People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 247 A visit from the same disciple【Please subscribe】

In the evening, afterwards.

Zhang Jingyun held Liu Lixia in his arms with his upper body bare. Looking at the increased attribute points on the system panel, he felt that the decision to take care of Liu Lixia was very wise.

Xiangcheng was far from knowing the magical functions of the furnace.

"Senior brother, senior brother, how did you know that this is how Liu Lixia uses it? With her special furnace qualification, it is not easy to build the foundation and Zifu?"

Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but sigh.

If Xiang Cheng found a room to practice martial arts on a whim, Liu Lixia might not have anything to do on his own, and Zhang Jingyun would have to take care of his wife.

"Uncle, we don't have much rice left at home."

After Liu Lixia and her daughter were brought to the sect by Zhang Jingyun, she took charge of Zhang Jingyun's daily life. Zhang Jingyun deliberately reminded her not to go out. After all, if the secret of the furnace was spread to others, there would always be a lot of trouble.

"I know, tomorrow I will go to Zongmenfang City. Not only will I buy spiritual rice, but I will also rent a separate small courtyard to live in." Zhang Jingyun said.

"A separate courtyard?" Liu Lixia looked delighted. Although it was for her own good that Zhang Jingyun refused to go out, she would inevitably feel bored staying in the house.

The place where Zhang Jingyun lives now is a place where ordinary outer sect disciples live in groups. There are more monks in the early and middle stages of Qi training, and there are many people with mixed eyes.

Individual small courtyards are generally occupied by disciples in the late stages of Qi training. As for Ji Zhu and Zifu disciples, they all have caves connected to their spiritual veins to live and practice.

In the later stages of Qi training, preparations for foundation building usually begin, and a quiet residence is often required. Zhang Jingyun's situation is even more special, and it is not a good thing to increase his cultivation too exaggeratedly.

It's just that renting a separate small courtyard is not cheap. Liu Lixia knows that Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level is not too high among the outer disciples, so she doesn't want him to be under too much pressure.

"Uncle, it's okay for me to stay at home. If renting a small courtyard affects your practice, that's absolutely not allowed." Liu Lixia said.

Zhang Jingyun grabbed a handful with slight force.

Liu Lixia shouted softly, and Zhang Jingyun continued: "I have made breakthroughs in drawing talismans recently. For talisman masters, it is relatively easy to earn spiritual stones."

"Then I'll feel relieved."

Naturally, the reason for renting the small courtyard was not just for Liu Lixia. Zhang Jingyun planned to improve his talisman-drawing skills, which required traveling to and from Zongmenfang City. In addition, the small courtyard was highly secretive, so it was suitable for Zhang Jingyun.

The next morning.

Liu Lixia cooked the spiritual rice and stewed some monster meat. The quality of the monster meat was naturally not as good as the long-tailed white-feathered chicken, so the price was cheaper, five spiritual stones per pound.

In this way, three meals a day.

Not to mention that there is meat every meal, but the spiritual rice is at least one kilogram, and the spiritual rice is one pound of spiritual stone. The cost for a day is temporarily set at the standard of ten spiritual stones by Zhang Jingyun.

This level of diet is considered excellent among monks in the late stage of Qi training. After all, eating more than 3,000 fast spirit stones every year is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Before this, whether it was the predecessor or Xiangcheng, they ate monster meat every day, and it was very nourishing to have a meal for three or four days.

Zhang Jingyun's way of eating requires a lot of spiritual stones, but he has the confidence to save money. It is impossible to reduce expenditure, so he still has to earn more spiritual stones.

After the meal, the tools needed for drawing talismans were placed on the ironwood table in front of Zhang Jingyun. On the far left was a knife of yellow paper for drawing talismans.

This yellow paper is not the kind used by Zhang Jingyun in the world of Mr. Zombie or the world of A Chinese Ghost Story. Zhang Jingyun reaches out and touches it. The texture is soft and tough, and it will not be damaged even if it is pulled with a little force.

"The abdomen is the best for talisman made from demonic animal skin. The production process is extremely complicated. Most talisman masters don't deliberately learn how to make talisman. They all buy it from the store. My predecessor even learned the art of making talisman."

