People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 249 Uninvited Guest【Please subscribe】

In a dark room.

Su Ming's eyes were dull and became more and more lifeless.

In the past few days, he had never heard of the torture he suffered, not only the pain of having his limbs chopped off by flying swords, but also the torture of having his soul eaten away by the Five Ghost Soul-Eating Technique.

But that's not all.

Ever since Su Mingqi was greedy and ready to rob Zhang Jingyun, he had offended people he shouldn't have offended. Every day he could hear the fierce and high-pitched screams next door, and every sound was like a knife thrust into his heart.

"I'm so stupid, really, I will never gamble again in my next life..." Su Ming roared with all his strength, and Zhang Jingyun, who was practicing next door, was stunned.


Zhang Jingyun's face was rosy, he pulled up his pants and said, "I didn't expect that Senior Brother Su's wife would be so beautiful. It's so addictive!"

Zhang Jingyun is talking about the tree-lined path.

There was no traffic.

"What's the sound?" Wen Yuechan asked in a low voice. She always felt that there was an abnormal sound next door, but she couldn't find anything when she listened carefully.

Not only that.

She still feels that way sometimes.

It was as if Su Ming had not left him. That night he vowed to start over with Wen Yuechan after finishing the last thing.

It doesn't look fake no matter how you look at it.

Although Su Ming was fond of gambling, he at least had a bottom line when it came to Wen Yuechan. No matter how badly he lost, he didn't agree to use the Taoist companion to mortgage the spiritual stone.

Wen Yuechan is still very important in his heart. Even if Su Ming is afraid that the matter will be exposed, he will not leave himself to take the blame.

"Hey, what's the use of thinking about this now?" Wen Yuechan covered herself with the quilt as if resigned to her fate, and gave Zhang Jingyun the full 3,000 yuan of spiritual stones she and Su Ming had accumulated over the years for foundation building.

Compared with Zhang Jingyun's "loss", this amount of spiritual stones is still a big hole. According to Zhang Jingyun, more than 10,000 spiritual stones were stolen by Su Ming.

Wen Yuechan didn't believe it at first.

But as she was forced to "sell herself" to Zhang Jingyun, see with her own eyes the lives of Zhang Jingyun and Liu Lixia, and his success in drawing high-quality talismans, Wen Yuechan immediately determined that Zhang Jingyun was not lying.

"That's 10,000 spirit stones, that bastard Su Ming!" Now, Wen Yuechan could only blame Su Ming for everything.

She and Zhang Jingyun are both "victims".

Wen Yuechan is the real victim.

However, she deserved to end up like this. Su Ming became interested in wealth, and so did Wen Yuechan. From this point of view, the two were worthy of being Taoist lovers.

Zhang Jingyun is naturally the beneficiary behind the scenes.

How did Wen Yuechan know that Su Ming, whom she scolded, had his limbs cut off and was kept in a jar, where she could hear her loving voice every day.

"You have performed well these days. I can not pursue Su Ming's matter for the time being, but you can't leave my side in the future." Zhang Jingyun said.

Wen Yuechan nodded. Although she felt a little aggrieved, the quality of her life during the past few days when she joined Zhang Jingyun far exceeded the time she spent with Su Ming.

"Zhang Jingyun is thirty-five years old and has reached the seventh level of Qi training, and he is still a top-grade Talisman Master. From this point of view, Su Ming obviously cannot compare with him. Following him seems to be a good choice." Wen Yuechan suddenly thought.

She had met Liu Lixia, who was originally Xiang Cheng's wife, and now she was also devoted to Zhang Jingyun. Although her appearance was indeed much better than hers, she was still a mortal after all.

In thirty or fifty years, Liu Lixia will definitely be old and faded, and Wen Yuechan can practice cultivation, and maybe she can go one step further and become Zhang Jingyun's Taoist companion.

Zhang Jingyun naturally didn't know that Wen Yuechan still had such little thoughts, replacing Liu Lixia? How dare she have such an idea.

