People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 263 Great changes in the plot, preparations for the world-class Goblet of Fire event

The way to prove it is also very simple.

Find a Horcrux and study it, then everything will become clear.

But looking at Dumbledore like this, Gaunt's ring, wouldn't it have been destroyed by him?

It's a long story, but to Luo Chen, it's just the blink of an eye. He got up and guided them to the rest area.

Dumbledore also took this opportunity to solemnly introduce Lupin to Luo Chen.

Snape's face was not his face, his nose was not his nose, and when he sat down, he deliberately distanced himself from Lupin, showing disgust visible to the naked eye.

Lupine, who was originally dressed plainly with a poor face, smiled even more awkwardly.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but when he saw Luo Chen, he felt a pressing pressure, just like when he faced Dumbledore.

No, it should be said that it was even scarier than facing Dumbledore.

He had clearly heard that Luo Chen's eyes had gone blind before, but although he looked a little dull now, both the pupils and the whites of his eyes had returned to normal, shiny and elastic.

Except that the color of the pupils tends to be pale gold.

Others are no different from others.

And this is not a problem, Harry Potter's eyes are still green.

But he felt that Luo Chen had already seen through all his disguises the first time he saw him.

So very cautious.

Even with Dumbledore here, he would not easily talk to Luo Chen.

After chatting for a while, Luochen got a piece of news from Dumbledore that surprised him.

After three or four laps in his mind, he asked again with an expression of uncertainty.

"Goblet of Fire?"

"You said just now that Hogwarts will hold the Goblet of Fire League next school year?"

According to the normal plot, shouldn't this next semester be Pet Wars?

It would have been a rather dull, rather unchallenging year.

Luo Chen also planned to take this opportunity to learn about the Ministry of Magic time converter. With his current strength, it is not impossible to apply in person, but there will definitely be risks.

It's something she doesn't want to see happen in her life.

Although his current pupil of time is gone.

But in the last school year, his research on the pupil of time gave him a deep understanding of the concept of time.

If he got the time-turner, he might make a very important discovery.

In other worlds, the concept of time and space is very lofty and difficult to touch.

But in the world of Harry Potter, this time and space are different... The concept, or ability, is simply played out by wizards.

Luo Chen wanted to discover a little bit, with his current talent, it shouldn't be a problem to cooperate with Zhiwei Zhizhang.

But if the Goblet of Fire is held, wouldn't all this be blown?

But this also made Luo Chen feel a little eager to move. If all this came true, then he could at least get an indirect boost.

Changing the basic plot of two chapters in a row, the final influence value won't come to 4000+, it's not justified!


"Two weeks ago, the Ministry of Magic sent a communication. The Ilvermorny School of Magic in the Beautiful Country, the Magic Institute in Dongying, the Ouagadou Magic School in Africa, Castrobushe in Brazil, and Sandao Mountain in China School of Magic."

"They all want to have academic exchanges with Hogwarts in the next school year, so the Ministry of Magic simply took out the Goblet of Fire, which has been suspended in Europe for more than ten years, to entertain these distant guests. Therefore, Durmstrang, who will join in at that time The Academy of Magic, and the Beauxbaton Academy of Magic in the Tower Country."

Luo Chen was taken aback when he heard this, isn't this just a miniature version of the World Cup?

If he did his best to make it happen, it would not only be 4000+, but at least double it.

Must do!

"So, is there anything you need from me this time?" Luo Chen suppressed his excitement, and looked at Dumbledore sincerely.

That face seemed to say that it could be arranged casually, just treat me as the donkey of the production team.

As long as you are not exhausted, use it to your death.

"Although many newspapers have said that Luo Chen's eyes have recovered, I need to reconfirm with you." Dumbledore said.

"The eyes have not fully recovered, but the daily work is no longer affected. I have... a very special spell, so if there is a task, you can arrange it."

Dumbledore pondered for a moment before continuing: "In this case, I would like to recommend you as the main staff member of Hogwarts to be in charge of the Goblet of Fire event. The work in charge includes field discipline maintenance, field rescue, and field layout. Wait for the corresponding work."

Without further ado, Luo Chen nodded and agreed. He thought for a while, didn't he just let him be responsible for all the work except hosting?

That's all.

Fighting for the impact value, the more responsible, the more rewarding.

Destiny is born!

Just then, Snape couldn't hold it any longer, and he leaned forward.

"Professor, your hand needs to be healed quickly."

"Severus, it's okay, I feel..."

While Dumbledore was talking, Luo Chen suddenly interrupted, "Professor, when you came in just now, I noticed something strange on your hands, it couldn't be that Dean Snape gave you some kind of potion! "

When Dumbledore heard this, a trace of embarrassment inevitably appeared on his face.

Indeed, he somewhat overestimated Snape.

Also underestimated Voldemort.

According to Snape, he had never seen this kind of black curse. Moreover, the caster of the spell was quite vicious. Given Dumbledore's current physical condition, with his help, he would only live for a year and a half at most.

So these days, Snape is very anxious, the savior has not yet been cultivated.

If this Dumbledore passed away, he didn't know what to do next.

But deny it, precisely because of this.

Snape believed Trelawney's prophecy more and more.

In just a few years, whether it was Dumbledore, who showed strong dominance, or the rising star Luo Chen, they were all seriously injured due to various reasons.

Greatly affected the strength.

It seems that only when Harry Potter, the savior, grows up, can Voldemort be truly suppressed.

But also because of this. For the first time this year Snape did not apply to Dumbledore to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Instead, he let the other party find a James Lupine of the Predator Four that he hated so much.

Having said that, although Snape was arrogant and talented, but as a master of potions, he had enough courage to face his shortcomings and failures.

Hearing Luo Chen's words, his mind suddenly changed.

"Bichal, you have a way!"

"Professor, if you don't mind, can I check it for you?" Luo Chen asked.

Dumbledore will come today, and it is mainly for this matter.

Stretching out his left hand calmly in front of Luo Chen, Luo Chen used his magic wand to light the left middle finger, ring finger and little finger which were obviously different in color from other places.

Three wounds were drawn.

Then watch intently.

Although Luo Chen didn't know what kind of magic it was, it was indeed vicious.

It is different from other black magic, it only has the characteristics of simple erosion, parasitism and other separable characteristics. This kind of black magic seems to intermingle with Dumbledore's blood vessels, muscles, bones and even magic energy.

If you use one word to describe.


It will be more specific.

But in the final analysis, this is also black magic. Although it is symbiotic in name, it is constantly consuming Dumbledore's life.

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