But this thing really happened 10 points for real.

Then I saw him again and I didn't say anything.


After talking about this.

Although Lin only couldn't believe it for a while.

But since it's empty, I've already said that.

That thing is true.

No matter what happens next, Lin Wei is willing to believe.

After he thought about it.

He frowned.

for such a situation.

In fact, Lin Wei knew very well that there should be some resonance between them.

But when did I start to feel it?

It is estimated that it is because of the transformation into the final form. .

Chapter 446

Lin Wei is very strange.

I want to investigate how this happened.


"Did you feel what he was saying to you or what kind of feeling?

If you can.

Please tell me as much as possible.

Also, explain this in as much detail as possible.


"But you have to feel that this matter violates personal privacy.

It's hard to keep talking to me.

I can also understand.

You tell me a word next time.

I won't press you any more.


After talking about this.

Sora I looked at Lin Yiyi.

On the contrary, it is very easy and comfortable.

to be frank.

Sora, I didn't feel that there was anything to say or couldn't say, and slowly stood up.

Went to Lin Wei face to face.

The two were talking seriously there.

"Since it's been remodeled.

After being able to turn into a corpse.

I found that it actually resonated with these monsters.

I don't know if it's because I fused with the monster's genes.

I can read all their cries for help and their biometrics.

 ' 〃 '

"to be frank.

When I first heard about it, I felt very scary.

But since it's already like this.

So what else can I say?

There can be absolutely no problem.

I didn't dare to tell anyone.

Only dare to tell you.


"If you tell others about this next time.

I advise you not to because I'm afraid they will treat me as an alien.

I was immediately isolated.

I think this group of people has this idea.


"How close to me.

A monster within a radius.

I can perceive their specific information.

I also know what the long-mouthed beast is capable of.


After hearing Sora say this, I was a little bit shocked.

I never thought Sora would have such a talent now.

Lin Wei felt inexplicably envious.

But this kind of envy Lin Weixin is very clear that he can't get it.

I didn't know Sora now has monster blood in my genes.

Why can detect so many things out.

But since this time is empty.

I rescued the long-mouthed beast.

Then there is nothing to say.

Lin Wei knew very well that the public was guilty.

This time, it was time to ask Sora for help.

And in fact, Lin Wei can also feel in his heart that the long-mouthed beast has always been quite cute.

Never done anything particularly bad.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

After frowning, Lin Wei didn't say anything.

He patted my shoulder.

"... We never thought (well) that you would become like this before.

Has an independent personality and personality.

And the physical body that can now be used at will.

So this thing is good or bad.

Everyone has not yet reached a conclusion.


"But think about it carefully.

Whether this is good or bad is another matter.

Not really.


In fact, I have slowly accepted the fact of this matter. .

Chapter 447

In fact, I have slowly accepted the fact of this matter.

about these things.

Actually no matter what happens.

I still feel bad.

I also feel that it is very efficient. I hope that if I can explain this matter, I can explain it clearly.

Then he frowned.

There was nothing to say for a while.

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