People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 236 The Virgin is the Virgin

Luo Chen had already sketched out an outline from her words, he already knew who it was talking about.

Guided by Coco, they traveled all the way to the Forbidden Forest.

This can already be regarded as a relatively deep location in the Forbidden Forest.

As soon as Luo Chen walked over, he saw a small wooden house hidden among a large number of leaves and branches, and the door was even smaller.

It is estimated that even a creature like a house elf needs to bow its head and bend over to get in.

If it was said that it was a large bird's nest, Luo Chen would also believe it.

The cabin is about 20 meters above the ground.

As soon as Luo Chen and Ke Ke approached, the guys inside already felt it. Following a slight explosion, Dobby's figure suddenly appeared in front of Luo Chen.

He was slightly bent, his skin was covered with dirt, and his condition was worse than when he saw it a few days ago. There was also a hideous wound on the upper arm of his left arm, covered with a herbal medicine with a purple liquid.

There was no bandage either, and it was just left in the open air.

"Mr. Bichar, you..." While speaking, Dobby quietly took two steps back.

If he hadn't seen Ke Ke who was following Luo Chen beforehand, it would have given him a burst of courage.

He's gone by now.

will not appear at all.

"Are you here to catch Dobby?"

Luo Chen didn't answer Dobby's question directly, but changed the topic.

"Dobby, have you ever regretted it?"

"Regret, what do Dobby regret?" Dobby looked puzzled.

Luo Chen shook his head, originally thought that this guy was unique and would be very different, but he didn't expect that his brain couldn't keep up with his thinking at all.

"It was you who came forward to prevent Harry Potter from coming to Hogwarts, but in fact he has never been in danger, but you have been abandoned by the Malfoy family, and you even took on the responsibility of exposing the wizarding world and disrupting the wizarding world." charges of public safety."

"You have to know that once this charge is caught, it will be the key to Azkaban, or it will be directly killed."

"Especially if you're a... a wandering house-elf."

Luo Chen didn't shy away from it, although his voice was gentle, every word pierced his heart. Dobby's eye sockets turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and water droplets flowed in them.

He lifted the pillowcase on his chest and couldn't see what color it was.

Wiped his nose.

Shaking his head, he said, "Dobby has no regrets. This is what Dobby owes to Harry Potter. Dobby should pay it back to Mr. Harry Potter."

A familiar answer.

"Then you are not afraid?"

Dobby fell silent.

Luo Chen didn't urge him, but Ke Ke was a little anxious, wandering his eyes between Luo Chen and Dobby.

After a while, Dobby had the answer, "Dobby has no regrets, never!"

The tone is firm, but the answer is irrelevant.

But it could also be seen that Dobby was frightened.

Luo Chen didn't continue to ask, but fell into deep thought. He didn't know how to deal with Dobby for a while?

If only from the perspective of the original work and the movie.

This Dobby is indeed a very special kind of elf, even if what he does is shamed by other house-elves.

They believe that house-elves should devote their lives and labor to wizards for free and throughout their lives. It is best to be able to have their heads cut off by their owners when they get old and hang them at home as specimens.

That is the glory of their life.

Enough for the younger generations to be proud of.

But Dobby, he longs for freedom and is willing to exchange his labor for money.

This is described in the book, but it is actually combined with the reality.

Dobby had no other choice.

During the first wizarding war, under Voldemort's rule, the house-elves had a miserable life, especially the old Malfoy, who was Voldemort's subordinate, was highly valued by Voldemort.

Even if it was for acting, this old Malfoy's attitude towards house elves was far worse than that of ordinary dark wizards.

The lifespan of the house-elf, under normal circumstances, was somewhat longer than that of a wizard.

Dobby the abused.

Already had doubts about his mission.

Then gradually began to hate Voldemort, hated the dark wizard, but did not have the courage to hate old Malfoy and his family.

Until, old Malfoy intentionally plotted to murder Harry Potter. He couldn't bear it anymore, and tried to prevent Harry Potter from going to Hogwarts, so that the opponent could avoid Old Malfoy's design with a high probability.

That way you won't be in danger.

But he didn't know what tricks old Malfoy would arrange?

Besides, with his status at the time, he couldn't eavesdrop on the secrets of the master's house.

So under such contradictory circumstances, the previous disaster happened.

But anyway.

This Dobby had indeed betrayed the Malfoy family.

It is not the best choice if you accept it as a subordinate.

Luo Chen originally felt that as the plot progressed slowly, this Dobby would still have a good home. Arranged by Albus Dumbledore to work at the Hog's Head in Aberforth.

But now it seems.

This opportunity is gone.

It is estimated that even after Dumbledore caught Dobby, it would be a great mercy not to hand him over to the Ministry of Magic and punish him.

Of course Luochen felt that Dobby was staying in the Forbidden Forest.

Dumbledore should have known as well.

Who knows how many eyeliners the other party has in this Forbidden Forest, even though he has been putting all his energy into the study of that diary some time ago.

After some consideration, Luo Chen sighed. Forget it, the Virgin is the Virgin!

The traverser couldn't avoid it either.

At worst, it's as if I hired a nanny who looks weird.

As long as the core secrets are kept from him, with Dobby's ethics, as long as he is given a slightly better life than before, he will cherish the present moment.

Furthermore, Keke personally brought himself here, in the hope that Luo Chen could come up with a solution, or simply rescue Dobby himself.

Luo Chen didn't know what was the connection between Coco and Dobby.

But even if it was just because of Ke Ke's face, Luo Chen also recognized it.

"Dobby, Harry Potter has gone home now, he's safe, you..."

"Mr. Bichar, please don't drive me away, I... I have nowhere to go." Dobby was nervous for a moment, his voice raised a little, but then it quickly became quieter.

The eyeballs don't want money to fall down.

Ke Ke beside her was also moved, and looked at Luo Chen pitifully.

"Don't get me wrong, I just want to hire you to work for me, how about... 10 Galleons a month?"

Luo Chen asked, but he didn't think Dobby would reject him. How much salary does he get in a month in the original book.

It is estimated that only a talent like Luo Chen can be generous enough to pay such a high salary for a house elf. If he released this standard, there would probably be a lot of ordinary wizards willing to work for Luochen.

Dobby was indeed stunned after hearing this.

Patted his ears with his hands, but nothing came out of it, and then confirmed it with Luo Chen.

It turned out that Luo Chen was not joking with him.

He immediately cheered and jumped up, but immediately turned into panic.

"Mr. Bichar, please allow Dobby to refuse."

These words are completely different from his performance. Luo Chen became curious.


"Dobby doesn't want to cause trouble to Mr. Dobby appreciates Mr.'s kindness."

The front of Dobby's shirt was already wet with tears.

What a crybaby.

Luo Chen smiled, no wonder.

But he has figured out a solution.

"Your crime is still yours. I won't help you solve it, and I just hired you to work for me. My mansion is far away from here...and far away from the Ministry of Magic. If you usually hide enough Well, no one will find out."

"Of course, if you are found out, I won't fish you either."

"And the relationship between me and you is just an employment relationship, so you won't burden me!"

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