A single-type talent, although it is a mutant qualification, another form of water type, ice type qualification, but the potential is still not much higher.

Wen Yuechan practiced hard and had a high chance of building a foundation, but Zifu didn't count on it. Her purpose for Zhang Jingyun was to prove Su Ming's words that Zhang Jingyun really dared to seize other people's wives.

Walk out of Wen Yuechan's room.

Zhang Jingyun saw the anxious Liu Lixia. Ever since Wen Yuechan moved into Xishan Courtyard, Zhang Jingyun had not touched her for several days.

"I'm just a mortal, young and pretty. How can I compare with Fairy Wen when I get older? Unless I give birth to a child for my uncle, I'd better still have the qualifications."

Liu Lixia thought in her heart.

Zhang Jingyun didn't know that his naturally charming sister-in-law in front of him was trying every means to give birth to a child for him. No wonder that after entering the sage's time that night, Liu Lixia took the initiative to lean her lower body on the bed and stand upside down, focusing on not wasting anything.


Zhang Jingyun walked into the next room.

He told Wen Yuechan that she could not enter this room, but he did not place a ban outside the room. If Wen Yuechan wanted to, she could sneak into this room when Zhang Jingyun was not paying attention to see what he was up to.

But Zhang Jingyun believes it.

If Wen Yuechan did this and saw that the person in the room was Su Ming, her life would be over.

Fortunately, Wen Yuechan was very obedient and never entered. She might never discover the secrets in this room again.

Zhang Jingyun was sitting cross-legged aside, minding his own business.

When he opened the data panel, only he could see it. As for Su Ming next to him, he had been tortured by the Five Ghost Soul Swallowing Technique for a long time, and his waking time was getting shorter and shorter.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes fell on the skill bar.

Heavy Mountain Technique and Golden Sword Technique are earth and metal system techniques. He can naturally master them with his talent of earth, metal and water systems, but the following [Introduction to Fiery Fire Technique] is very intriguing.

He has no talent in the fire department, and even if he is a beginner in the Fire Technique, he would not be able to explain it to any big shot in the world of immortality.

The Fierce Fire Technique is a technique that Zhang Jingyun bought from the market. It is said to be the basic technique of the Qi refining period passed down from the sect, and has no content in the foundation building period.

Most disciples will not be able to practice this kind of technique. Even if they reach the ninth level of qi training and then successfully build the foundation, they still have to choose the foundation building technique again and then transform the cultivation level. Two or three years will pass before they know it.

Therefore, when many disciples in the qi refining stage choose exercises, they will choose those with follow-up techniques, but Zhang Jingyun just wanted to test his guess today.

After getting started with Agni Fire Kung Fu.

Zhang Jingyun took out the spirit-measuring bead and activated it with magic power. Five-color aura surrounded Zhang Jingyun. It was the aura of the five elements. Whichever talent the monk had, the aura of the corresponding color would change.

Sure enough, the auras of the earth, metal, and water systems were induced to flow, and then, the red aura that had never been activated before also moved.

"Fire element talent." Zhang Jingyun was not surprised. Seeing this result, he was as calm as ever, and it was not only the fire element, but also the wood element talent.

"The Five Elements talent must be very impressive. I can make elixirs, draw talismans, carve formations, and plant spiritual things. There is no job that I can't do!"

Zhang Jingyun thought hopelessly.

If only the three elements of earth, metal and water are considered a genius, how will the five elements react? Master Tiansong, the head of the Golden Sword Sect, might shout:

This boy has the qualities of an immortal!

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. He was an outer sect disciple and had not even succeeded in building a foundation. No matter how powerful the Five Elements talent was, he still had to show it slowly?

But he was certain of one thing.

The skills in the Sutra Pavilion include those that are a fusion of multiple systems, and there are also simple skills from a certain system. The skills from multiple systems are often more powerful than those from a single system.

