Nothing was said in the face of such a result.

Lin Wei felt that he was quite happy in his heart.

Anyway, what to say.

Xiao Naizi really handled this matter well for herself.

But how could he not know that he would do it?

Follow them.

If there is a situation later, Lin Yiyi will destroy it.

The second-in-command in front saw this scene.

The man next to him said to him:

"Look at this Lin Wei is still a little capable.

I didn't expect that the person who the boss got back was still a little powerful.

To be honest, he really has a little magic in his hands.

And there is no transformation thing.

He could feel the strong aura around him. "Four.

Chapter 264

"Look at this Lin Wei is still a little capable.

I didn't expect that the person who the boss got back was still a little powerful.

To be honest, he really has a little magic in his hands.

And there is no transformation thing.

He could feel the strong aura around him. "

"If this is the next time I give him something that will transform.

I don't know how scary that is.

Next, it is estimated that no one of nine-two-three can beat him.

Just think about this.

But don't let the transformed weapon fall into his hands. "

The second-in-command did not speak after hearing it.

These words could reach Lin Wei's ears.

I don't know why Lin Wei has come to this space since then.

Ear and smell are much stronger than ordinary people.

His facial features and general knowledge are very powerful.

After this second step is still missing, I feel very strong.

for such a behavior.

Lin Wei didn't say anything.

Don't dare to speak out.

If something really happened.

After this was said.

You will definitely be scared by others.

Lin Wei didn't say anything on the way.

Just protect Xiao Naizi well in the back.

The second-in-command was very angry when he saw Lin Wei's expression.

Still quite worried.

What should Lin Wei do if he occupies his position?

The second-in-command has never had such a crisis at all.

But since Lin Wei appeared.

He started to feel worried.

I don't know how to make Xiao Naizi get rid of the idea of ​​letting Lin Wei enter their escort team.

The second-in-command was a little worried in his heart anyway.

Not knowing how to go about solving this would be better.

Who knew it was a bat rushing over.

The person who directly attacked their escort team rolled twice in one fell swoop.

When Xiao Naizi saw such a situation, she found that she couldn't resist at all.

Just change quickly.

All of a sudden it turned into an armor form.

against these bats.

Now that Naiko has transformed into an armor form.

Lin Wei can't go any further...

Still afraid of getting hurt.

Who knows that Xiao Naizi still has herself that she can control with reason.

After seeing this.

I still feel quite at ease in my heart.

didn't say anything.

for such a situation.

Laughing is really funny.

A few of them continued to move forward.

Who knew that he had really encountered the most powerful monster that would release toxins.

I don't know when they came across this time and space.

Little Naiko, who didn't know how she transformed herself, went straight up and pointed at the monster.

"You're some kind of hostage that something is best taught.

If you don't tell me where I put them.

You will be in a different place next. "

"I advise you not to sarcastically resist.

I also know what your approximate abilities are.

If you resist.

I guess it's just you who will be in trouble.

No one can help you.

The bats you had with little ability are dead. ".

Chapter 265

"I advise you not to sarcastically resist.

I also know what your approximate abilities are.

If you resist.

I guess it's just you who will be in trouble.

No one can help you.

The bats you had with little ability are dead. "

The monster looked unhurried and smeared some smoke.

No one knows whether the smoke is poisonous or not.

Sure enough, the people in front of them have confirmed it to them.

Everyone passed out after the smoke was inhaled.

This armor can't resist the smoke.

If it sucks the poison and faints.

Then don't take it seriously.

In the absence of any good way.

Lin Wei stepped forward and set up a shield in front of everyone.

All these gases were isolated.

The monster frowned when he saw it.

Xiao Naizi didn't expect that Lin Wei even had such ability.

It's really too strong to have a shield.

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