Memories related to drawing talismans emerged in his mind, and Zhang Jingyun was slightly surprised. A powerful craftsman could divide a demon beast skin the size of a talisman paper into nine layers, or even more. His predecessor was able to make a demon beast skin into a talisman paper. Even if nothing is wasted.

Zhang Jingyun twisted out a piece of talisman paper and placed it in front of him. It was almost transparent through the candlelight. This was a qualified talisman paper, as thin as a cicada's wings.

A knife of talisman paper, a talisman pen, and a piece of talisman ink were what was needed to draw the talisman. Liu Lixia, wearing a gauze dress, stood next to Zhang Jingyun, picked up a piece of talisman ink, and began to grind it slowly.

Zhang Jingyun sat motionless, as if he was imagining something. Drawing symbols not only consumes spiritual power, but also consumes energy. He often has to rehearse in his mind before writing.

But Zhang Jingyun is naturally not imagining things.

My predecessor had just started drawing talismans, and the talismans he could draw were nothing more than cleansing talismans, quieting talismans, and other worthless talismans.

The talismans that can be used to earn spiritual stones are definitely more difficult, so I have to thank my senior brother Xiang Cheng for leaving a set of basic talisman inheritance to Zhang Jingyun.

In this inheritance, there are five types of talismans during the Qi Refining Period, namely the Naxu Talisman, the Divine Movement Talisman, the amulet, the evil-proofing talisman and the Streaming Light Talisman.

The Naxu Talisman is modified based on the monster pattern of the monster beast. Its function is to collect Sumeru mustard seeds. It can be used as a temporary storage bag. People in the foundation building stage can afford storage bags, but not everyone has it in the Qi refining stage.

When necessary, bring a Naxu Talisman as a storage bag, which can last for three days and can solve a lot of troubles. This Talisman is not expensive. The ones that can really earn spiritual stones are the following four types of multi-maps.

The magic walking talisman can temporarily increase the speed of a monk. The lower-grade can increase it by 30%, the middle-grade can increase it by 50%, and the upper-grade can increase it by eight levels. The prices vary.

Amulets improve defense and are essential talismans for disciples who often go out to explore ruins, hunt monsters, and collect elixirs.

The evil-repelling talisman contains the power to ward off evil spirits. It is masculine and has miraculous effects on dealing with some monsters. Needless to say, the flowing talisman is a life-saving talisman.

When I went out to the city, if I didn't have the Streaming Talisman, I wouldn't have had time to return to the sect to ask for my wife. The Streaming Talisman can be said to be an upgraded version of the Divine Walking Talisman, which can fly for a short period of time.

The three types of talismans in the foundation building stage are similar in inheritance, including the upgraded version of the amulet, the upgraded version of the diamond talisman, the upgraded version of the evil-repelling talisman, the fire talisman, and the rainbow talisman and the upgraded version of the flowing light talisman.

Zhang Jingyun practices Qi cultivation, and there are five kinds of Qi training talismans. There is no situation of choosing which one to learn. Only children make the choice. Zhang Jingyun wants them all.

"System, add more!"

Zhang Jingyun thought together and opened the data panel. Attribute points were added to the five talismans one after another, and the skill bar also flashed continuously.

[Introduction to Naxu Talisman]

【The Perfect Naxu Talisman】

After the skill bar flashed four times, the Naxu Talisman was completed, and then a lot of experience in drawing Naxu Talismans flooded into his mind, which was deeply engraved in the depths of his soul, as if he had studied hard for many years to achieve such an achievement.

After digesting the knowledge related to the Naxu Talisman in his mind, Zhang Jingyun looked at the data panel. Five attribute points were consumed each time, a total of twenty points.

"To upgrade a qi-training period talisman to perfection, you only need twenty attribute points, which can be accumulated in a day with Liu Lixia."

Zhang Jingyun felt relieved.

"Magic Talisman, continue to add points to upgrade!"

While Liu Lixia was polishing his ink, Zhang Jingyun's experience of painting five kinds of talismans poured into his mind like an enlightenment.

The five kinds of talismans are all in the realm of perfection.

Zhang Jingyun's level of drawing talismans instantly increased several times, and he immediately became a top-grade talisman master, the best among first-level talisman masters.

In the world of cultivating immortals, Talisman Masters are still highly respected. In some places, the treatment of first-level high-grade Talisman Masters is even comparable to that of monks who are new to Foundation Establishment.