For example, the Golden Sword Chaoyang Technique of the Jinjianmen Zhen sect integrates the three systems into one, which is extremely powerful, while the Jinjianmen is still a small sect.

Therefore, it stands to reason that there must be more powerful fourth- and fifth-system techniques in the world of immortality, and all of these techniques are capable of reaching heaven and earth.


Just as he was thinking about it, Zhang Jingyun suddenly heard a whimper and turned to look at Su Ming. This guy had been tortured by the five ghost soul-eating technique for several days and was almost exhausted.

Zhang Jingyun stood up, came to Su Ming and looked down, "You don't have much time left, is there anything else you want to say?"

Su Ming regained some energy.

Looking at Zhang Jingyun, he was not like in the first few days, when he kept exhaling fragrance and cordially greeting Zhang Jingyun's eighteenth generation ancestors.

Zhang Jingyun knew that he was incompetent and furious.

Now, Su Ming had completely lost all hope. Looking at Zhang Jingyun, his eyes were extremely empty. He opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

After a moment, his voice became hoarse and he said word by word: "I deserve to die, and I don't expect you to forgive me.

But Yuechan only has a single cultivation talent. If you dislike her in the future, I hope you can leave some spiritual stones for her to keep her alive. "

After Su Ming finished speaking, he completely lost his breath.

When a person is about to die, his words are also kind. When he is dying, there are always some people who care about him. Zhang Jingyun used the spell to take out Su Ming's body.

The Five Ghost Soul Swallowing Technique completely devoured Su Ming's soul, and Zhang Jingyun would not waste this body. As his hands continued to form seals, a burst of mana was injected into it, and his body slowly recovered in the next second.

During this period of time, Zhang Jingyun practiced the techniques of this world and did not forget to restore his original cultivation. The world's will influenced the system to seal his cultivation. Zhang Jingyun could also start from scratch. Now he has recovered some magic power and can barely cast a few skills. Spells.

Limb regeneration is obviously the Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dharma. Zhang Jingyun devoured Su Ming's soul, and the remaining body can be turned into a zombie. Maoshan's corpse refining technique can be carried forward in the world of immortality.

Because this world seems not to talk about cause and effect.

After the limbs were formed, Zhang Jingyun used the corpse refining technique to imprint his own spirit into Su Ming's body to facilitate the control of the armored corpse after refining the corpse.

After completing these steps according to the Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique, Zhang Jingyun should find a Feng Shui treasure to bury Su Ming's corpse and refining it for seven or forty-nine days, and nourish it with chicken blood every seven days, etc.

Now Zhang Jingyun doesn't have to be so troublesome.

Directly throw Su Ming's body into the heaven-raising bottle. This spiritual treasure is mysterious and extraordinary. It claims to be able to raise a world, so it must be very suitable for raising corpses.

"it's over!"

Zhang Jingyun clapped his hands, killing people, swallowing souls, refining corpses, and seizing his wife. How come he feels like a heinous devil?

It was obviously the other party who provoked him first.

Everything Zhang Jingyun did was out of necessity.

After solving Su Ming's problem, no one is allowed to enter this room. Wen Yuechan can come in at any time.

After that, Zhang Jingyun's practice got back on track, and he drew a batch of talismans every month and sold them to the talisman shop. The difference was that last time Zhang Jingyun sold mid-grade talismans, but this time, Zhang Jingyun sold top-grade talismans.

The price of top-grade talismans is several times higher than that of medium-grade talismans, especially for amulets and streamer talismans. The shopkeeper said that the demand is huge and the price remains high.

The idea is to let Zhang Jingyun draw more symbols.

Although Zhang Jingyun painted all these talismans in less than half a day, he couldn't sell all the talismans at once that ordinary talisman masters would not be able to finish in half a year.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun had a lot of time after drawing talismans. In addition to daily double cultivation exercises, the rest of the time was used to upgrade his skills. Zhang Jingyun's cultivation also advanced by leaps and bounds to the eighth level of Qi training, and soon reached perfection.

