Even though he forcibly controlled his brain and stopped his limbs, he couldn't help shaking there... all four legs trembled together.

If he wasn't in the Animagus state, Peter felt that his face would have been pale at this moment. Something definitely happened, and then he was forced to forget that part of the memory.

The evidence was that it was broad daylight at this moment, and although he couldn't determine the time accurately, he was absolutely sure that it wasn't night when he looked at the light at the end of the corridor at both ends.

But the last moment in his memory was a dark night.

The sound of "da da da" footsteps came from my ears.

But who the voice belonged to, he had no impression, and even if he recalled the past, it would take a lot of effort for him to have such a trace.

What's more serious is that he seems to have forgotten how to release the state of Animagus.

This is a big deal!

He turned into a mouse to hide and escape, but he never thought about being a mouse all his life.

But just when Peter was at a loss, he suddenly heard a rather familiar voice not far away.

"Ron, who do you think that is?" Harry Potter and Ron just came back from Filch, and they went to ask about Nicole Flamel.

Because of this period of time, following the guidance of Snape and Dumbledore, the two boys still embarked on the road to protect the Philosopher's Stone.

Although it did cost Snape a lot of effort.

After all, he was guiding not only Harry Potter, but also guarding against McGonagall, Sprout, and Flitwick who suddenly seemed to have a chicken blood for some reason.

Very hard.

If he didn't know how to make potions, he would have to go to class with two big dark circles all day long, and his hair is getting oilier, and there are signs of hair loss recently.

The most important thing is the compound decoction he made, but no one reimbursed him for the material cost.

Completely backwards, and as a result, he hated that James Potter cub even more.

Originally, Ron was still doing limited analysis based on the information he got from Filch, but now he immediately looked in the direction prompted by Harry Potter.

Then his eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran towards Peter quickly, and even handed the textbook in his hand to Harry Potter beside him.

He grabbed Peter and hugged him with both hands.

First kissed hard, checked inside and out, back and forth, and kept saying Banban, Banban in his mouth.

Like a moron.

"You finally recovered, Scabbers, I almost thought I would lose you forever!" Ron was so excited that he was about to cry.

After he had determined that there was no way to restore Peter by any means, Ron had indeed been depressed for a long time.

If it wasn't for the heavy academic pressure, coupled with the child's disposition, after less than two weeks, he would forget about Peter's affairs and put "it" in the dormitory at will.

Then another month later, they finally won a Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

It's a pity that it wasn't the golden snitch caught by Harry Potter in the end.

It was Ravenclaw's captain's intention to use their college to score points in order to stop the loss and to break Gryffindor College.

But anyway, this was their Gryffindor's first victory this school year, so that night, they held a carnival for the whole college in the dormitory.

However, due to Fred and George's prank, they accidentally mixed Peter's tall glass into a large number of cups. Even though Ron searched frantically for a long time, he couldn't find it.

There are even a few glasses that were accidentally broken because everyone was too enthusiastic during the carnival. Although it was later repaired by magic, at that moment Ron always felt that Peter had left him forever.

So it was sad for a while again, and I was in a bad state.

I almost had to be admitted to the school hospital, but then it was the same sentence, children always like the new and hate the old. Although he didn't get a new pet, he had gradually forgotten about Banban.

But seeing Peter now, Ron recalled all kinds of past, his precious memories with Scabbers.

They kissed fiercely for a while, and then pulled by Harry Potter, they returned to the dormitory. Because of the return of Scabbers, Fred, George and other students who were familiar with Ron also came forward, curious look up.

They didn't expect that a mouse that would be turned into a cup by the Transfiguration Charm and lasted so long without eating or drinking could still be alive.

However, it can be seen that the mouse is in poor condition at this time, and the four little paws are always shaking uncontrollably. If you put it on the ground, it will subconsciously run around.

Especially this Banban will also dub himself, "Zhizhi, Zhizhi, Zhizhi.

It looks very interesting.

And everyone didn't have the slightest doubt whether Banban was kidnapped and cast some kind of indescribable spell.

On the contrary, I feel that Peter has become a tragedy for such a long time, and it is only natural for him to recover and present this state now.

Even Ron never thought of carrying Peter to the school hospital to see Madam Pomfrey for an examination. He felt that the spotted one in his hand was very solid, and it could recover after two months of proper recuperation.

Luo Chen waited for a few days, and would continue to eat in the auditorium during the day.

Because of the powerful strength he displayed, the image in the hearts of many students has been forcibly corrected. At least on the surface, he didn't dare to show any disrespect to Luo Chen.

So don't even mention the so-called challenge.

Therefore, Luo Chen lived very comfortably during this period of time.

Of course, he also knew that in private, these guys really crowned him with the title of Great Demon King that somehow got out.

Even that Flint from Slytherin College challenged him back then, went on undefeated for several moves and made many glorious deeds, proud of himself.

It is said that next academic year he may resume his position as Slytherin House Quidditch Captain.

But at this point, the system didn't calculate the influence value for him, and there was no inexplicable deduction.

Closer to home.

After a few days of calm, Luo Chen confirmed that Peter had reintegrated into the life state of eating, drinking, drinking and sleeping.

It seems that Peter himself has figured it out. He can't control his four paws for the time being, so he can take his time. At the same time, he also found that the flesh on his body has become much stronger. Looks like a panting fat boy.

So much so that after a few days, he directly chose to lie flat... After all, his mind was really not working.

While eating, the 4 little paws under him will also control its body to move automatically, consume calories and keep in shape.

Although a little helpless, it has to be said that this is good news for him.

When one day he remembered how to restore the wizard's real body, he would look like a tall, strong and charming handsome guy.

Of course, this was all his own delusion.

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