with Luo Chen, there is a little gap.

But there are other deans at the bottom!

She wasn't panicking at all.

But just now, a group of little wizards taught by Luo Chen. There is such a large percentage of people who have learned the Patronus Charm.

If it wasn't for the Patronus Charm, almost every member of the Order of the Phoenix was equipped with it as standard, and she knew very well how difficult it was to learn this spell.

McGonagall thought he was dreaming.

When Luo Chen used to teach those little wizards the Patronus Charm, he did arrange rewards at the beginning, but the effect was really mediocre. Those teachers and professors really paid attention to them because of Luo Chen's influence.

Seeing that Luo Chen didn't create a miracle, he put it aside completely.

They had no idea how buggy it would be for Luo Chen to use the peace and peace spell to guide everyone later, bringing back happy and happy memories and greatly accelerating their mastery of this spell.

At the same time, due to Luo Chen's request, they would practice many times in class every time.

In addition, there are really many other courses and homework.

Therefore, most of the teachers felt that these little wizards could finally have seven or eight mastery, which would be considered a pretty good result.

But then the fifth and seventh graders faced two important exams.

With the help of Filch's small classroom and Luochen's Defense Against the Dark Arts, they all got very good results, so there was no need to take out the extra points such as the Patronus Charm.

after all.

In these two exams, the best score is only O, and it is impossible to give you an O+.

After a while, this McGonagall also said goodbye to Scrimgeour, and after returning to Hogwarts, he plunged into his office. She feels that the teaching plans of each grade for this school year can be changed a little bit.

After all, among this group of young wizards, there are so many people who can master the Patronus Charm. It is obvious that all their teachers have underestimated the talent of this group of young wizards.

And as teachers, they cannot mislead their children.

Therefore, it is also necessary to comprehensively improve their quality, and the most effective way, McGonagall believes that Huaxia's "question sea tactics" can be used for reference.

And McGonagall also used the ear report spell to inform the other deans and teachers of the news.

Let them modify the teaching plan and lesson plans as appropriate.


What the other teachers will do, maybe only they themselves know, but now Lupine feels that he is too embarrassed to be ashamed.

When Luochen took Harry Potter and others to find a suitable carriage, Luochen couldn't have been talking nonsense in front of those enthusiastic little wizards.

Therefore, they also asked many key questions, such as whether Luo Chen will be the teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class next school year?

Luo Chen naturally told the truth, no way!

Then those people asked why?

Luo Chen couldn't tell him the truth, so he said that he had already found a teacher who was more suitable for their Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and he would be in charge of other tasks.

In order to ensure that these little wizards will not disturb Lupine's rest.

Luo Chen didn't reveal the news that he was on the train at all.

But before Luochen was called back to lift the Ping An Guardian Curse, a few mischievous little wizards quietly touched the special compartment for the student council president.

Originally, they simply wanted to get close to Luo Chen.

In the end, Luo Chen was not found at all, and under the repeated questioning of a group of young wizards, Hermione and Harry Potter were fine, but Ron didn't know what to think.

A few words from the little wizard made it all out.

Then more and more little wizards went to the carriage before the three of them.

check it out.

Look at the face of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Fortunately, Harry Potter had already said that the teacher was in a coma due to injury, so don't bother him at this time.

Therefore, those little wizards stayed outside the carriage knowingly.

But if there are too many people, accidents are easy to happen, and it is also easy for those naughty and mischievous bad boys to appear.

It was supposed to be just rubbing... Cough cough!

Anyway, the sliding door of the carriage was completely opened at this time, and small heads were lying under the door, looking inside non-stop.

They whispered.

"This new teacher doesn't even look good!"

"That's right, I didn't expect to be seriously injured by that Weasley's curse!"

This was caused by Ron's hot-headed bragging when he talked about it at the time.

"Ah, look at the clothes he's wearing, how long has it been since he washed it?" A girl who is not very good-looking but has decent makeup, pinches her nose, and slaps herself in front of her with the other hand go.

"Parkinson, don't talk nonsense if your brain is weak. This woolen coat was the most popular style in the Muggle society in the late 1970s..."


If it was said that when Luo Chen had just rescued him from awakening.

Lupine felt that although he was embarrassed, at most he was thinking of digging out a seam with his thumb and then slipping in by himself.

Now at this level, he feels that he can deduct a 3-bedroom and 1-living room without any pressure at all.

He finds it difficult to be a teacher!

School hasn't started yet, and I haven't officially met these little wizards yet.

He could imagine that the next year would be difficult for him.

In addition, Dumbledore has not yet determined whether delegations from other countries should be allowed to participate in their normal courses at Hogwarts.

Because they have been participating these days, Lupine, Snape, Luo Chen and Dumbledore are the ones who know that the Goblet of Fire will be held at Hogwarts.

Of course, with the identities of several other people, they may have heard some rumors.

It's okay not to participate.

Participated, he was very worried that he would lose face to the whole world.

If I had known that he would not have agreed to Dumbledore, I would have come to be the teacher of Defense Against the Dark Arts class of Lao Shizi.

Luo Chen taught so well!

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