People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 238 Enlightenment, a descendant of Napoleon?

Don't think that the Muggle society in the corrupt country has a small population, and now it shows a situation of vast land and sparse population.

But in recent years, the technology of Muggle society has developed too fast.

In the early years they sent many "eyes" into the sky.

Some places that have not been cast with advanced magic cannot stop their peeping at all.

Except for those large pure-blood families with a relatively long history, this is the first time that Margery has seen such a large territory where there is no risk of prying eyes.

To put it bluntly, even if only one or two out of ten of this 6.7 hectares of land will be reclaimed.

Can it also guarantee a family inheritance for hundreds of years without worrying about lack of funding sources.

Of course, this is a judgment made with his humble mentality.

Perhaps the Bichar family didn't care about this gain at all, otherwise they wouldn't have left this area idle.

As Ma Jieli, he was not qualified to know the truth that Luo Chen had been in a coma for 10 years.

So far, it has only been limited to the ears of the Ministry of Magic, several high-level officials of Hogwarts and Filch.

Naturally, Luo Chen didn't know that in such a short period of time, Ma Jieli had so many complicated thoughts in his heart.

he continued.

"I need you to continue working for me... Oh no, I mean to hire you, and help me recruit a large number of reliable wizards to cultivate this land."

"Reclaim the land?" Even though he was facing Luo Chen, Ma Jieli still frowned subconsciously.

What a good job this is, and how much money can be paid.

He has a big family to support.

But if you refuse directly...

He was a little speechless, and his mouth was getting dry.


"I saw these... Squibs under your command a few days ago." Luo Chen paused for a moment, but still pointed out their identities without hesitation. The reason. There is no way to learn magic, but I appreciate their conscientious attitude."

"So, I want to hire them to work for me."

"I can't guarantee anything else, at least they can make money. By the way, you may not know that half of the land below Diagon Alley is mine. There are currently three overseas..."

Everyone, including Margery, was instantly moved.

It's not just the Bichar family's amazing heritage.

One of the Squibs, who looked to be in his 50s, had a high hump in his back. Most of his beard has turned white, and his hands are rough.

Walking out of the crowd excitedly, "Mr. Bichar, you are serious!"

But soon he realized that he had overstepped. Even though he was right, the low self-esteem caused by being oppressed by wizards for many years made him immediately lower his head and bend his waist.

The man was humbled to the extreme. The body is still trembling slightly.

"Sir, Mr. Bichar, I... I didn't mean it." He apologized, a little inexplicably.

But other people also thought that this squib offended Luo Chen, just like Ma Jieli, their faces became anxious. Apologize for him.

Luo Chen interrupted him by raising his hand, and slowly approached the squib.

Margery's face became ugly, he clenched his fists, and turned slightly sideways, blocking the young wizards behind him who were not looking good.

But they can't do anything.

The closer Luo Chen got, the more trembling the Squib was. These young wizards could only turn their heads aside in embarrassment, and couldn't bear to watch the tragedy that might happen next.

Because, even up to now, Luo Chen has spent a lot of money, but in the hearts of these ordinary wizards and squibs, they still haven't changed their impression that there are more black wizards in pure blood families, and their actions are cruel and bloody.

Although only Luo Chen appeared in the Bichar family at present.

And their mansion is dilapidated.

But according to the information disclosed so far, Luo Chen is still a member of the pure blood family.

Even if he wasn't included in the list of the 28 pure-blooded saints, his strength was enough to make people dreadful.

Didn't you see that their leader, Ma Jieli, was also cautious and trembling when facing Luo Chen?

Some of the squibs even took a few steps back on purpose, making room for Luo Chen to move around.

It's only a matter of seconds, that 50-something Squib.

His breathing became more and more rapid, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his tanned face showed a few times of paleness.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" Luo Chen gently put his hand on the squib's body, he could feel him trembling violently, and subconsciously wanted to back up, but Luo Chen grabbed his shoulders forcefully , and gently asked him to push up.

The two looked at each other, and Luo Chen continued in as gentle a voice as possible: "We are all human beings, and we are all equal."

"Even if you don't have the talent to cast magic, so what?"

Luo Chen was indeed trying to appease this squib, but when he heard other squibs hear it, he felt something was wrong.

Luo Chen's talent is outstanding, terrifying and astonishing.

Naturally, you can say whatever you want, just like those students who got good grades in the test, after the report card came out, they said casually, "This question is so difficult, I actually deducted a point!"

I don't understand the pain and helplessness of poor students at all.

But as a Squib, a man whose body is old and wounded, what can he say?

"Mr. Bichar... sir."

Luo Chen was very satisfied, it seemed that he also had the talent to develop his own "big mouth".

"That's right!"

"Life is too short to be in time...cough, compared with the development of the whole world, we are all just a shooting star passing by in a hurry."

Almost said the string.

But Luo Chen said this. The two passages he saw in the sacrificial hall suddenly appeared in his mind.

"This meteor will eventually disappear, but after it falls into the atmosphere, it will burst out with its own bright light and heat as much as possible."

"Even if only the black bones and debris are left in the end, this world can naturally prove that they have been here."


"As the saying goes, the stars leave their marks!"

Luo Chen seemed to have entered a special state, but after the words "stars leave traces" fell, he suddenly woke up.

Only she frowned slightly, feeling that her understanding was not perfect enough.

But those squibs, those ordinary wizards were different.

You must know that there are still no masters of success who have come out to wreak havoc on the entire cultural circle.

Especially that is still the mainstream of Muggle society. In the wizarding world, everyone is single-minded about fighting for talent and blood status.

Even in the wizarding world now, it is like the Muggle society, which emphasizes equality for everyone.

But in fact that is just a rhetoric.

It's just a tool for the ruler, so that the wizards under his banner can obey their rule.

How can everyone be equal?

This only exists in their ideals and the minds of students in ivory towers like Hogwarts, when they come to the wizarding world and start working hard.

Only then will they understand how important bloodline talent is!

"Mr. Bichar, is what you said true?" The old Squib mustered up his courage again.

Asking Luo Chen, his eyes turned red. Excited and incoherent, "By the way, sir, I, my name is Leopold Bonaparte!"

"What the hell? Napoleon... No, Bonaparte?!" Luo Chen was startled. Take half a step back, but although this man is old, he is not short!

The man lowered his head in embarrassment, "Yes, Napoleon Bonaparte is indeed my ancestor, he is a great squib!"

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