“When your skills are in place, it’s time to make money to support your family.”

Zhang Jingyun moved. Seeing this, Liu Lixia silently retreated behind him. Then she saw Zhang Jingyun pick up the talisman pen that Xiang Cheng had given him, and the pen moved like a dragon or a snake.

You can see that the silky runes appear on the paper. With the influx of spiritual energy, the Naxu Talisman is completed in one go. The market price is seven spiritual stones.

This knife talisman paper is added with talisman ink.

In terms of cost, one piece contains two spiritual stones. For ordinary talisman masters, a success rate of 30% for drawing talismans is considered a normal level, and a success rate of more than 50% is considered a high level.

Taking the success rate of 30% as an example, if you draw 30 Nuxu talismans with one cut of talisman paper, the market price is 210 spiritual stones, which is not a big profit. If you sell it to a store, the price will be even lower, and you will not make any profit at all. Spiritual stone.

Therefore, you can't earn spiritual stones by drawing the Naxu Talisman. Zhang Jingyun drew ten of them, which took half an hour, just to see the success rate, and all of them were successful.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head gently, "If I fail, I will not only be sorry for the system, but also sorry for my true cultivation level."

With ninety pieces of talisman paper left, Zhang Jingyun spent the whole morning splashing ink and drawing talismans at all costs. When his spiritual energy was exhausted, he used spiritual stones to restore it luxuriously.

A morning's harvest.

There are only ten Naxu Talismans, the remaining four kinds of Talismans, thirty Flowing Light Talismans, and twenty Divine Walking Talismans, Amulets, and Evil-Repelling Talismans.

"It can be said that both the talisman paper and the talisman ink are first-level mid-grade. Even if I can draw a high-grade talisman, the talisman paper cannot bear it, otherwise I can sell more spiritual stones."

Zhang Jingyun slightly regretted that these talisman paper and ink were purchased by his predecessor. In order to learn how to draw talismans, he needed two hundred spirit stones for the materials alone. Obviously, drawing talismans is a costly skill.

But for Zhang Jingyun.

The painting talisman is equivalent to the sealing stone.

One hundred pieces of talisman paper has a success rate of 100%. The market price of a medium-grade flowing talisman is about 50 spiritual stones. Thirty pieces are 1,500 yuan. The magical talisman, amulet and evil-proofing talisman cost 30 spiritual stones. About 60 pieces in total are 1,800 spiritual stones.

The market price of the hundred talismans in front of Zhang Jingyun is around 3,350 spiritual stones, but he needs to sell them himself. If he sells them to a store, he will only be able to sell them for 3,000 and 100 spiritual stones. After the cost, The profit was twenty-nine hundred yuan.

Of course, this is a profit with a 100% success rate. For an ordinary mid-level talisman master, the success rate is 30%, and the profit from selling it to a store is 730 yuan. This also requires a lot of time to draw the talisman.

A middle-grade talisman master cannot draw a hundred talismans in one morning. Zhang Jingyun's talisman painting was firstly supported by the system, and secondly, he himself had experience in drawing talismans. He also practiced the Maoshan Talisman from scratch to perfection.

"Go to the market, sell talismans, and rent a small courtyard."

Zhang Jingyun packed up his things and headed to Zongmenfang City. The Linghe left behind by his predecessor was getting closer and closer to falling apart, so Zhang Jingyun was sent to Fangshi before he died.

The assets of his predecessor were basically all lost in exchange for good deeds. The inheritance left to him by Xiang Cheng was worth five thousand, but the spiritual stones were only over four hundred and were almost gone.

Zhang Jingyun wears a moiré robe worth 1,500 spiritual stones. A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. People in the city definitely have two different attitudes towards Zhang Jingyun who is wearing a robe and Zhang Jingyun who is not wearing a robe. .

Zhang Jingyun walked into Fangshi.

There is a street along the way, straight and smooth.

There are shops on both sides, and in some open spaces, there are also monks selling various things. Second-hand immortality cultivation items circulate quickly here. It’s not like there is no fairyland.

"Fellow Taoist, do you want to buy a talisman?"

Zhang Jingyun passed by a stall selling talismans and stopped. The stall owner looked enthusiastic. Zhang Jingyun pointed at the amulet and asked, "How many spiritual stones?"

