People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 272 Hospitalized and Still Losing Money?

After thinking about it, he quickly dismissed this terrible idea.

Isn't it because he was afraid that Luna would look down on him as a father by hinting so hard?

As a literati.

can be poor.

But definitely not spineless.

Even after so many years, those bones have not been worn much.

However, in Luna's eyes, she just needs to be a great father.

So, forget it this time.

Let's talk about when Luochen will get the investment funds in place!


On the other side, Dumbledore's people searched almost everywhere they could think of where Sirius Black would go, but they found nothing.

Fortunately, the Ministry of Magic has been searching secretly for so many days, and Dumbledore and others have already determined that this matter cannot be solved so simply.

It seems that this year's Goblet of Fire world-class event must be cancelled.

Luo Chen also received the news after a few days.

He thought he couldn't continue to spend time in the hospital.

According to the estimated time given by the system, he still has at most 5 days before he can initially recover.

But the problem is that the Golden Eye Curse has been embedded in the passive magic bar, and he needs to wait another 10 months to remove the curse.

Sooner or later, we still have to face the overwhelming bombardment of information flow.

So that night, he informed Bonham that he planned to be discharged tomorrow.

It was also because the influence value he would get from healing a patient now would not exceed 3 points.

Although it is obvious that I have reached the limit of repeatedly brushing the influence value in this respect.

Furthermore, he had to settle the matter of Black as soon as possible.

Seeing that school will start in two days.

Luochen planned to squat near Harry Potter's house for a while. In the original book, Sirius first appeared in the bushes of Privet Drive.

As a result, upon hearing the news that Luochen was leaving the hospital, not only Bonham, but also some family members of other patients, including Xenophilius, rushed to Luochen's ward.

They kept thanking Luo Chen and praising Luo Chen's achievements.

Everyone wanted to come forward to have a close contact with Luo Chen, and even a few girls were so excited that they could touch Luo Chen with their hands, and they jumped up and down.

Fortunately, Bonham was well prepared, and those therapists temporarily became security personnel, connected to the adult wall, and blocked the emotional family members of the patients from outside.

Then there was just Luna, Xenophilius, Bonham, and Frank of the Longbottoms.

After getting permission, he entered Luochen's room.

"Prince of the Curse, is there really someone who would shout in front of me?" Then he invited everyone to sit down and complained casually.

Due to Luo Chen's rules, the former patients almost came alone accompanied by the therapist.

So from them, what Luo Chen gained was gratitude and respect.

But just now, those people called themselves the Prince of the Curse, which can be said to be the most honorable honorary title in the entire wizarding world.

Because until now, only Merlin has won such a title.

According to legend, he once helped King Arthur of Britain establish a glorious dynasty, created the Sir Merlin Order, and put forward a lot of propositions that were beneficial to the peaceful coexistence of Muggles and wizards.

There are also various spells, so he was honored as the prince of spells by later generations.

And up to now, although Luo Chen has shown impressive strength and given away many spells for free, they are all confined within Hogwarts. For the outside world, what Luo Chen sends out is nothing more than a Ear reporting magic spell and chasing wind and shadow spell.

So now, they have crowned Luo Chen with this honor, which is also full of tremendous pressure.

It is undeniable that he is very happy, but at the same time, he feels that the taste is a bit wrong. It was still the same as before, and I felt that someone was behind this matter.

"Of course, Mr. Bichar, you deserve such praise for your achievements." Bonham said, "And it's just a title, and it doesn't have any real impact. You don't really need to worry about it."

It was fine if he didn't say the latter, but when he said it, Luo Chen became even more speechless.

He glanced at the latter. Ever since he appeared, this guy's attitude towards him has been extremely enthusiastic, even a little servile.

It should not be the part of the people who designed themselves.

Perhaps from the beginning, it was just Luo Chen himself who was suspicious.

"Okay, time is running out." After talking for a while, Luo Chen interrupted these people's flattery to him from time to time.

It's a bit annoying to hear too many good things.

But our family's Luna is still obedient, and has been sitting obediently on the side here ever since.

"Dean Bonham, let's settle the bill." Luo Chen said, turning the storage bag in his hand upside down.


Dazzling golden light flashed.

In just three seconds, a large pile of uncountable number of Galleons flooded the round table in front of him.

Even big men like Frank and Bonham were breathless when they first saw this scene. As for Xenophilius, his eyes were already wide open.

His choice was indeed correct, Luo Chen was worthy of being the heir of the big family, this move was generous.

Thinking about it, he will invest in himself in the future, and there will be no less.

"There should be 15,000 Galleons here." Luo Chen controlled the Galleons and set them up, and estimated, "Dean Bonham, please see if there are enough, if not, I can..."

Bonham stood up abruptly.

He hastily waved his hand and refused, saying: "Don't say any more, you're breaking me!"

"During your hospitalization, how can that little expense compare to your contribution to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries? The consultation fees you have accumulated so far alone are worth 6,893 gold dragons."

"It should be us who got back your consultation fee!"

Luo Chen was taken aback for a moment, waiting for the money to be sent to the hospital?

There are still more than 6,000 pieces, what the hell is this?

Seeing Luo Chen's doubts, Bonham continued: "During this period, with your assistance, 761 people have been cured."

"So the settlement of these Galleons should be..."

Luo Chen raised his hand to interrupt.

"Wait, don't give me nonsense. I haven't even been here for 60 days. You said that I cured 761 people. Isn't this nonsense? If you say that I have stamped 761 chapters in 60 days, then I letter."

Bonham was stunned by Luo Chen's sudden topic.

Chapter, what chapter?

Luo Chen shrugged helplessly.

"Didn't you feel that when I assisted you in the treatment, I just waved the wand lightly. This process is very similar to stamping? So, there is no need for you to look for me, Jin Gallon."

"Of course, so far. I won't pay the hospitalization and treatment expenses this time."

Luo Chen simply and directly ended this sensitive topic.

And he also felt that Bonham definitely did it on purpose, and there were only a few wizards in his entire UK now.

Although he didn't remember it carefully these days, it's impossible to really heal so many people... Wait a minute, Luo Chen seems to remember that there are also people from other countries, and he even refused to treat a few little devils~

So under Luo Chen's strong request, this matter was put on hold for now.

Later, Frank also talked about his reason for coming.

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