Wen Yuechan looked at Zhang Jingyun with a complicated expression.

After more than a month of getting along, she suddenly discovered that her status in the family was far inferior to that of Liu Lixia, even though Liu Lixia was a mortal with a child.

"Does it mean that he not only likes other people's wives, but also likes wives who have given birth to children?" Wen Yuechan couldn't help but think about it.

It was not that Su Ming had never thought about having children, but at that time, the two of them wanted to make progress too much, and were afraid that having children would affect their practice. If that was the case, it would be a big loss.

Zhang Jingyun definitely does not prefer people who have given birth to children. How could he be such a person? Wen Yuechan felt that her status was inferior to Liu Lixia's simply because Liu Lixia was too important to Zhang Jingyun.

It's only been a month.

The points for double cultivation with Liu Lixia increased again, reaching an astonishing three attribute points. Xiao Qing, who had practiced Taoism for thousands of years in the White Snake World, was no more than this.

The physique of the furnace is so terrifying.

"Yuechan, you will be responsible for the affairs of the family from now on." This morning, Zhang Jingyun suddenly said to Wen Yuechan at the dinner table.

Wen Yuechan was stunned when she heard this.

Even Liu Lixia on the side felt that Zhang Jingyun sometimes seemed to be too doting on her. Wen Yuechan was an immortal cultivator after all. If it weren't for Zhang Jingyun, she probably wouldn't be qualified to have anything to do with her.

Zhang Jingyun said that Wen Yuechan would very likely become jealous of Liu Lixia, and then become more and more dissatisfied, and it was possible that she would do something bad in the end.

"Husband, I have always done these little things, so there is no need to trouble Fairy Wen. How can you be happy if your practice is delayed?"

Liu Lixia's words made Wen Yuechan breathe a sigh of relief.

But Zhang Jingyun's words made the two girls unbelievable, "I'm afraid you will also start practicing in the future, just like Yue Chan."

"Husband, doesn't Sister Liu have no qualifications?" Wen Yuechan asked subconsciously, and Zhang Jingyun said calmly: "Perhaps the test was wrong before."

Wen Yuechan felt that the spiritual rice in her mouth was no longer fragrant. The mortal Liu Lixia had already made Zhang Jingyun wish to be pampered to the heavens. How about embarking on the path of cultivation?

It's just that she is envious.

In fact, my current life is several times better than before. If something happens again because my status is not as good as Liu Lixia's...

Then she is really stupid.

Without Zhang Jingyun, it would be difficult for her to even eat Lingmi every meal. What she wants to do now is to figure out how to serve Zhang Jingyun comfortably.

Another half month has passed.

As always, Zhang Jingyun didn't even use his attribute points, so the bottleneck of the eighth level of Qi training was shattered, and his skills naturally ran along the ninth level route.

"At the ninth level of Qi training, it's normally time to prepare for foundation building, but what should I prepare? Foundation building is difficult, can it still stump me?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head,

Prepare? Get ready! Push directly.

Zhang Jingyun felt that it was extremely satisfying to practice cultivation in the Xishan courtyard, sell talismans every month, and buy a month's worth of daily necessities at once to go home and practice together.

Until this day.

Two spiritual lights disappeared into the Xishan courtyard.

Zhang Jingyun felt the feeling in his heart and quickly came to the courtyard. He saw two inner disciples in the foundation building period, a man and a woman, flying with spiritual power in the air, dazzlingly.

Zhang Jingyun squinted his eyes and thought:

"Who is showing off, so dazzling?"

"Are you Zhang Jingyun? Senior Brother Lin and I have something to do, and we have to go out recently. This is the access token for Crescent Moon Divine Valley. When we go out, you must take good care of the grain seeds and elixir and do not neglect it."

The cold-faced female cultivator on the left spoke.

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