People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 223 The River of Life and Death, the Mystery of Horcruxes

"The roots are broken!"

With the help of information collected by wind and shadow, establish contact with everyone in this town.

The consumption of mana is a bit too much, which is not something ordinary people can play.

Fortunately, for Luo Chen, it was just an appetizer.

After he established a connection with everyone in the dark, he directly released the Nankeyimeng Curse.

Lead them into a dream.

In this dream, everyone has been in this town since childhood and rarely goes out.

At the same time, after Luochen let go of most of the thought constraints of the spell.

Around each of these guys, they evolved the images that their parents and grandparents should have. At the same time, they were also influenced by Luo Chen, constantly conveying a concept to the younger generations.

On the other side of the mountain... bah, on the other side of the river.

There are terrifying man-eating beasts with grotesque shapes and no shape. Anyway, they can't unify their shapes, which is very terrifying.

But as long as you don't mess with it, he won't do any harm to the town.

As long as you live in peace and don't do anything harmful, then this town will always be safe.

But there is a rule.

Never try to cross that "river of life and death".

Otherwise there will be death and no life.

This is a simple deterrent with many loopholes.

But Luochen has already evolved as much as possible, he just needs to ensure that these townspeople will not disturb during the construction of the mansion.

In fact, for Luo Chen, it is not impossible to solve the problems here once and for all. Either kill these townspeople completely, or find a way to move these townspeople to other places.

But in this way, it will either touch the nerves of the Ministry of Magic, or make the Muggle government jealous.

The Ministry of Magic doesn't talk about it here, everyone knows it.

But the Muggle government, the last time Luo Chen went to meet with that prime minister.

I already felt that he was looking at me very wrongly.

If it wasn't for asking for help from others, Luo Chen would have directly given him a spell of Legilimency.

What's more, the current Luo Chen must abide by the basic social rules.

The previous operation had already given such a chance to the people in this small town, but they did not choose to sue, and instead joined forces with the Sewente family.

Then let them do it themselves!

Sooner or later, they will pay the price they deserve.

He is convinced.

On the contrary, if Luo Chen really took action, the Muggle government would misunderstand that their magical world intentionally interfered with normal social operations.

There are bound to be overreactions.

This time the effect of dream guidance was not enough, so Luo Chen would come a few more times.

When he got back to Hogwarts, he would find a way to get close to Snape and get some water of life and death from him.

Then Luochen left the town based on the information he had obtained by reciting the incantation before, and destroyed all those big and sloppy leaves planted in the surrounding areas and hidden places.

Before doing it.

He almost stopped the rain, and then there was a blaze and a whirlwind.

But fortunately, the "people-oriented" ideological and moral education in the previous life made Luochen's three views quite firm.

Later, on both sides of the river bank, a lot of tall trees that looked at least a hundred years old were planted with the dead wood spring spell.

After the townspeople of these small towns woke up, they would definitely have doubts about their memories and dreams, but when they discovered that the trees planted on both banks were real.

And definitely not in a short period of time, after being able to grow up.

For the memory in the dream, I will naturally trust more.

Then, under the respectful gazes of Ma Jieli and the others, Luo Chen cast an extremely heavenly curse and left here.

Just returned to Hogwarts not long ago.

He received the message from Mag through the ear report spell.

Tell him to go to the principal's office immediately.

Luo Chen was puzzled, so he changed into a wizard robe and set off immediately!

There is no doubt that when he arrives, he will still be the last one. But this time it was obviously a small meeting, and only the four deans, Dumbledore and him were present.

Not even Filch was eligible to attend.

"Professor Dumbledore!"

Luo Chen entered the door, greeted him softly, and the latter nodded. And Luo Chen also found the black diary placed in the center of his desk.

"Since everyone is here, I will directly inform you of the research on this notebook during this period."

Before that, except for Luo Chen who knew that this thing was once a Horcrux, no one else knew about it, but even Snape knew it, which made Dumbledore show such a serious expression.

That means things must be big.

"Now I'm more than 70% sure that this notebook..." Dumbledore picked up the diary in his hand, "is a Horcrux. Voldemort made a Horcrux, and this is something he couldn't kill, and it has survived to this day s reason."

Luo Chen secretly said: Old man, be more confident and get rid of that 70% possibility!

Then I opened the diary section and found that a new message was added, but the updated time was 10:26 last night.

[Ding: The host indirectly guided Dumbledore to learn the truth about Voldemort's immortality, greatly reversed the subsequent plot, and gained 4,500 influence points. 】


Luo Chen took a breath.

Even so far, the speed at which it affects value acquisition is getting faster and faster, and the highest time exceeded more than 13,000 points.

But this is definitely the time that Luo Chen has gained the most influence value on a single object.

Then Luo Chen felt that beating Voldemort was a bit unpleasant.

Every time you put in so much effort, in the end you only get one thousand... at most a nod of influence.

At the same time, after Dumbledore announced the news to the four deans.

Four more messages were refreshed, but each of them only gave him 50 to 60 points of influence, but the total was 215 points.

Luochen's previous reaction was completely out of instinctive shock.

But in the eyes of Dumbledore, who had been observing him secretly, he secretly said: This Luo Chen really knows about the Horcrux!

But thinking about it, the other party encountered Voldemort's soul body in the lair of the giant eight-eyed spider...even though he had already given a possible guess.

But Luo Chen would definitely not be reconciled.

Coupled with the "memory that emerges" in his mind at any time, whether it is to check for information by himself, or just receive and analyze the memory. It was no surprise that he knew about Horcruxes.

But looking at it this way, Voldemort also came into contact with him when he was a little older than Luochen, in order to avoid and prevent Luochen from going astray.

In the future, he will have to pay more attention to guiding Luo Chen.

And as the directors of the Fourth Outer School, they are rich in knowledge, but most of them specialize in one field, and they haven't realized for a while, what is this Horcrux?

But with the help of this Horcrux, Voldemort will not be killed.

Then it must be evil.

Also a great discovery.

So Dumbledore began to introduce the four people, and after everyone finished listening, they all fell silent.

a long time.

Luo Chen, who thought his disguise was pretty good before, cleared his throat and broke the silence.

"Then Professor Dumbledore, how many questions do you think Voldemort will make?"

"Huh?" Dumbledore was puzzled.

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