All of them have turned into Kamen Riders.

All are already equipped.

"Do what?

Already expected.

You will surely come and steal him.

 If [-] wants to, don't you just tell me directly?

You didn't tell me what you wanted before.

Now how to change the strategy to start sneaking. "


Just put me there to do a research.

It will get even more powerful once the research is done.

The more powerful one is completely different from who you are now. "

Hearing Yusuke Gothic say this, he felt very funny.

Anyway what did he say about these things.

He knew what was going on.

More or less still felt something interesting and didn't say anything.

Nothing was said.

Then he smiled and said:

"You said you were nice to him.

Is it good for him?

Don't think I don't know what kind of mind you have.

What kind of person are you.

Anyone can see it.

You are all for yourself.

It was never considered for us. "

For his behavior that doesn't care about his life or death.

In fact, I felt a little bad and a little speechless in my heart more or less.

After all, no matter how empty it is.

I have had a very good relationship with Lin Wei.

But now it has become like this.

It's also really frustrating.

After thinking about it, it will be empty.

I feel outraged.

Whatever happens today will take him away.

This is Lin Wei's heart.

When Xiao Naizi saw Lin Wei like this, she frowned and said:

"Otherwise we might as well.

Anyway, it's not his problem. "

Lin Wei didn't want to.

In fact, Lin Wei understands it very well...

After all, Xiao Naizi didn't even know what kind of emotion there was between herself and Sora.

No matter what, the two of them have gone through a lot of things together.

present time.

Sora was imprisoned because of this little thing.

The most important thing is that I don't want to be forced to upgrade at all.

I don't know what cruel experiment to do.

Turned it off.

Either way, it's a very painful thing.

But the next time Wudai Yusuke actually felt that there was nothing.

Do all kinds of experiments on him.

No matter how I think about it, I feel uncomfortable in my heart.

Nothing was said for a while.

He frowned at the time.

I hope Xiao Naizi doesn't bother herself anymore with this matter.

What you do next is up to you.

After thinking about this, he smiled.

After seeing Lin Wei's mentality at that time.

Xiao Naizi knew this very well in her heart. .

Chapter 295

Xiao Naizi knew this very well in her heart.

He may not be able to persuade him next, and sighed.

"Do what you want to do with this.

Anyway, what happened.

I will support you unconditionally.

These things are really my problem.

I didn't care about your feelings at first. "

"Think about it for yourself.

Whatever happened.

None of these problems are yours but mine.

If we really can't go back next time.

Someone will definitely come to them to avenge the 14th. "

Of course.

Wudai Yusuke is not a fool either.

In the identity of Xiaonaiko.

If you really start a war.

It's a bad thing for everyone.

If his subordinates fight with him.

The heavy losses that followed were really disgusting.

After thinking about it.

Still feeling helpless.

There was nothing to say for a while.

There is nothing more to say.

Hope he can understand this.

They all know how to say this.

How to say it would be better.

For such a result.

I hope he can speak clearly and clearly in the next time.

After his tone.

He said very seriously:

"You should know.

No matter what happened.

After all, I am also a captain.

Since it is the captain.

Then there will be some people who will definitely be watching me next time. "

Of course what Xiao Naizi said was to save his life.

A word from the names of Lin Wei and Lin Wei about this matter.

Actually what happened anyway.

I thought I shouldn't forgive him.

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