People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 285 I feel it, Harry, it's so powerful

Originally, the temporary spot check by the dementors would take at most ten or twenty minutes.

But because these little wizards were too excited, some of them even completely exhausted the magic energy in their bodies.

That's the way to go.

The Hogwarts Express was also affected to a certain extent.

It has been more than two hours since the matter here was dealt with, and the little wizard in the car was either exhausted or simply fainted by at least 60%.

It was a serious accident.

Of course, the worst ones are the youngsters of dark wizards who are determined not to learn the Patronus Charm.

You can imagine.

Originally, everyone was sitting in the carriage bragging wildly, showing off the achievements and glory of their families, parents, and even individuals.

As a result, the famous representative of the dark creatures—the dementors—suddenly came to the door.

Although they are descendants of dark wizards, this dementor will not be polite to them.

So these little wizards were terrified.

But before they could escape, the Patronus Charm suddenly lit up in the carriage.

Moreover, this spell can cause a certain magical impact on wizards like them who are good at black magic.

So before the dementors were repelled, they were forcibly injured by the "traitor" in their team.

But the next moment, the entire carriage was filled with a sea of ​​silvery white, and they couldn't stop it even if they wanted to.

Directly hit by the silver-white sea of ​​light that invaded from all directions, he was disoriented, and even fainted altogether.

But fortunately.

In addition to the loss of a few Eaters of Souls from the Ministry of Magic, this accident.

The Hogwarts Express is preparing for an early annual inspection and refurbishment.

Several young wizards vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

No casualties were caused.

And this little injury is nothing to the little wizard who breaks his arms and legs every now and then.

The train is moving again!

Eat, eat, eat, eat!

Sailed to the distance.

At the northwest end of the stone bridge stood Scrimgeour from the Ministry of Magic, Snape from Hogwarts, McGonagall, and Luochen.

"Luochen, are you happy?" Snape said suddenly.

Luo Chen scratched the back of his head with a puzzled expression: "Professor Snape, why do you say that?"

"Isn't this what you've planned so hard to prepare? A grand exhibition of teaching achievements." When Snape said this, he inevitably brought some personal emotions, a bit sour.

He originally thought that the little wizards that Luo Chen taught a few months ago were hiding the Patronus Charm, so they compared his Potions scores severely.

It's already too much.

I didn't expect the other party to have something even more excessive.

As for why so sure. It was because Snape was the one in Hogwarts, except for Dumbledore, who valued Luochen's talent for divination and prophecy the most.

Back then, he lost the love of his life because of the prophecy.

This thing made a deep impression on him.

Maybe it's still a nightmare that I can't get out of for a lifetime.

So considering all the things that happened in the past few months, Snape felt that he had seen through Luo Chen's arrangement.

Facing this inexplicable questioning, Luo Chen was suddenly a little upset!

Why, my own teaching level is not good, so how can I blame others for being too good? !

So Luochen didn't mean to answer Snape at all.

After chatting with Mag for a few words, he cast the Ji Tian Wu Di Curse, and disappeared deeply in place.

On the Hogwarts Express.

In order to prevent accidents, Luo Chen decided to follow along!

After arriving at the top of the last carriage of the express, Luo Chen smiled happily.

What he expected was right, the encounter just now directly provided him with 1500 points of influence.

Although compared with the more than 2,000 or more than 3,000 he earned at every turn, it is a bit small.

But the key point is when Luo Chen is teaching the little wizard to learn the Patronus Charm.

They have already provided Luochen with a lot of influence value.

Now capable of secondary harvesting.


Including other gains, the current impact value is 17016 points.


At this moment, in Harry Potter's carriage, a conversation surrounding Hermione was going on.

"Hermione, I remember your wand was also given by Luo Chen?" Ron asked impatiently first.

In addition to missing at the beginning, he also summoned a few clusters of silver-white light mist, but it didn't have any obvious effect, which made him very disappointed.

Then he thought of the scene he saw at the Leaky Cauldron yesterday.

"Yes, this is the prize the professor gave me back then."

"I really like him!"

Hermione's fingers gently caressed the wand in her hand, and she didn't know which "he" he was referring to?

Harry Potter and Ron didn't think much of it.

It is the latter's small face that is obviously more sour.

And Harry Potter also said inconceivably: "Speaking of which, Professor Bichar gave me this wand as my birthday present."

"And along the way, he helped me a lot..."

"Your too?" Ron interrupted before Harry Potter could finish his emotion.

That's all for Hermione, she is a girl after all.

And Hermione ran to Luo Chen's place at every turn. I heard that she helped Luo Chen do a lot of work?

A few people said that there was an improper teacher-student relationship between Hermione and Luo Chen.

But no matter what it was, it was reasonable for Hermione to get the magic wand personally presented by Luo Chen.

Although Ron was sour, he could also understand.

But I didn't expect that Harry Potter, who played, ate, studied, and took risks with him every day, and slept in the same dormitory, would have such special treatment.

No wonder Harry Potter realized later that the released Patronus would be such a powerful deer herder.

The magic wand Luo Chen gave him must have played a key role.

So Ron immediately asked Harry Potter for a wand to try the feel.

Harry Potter hesitated, but agreed.

As someone who gets along day and night, he naturally felt something was wrong with Ron.

Due to Luo Chen's early intervention, he did not go through all the tests in Ollivander's wand shop.

People who don't know that the wand is not suitable can have dire consequences.

Especially his root!

Holding Harry Potter's wand in his hand, Ron swallowed wildly.

"I...I feel it, Harry, it's so powerful."

Harry Potter shot Ron sideways. He always felt that the other party was talking nonsense.

Because when he took over the wand, it had special effects.

But I thought about Ron, the unlucky boy, and the bad things he had encountered with him in the past two years.

This Harry Potter is still wise, he held back the words.

Then Ron waved his wand impatiently.

As a result, something went wrong.

No spell was uttered, but a bright green light suddenly flashed from the tip of the wand and flew directly towards Lupine who was wearing a woolen coat.

The latter had no defense at all.

Not long after he woke up from a coma, he was listening to the nonsense questions of the three little wizards with great interest.

How can there be any good or bad wands?

Throughout the British wizarding community.

As we all know, the wand chooses the wizard, and the wand will be "powerful" only if the wizard itself is strong.

So when he sees the rushing green light through the gap.

It's too late to hide.


The sound was weird, like you farted.

As soon as Lupine stood up, he was directly hit by the green light, his head tilted and his eyes rolled up.

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