People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 178 Obtaining the First Merlin Medal

[Ding: Congratulations to the host for successfully resolving the witch exposure incident in York City and gaining 450 influence points]

[Ding: Congratulations to the host for gaining 5 influence points]

[Ding: Congratulations to the host for gaining 7 influence points]


There are a lot of new content added to the diary section, but after Luo Chen's research, there are only two things worth noting. The first incident in York city only provided him with 450 points of influence, which was indeed a bit low.

But considering that there are exposed problems in the wizarding world, it basically happens every few days or even every day.

Now it is quite fair to be able to harvest so much at once!

The second is the content that is still being refreshed. Basically, each item is rewarded with an influence value of more than 4 points.

Without asking the system, Luo Chen knew that it should be from the follow-up influence of this big show. When this incident completely subsides, he should be able to gain 1500~2000 influence points.

not bad.

The input of the Torrential Rain Curse was directly withdrawn.


Because Luo Chen pretended that he was going to rest before, he stayed in the room until the evening, and only then did he leave the room.

There were not many people in the church anymore, and most of the wizards summoned from all over the world had already returned.

Only a few Aurors, Ministry of Magic staff and some noble wizards remained.

"Mr. Bichar, Mr. Minister said, if you wake up, please move to the main hall!"

Coincidentally, the one who helped Luochen guard the goal was Lincoln who met at that time.

"sorry to bother you!"

On the way to the main hall, because Luo Chen had to pass through an open courtyard, Luo Chen seemed to have seen Rita Skeeter for a flash, but he didn't think much about it.

When they came to the main hall, they found that Fudge, Scrimgeour, Dumbledore, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were there, and Umbridge, who disgusted Luochen very much, had already left.

They were standing on the edge of a high platform built at this time, discussing something. Under the high platform, there were reporters from major newspapers and magazines, but the most important position in the middle was reserved for the Daily Prophet.

Luo Chen hadn't read it wrong before, Rita Skeeter was indeed here, but at this moment she could only sit obediently on a middle-aged man wearing golden glasses, brown curly hair and a blue wizard robe. behind.

"Oh, Mr. Bichar, you're here. We were talking about the attack you received earlier, why didn't you tell us?" Listening to the meaning in Dumbledore's words, he was really worried about Luo Chen.

Several other people also greeted Luo Chen one after another, becoming a lot more cautious.

It seems that the big show that Luochen played before had a very significant effect, allowing them to truly appreciate his strength.

"Did it attack me? I thought that..." Luo Chen suddenly realized that he didn't even ask the Lestrange family wizard's name at that time.

Arthur was more interested, leaned forward slightly, and reminded: "Moratis Seymour is a hired wizard of the Lestrange family. He has a criminal record and his identity is not clean."

"Yes, it was him, I thought they attacked the Weasleys!" Luochen continued.

He completely forgot that in order to obtain the real target of the other party, he even specially designed a serial set. And the current Weasleys didn't interrupt either.

"We have re-confirmed that the target of that guy's attack is indeed you, Mr. Bichar, but don't worry, I have arranged for people to escort him back to the Ministry of Magic, and the trial will be held in a few days." Fudge turned to Luochen Make a guarantee.

"At the same time, Scrimgeour will personally take charge of the interrogation!"

Scrimgeour also took a step forward, and nodded seriously.

In less than a day's time, the attitude of these people towards Luo Chen has changed, which is too obvious.

No wonder Dumbledore was so detached.

"Then why did he attack me? I don't think I have any grievances with this Lestrange family. To a certain extent, I'm still their landlord." Luo Chen asked.

"We haven't asked about the specific situation, but please give us a while." Scrimgeour explained.

Luo Chen nodded, and decided to let this matter go.

Anyway, he wanted revenge, and there was no real lack of reason.

Then he raised his chin and gestured to the reporters of the big and small newspapers sitting under the stage.

"Because the accident in York City has a relatively large impact around the world, Mr. Minister called several media to inform the public of the cause and effect of this incident, and at the same time, he wants to honor you!" Scrimgeour explain.

"Honours? What?" Luo Chen looked confused, the British Ministry of Magic could still exercise the power of the Queen of England, or the Muggle government wanted to award him honors.

But the two sides can't fight each other!

Besides, strictly speaking, the Bichar family actually has a title, but no one has certified it for more than 200 years. Whether this title is still recognized by the British royal family and the government is uncertain.

But their family has a piece of territory.

It was just on the outskirts of London, but that place was also the place where Luo Chen's physical parents died. Out of psychological resistance and obstacles, Luo Chen had never been there before, not even offering sacrifices.

It was a little dereliction of duty, but Luo Chen was also worried that he would lose control on the spot.

But after experiencing Pettigrew Peter's incident, Luo Chen felt that he could go back and have a look. He couldn't stay at Hogwarts forever.

No matter how nice it is, it's not his home.

"It is the medal of the Merlin Order, because you have selflessly provided the wizard world with the Ear Retribution Charm and the Ministry of Magic with the Wind and Shadow Curse. Therefore, the beneficiary public has long suggested that we apply to the Merlin Order for you." A medal of the third class."

"Of course, this doesn't count as your previous contribution, and another medal is still being applied for." Fuji added, and Luo Chen was very pleased with these words and this attitude.

"So that's the case, I'll trouble you." Luo Chen replied.

Then everything proceeded in an orderly manner, Luo Chen conducted a simple but grand award ceremony, and also won the first third-class Medal of the Order of Merlin in his life.

It sounds like Lockhart's parallel import, but Luo Chen's achievement is a real achievement.

The third class of the Order of Merlin focuses on knowledge - that is, the recipient has provided valuable knowledge to the wizarding world. Therefore, he was rewarded with a gold medal and a white ribbon.

In addition, Luochen also obtained a full 10,000 pieces of Galleons.

This can be regarded as temporarily expanding his small coffers, so that he won't dig out the foundation of his ancestors.

Wait until the reporters have left.

Luochen and Dumbledore also planned to return to Hogwarts. Luochen suddenly stopped Fuji and the others who were also about to leave.

"I remember you guys said, as long as I solve this trouble, you can promise me one condition!"

"Uh..." Fudge's steps suddenly stopped, and the slightly drooping skin on his face trembled, and then he glanced at Dumbledore.

Seeing that the other party didn't express anything, many thoughts flashed through his mind, but he still couldn't figure out what Luo Chen was thinking at this time.

"Yes, is it true that Bichar has to ask the Ministry of Magic to fulfill it now that he has appeared?"

"Well, of course, is there a problem? Or do you need to fill in the materials and apply for something else?"

"Hehe!" Fudge laughed awkwardly. After much deliberation, he felt that the most likely thing was that Luochen wanted to use Dumbledore's power to ruthlessly slaughter their Ministry of Magic.

Although with the strength that Luo Chen showed before, even if Luo Chen came to him in the future, they would definitely not deny the reward they proposed before.

However, the operation of the huge Ministry of Magic requires a lot of procedures and time. If Luo Chen eliminates the conditions and goals that they don't want to pay, delays for a while, and keeps wrangling and negotiating, he will finally get a result that everyone agrees with.

It was also Fudge who had already planned it when he put forward the conditions.

But now it's obvious that he can't deny it, so he bite the bullet and said, "Of course not, just say it!"

"It's nothing, I want to get the right to cast spells freely." Luo Chen's voice was flat and casual.

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