Bonham thought that Luo Chen was looking for him to step down.

Hastily said yes, and then a group of people surrounded Frank. Use all kinds of magic to start checking back and forth.

When his consciousness was chaotic and not clear before, Frank didn't feel anything, but now his consciousness has recovered.

This was being pointed at with a wand, although it was known that these people had no malicious intentions and were just checking. Still full of unhappiness, after all he was an Auror before.

Seeing that 10 minutes will pass.

These therapists have nothing else to say except secretly marveling, repeatedly shouting words like incredible and unbelievable.

Frank looked at Augusta, Algier and the others for help, but the former looked earnest and was obviously happy to see the result.

The latter shrugged helplessly and spread his hands.

Obviously, at this moment, Augusta is still more willing to believe the conclusion of the therapist at St. Mungo's Magical Injury Hospital.

She has experienced too much wind and rain, and this is related to her son's health and future development.

You can't be too careful.

Moreover, this is more the result of deliberation on the basis of the identity of an acting family of the Longbottom family.

Another 10 minutes later.

With Bonham leading the way, Frank was free at last from the bedside. He hastily escaped from the surrounding of those therapists.

halfway through the inspection.

He saw a few therapists looking at him strangely. It felt like the other party wanted to take a knife to dissect him, and study carefully how he recovered.

They are the top group of people who have mastered healing spells such as medical abilities and healing spells in the entire St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Sickness.

More than half of them mastered the healing spell far beyond Luo Chen.

So they can't figure it out.

Obviously they also used Luo Chen's treatment method to heal Frank. Although considering the recovery of Frank's own vitality, they couldn't do it overnight.

But in any case, the Longbottoms were heroes who fought against Voldemort back then.

They pay a lot of resources.

They are also very attentive and will not fool

But in the end, even Frank could barely walk on the ground.

And Alice's condition over there is still relatively good. She can recover part of her sanity, but she can't recognize her son anymore.

Augusta looked at the several therapists who were still whispering to themselves, and wanted to ask his son's physical condition if he had fully recovered.

But Luo Chen still needs to be considered... Although Luo Chen didn't say a word during this process, he sat quietly and whispered something to Luna, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

Bonham walked to Luo Chen's side.

Before he could speak, Luo Chen took the initiative to ask: "How did it turn out?"

"Mr. Bichar, you have such superb treatment skills. If we hadn't heard and seen it with our own eyes, we would not have believed it. At the same time, I have already thought of the best treatment plan for your eyes."

"I'm asking about Frank's situation, my eyes, I've already found a solution, so you don't have to worry about it." Luo Chen asked indifferently.

After all, he is not a professional therapist, and he feels that Augusta and others also want to obtain the appraisal results of professionals, which will be more conducive to the follow-up cooperation between Luo Chen and the Longbottom family.

Bonum's heart trembled, he thought it was Luo Chen expressing dissatisfaction with him, and after so long, he did not give a treatment plan.

"Yes, Mr. Frank Longbottom has fully recovered physically, but the mental trauma still exists, so he will not be able to use magic easily in the future." Bonham said hastily.

This answer was expected by Luo Chen.

Didn't he have the spell or ability to bring the dead back to life?

Nature is limited.

And he saw that Frank, who heard this, immediately took the wand from Neville's hand.

It seemed that he wanted to use a very simple spell, but suddenly there was a loud bang from the tip of the wand.

Then the wand was blown out.

Frank stared blankly at his hands, somewhat unacceptable.

Ten minutes ago, he thought he had completely returned to normal, but he didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly.

This cannot use magic.

He might as well continue to spend the rest of his life immersed in the cycle of nightmares and mentally chaotic.

When Augusta heard this, he was also a little shocked, but he quickly restrained all his emotions, with a solemn face, raised his old palm, and gave Frank a hard slap.

Hit the opponent a stagger, and also woke up.

"No matter what, you are the patriarch of the Longbottom family, cheer me up, Frank!"

"But, mother, I..."

He had indeed imagined before, to return to being the patriarch of the Longbottom family, and then wait for Luo Chen to heal his wife as well, and the two of them will work together.

Whether they continue to return to the Ministry of Magic as Aurors, or seriously manage the family's power, they will definitely be able to bring the Longbottom family back to their former glory.

But it's a pity that this was accompanied by his inability to use magic, and everything came to naught.

So he was very depressed.

"Clan Chief Longbottom!" At this moment, Alji bowed to Frank in a solemn salute.

Suddenly, his heart seemed to be shocked by electricity.

With a pain in my head, I recalled more of the past. Covering his cheeks with his hands, he took several deep breaths.

When he opened his hands, his waist was straightened again, and his spirit returned to the best state.

People, be content.

Although there is no way to use the spell, it is still more valuable and useful than living in chaos all day long.

He suddenly realized that what he said before was inappropriate.

Walking towards Luo Chen nervously, he bowed deeply from afar.

"Mr. Bishaer, I'm sorry!"

So, Luo Chen hated these so-called pure blood nobles.

Whether they are inherently good or bad. They always pay too much attention to these clichés and redundant etiquette.

Fortunately, the young wizards of this new era, but the old generation is really annoying.

Luo Chen raised his hand calmly.

Then he got up to say goodbye to Luna, and left the ward on his own.

The Longbottom family and the Bonhams were left with inexplicable faces.

But no one dared to stop him, they could only quietly watch Luo Chen leave.

Even Bonham originally wanted to ask Luo Chen about the spell in his hand, and then see if it was possible for Luo Chen to trade the spell to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Sickness.

Don't say anything else.

If he really did it, then Luo Chen would at least be able to obtain another third-class Medal of Merlin, and at the same time, he himself would leave a strong mark in the history of St. Munger's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Sickness.

It's a win-win.

Although Luochen left, the news of Frank, who was blind and healed all the healers and even the strongest white wizard Dumbledore at the end of the 20th century, still spread like wildfire.

On that day, the hospital had to change wards for Luna and Xenophilius overnight.

When they knew the details, they all started thinking about Luo Chen.

It can be expected that tomorrow's Prophet Daily's front page and headlines must be related to Luo Chen.

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