People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 281: Auctioning the Magic Wand

"Yes, is it?" Ron raised his head subconsciously, but still did not forget to protect the small pile of money firmly with his body, "Mr. Margery, you have always taken good care of me."

Seeing Ron's cheerful and silly appearance, Luo Chen sighed slightly in his heart, what did he care about, this Ron is still just a silly boy!

The wand will cost 15 Galleons later, sell it to him!

Earning double the profit, Luo Chen felt that he was not too much.

You must know that antiques become more and more expensive as time goes by!

For wizards, the wand is simply a necessary equipment for survival and growth. It is cheap to charge Ron 15 Galleons.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen had no interest in staying here any longer, so he casually said a few words.

just left.

Going out "just in time" met Percy Weasley.

He bowed and saluted Luo Chen respectfully, with a dignified expression.

Among all the Weasleys, he was the one who respected Luo Chen the most, and also the one who valued the relationship with Luo Chen the most.

Although Luo Chen never liked him very much.

But people still enjoy it. Because he felt that relying on Luo Chen was a shortcut for him to get everything he wanted faster.

In the end, Luo Chen also returned to the first floor with some disappointment. He didn't find Hermione.

Obviously those dramas took a huge turn, so Hermione didn't join them.

Then Luo Chen called Old Tom, and they went to the wine storage room under the stairs.

He explained his plans and goals to Old Tom.

The latter was overwhelmed with excitement on the spot. He had long heard of Luochen's reputation at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Disorders.

I thought that such a good thing would not happen to me. Now he is full of joy.

The process wasn't too difficult. Luo Chen knew about this kind of illness long ago, so he took another three minutes to deduce it, and went straight to it with a spell that hurts the muscles and bones.

In order to ensure the success rate, Luo Chen also temporarily raised this spell to LV4.

That's why when Luo Chen releases the healing curse, it is no longer an all-round blow, but is under Luo Chen's control. If he wants to break his feet, he will never break his hands. .

And under the control of this spell.

As long as Luo Chen moves quickly enough, he can get it done right away without hurting such organs and blood vessels of the caster.

It doesn't matter if you get hurt, this is the magical world.

So in less than half an hour, there were pools of blood on the ground, but old Tom's hunchback had disappeared, and he straightened his back again.

He was nearly 15 centimeters taller than before.

In addition to his pale face, Bai's height has steadily exceeded 1.8 meters. You must know that before the taboo human experiment, he was less than 1.7 meters.

This change made old Tom cry with excitement.

In fact, he never said to anyone that the hunchback on his back not only made him extremely ugly, but also tortured him every moment.

And every once in a while, the pain would explode again. He must always prepare some commonly used healing potions and antidotes.

Although Luo Chen saved his life at that time, because his understanding of human body structure was not as deep as it is now, those mixed toxins were not completely removed.

At the same time, because of the previous experiments, part of Old Tom's body structure was also modified in some aspects. This is also the price of strengthening the body and gaining stronger strength.

Old Tom even imagined that he might die on his hunchback one day.

But now, these problems don't exist.

Although the mana in his body dropped by almost 15% at one time - he could clearly feel it.

But you can slowly recover in the future, and through continuous exercise of your own magic spell, you can also make it improve.


What he relies on now is not the magic spell he has mastered, but the few magic wands and the old tricks repeating spell that Luo Chen left him.

Then, Luochen handed Ron's wand to Old Tom, and told him to sell the wand, and make sure to attract Ron's attention, a few can be high.

Now he has changed his mind again, intending to test the feelings of the Weasley brothers to see if the money is more important than their brother's wand!

Then with an extremely heavenly and earthly curse, he left the Leaky Cauldron.

He was going to report to Hogwarts the day after tomorrow, so he had to go home and prepare.

Learned about it from Harry Potter before. When he unintentionally summoned the Knight Bus, he didn't find any big dogs, but was lonely and frightened, so he took out his wand to defend himself.

Then he came to the Leaky Cauldron by accident!

Luo Chen knew that the plot had been changed to this, so there was no need for him to go to Privet Drive to search.

And for a while, he really didn't know where Sirius Black would go?

Simply go directly to the plan and wait for the rabbit!


the second day.

It was a rare sunny morning in London.

The Weasleys hurried downstairs with Harry Potter. They were going to Diagon Alley to buy necessary books and school supplies for the new semester. The reason why it has been delayed until now is also because of the interference of the Sirius Black matter.

Let Arthur and Molly have no time to take their children to Diagon Alley. Of course, it was also due to the fact that the boys of the Weasley family had just finished working on the Bichar family's construction site.

Also because of this oolong incident that Sirius Black was wronged.

This Fudge only canceled the warning and punishment of the Ministry of Magic to prevent the abuse of magic. As for the corresponding books, Harry Potter had to buy them himself.

As a result, as soon as the group of them went down to the lobby, they saw the location of the bar.

One or two circles of people formed a tight circle.

They were at the stairs, and they could just see a square glass case on the bar, inside which was a magic wand and a dark red square cushion.

And the glass cover is not like a mortal thing, exuding a faint yellow light.

The wand and cushion inside are set off extremely noble.

"Old Tom, what evidence do you have to prove that this wand was once used by Mr. Bichar? An ugly witch asked Old Tom.

Since he put out this magic wand and briefly pointed out the origin of this magic wand, it has attracted a large number of people.

And more and more gatherings, and some people are rushing from Diagon Alley towards the Shrew Bar.

First, after hearing this anecdote, I wanted to see what kind of magical charm the magic wand that Luo Chen could catch at a glance had.

The second is that last year, Luochen asked Old Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, and Filch from Hogwarts to host their second event after the return of the Bichar family.

I gave it to everyone for free, and now more than 80% of people have mastered the magic spell of ear retribution.

It greatly facilitates everyone's daily work and life.

So they preconceived that this magic wand was also intended to be used by Luo Chen as an event prize.

Then with Luo Chen's identity and status, there must be something extraordinary about this magic wand.

It's a pity that after the wand was put out, Old Tom didn't answer a question directly.

When Ron came out of the corner of his eye, he straightened his expression and cleared his throat.

Pointing his wand at his own throat, he used the Amplifying Charm.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

"I can't produce the evidence you want, but the only thing you believe now is what I said, and with my courage, I don't dare to act in the name of Mr. Bichar."

"That's right, old Tom, you're notoriously timid, haha!" A middle-aged wizard interrupted suddenly.

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