"Thirty spirit stones. If you go to the store to buy it, you will have to spend two more spirit stones. You can think of me as the effect. I have been setting up a stall here for eight or ten years. You can ask about it." The stall owner said.

Zhang Jingyun nodded, "It's quite affordable."

"How many do you want?"

"Sorry, I'm also a Talisman Master. I just came to inquire about the price."

Stall owner: “…………”

If it weren't for the fact that Zhang Jingyun was wearing a cloud pattern robe with the Golden Sword Sect logo embroidered on it, the stall owner would have wanted to jump up and knock his head off.

Zhang Jingyun has no interest in setting up a stall. It is time-consuming and labor-intensive, so he can only sell a few more spiritual stones. With that time, Zhang Jingyun can draw many more talismans.

Walk forward and pass by a shop.

There was a splendid flag hanging in front, and in the middle, a big talisman fluttering in the wind, Zhang Jingyun walked straight in.

"What do you want to buy, fellow Taoist?"

The shopkeeper was at the eighth level of qi training, and Zhang Jingyun was still higher. When he saw the robe on Zhang Jingyun, he came over with a smile.

" much do amulets, magical charms, evil-proofing charms, and light-flowing charms cost?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

When the shopkeeper heard this, he knew that there was big business: "Brother, are you going out for an adventure? The preparations are really complete, that is, our store is big, and all the talismans mentioned by the little brother are available. The flowing light talisman contains sixty spiritual stones. For the remaining thirty-five yuan, if a new customer comes to your door, I can give you a 10% discount, how much do you want?"

Zhang Jingyun took out a stack of talismans: "Do you want to keep them?"

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, and then said with equal enthusiasm: "Take it, sorry for my poor eyesight, I didn't realize that my fellow Taoist is a middle-grade Talisman Master, and it's 20% off the original price. How about it?"

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, prepare two pieces of high-grade talisman paper and matching talisman ink for me. Calculate how much it will cost."

"Top-grade talisman paper?" The shopkeeper's attitude changed, "It turns out that you are a new top-grade talisman master. Our store stipulates that if a top-grade talisman master sells talismans, you can buy them at a 15% discount. In the future, fellow Taoists still have talismans, so please take care of them. Our store.”

The high-grade talisman paper and talisman ink cost 400 spiritual stones at a time, and after deducting the amount, there were still 2,515 yuan left. Zhang Jingyun instantly became rich.

After leaving the Talisman Store, Zhang Jingyun bought a month's worth of spiritual rice and monster meat, and then returned to the sect to apply for renting a separate courtyard in the General Affairs Hall.

Rent a small courtyard and have a spiritual stone.

Zhang Jingyun paid a one-time fee for a year, found a small courtyard in Xishan, and moved in with Liu Lixia that day.

To celebrate the move.

For several days.

Zhang Jingyun practiced day and night.

The spiritual rice and monster meat were enough, so there was no need to go out for the time being. While Zhang Jingyun was drawing the talisman, he also upgraded the Golden Sword Art to the seventh level of perfection.

I bought some fire-based exercises at random in the market and haven't started practicing yet. Just when Zhang Jingyun thought he could practice with Liu Lixia without shame, the door of the small courtyard suddenly kept getting knocked.

Zhang Jingyun put on his robe, opened the courtyard door and saw that the monk facing him looked about fifty or sixty years old, and he had some impressions in his memory of his predecessor.

"Senior Brother Su, what's the matter?"

"No! Don't say that word. I'm lucky and I'm about to turn over the book. Junior Brother Zhang, can you lend me two hundred spiritual stones?"

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"Senior brother, I was quite poor when I first moved here. I have recently learned to draw talismans, so I really can't help senior brother." Zhang Jingyun said politely.

Then when he was about to close the door, Su Ming stretched out his hand and said in a low voice: "Good junior brother, I know you don't have many spiritual stones, but Xiang Cheng does.

Didn’t he leave his legacy to you?

If you ask me, what kind of waste of spiritual stones is it to live in a small courtyard? If you have this money, you might as well go to the casino and have a try. Oh, I heard that the junior brother also brought Xiang Cheng's wife over.

Junior brother, as long as you lend me two hundred spirit stones, I can say anything. Otherwise, you don’t want others to know that you have occupied the wife of a fellow sect, right? "

Zhang Jingyun: "???"

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