The door of the room opens.

Several bright white light balls flew in automatically.

It turned out that the area was not large, that is, more than 40 square meters.

The ground was covered with dust, cobwebs and iron chains were hanging and shaking, making a faint rattling sound, and various instruments of torture and hooks were hung on the iron chains.

This should be the room next to the dungeon where the instruments of torture are stored.

It is really hard to imagine what kind of treatment these students who attended Hogwarts hundreds of years ago should be treated.

After all, there were bloodstains left on many hooks. Even if it dries up, in such an environment, it is eye-catching and cautious.

"I don't know, what is my real fear?"

Luo Chen talked to himself, stepped into the room, and searched around.

Although the room was not big, there were many tattered wooden boxes piled up, and there was a rotten smell in the air.

"No, did the house-elf lie to me?"

As a result, Luo Chen walked back and forth twice, but he didn't find any trace of Boggart.

But after thinking about the elves in his hometown, their fear and loyalty to wizards, and the house elves including Coco who have become more and more enthusiastic towards Luo Chen since Christmas, Luo Chen felt that they would definitely not lie to yourself.

Even Boggarts would want to flee if they found out.

In order to ensure the accuracy of their information, those little elves will block the Boggart in this room at all costs.

So Luo Chen began to rummage one box after another, and finally found the trace in the middle.

Just when the lid of the box was lifted, a mass of black... gray-black mist burst out from it, and quickly pounced on Luo Chen's face.

"Broken bones!"

Luo Chen instinctively threw away a spell.

As a result, the black mist was only pushed back for a certain distance, but it did not dissipate.

The black mist has no specific shape at all, but it can be seen that it tends to be spherical.

It stared at Luo Chen for a long time.

Then slowly deform in the air.

Luo Chen subconsciously grasped the wand, and looked at the Boggart Repelling Curse that had reached LV3 on the skill panel.

Slightly relieved.

This was the first time he felt so nervous since the first murder.

Then the images flashed in his mind frequently, and those images were all things that he felt afraid of.

Like failing an exam.

For example, those two pale and lifeless faces.

Another example……

Forget it, no more water.

At this moment, the Boggart finally completed the transformation.

What appeared in front of Luo Chen was a black laptop.

Look at the brand or Lenovo.

Then the notebook slowly opened, the screen lit up, and a word document emerged.

Luo Chen narrowed his eyes.

The memory was still a little fuzzy, but it became clearer and clearer. He looked at the title that popped out of Word's taskbar.

"Harry Potter and the Wizard Supreme Chapter 230"

The word count below shows that 2000 words have been written.

But in the next moment, the blinking cursor at the end of the chapter suddenly became larger.

It moved forward quickly, but the words disappeared one by one wherever it swept.

"Damn it, this can all be conjured up!"

Luo Chen was dumbfounded.

At this moment, he deeply felt that the Boggart should be the most terrifying creature in the world.

In his previous life, he was a web writer who never stopped eating.

But according to the normal timeline, the G410 notebook will not appear until at least twenty years later.

Not to mention the images that emerged from this notebook.

Perhaps he sensed Luo Chen's violent mood swings, boom!

The computer exploded

A large number of fragments flew towards Luo Chen, but they didn't get close, and flew past one by one.

It was restored to the previous notebook, and it was still a word document, but the second half of the title became Chapter 229, Chapter 230 that disappeared.


Luo Chen sighed, swung his magic wand, and a spell of Changhong Sun Piercing shot through the notebook that appeared on the screen.

Obviously, there is a limit to the Boggart's fear of spying on others.

For Luo Chen, in his previous life, this was indeed the thing he feared the most, but not now.

He was already a powerful wizard.

But no matter what, the Boggart in front of him is quite in line with Luochen's teaching supplies.

So he didn't use the Boggart Repelling Curse.

Let it experience its terrifying strength, and then obediently follow him, that's fine.

But never expected!

Luo Chen's spell directly sent Boggart to the west.

The screen was blown up, but this time Boggart was also blown up.

The black mist expanded towards the surroundings, and then quickly faded until it became transparent and merged into the darkness.

Luo Chen fell silent.

Then he looked at the wand in his hand, and then at the empty position in front of him.

"Shouldn't the Changhong Sun Piercing Curse be useless?"

He was talking to himself, and the system also jumped out at this time.

[Ding: It is detected that the host has doubts in his mind, may I ask whether to spend 9 influence points...]

"Need not."

Reject directly.

After thinking for a while, he changed the question again, and said, "This Boggart can't reflect the real fear in my heart. Does it have something to do with you, the system?"

In fact, Luo Chen came to find this Boggart today because he had other intentions.

This thing is amazing.

Although it is a magical creature, it is the embodiment of fear, and Luo Chen always feels that its rating is too low.

Just like the Mirror of Erised that everyone underestimates.

Who would have thought that once it was destroyed, it would give Luo Chen so much influence.

If it wasn't for the system interfering with the other party, it might even be possible to show Luo Chen's method of returning to the original world, even if it was just a false possibility.

And before stepping into this room, although Luo Chen had many fears in his mind, there was already one thing in his heart that he was most... the most feared, which was that he would not be able to return to the original world.

This is a commonplace question, but Luo Chen never tires of it.

[Ding: Answer. 】

【It doesn't matter】

"Really? But that guy can even transform a laptop, it's so unbelievable."

[Ding: The tested host is seriously questioning the system, which is almost equivalent to insulting the system, so...]

"Stop the fuck, don't be silly, why should I scold...?"

[Ding: Isn't that just scolding? 】

[Ding: In view of the bad behavior of the host, 10 points of influence will be deducted at one time]

"You are fishing law enforcement, I want to report!"

[Ding: May I ask if the host has spent 9 points of influence, report to the system]

Luo Chen's eyes are wide open, can he still play like this? !

He took it.

Then he searched the room seriously, and it was true that he had accidentally dealt with the Boggart just now.

"I have no choice but to work harder, Mr. Peter!"

He left the basement with a sigh.

Luo Chen didn't fully believe what the system said just now.

After all, the Boggart didn't reflect Luo Chen's truest fear

It's kind of impossible that the system didn't play a role in it.

It's just because of unknown reasons, since Huaxia came back, the intelligence effect of this system has dropped a lot. It's not the same as before. Buy one get one free, get two free, get three free...

This is too much!

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