Luo Chen felt that his initial guess might be wishful thinking.

But apart from these problems, Luo Chen found nothing else.

So in the end, he had to put this meridian theory aside first, and talk about it later.

Then Luochen controlled the energy of the Dead Tree's Spring Curse to repair those broken blood vessels.

In the beginning, the blood vessels did respond, they could absorb energy and heal themselves, but the broken wounds were only repaired continuously, and some even extended randomly in the wrong direction, climbing and crisscrossing.

As soon as this happened, Luo Chen knew what was going on with those messy capillaries.

Then, Luo Chen tried to modify it with a healing spell, but it had no obvious effect. Should it be broken or broken, should it be chaotic or chaotic.

Because the premise of the healing spell is to target physical damage.

Although some of the capillaries in front of me are broken.

But after more than 10 years of self-recovery, many broken blood vessels have already closed, making the original pathways messy.

Even in a sense, they are not physical damage anymore.

But this is not a problem, Luo Chen has been studying his eyes these days, and he has an idea in an instant.

Regardless of others, a cutting curse was directed at Frank's thigh.

Although he controlled it very delicately, he only cut an inch-long hole there.

But Neville, who was already terrified, screamed out of fear.

Algier's face was not very good-looking, and he wanted to step forward to stop him, but Augusta grabbed his wrist abruptly.

Finally begging Luo Chen to make a move.

He should trust Luo Chen.

Even if she herself is dizzy up to now, this Luo Chen is blind now!

Although judging from what happened after Luo Chen entered this ward, he didn't look like a blind man at all.

But it was his own son who received treatment and is now injured again. She was more anxious, nervous, and suspicious than anyone else.

"Auntie, I..."

Alger spoke softly. He was a little puzzled, although Luo Chen revealed a powerful spell.

But he is not a professional therapist.

If it weren't for the respect for this old man who has maintained the glory of the Longbottom family until now and has not let the family decline.

He had already made a move to stop it.

Augusta didn't give him any response, but just grabbed the palm of Algier's arm with increasing force.

"Healed as before."

The healing spell began to work.

At this time, he made a new discovery. As a wound was opened on Frank's body, a crack appeared in the light film attached to it.

Although it was impossible for Luochen to see the distribution of the tendons inside through the perspective of the Fire Eye Golden Eye Curse, he discovered the flowing red energy in the muscles and bones.

Although Luo Chen was sure that this was definitely not the true color of mana.

But this discovery gave Luo Chen a burst of energy. With the healing spell, he quickly connected those tiny capillaries with reasonable pathways. Even some "capillaries" he hadn't discovered before appeared in Luochen. in the eyes.

This process is very long and exhausting.

Near the back wound, two more openings were opened.

The sheets under the thighs were stained red with blood.

But Frank didn't wake up and was immersed in a dream.

It's not that Luochen's Nankeyi Dream Curse has made a qualitative leap, it's because Frank is "satisfied" with the current dream, and he instinctively wants to stay.

Luo Chen had given Frank the greatest autonomy this time, so he didn't know what the other party was dreaming about.

After a full 10 minutes, the three wounds were completely repaired.

Then Luo Chen stood up and backed away slowly, the blood vessels inside had been reconnected.

After a few seconds, Luochen found the red light film on that part. Has returned to its normal coral red color.

It is the same color as the coral red light film on most parts of Frank's body.

"Mr. Bichar..." finally had the opportunity to ask.

Luo Chen raised his hand to interrupt, and continued working.

It's not just out of good intentions, but because of the discovery in front of him, Luo Chen has deepened his understanding of a series of spells such as the Fire Eye Curse, the Healing Curse, and the Withering Tree Curse.

With a new understanding in terms of synthesis, he needs to seize this opportunity.

Wait until the different parts of Frank's body are basically treated.

Already an hour and a half later.

Night had already fallen.

The sheet under Frank was already stained with blood, and there was some on the floor. If it weren't for this guy's steady breathing all the time, Augusta and Alkinaville would have stopped Luo Chen long ago.

And this is also the effect of the curse of spring with a dead tree.

"Wipe the sweat!"

This last part is Frank's left temple, which is very dangerous. Luo Chen was much more cautious than before.

After hearing the order, Luna had already undertaken the task of wiping Luo Chen's sweat. He raised his hand to wipe off the sweat on Luo Chen's forehead and cheeks.

The fragrance was pleasant, and Luo Chen's spirits became even more energetic.

5 minutes later.

As the wound recovered, Luo Chen backed away slowly.

"Okay, let's wake him up now!" Luo Chen said, planning to lift the Nanke Yimeng Curse.

But at the last moment, he hesitated, and with the help of a spell, he entered Frank's dream.

After staying inside for less than five minutes, he withdrew, and the dream immediately shattered.

Frank opened his eyes in a daze.

Confused, a little bleak and lifeless.

Luo Chen understood why he was like this.

Because the dream he saw just now, even if he thinks about it now, is a little creepy.

It was a constant cycle of nightmares.

There are three protagonists in it, Frank Alice and Neville.

Looking at the clip, it should be when Bellatrix raided their mansion. Those Death Eaters wanted to torture Alice and Neville with the Cruciatus Curse, but every time Frank was able to block their attack in time.

Although every time he would be seriously injured, it was extremely miserable.

But the dream will soon reincarnate, making it return to a complete state, constantly injured, and constantly recovered.

Not to mention Frank, Luo Chen feels like a normal person, who has been immersed in this cycle, will soon be driven crazy.

So for the first time, Luo Chen felt that it seemed a mistake for him to impose the Nankeyimeng Curse on Frank and give him the greatest autonomy.

"It's all right!"

Fortunately, he has a remedy.

In the eyes of others, the pink rain sprayed from the tip of Luochen's staff, and slowly fell on Frank.

Augusta and the others, who were about to step forward, quickly stopped in their tracks.

They saw a smile gradually appear on Frank's face, and the look in his eyes appeared, as if he had returned to normal.

They covered their mouths one by one, incredulous.

Wait for the last drop of pink light rain to disappear.

The fingers of Frank's right hand trembled for a moment, and then he slowly pressed hard on the bed, and sat up from the bed.

"Mother, Algier, you are all here!" He got out of bed, "And Neville!"

Walking towards Augusta and the others with more steady steps.

The latter two looked like they had seen a ghost.

Frank was healed so easily.

Even with the facts in front of them, they still couldn't believe it.

You must know that before, when this Frank wanted to get out of bed and walk, he was trembling, and he had to sit back on the bed obediently after walking a few steps.

Not to mention, he has regained normal consciousness now.

remembered them.

This is simply magic.

And Augusta covered her mouth tightly with her hands, tears filled her eyes.

Instead of stepping forward to hug Frank, she turned around, not wanting others to see her weakness and...ugliness.

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