People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 167 Promoted to Head Quidditch Referee

Even though the news of Voldemort's return and Luo Chen's repelling him was immediately covered up by the Ministry of Magic, and some students were even amnesticized.

But there is still a lot of news spread out, some little-known tabloids-people who often communicate with the magic army, the more you don't let me report things, the more I will let everyone know.

So even though the Ministry of Magic tried its best to cover it up, those who should know knew it.

It's just a general level of concern and trust!

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic decided to imitate Professor Newt's big news in the beautiful country, and let ordinary wizards see the dominance of the magic army in the British wizarding world and its unshakable position in the international wizarding world.

So this is probably not the decision made by Cornelius Fudge alone.

Otherwise, even if he transferred all the staff of the Ministry of Magic, he would have already finished the follow-up work of the previous accident.

"Oh, why are you thinking so much? It has nothing to do with me, I'm just a 13-year-old child." After a while, Luo Chen raised his hand and patted his forehead, and returned to his tower obediently.

A few more days passed, and November was steadily entered, and the Quidditch competition officially kicked off.

According to the usual practice, this first game is the competition between Gryffindor House and Slytherin House.

It was originally hosted by Mrs. Huo Qi, but Luo Chen was worried that he would have something to do later, so he took the initiative to take over this task, and at the same time let Mrs. Huo Qi assist on the sidelines.

If he remembered well and followed the development of the plot, Dobby would appear in this game.

In order to demonstrate the safety and stability of Hogwarts College, some parents were still invited to watch the game, such as Lucius from the old Malfoy family.

When Luo Chen walked into the center of the venue, he clearly felt that Lucius looked at him with obvious malice.

"Little Slytherin, I'll show you what Grandpa does later!"

"Gryffindor idiot, let him come here if you can!"


The reality is naturally not as harmonious as in the movie. They just entered the arena, lined up in the air, confronted each other, and started talking trash.

"Quiet!" The ear-reporting mantra was cast, and the people on both sides who had just sprayed a few words immediately fell silent.

These days, Luo Chen has completely conquered them with his own strength.

"Now players from both sides, shake hands!" Luo Chen arranged subconsciously, but the little wizards of Gryffindor and Slytherin were stunned at the same time, shaking hands? Is there this link?

And Luo Chen also realized his mistake, he was still a little nervous to host a game and serve as a referee for the first time. But after all, with enough strength as background, Luo Chen was quickly adjusted.

But the young wizards of Slytherin and Gryffindor College did not dare to question Luo Chen's mistake, thinking that it was Luo Chen's special arrangement. Just one by one with cold faces and mouths held back, they controlled the broomsticks and shook hands one by one.

Very good!

If they knew that Luo Chen was so surprised in his heart, they would definitely complain crazily, even though no one wanted to be hit in the face by those weird and ferocious dark creatures at every turn!

So as long as they are little wizards who have taken Luo Chen's class, all of them will be so obedient and quiet.

After all, those who made trouble would either run away when they saw Luo Chen, or they would not dare to come to Luo Chen's class again.

Of course, the handshake before the game is inevitable, and there are some slightly violent physical and broom collisions.

But in competitive sports, it is normal to have a little movement.

Luo Chen also acquiesced, this was not his mistake at all, he had seriously recalled all the ball games he had watched before.

Wait until the two sides line up again.

"I repeat for the last time, competition comes second, friendship comes first." Luo Chen said another nonsense. He kicked the wooden box next to him with his right foot, and the lid of the box popped open. With a light wave of his palm, the Quaffle, Bludger, and Snitch flew out one after another.

"Game start!"

The words fell, and the two teams flew out quickly. The Quaffle was snatched by Gryffindor's Angelina Johnson, and Katie Bell and Alia Spinnet, who were beside her, started to move towards Slater. Lin's goal attack.

Luo Chen, on the other hand, used the floating spell of luck, and kept climbing into the air, and finally reached a very high place, enough to overlook the whole stadium.

Perhaps it was Luo Chen's inadvertent display of this hand that made the intensity of this Kuiqi competition drop by more than one level in an instant.

Although there are still some body collisions and small movements, no one dares to foul at will.

Seeing an originally extremely exciting Quidditch match, it turned out to be quite boring.

But after a while, everyone discovered that this kind of competition is actually quite good.

Because they no longer foul and rely on brute force to win, everyone pays more attention to technology and difficult offensive and defensive methods.

On the contrary, it made the game more exciting.

The cheers from the stands on both sides grew louder, and the invited parents quickly joined in. They deeply felt that this Hogwarts College was really getting better every year.

And the two teams running on the field also experienced an indescribable heartiness. In the past, when they played games, they thought about how to reduce the strength of the opposing team, or reduce the intensity of attack and defense, and then scored.

Of course, according to the specific situation of each college and the different beliefs they adhere to, the methods they will adopt are also different.

But now with Luo Chen watching from high in the sky, they must score as many points as possible within the rules. Then the battle situation became more and more intense.

When the game reached halftime, the entire Quidditch pitch was already surrounded by a sea of ​​jubilation.

From these two teams, they vaguely saw the aura that only the national team has this year, which is really a bit unbelievable.

As an auxiliary referee, Huo Qi stood on the sidelines with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Although she is an avid Quidditch fan, she has always believed that the Quidditch competition held by Hogwarts College is just a little daily pastime for little wizards.

Fouls and so on, as long as they are limited to the range of missing arms and legs, falling from high altitude, the others don't matter.

After all, no matter how much these little stories were tossed about, they couldn't make a wonderful battle, but in the first half, what did she see?

Flint and the others from Slytherin College, who quickly defeated their opponents by means of scheming and trajectory, actually used the famous counter-bludger.

Even in the arena of the international Quidditch competition, this is quite a difficult move.

"It's unbelievable!" Huo Qi didn't know it anymore, and he said similar words many times.

"Harry Potter found the trail of the golden thunderbolt, and he chased after him... Ah, what a pity, Draco Malfoy's move was so despicable. He actually spun in mid-air, forcing Harry back Special, but I have to admit, this trick is very beautiful..." The commentator Lee Jordan's voice had long been hoarse, but he didn't notice it at all at this time.

If it weren't for the teacher and professor sitting behind him, his right foot would have stepped on the table long ago.

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy just passed by each other, and the black Bludger, like a lunatic, struck from behind Draco Malfoy.

Looking at it like this, if the latter didn't dodge, he would definitely have his head smashed.

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