People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 234 Luo Chen's Outstanding Teaching Achievements

It's not about going through the back door for the sake of establishing a relationship.

He was saying that this Cedric Diggory in front of him would probably also scrap a Boggart for them.

They still hurry up to replace the assessment items.

After all, the little wizards who came to participate in the assessment had already scrapped all five of their magical animals, whether it was Little Red Riding Hood, Grimace Moth, Cornish Elf, Banshee, or Fairy.

As long as those little wizards are staring at them, none of them are perfect.

Even the banshee, who had high hopes, was seriously injured by a fifth-year Muggle-born wizard, so she had to go back honestly to recuperate her injuries.

Originally, creatures like banshees could not be included in the ordinary wizard level examination items, but those in front of them were too weak, and they had no other choice.

It can only be used as a top.

After working as proctors for so many years, they have accumulated a large amount of examination supplies, test equipment, and distribution from the Ministry of Magic, but they really don't want to scrap them here at once.

Marchban naturally agreed.

Stand on either side of Cedric.

To put it bluntly, she will cast a full body binding spell, as long as the other party can resist his attack.

Cedric understood.

The two walked forward with their backs facing each other, and waited until the distance between them was nearly 20 steps.

They turned around in unison, without the cumbersome routines of holding duel ceremonies. Marchban released the spell directly.

According to the normal procedure, Cedric only needs to cast a spell-breaking spell to pass the exam.

But he suddenly lowered his body, rushed forward, and quickly dodged the gray-white beam.

"Disarm you!"

A bright red light flashed from the tip of his staff, heading straight for the Marchban.

Ever since Cedric made such a reaction, Marchban was a little confused, obviously she had made it clear before?

What was tested was only Cedric's level of mastery in breaking the curse.

But after all, she has been famous for a long time, and her strength may be far inferior to that of Dumbledore, but it is still easy to deal with a child.

Use the Iron Armor Curse to perfectly defend against the Disarming Curse, and then cast another Body Binding Curse. I always stood in place, did not move half a step.

After two or three firefights, Cedric cast disarming spells, exploding spells, cutting spells and other quite lethal spells.

But without exception all failed.

But at this time, he had come to a position less than three meters in front of Maqiban.

Quickly released a disarming spell, offsetting the opponent's Iron Armor Curse that was on the verge of collapse.

Before the latter's wand gesture was completed, he clenched a still-looking right fist and went straight to Marchban's right eye socket.

The latter shrank his pupils, subconsciously wanted to Apparate, and left the place, but forgot that this was Hogwarts, and the spell failed to activate.

She could only watch the fist grow bigger and bigger in her eyes, and felt a little regretful in her heart. She is too big.

Originally, when I exchanged fire with Cedric for the first time, I saw the superb level of magic spells displayed by the other party, so I just let him pass.

After all, this is the assessment of Defense Against the Dark Arts, not the assessment of Charms.

But thinking about the previous test, I was really aggrieved. As well as his father's "bad habit" of frequently posting about his son, even if she is a respected old man, she will inevitably become a little angry.

I want to teach the young man in front of me a lesson, let him know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Don't think that they can stroke their beards at will without doing anything.

After all, they also knew that they couldn't beat Luo Chen.

This is a way to vent some of the anger in your heart.

There are also excusable circumstances.

How did she expect it to develop to this extent, she knew that there might be more stains on her resume in the future.

As for quickly rolling and dodging?

That's even worse!

She is a respectable old man!

"Stop, Cedric!" Luo Chen yelled, raised his palm lightly, and saw that the ground less than one meter between Cedric and Marchban suddenly activated and turned into a huge rocky palm. Cedric was gently grasped and controlled.

And the latter's fist was less than half a meter away from Maqiban's eye socket.

"Sorry!" Cedric took a long breath and calmed down.

It wasn't that he got angry just now, it's just that his strength is relatively outstanding among the students in the same fifth grade. He is usually gentle with others and rarely fights with others.

It is rare to encounter a battle where you can let your hands and feet go and be safe enough.

He naturally wanted to try his true strength, and he could get a higher score after such a pass.

He planned everything from the start.

Of course, this doesn't rule out that his father once complained about a few people from the Wizarding Examinations Administration, which also had a small impact on him.

But Cedric is Cedric after all. He was really sorry, not only to Luochen, but also to Maqiban and Tofudi.

The latter two are highly respected, so naturally they don't care about it.

He decisively gave the highest O-level evaluation, and praised the excellent level of his spells.

The overt and secret meaning is to wait until the Charms exam.

Cedric can still get an O.

Cedric left happily, and before leaving, he did not forget to bow deeply to Luo Chen to express his gratitude. He learned a lot in Luo Chen's Defense Against the Dark Arts class and Filch's small class.

The other two watched the scene silently.

They had to admit that although Luo Chen was young, he was a strong person, and he was also very good at teaching others.

Especially March class, I still feel my back is cold and sticky at the moment, it's cold sweat!

Luo Chen's random move earlier made her understand the real gap between them.

If Luo Chen wanted to, he could crush her to death at any time.



It's useless!

By 3:00 in the afternoon, the fifth graders had finally completed their Defense Against the Dark Arts assessment.

Maqiban and Tofudi were secretly amazed, looking at the record sheet in their hands, it was a bit inconceivable. This is probably the most O grade they have ever given in their lives.

A total of 102 young wizards in the fifth grade took the ordinary wizard level exam this time.

Of those, 86 earned an O.

10 people received an E.

The remaining 6 people also got A grades.

All pass.

Of course, the last six people were a bit unlucky, they couldn't continue to take advanced courses in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

If you fail, there is still a chance to make up the exam, what a pity!

A few days later, it turned out it wasn't just fifth-year Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Even in Defense Against the Dark Arts in the seventh-year Ultimate Wizarding Rank Examination, they performed equally well.

Of course, although these seventh-grade students are very strong, the direction they have chosen has basically been finalized.

There were only 47 seventh-grade little wizards who chose Luochen's Advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts course.

But among the 47 people, except for one person who got an A, all the rest got O.

It can be regarded as the group with the highest passing rate among Hogwarts graduates over the years.

It is estimated that at the graduation party of this school year, they will also shine and be looked up to by everyone.

But the grades of the students taught by Luo Chen are pretty good, but the grades in Potions, Divination and other courses are a bit unsatisfactory.

Of course, this is just a comparison.

In fact, those little wizards also performed very well in Charms and Transfiguration.

After all, Filch's little classroom was no decoration.

It's just that Snape's complexion got worse and worse during the meal these two days.

Because judging from the final results of the assessment.

The pass rate of the students he teaches is the lowest, and even the History of Magic class is a head higher than him.

This is very uncomfortable.

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