People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 201 Training Harry Potter Alone

But thinking about it, I feel impossible.

Before the holiday, there will be a large number of letters coming from all over the country every morning.

Before the wizard's mastery of the ear report spell and the level of trust did not reach a high enough level. Everyone is more willing to use owls to deliver letters.

"Also, why does Flitwick decorate the auditorium every year?"

"Isn't this bullying people?!"

"Isn't he coming home?"

In fact, not every Christmas, the principals, deans and professors of the college will stay. They also have their own entertainment and have their own families.

"But I've already made arrangements, what a pity!" Luo Chen was about to reply to a rejection letter, but after thinking about it, he still didn't reply.

He felt that he had already made a Christmas plan and needed to change some details a little so that it would be more perfect.

So wait until the day before Christmas. Just after noon, Luo Chen stepped into the school auditorium. He said hello to Hagrid, Flitwick and McGonagall who were already busy.

They also joined in, but after being busy for less than half an hour, Harry Potter suddenly ran over from outside.

This naturally attracted the attention of several teachers, especially the other party still seemed to want to approach, but was very hesitant. Several teachers became even more curious.

"Harry, why are you here?" In the end, Hagrid, who had the best relationship with Harry Potter, stepped forward and asked.

The latter whispered something, and Hagrid nodded. He has a carefree personality and no scruples.

He came directly to Luo Chen's side and said, "Luo Chen, Harry said that he made an appointment with you to learn magic spells this afternoon?"

Luo Chen was stunned for a moment, then patted his forehead with a dazed expression.

"Hey, I just said that I always feel like I forgot something, so..."

Flitwick and Mag expressed their understanding, and Luo Chen had helped a lot before.

His control over spells, especially the levitation spell, was unmatched by the two deans.

This made Flitwick, who was a teacher of the Charms class, a little frustrated, so he was the one who invited Luo Chen before, but now he hoped that Luo Chen would leave.

So Luo Chen bid farewell to the two deans smoothly, and took Harry Potter to the classroom of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

According to the plan, I entered the teaching course of the Patronus Charm.

He opened a cage on the corner table, and inside it was a mouse that was very similar to Scabbers, but also missing a little finger, running around in circles.

Well, this is Ban Ban's body.

Ever since Luochen raised the Transfiguration Curse to LV4, he found another opportunity to get Banban out.

He felt that Ron needed a quiet Scabbers more.

And Luo Chen also needed a good teaching material...experimental material. Although it's a bit inhumane, who made this Peter have a grudge against Luo Chen in the first place!

And after this period of training, Luo Chen's control over the LV4-level Transformation Curse has become more and more perfect, and his Forgetting Curse has naturally improved a lot.

Even Luo Chen felt that his LV3 forgetting curse didn't need to use the influence value to increase it. Slowly accumulating knowledge, one day he could automatically realize the level increase.

Of course, Luochen's mastery of legitimacy and mantra chanting became more and more perfect, and he also learned a few good mantras from Ban Ban.

But what gave him some headaches was the Animagus Transformation Curse.

For Luo Chen who has cheats, he needs to relearn.

And just getting started requires 50 influence points.

It was very confusing, but Luo Chen thought of the close connection between the patron saint and the form of Animagus, so he temporarily let go of this thought.

I decided to draw a few more spells, maybe one day I can draw a god-level spell similar to the seventy-two changes. Then Luochenjiao would not need the Animagus Transformation Curse.

Looking at Harry Potter who had cast spells several times but failed.

Luo Chen pinched his chin, raised his hand to interrupt.

"Wait a minute, Harry, you have to remember that the key to casting spells is to have happy and happy memories. If you think about it carefully, you should have some." Luo Chen reminded this sentence more than once.

Obviously, Remus Lupine also used the same routine, and it didn't take long for Harry Potter to master it. How could it not work for him?

Are there some important plot triggers?

But this is the real world!

In other words, the dementor transformed from Mottled didn't bring enough pressure. But Luo Chen has tried to imitate as much as possible. The dementor created by the LV4 transformation spell naturally exudes a cold, terrifying, and disgusting aura.

It is estimated that even Dumbledore, who is a master of Transfiguration, and McGonagall can do this.

"Happy memories?" Harry Potter said to himself in frustration.

Although it failed several times just now, the magic energy was wasted a lot. Fortunately, he is not a dark wizard, otherwise he would have lost his life because of the tempering problem.

But for Harry Potter, so far, he can be called a happy memory.

Just two.

The first was Hagrid telling him he was a wizard. News that you can leave Muggle society and live in another world.

At that time, Harry Potter thought that he could finally leave the Dursleys' house, so he was very happy. Without too much doubt, he followed Hagrid.

It's a pity that we went back again during the holidays, and now they interfered with each other, which diluted a lot.

And the second one is Harry Potter, the picture of his parents with him seen between the Mirror of Erised.

This is also a very precious memory for him.

But the problem is that the picture only appeared once. When I went there for the second time, the Mirror of Erised was broken, and the impression was not strengthened enough.

In addition, he thought that he had damaged the Mirror of Erised, so he was also very worried, so this happy memory was also diluted a lot.

Fortunately, Lao Dengtou didn't come out to show his presence.


According to the situation in the original book, Harry Potter used these two happy memories to cast the Patronus Charm.

It's just that for various reasons, these two memories are not enough now. The age is also young.

If he had a higher level of mastery of the Patronus Charm, perhaps the memories of Hagrid and even playing with Hermione and Ron to study together could also be an important source of nourishment for him to cast the Patronus Charm.

But now, he couldn't even get started with the Patronus Charm.

So there is no need to mention this.

Luo Chen also had a headache. The key point of his major changes to the future plot was Harry Potter.

But looking at the other party's state now, Harry Potter can only rest for a while.

I walked to the window by myself and began to meditate: How about trying the Nankeyimeng spell?

But Luo Chen wasn't sure if the memory he created would be useful?

It's a dream after all.

And from the beginning of using this spell to teach, it has already planted in the hearts of Harry Potter and other young wizards that this is a dream and this is a false concept.

Therefore, the final effect may not be as good as the Mirror of Erised.

"By the way, I still have two chances to draw a lottery. If I don't draw a lottery, I have to go to Lestrange's house to do something later!"

After this thought flashed by, Luo Chen immediately made up his mind.

Although it has not yet come to the best day he expected, Luochen's combat system has already taken shape.

His yearning for the drawn spells is no longer as enthusiastic as it was at the beginning.

"System, I want to extract the spell!"

[Ding: Received the host's request, ready to extract the spell... the spell is being extracted... the spell extraction is over! 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining a special spell: the spell of peace! 】

[Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the attacking spell: Disintegrate the landslide spell! 】

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