People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 251 Verbal confrontation and temptation

"Monsieur Bichar."

Old Malfoy bowed his chest and greeted Luo Chen.

His expression was serious, neither humble nor overbearing, even though Luo Chen's eyes were closed. And he hasn't looked at him yet, but as a nobleman, he must pay attention to his demeanor at all times.

Anyway... it's also for others to see.

Luo Chen nodded, and slowly leaned back his upper body. Leaning on the black leather sofa behind him.

"The misunderstanding is resolved, it's good, but..."

Without Luo Chen finishing his sentence, Kingsley immediately understood and patted his chest to assure him.

"Mr. Bichar, don't worry, we will help you clarify the misunderstanding here."


The misunderstanding before and after obviously does not refer to the same thing.

Luo Chen nodded in satisfaction, and then prepared to see off the guests, "If there is nothing else..."

"Mr. Bichar, I'm afraid you won't be able to use these wards. It's better to ask Dean Bonham to arrange one for you personally. In addition, I heard that the Sirius black tea in the tea room on the sixth floor is quite good. No Do you know if it's an honor for me to invite you to have a drink together?" Old Malfoy said softly, without a trace of arrogance.

There was even a feeling that he deliberately lowered his posture in front of Luo Chen.

Kingsley and Lincoln looked at each other silently, but said nothing.

And Luo Chen looked "two times" left and right, and agreed without hesitation, and then picked up the wizard's robe that was placed on the high-back chair.

Put it on your arm, go out first, and head towards the stairs on the 6th floor.

Not at all like a blind man. .

Going to the sixth floor, there are several staircases.

Luo Chen didn't need to search hard, but the old Malfoy who was following behind him had a strange expression on his face. Is this Luo Chen really blind, or is he just pretending to be blind?

There are many tea rooms on the sixth floor.

They are all outsourced, and this wizard is quite good at doing business.

They deliberately found a tea room with a more elegant environment to enter, and asked for a private room.

"Hold on, you two, come to me anytime if you need anything!" A young waiter dressed in a Muggle white shirt, black waistcoat, black trousers, and black leather shoes. After bowing slightly to the two, they walked out of the private room.

Neither Luo Chen nor Malfoy spoke, they just drank tea quietly.

For a moment, the atmosphere in this private room was extremely harmonious.

Because Luochen knew that the previous ones seemed to be framed by someone behind Malfoy's back, but in fact Luochen was 100% sure that the Imperius Curse was used on Kidros, which was definitely related to Malfoy.

As for the reporter who took the sneak shot, maybe it was a coincidence.

So he is in no hurry.

He also wanted to see what this old Malfoy was holding back since he quietly left the Leaky Cauldron that day and had endured until now.

When the cup of black tea was finished, the old Malfoy poured half of it for Luo Chen on his own initiative.

"This tea is pretty good, but it's a pity that their Sirius black tea has been sold out, Mr. Bichar, I don't know if you have heard of Blue Mountain..."

The topic was caused by the classification of black tea, but Luo Chen didn't understand these at all. In order not to lose face, Luo Chen also responded very simply.


"Yes, you are right!"

"You are simply a genius, cough, no, I mean the Malfoy family is worthy of being the mainstay of high society!"

Anyway, they are all good words, and this old Malfoy has already heard that Luo Chen is not good at communicating with these high society.

So, in the end, he could only speak frankly.

"Mr. Bichar, let's be wise and never speak in secret."

"Yo, that's right, you actually know the common sayings of China... Ahem, you continue!" Luo Chen can guarantee that this is definitely an instinctive reaction.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Old Malfoy's face, but luckily Luo Chen was blind now and couldn't see.

"The notebook you told me about last time at the Leaky Cauldron is a Horcrux?!"

"Yes, but he is in Dumbledore's hands now." At this moment, Luo Chen understood what this guy wanted to say.

It is to come to a set of benefits exchange.

But this old Tom is a secret of his subordinates, and it seems that it doesn't match the specific value of this Horcrux, even if that thing has been scrapped.

But it also recorded a lot of taboo content. Unless he directly fought with Dumbledore, he would have no chance to get that diary.

"I don't know... Is it possible for you to keep that diary?"

"No!" Luo Chen replied quite decisively. Then he picked up the black tea and took a sip.

Malfoy's expression turned ugly immediately.

But for the sake of Luo Chen being blind and being very useful to him. He pressed down the breath in his heart forcefully.

Besides, he didn't think that he would be Luo Chen's opponent.

The previous trials had already made him realize the truth.

However, if you attack now.

Thinking of this, Malfoy's heart became restless again.

No, it's too risky.

"Huh..." With a long breath, old Malfoy adjusted his mood.

But he didn't expect to be caught by Luo Chen. In fact, all the changes in his expression were noticed by Luo Chen, and he continued to analyze, "You are very nervous!"

"Eh? No, Mr. Bichar, I mean, if you use the deed of the magic material house in Diagon Alley as the price, would you..."

"But the land below is mine in the first place." Luo Chen said lightly, "Besides, even if it's the deed, you only have half of the ownership right now. The members of Lestrange's family are still alive!"

Luo Chen teased.

Then he raised his head sharply, leaned back, and pretended to be amazed.

"No, could it be that the Lestrange family's castle was destroyed, it was you..."

"No, no, Mr. Bichar, what are you talking about?" Old Malfoy immediately denied.

He was there at the time and knew that it was Luo Chen who destroyed the castle of the Lestrange family by himself, and easily killed more than twenty wizards there.

Brutally scary.

It was also the first time he had truly seen Luo Chen's powerful lethality.

That time in York doesn't count.

After all, there are too many miraculous spells in this world, maybe Luo Chen just took a chance!

But it was only after the Lestrange family's castle was destroyed that he began to understand that Luo Chen was beyond his power.

Especially Luo Chen, who once provided the Ministry of Magic with a weird spell called the Chasing Wind and Shadow Curse, allowing those people to discover his aura at the scene.

It took a lot of talking and a lot of Galleons to settle this matter.

But that day, he didn't reveal the truth about Luo Chen destroying the Lestrange family by himself.

Although the Ministry of Magic has already guessed.

But as long as some things are covered and kept hidden, then over time, it will become the truth.

And he reacted so violently at this time, he was afraid that Luo Chen was testing him.

Both hands instinctively held the crutch in his hand, and it only took a blink of an eye for him to pull out the wand, then cast Apparition, and leave here.

Although my heart was agitated before, I felt that I had a chance to kill Luo Chen.

But that requires a perfect plan and detailed arrangement. And he, old Malfoy, would definitely not be at the forefront.

"It's not you? That's really strange... By the way, what do you think of this old Tom?" The expression on Luo Chen's face softened a little, but the conversation suddenly changed again.

Old Malfoy was taken aback, but he didn't react, and said subconsciously: "You ask this because you want to know the details of old Tom, and you even want to take him as your subordinate!"

Luo Chen did not expect the other party's answer. Could it be that he has been thinking too much all this time.

"Yes, I do have this idea, but the price I have paid so far is not small, but Old Tom..." Luo Chen said with a gritted face, as if he was dissatisfied with Old Tom's greed .

Old Malfoy had always wanted to test Luo Chen, but he got it done so directly, and at this moment he completely understood.

Old Tom and Luo Chen are indeed a cooperative relationship.

But it's not as he imagined before, old Tom has already joined Luo Chen.

That's great!

After waiting for a while to leave, he went to warn Old Tom and keep his mouth shut.

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