People in Harry Potter suddenly become invincible

Chapter 108 Oh, what a coincidence

But Luo Chen thought.

If there was such a day, he would have to take the position of professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts before Filch.

Although he checked the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and the professor's office more than once through his night patrol work, he did not find any trace of cursed magic.

Of course, this may have a lot to do with Luochen's lack of magical knowledge, but Luochen believes that if there is really curse magic, it has something to do with breath, soul, and spirit.

Then Luo Chen will become, or serve as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for a few days.

It is estimated that there is a high probability that this curse will be lifted.

The caster of the spell has been backlashed, what else can he do if he doesn't lift it? !

Waiting for backlash every day? .

However, for the time being, Luo Chen didn't have these thoughts. Although it was included in the plan, Luo Chen also knew that if Filch wanted to get to this point, he still needed to put in a lot of hard work.

Even from various perspectives, with Filch's identity and qualifications as a squib, he can already be regarded as a Hogwarts legend.

Luochen saw that Filch was much more confident and energetic than before, and felt that his plan to transform Filch was about to succeed.

And then feel even more proud of myself.

He, Luochen Bichar, is indeed a good man!

Even if you earn influence points, you will consider the people around you. Every successful case will bring a better change to the world.

"Dumbledore, it's time to act!" In the past few days, while watching the night at night, Luo Chen found some traces of dark wizards.

Of course, these traces were left on purpose by the other party, so in the eyes of Luo Chen and others, they were extraordinarily conspicuous and clumsy.

As for who you want to attract? Of course, it can only be Harry Potter and Ron.

And after observing for a few days, Luochen also confirmed the identity of the dark wizard, Severus Snape.

It seems that Dumbledore really doesn't want to waste the arranged levels. Of course, the most important thing is that Dumbledore wants to leave a better impression on Harry Potter's first school year, such as preparing the Academy Cup for them in advance. .

At least so far, if the members of Gryffindor successfully protect the Sorcerer's Stone, then no one will be able to make up for the difference by then.

"Eh, that's..." This Luo Chen had just returned to Hogwarts from 300 miles away, and there was still about 1/5 of the mana in his body left.

And a "hardworking" person like Luo Chen.

He took the initiative to undertake the task of night watch, partly because of Filch's request.

On the other hand, he also wanted to take advantage of the night to arrange more spatial imprints with Hogwarts as the center.

This is a big project, and at night, the sense of peeping does not exist.

Of course, according to the actual situation, there is no need for Luo Chen to do these thankless things. He only needs to arrange a few space imprints at Hogwarts, and that will be enough.

In many places, it has no space marks at all, but Luo Chen is also idle.

I slept so much during the day and couldn't sleep at night.

However, this time he just came back, and suddenly found a name on the Marauder's Map that directly caused him to quickly riot against Qi Ali.

"Peter Pettigrew!"

Luo Chen didn't suppress the rioting emotions this time, after all, his influence value was abundant, and he could use his silent evolution to strengthen his physique at any time.

It's just because the sense of voyeurism has always existed in the recent period, Luo Chen suspected that Dumbledore was paying attention to him all the time, so he didn't act rashly.

And the movement caused by this strengthening may be even greater, so I plan to wait until I go out to travel, and then strengthen it.

As for the so-called night running plan.

Well, that was just a plan.

Of course, when Luo Chen went out to set up space imprints every day, it was considered a disguised form of exercise, and he controlled the magic energy more delicately.

At present, the ratio of the standard formula has reached the level of 0.62:1:2.7.

Regardless of the question, it has only improved to 0.02, but this is the result of Luo Chen's busy work for nearly a month.

So it turns out.

It's still cool to hang up.

Then the relevant training plan can only be kept on paper honestly, it can be regarded as the treasure left by Luo Chen for future generations... the treasure of how to become stronger.

Luo Chen allowed the emotions in his mind to riot, but without the previous suppression, after the emotions erupted to a certain level, they gradually weakened, just like the ebb and flow of a tide.


"Some things, blind suppression is not the best choice."

"However, I actually met him, so..." Then he walked out of the secret passage and came to the fifth floor. Then he walked unabashedly towards the corridor on the left.

Da da da!

The leather shoes under his feet stepped on the stone floor of the corridor, making a dull and powerful collision sound.

Peter Pettigrew, who was running out to eat and let the wind in at night, ignored Luo Chen who was approaching behind him.

Because he had encountered such a situation before, he found that every time Luo Chen would leave quickly as if he hadn't seen him.

So he felt that Luo Chen would definitely be like that this time.

What kind of magical power does this young man who is said to have repelled his old master possess to make Harry Potter praise him and make his current young master habitually criticize... Of course, criticism is good, but in fact For an old… adult, he couldn't figure it out either.

Why is Ron so envious and jealous of Luo Chen? The gap between the two of them is far from being comparable.

However, after Luo Chen got closer and closer, Peter Pettigrew, who had already been infiltrated by the habits of mice, still subconsciously hid in the shadow of the wall where the firelight could not reach.

Staring at Luo Chen with a pair of dark eyes.

He is more than 1.5 meters tall, nearly 1.6 meters tall, with gray hair and Julang facial features, which is a bit Chinese style, but in his eyes, he also feels that this kid is very handsome.

Suddenly, he felt that his current little master was so envious and jealous of Luo Chen, there might be some reason for this.

One amazing feeling is handsome.

One gives people the first impression of being insane.

Comparing the two, the gap is already huge.

But what Peter Pettigrew never expected was that Luo Chen not only didn't leave quickly this time, but stopped directly in front of him.

Looking down at Peter Pettigrew, the latter felt Luo Chen's faint gaze pierced his heart fiercely like a sharp sword.

With a squeak, he subconsciously wanted to run away.

"Heh, the mouse is flying!" Pettigrew Peter, who was controlled by Luo Chen's LV2 Flying Curse, could only swipe his paws in the air in vain, and was then held tightly in the air by Luo Chen's Levitating Curse.

Out of mouse instinct, Pettigrew Peter has sensed danger.

But he is now in the state of Aniages, he can only twist his fat body desperately, screaming desperately.

He tried to win Luo Chen's sympathy, and then let him go. At the same time, he secretly swore that he would never get close to Luo Chen easily in the future, and it would not be too late to take revenge on Luo Chen when the old master really returned.

Yes, at this moment.

Pettigrew Peter has already thought about how to cook Luo Chen.

Although he is timid, he is also a very ambitious person.

But what he didn't expect was still behind.

Luo Chen didn't continue to look at him, but took him to the 8th floor, opened the Room of Response, and entered a room similar to the spell training room.

One person and one mouse, with four eyes facing each other.

"Re-acquaint yourself, Pettigrew Peter!"

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