People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 218 A hundred-year land ownership only costs one pound

Apart from him, there are few wizards who stop and eat here temporarily.

Luo Chen is now too famous in the British wizarding world, as soon as he appeared, he attracted everyone's attention, and they all got up to get close to Luo Chen.

Luo Chen didn't get tired of it either, and responded one by one. Walking towards the bar, the old Malfoy was a little envious when he saw this scene, but he didn't show it on his face, he still had a cold and arrogant expression.

Not long after Luo Chen appeared, he also returned to the bar. But he didn't sit down. It seemed that the new hawthorn wooden stool was not suitable for his noble butt.

"Mr. Bichar, we meet again." He greeted Luo Chen with a full posture.

And Luo Chen just nodded lightly, also with a ritualized smile.

Then he said to Old Tom, "Old Tom, do you know any wizards who do construction. It's better to be a group, just like a Muggle engineering team."

Because of Luo Chen's special order.

When he was in front of people, his old Tom was still old Tom, and Luo Chen was still Luo Chen. Old Tom could maintain a certain respect for Luo Chen, but he couldn't show it too obviously.

After all, Old Tom's position is too sensitive.

"Sir, I know this, leave it to me!"

"Okay, you get in touch with them, send me a letter directly, and then..." That kind of old Malfoy who hadn't finished speaking and was left out in the cold.

He interrupted unceremoniously: "Mr. Bichar, in fact, our Malfoy family has a lot of house elves who are specially used to take care of the garden and repair the house. They have been good at this for generations. If you allow, I can Let them help you repair the mansion for free!"

Luo Chen directly shook his head and refused.

"That won't bother the Malfoy family."

The meaning behind Luo Chen's words is already obvious, don't beat me, let me crawl!

Then Luo Chen told Old Tom a few more words, and was about to leave.

Old Malfoy's complexion was already a little ugly.

He would come to this dilapidated bar today, which he disliked very much, just to see if he could meet a Hogwarts teacher by chance.

Then get some news.

After all, the diary has been sent to Hogwarts for such a long time, and there has not been much movement.

Instead, he heard from his son that he defeated a basilisk with his family-inherited poisonous snake summoning technique... But how could that be possible? Even he only thought that his son was having a dream.

after all.

He learned that Luochen had a very magical spell that could lead other people into a dream. In the dream, Luochen can create all kinds of magical animals, mountains and buildings out of thin air, just like gods.

Maybe it was because of this opportunity that little Malfoy confuse reality with dreams when he was dreaming at night, mistakenly thinking that he had defeated a monster so powerful that even if his old man Lucius met him, he would have to stay away. Basilisk.

In addition, as Lao Tzu, he knows the virtues of his son best, and he is at such an age that loves to brag.

No matter how you look at it, it is fake.

So he has not collected any information about the diary he sent to Hogwarts.

For the past two days, I've been really restless.

It started out as Ministry of Magic Aurors swooped in to check houses for dark artefacts hidden away.

The old Malfoy also took the young Malfoy to make an emergency move.

But some can't be sold casually, such as the blank diary Voldemort gave him.

He had experimented curiously and determined that this thing had a function similar to Legilimency.

In order to escape punishment, old Malfoy lied that he was controlled by Voldemort with the Imperius Curse, and even betrayed many Death Eaters in exchange for the peace at this time.

If that diary peeped into his mind, wouldn't it be over, besides, Voldemort hadn't heard from him for more than ten years.

It was only last year that I heard some rumors, and it turned out to be a surprise inspection by the Ministry of Magic.

He could only stuff the black diary into Ginny Weasley's cauldron on that day, and let her bring it into Hogwarts.

Her idea is very simple.

One can escape scrutiny.

Secondly, the things Voldemort made himself, no matter how simple they are, are bound to be harmful, and they can take advantage of the situation to take revenge on the Weasleys.

That lunatic, Arthur Weasley, had been staring at the Malfoy family for the entire holiday, and had checked it seven times.

But thanks to his good son, this guy doesn't have a good end now, and now he went to the Auror office, starting from a small Auror at the bottom.

The hard work of the first half of my life was in vain.

Every time he met Arthur Weasley, Malfoy would sneer.

The opponent is not as tough as before.

Although there are still a few harsh words from time to time, that is the limit.

Although he does not serve in the Ministry of Magic, his influence in the Ministry of Magic can do a lot. If this Arthur Weisselly is not the patriarch of a pure-blood family, he will also have a strong influence in the British wizarding world.

With one sentence, he can completely dismiss the other party from the Ministry of Magic.

But then again.

The wordless diary was given to him by Voldemort, and it was also a recognition of their Malfoy family.

So this old Malfoy wants to get it back again, after all the limelight is over.

Only then did I urgently want to know the news about that diary.

It's still the same sentence.

Voldemort's appearance last year after more than a decade of disappearance is definitely a clear sign.

He is coming back.

But he was repelled by Luo Chen, a child who just woke up from a slumber of more than 10 years.

It's hard, it's unbelievable.


Luo Chen didn't know that old Malfoy had such complicated and entangled thoughts under his calm face at this moment.

Just about to leave, but suddenly remembered something.

He paused, and using the magic spell in his ears, he delivered a message to old Malfoy.

"I heard that Mr. Malfoy has a lot of experience. He should have heard of Horcruxes. Of course, it is also introduced in the book "Guide to Advanced Dark Arts". According to the conclusion drawn by Principal Dumbledore a few days ago, the reason why Voldemort could not be killed , survived in embarrassment until now, because of this thing."

Old Malfoy froze for a moment, frowning.

"What's the meaning?"

He asked directly. He thinks the ear retribution mantra is also very useful, and he has also learned it. But he won't use it until he's sure it's absolutely safe.

"think it yourself?"

After saying this, Luo Chen turned around directly, but there was another pause, and continued: "Principal Dumbledore researched it from a black diary. It's a very ordinary notebook!"

This time, Luo Chen left completely.

All that remained was old Malfoy, whose pupils constricted, his heart felt cold, and he was a little unsteady, in a daze.

Then he didn't dare to stay, went home and went to the library to find the book.

Luochen first went to London, and visited Fudge through the visitor's entrance.

And visited No. 10 Downing Street that night.

After a very friendly exchange, the title of the Bichar family was not retained, but the aristocratic territory that originally belonged to the Bichar family was still sold to the Bichar family for 100 years at a price of one pound.

At the same time, you only need to pay one pound for every 100-year renewal.

Everything is going smooth.

Luo Chen couldn't believe it.

But the result was good, and he also felt quite elated.

For the first time, I feel that there are some mysterious powers in this world, and it is quite cool to be one of the masters!

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