People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 156 The world's first Lv5 fluorescent spell

Dumbledore has a plan to train Harry Potter to become the savior.

Snape didn't deny this, and he tried his best to get involved.

But judging from his performance in the last semester, he felt that Dumbledore was a little too aggressive in cultivating Harry Potter.

Now that Harry Potter is still young, he can't afford such a cruel exercise, so he wants to keep Harry Potter as far away from Dumbledore as possible.

Anyway, as long as he stayed at his aunt's and uncle's house, although life was a little bit harder - he was happy to see it, but at least he was safe and guaranteed.

Voldemort was also inaccessible.

The most important thing is to wait until Harry Potter grows a little bit more and his mind is more mature, and then take Hogwarts for training, the growth will be faster and the effect will be better.

Of course it is undeniable that he really does not want to see that guy in the sky.

It's a pity that things don't come true!

What else could he say, Snape?

Continue to endure it!

"Professor Snape, what do you think?" Seeing that Snape seemed to be in a trance, Flitwick asked, "Should we go to Luo Chen? His strength is obvious to all. Even if he is not as good as us, but It’s okay to act as a daytime rotation task.”

"Yes, we can also temporarily replace a man and go find Dumbledore." Sprout also agreed.

"You guys have made your decision." Unexpectedly, Snape turned around and left.

His rotation time is over, "As for finding Dumbledore's manpower, let Hagrid do it!"

What does that mean, Snape?


No wonder Snape is not very popular, he keeps a cold face all day long, only speaks three points, and never expresses his thoughts easily, who can bear this?

"Then I'll go, it just so happens that my shift is over." McGonagall said.


The other two have nothing to do.

Then both McGonagall and Snape left, leaving only Sprout and Flitwick.

"Well, I kind of agree with Snape, the basilisk is just a scourge, why not just kill it?"

"I don't know, maybe Dumbledore has other ideas. It is said that decades ago, some students were killed by monsters in the secret room, and then Hagrid became the one who took the blame. Dumbledore wanted to take this opportunity, Help Hagrid clear the suspicion!"

"Well, if you don't mention it, I almost forgot about it!" Just as he was talking, there were rustling sounds from the side and rear, as if something was approaching.

Sprout had a sense, and with the help of the plant seeds arranged in the forbidden forest, she quickly discovered the target, which was a dozen acromantulas the size of a calf.

"These guys are at it again!"

"Who? Acromantula?" Flitwick moved his body, held his wand directly, and walked over there, "Leave it to me this time. Last night, I was almost attacked by them." Actually, Hagrid sometimes goes too far, how can this thing be kept in the Forbidden Forest?"

While complaining. Flitwick appeared in an apparition and disappeared directly in place.

shortly thereafter.

There was a crackling explosion. There was not much movement, and it could be seen that the former world club champion had already reached an extremely high level of control over the spell.


In Luo Chen's bedroom.

After all, it is an ancient castle building. These days have passed, and no one has cleaned it. A very thin layer of dust also fell on Luo Chen who was lying on the bed.

Especially in the corners of the eyes, there are tear stains with clearer colors.

"Finally, finally mastered it." Luo Chen almost went crazy.

He was a little optimistic about the progress of the Pupil of Time before, and it took more than a week before he could barely grasp 10%, but this 10% was a big leap for him.

Because he can finally retain a small amount of mana in his body.

Although more than 90% of the magic energy will still be automatically absorbed by the pupil of time, Luo Chen already has extra power to release information to the outside world with the help of the fluorescent spell, just like the prophecy given before.

"So now I need someone to receive the information. Hermione, why is she so honest these days, she didn't come to see me." Luo Chen was a little depressed.

Of course, he also knew that Dumbledore might have made some arrangements.

He never regarded the old man as a good person, a good person.

"Unfortunately, those house elves were not allowed to enter my bedroom to clean before, but now it is troublesome."

Of course, it's just a hassle.

At this time, Luo Chen had reached the level of LV5 fluorescent spell, which also allowed him to transmit information to the outside world through long-distance manipulation, but he needed to accumulate mana for a longer period of time.

If LV4 represents the master-level ability to control spells, it can cast spells without a wand.

But he still needs to rely on certain gestures, through which he can suggest himself and guide the launch of the spell.

And to LV5.

It is a complete breakthrough of the boundary, only by consciousness.

As for the reason why the system rewarded him with 100 influence points, Luo Chen also spent 9 influence points to inquire carefully.

So far, among all the wizards in the whole world, only Luo Chen has developed the fluorescent spell to the level of LV5.

Even if he is open.

But it was also a skill that Luo Chen had mastered.

The reward was sent to him, that's right!

At the same time, this also means that as long as Luo Chen raises the other spells to LV5, he will also get part of the influence value. Of course, the premise is that he is the only one in this world who has broken through.

Of course, Luo Chen would definitely not try it lightly, after all, it was a loss-making business no matter what.

And there is a more serious problem. After reaching LV5, if you want to upgrade to LV6, you can no longer rely on the influence value to unlock it. Luochen needs to work hard and comprehend it.

That's right, it was "working hard to comprehend", these four words also cost Luochen 9 points of influence.

So this understanding of Luochen is very profound.

beep beep.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Luo Chen hurriedly collected his mind, tried his best to roll his eyes, and looked towards his bedroom door.

"Is it Hermione? You complained just now, but you really said Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here soon!" Luo Chen was overjoyed. Now he doesn't have to bother so much, and he doesn't have to wait so long.

beep beep.

The knock on the door continued.

Luo Chen thought to himself: "Okay, you should come in!"

Who doesn't know who yet!

Why are you so polite!

And it's not that Hermione doesn't know that he can't move now. After this thought flashed by, Luo Chen realized that the person outside might not be Hermione.

beep beep.

The knock on the door sounded exactly the same as before, and the people outside seemed to be extremely persistent. Luo Chen couldn't bear it any longer. He thought about using the magic energy in his body to guide the other party in.

However, he needs to use it with discretion.

This LV5-level fluorescent spell was not drawn from the "Dictionary of Idioms", and it does not have the buff to reduce the consumption of mana.

"Can I come in?" A female voice as clear as an oriole came in from outside the door.

The moment Luo Chen condensed the words, he stopped suddenly.

"I haven't heard this voice before. It's a girl again. It sounds very immature. Could it be Ginny? What is she doing here? Could it be controlled by Voldemort?"

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