People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 136 Protecting the family and the country, exorcising ghosts and demons

Le Kai didn't enthusiastically explain the origin of Tuoshi Ridge to Luo Chen, and after the few "zombies" followed up, he called Luo Chen and captured them all.

He didn't use a magic wand, nor did he say any mantras, just put his hands together, and saw several almost invisible wind ropes formed out of thin air, binding the zombies that were chasing him around one by one.

Luo Chen secretly thought, this Le Kai is really not simple!

He didn't make such a big show in front of some ordinary people before, and I'm afraid he was really controlling the strength of his shots.

Luo Chen used the transformation spell to get local materials, conjured up 8 stone coffins, and threw the zombies into them. And controlled by the levitation spell, followed behind Le Kai, and rushed towards the direction of Tuoshiling.

After walking for a while, Le Kai was not idle on the way, and kept asking Luo Chen about the British wizarding world. Luo Chen didn't hide anything, and talked about it one by one, like a good friend.

When Le Kai was his guide before, although he was chatty on the road, it was more like he was receiving Luo Chen as a master.

So also more like a tour guide.

But at this moment, although the identities of the two of them have not changed, but seeing Le Kai's appearance, he has always been curious about these questions. He didn't ask Luo Chen before, probably because of the tasks assigned to him by the superiors.

He has been suppressing his own nature.

Of course, Lucy is also very cautious.

He didn't probe into the core issues related to Luo Chen's strength, such as Charms. Although these are things that are grandly displayed even in the British wizarding world, for everyone to learn casually.

As a Chinese wizard, it shouldn't be a problem to buy basic textbooks and learn by yourself. But Le Kai didn't ask, and judging from the way he shot, it seemed that he really didn't learn it.

This is very interesting.

Gradually, this Le Kai led the problem to personal issues related to Luo Chen. This made him a little unbearable, so he changed the subject: "By the way, I saw you in the village before..."

Before he could finish speaking, Le Kai shook his hand and interrupted, "I know what you want to ask, Luo Zi, but we are Taoist priests, we protect our family and the country, we go to Purdue... Bah, it's about exorcising ghosts and demons, this belongs to us responsibilities, but those are ordinary people, and we don’t have much intersection with us. Why make too much noise and let them have some unrealistic fantasies, or..."

Speaking of this, Le Kai stopped in a timely manner, his face froze for a moment, obviously recalling some bad memories.

Luo Chen understood clearly, and did not pursue this question closely.

"However, I saw that the ordinary people in the village were not surprised by the surprise attack of these zombies. Is this a common phenomenon in China? When you took me to travel in China a few days ago, you never Nothing like this happened."

Le Kai was silent for a while, he knew that Luo Chen would definitely be concerned about this question, but he was really a little ashamed to speak.

After all, this looks like a scandal.

It would be fine if this Luo Chen was just an ordinary overseas Chinese or wizard, the key point was that Luo Chen was also a junior investigator of the British Ministry of Magic at this time.

You can't even call it a spy directly, after all, they are aboveboard, but once these things are revealed, who knows what kind of disturbance will be caused.

But the thing had already happened, and Luo Chen had seen it all.

You can't keep people from talking. As for taking Luochen down and removing his memories about this part?

Yes, Le Kai did have such an idea.

But since he discovered Luo Chen's trace, he deliberately guided and tested Luo Chen.

He can confirm that Luo Chen's strength is definitely not inferior to his, and he also has a very wonderful space teleportation technique.

This kind of spell is different from those Portkeys or Apparition spells that are widely circulated in the wizarding world outside. They have no method of rule of law at all.

In addition, according to what the other party said, he already knew what he had exposed, which made it even more difficult.

So after all kinds of thoughts rolled in his mind over and over again.

Le Kai said frankly: "Of course, these zombies also appeared suddenly. It's quite strange to say that it was probably at the end of May last year. Originally, the Camel Corpse Ridge was an ordinary mountainous forest field, but it turned out overnight. There are so many zombies coming out of nowhere."

"Oh, by the way, I've been trying to correct you just now. We collectively call this kind of movable corpse a zombie. In the past years, months, or even years, it may not be possible to encounter a case, but who knows this time, they will get together came out."

Before Luo Chen finished listening, his heart trembled violently.

The time when the accident in Tuoshi Ridge suddenly occurred... At the end of May, it was constantly interspersed in his mind.

Is it such a coincidence?

When he woke up, it was also at the end of May last year.

If there is no connection between them, even Luo Chen would not believe it.

But what is this connection?

Luo Chen didn't have a clue.

And speaking of it, although he really wanted to go back to his hometown for a visit, this did imply his original intention, but after thinking about it carefully, this feeling is too strong!

It was as if something had been deliberately guiding him.

But this thing, he is also not sure.

But the next moment, Luo Chen immediately thought of the system again.

This guy, ever since that evil Japanese ghost appeared, suddenly fell into silence. Although the effect can still be exerted, the silence does not just represent a possibility? !

So Luo Chen started calling the system in his heart again, but this was a lot more than Luo Chen's back and forth, and the system was still silent.

This also made Luo Chen even more suspicious, but fortunately, the two of them were not too slow. Luo Chen flew over by stepping on the stone slab all the way.

"It's here, let them out!"

Luo Chen looked around, looking at ordinary people. There is no such thing as a so-called cloudy sky, but some fields have been destroyed by something.

Moreover, there were still some dark marks on the destroyed corn stalks, as if they had been specially burned by flames.

Luo Chen took out his wand and waved it lightly. Those stone coffins disintegrated in mid-air, causing the zombies who had been struggling endlessly inside to fall down hard.

"Oh, don't!" Le Kai was startled and raised his hand to stop, but it was a step too late.

And the zombie fell to the ground from a position of 30 meters in the air. Then it was miraculously thrown to pieces.

Yes, not smashed into minced meat, meat paste or something, but their limbs and heads suddenly separated from the torso.

It was followed by steaming black smoke visible to the naked eye, and an unavoidable stench, which quickly spread around.

And the heads that they flew out also exploded directly in the air, and ghosts all dressed up as Japanese warriors emerged from them, but their colors were lighter, not as good as Luo Chen's on the small island in the Yellow Sea. The one that died.

"Damn it! What's going on!" Luo Chen really didn't expect this to happen. He saw those ordinary people holding shovels and hoes casually slapping the new zombie's body. See what damage is played.

Logically speaking, their bodies should be very hard, and the distance of more than 30 meters should not be a big deal to them.

"Damn it, are all your foreign wizards so stupid?"

Seeing that the matter was irreversible, Le Kai complained mercilessly, and quickly took out 10 paper cranes in blue and black from his left sleeve.

I took a breath, let them activate quickly, and sprinkled them into the air.

Those paper cranes turned into streaks of light and quickly moved away from Feiyuan.

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