People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 223 Fahai has demonic thoughts [Please subscribe]

"As long as I give the order, Xiaoqing will take action, and then you will lose your only precious son forever." Zhang Jingyun threatened.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Qing grasped the sword hard, leaving a blood line on Liang Lian's neck. If he had used half more strength, Liang Lian would have died.

As the only son of Prince Liang, Liang Lian was deeply loved. Needless to say, he had been well-fed and well-dressed since he was a child, and he had never suffered the grievances he suffered today.

However, this Liang Lian was not a loser. He was held by Xiao Qing with a sword, and his life and death were on the line. Apart from his body trembling slightly, he did not say anything to beg for mercy.

Not only that, after King Liang was stimulated by this scene, Liang Lian took the initiative and said: "Even if you kill me today, you will have countless troubles in the future.

My father will not let you go, and the court will not let you go. Even if you three can escape, what about your relatives? Going against Prince Liang's Mansion will not end well! "

"So much nonsense!"

Xiaoqing kicked Liang Lian to the ground.

Prince Liang and Mrs. Prince Liang calmed down a little, "Xu Xian, I am asking you to rescue me, but you should never steal the royal treasure. If you really want to fight to the death, I will stay with you until the end!"

Bai Suzhen said at the right time: "Prince Liang, I think it's best to let this matter go and let it go, otherwise it will be detrimental to everyone."

"What do you mean by this?" King Liang asked.

"Why do you ask, Your Majesty, knowingly? To be honest, I have already made it clear through my investigation that these four treasures are not belonging to Prince Liang's palace at all, but are tributes presented to the Emperor by the barbarians.

If this matter is known to the court, Your Majesty, if you withhold the tribute in private, this will be the crime of being executed by the whole family, so I advise Your Majesty to calm down the matter. "

Bai Suzhen's words immediately shocked Prince Liang: "How did you know about this? Humph! I understand. No wonder you chose to come to my Prince Liang's house to steal the treasure. It turns out that I was sure that I didn't dare to say anything."

Bai Suzhen smiled and said nothing.

However, the next second, King Liang's expression changed and he said: "That being said, you have gone too far to deceive others. Even if I deduct tribute privately, how can it be justified for you to steal treasures?"

Bai Suzhen was at a loss for words. Prince Liang was right. Stealing things was unreasonable. It was a bad move for her to let Xiaoqing come to Prince Liang's house to steal treasures.

Zhang Jingyun said: "Prince Liang said this as if he had been greatly wronged. But compared to the prince, a thief who steals the country, stealing a few treasures is nothing."

The King of Liang was the Prime Minister of the dynasty, but what he did was no different from that of a treacherous official. It was indeed wrong for Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing to steal the treasure, but it was not his turn to say it yet.

"You!" King Liang was very angry.

Zhang Jingyun then said: "Let's get back to the topic. If Prince Liang gives up here, how about we just stay on the same page from now on?"

"Let go of Lian'er first!" King Liang said in a deep voice.

Zhang Jingyun motioned to Xiao Qing to let go without hesitation. Liang Lian broke free instantly, grabbed the sword from the guard on one side and prepared to take action.

"Liang Lian, you didn't know how to let you live. Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have the power in Prince Liang's palace.

My wife and Xiao Qing are both members of Xuanmen and are proficient in Xuanmen magic. It would be easy to kill you, so don’t be shameless! "

Zhang Jingyun scolded and Liang Lian regained consciousness. Xiao Qing was a master who could catch him from the hands of the guards. The first time would be the second time, and this did not include Bai Suzhen who looked even more powerful.

For a moment, Liang Lian couldn't help but said to Zhang Jingyun: "Xu Xian, you can only hide behind women, what's the point? If you have the ability, come out and challenge!"

Zhang Jingyun shrank behind Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing: "What a coincidence, my ability is to find such powerful masters as Niangzi and Xiao Qing."

"A guy who only eats soft food!"

Liang Lian's eyes were filled with fire.

Zhang Jingyun disagreed, and Prince Liang took a step back and said, "Well, Prince Liang's palace doesn't want to fight to the death with the Xuanmen master. As long as you hand over the four treasures, I will not pursue it any more."

"Dad, we can't let them go!"

Liang Lian was used to being domineering, he always said what he said, and no one could ever make Prince Liang's Mansion back down.

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said: "Master Liang, it seems that no one has recognized his situation yet, that's fine, let me emphasize it one last time.

I’m not afraid that Prince Liang’s Mansion will fight to the death, or both sides will suffer in the worst case! I guess your guards from Prince Liang's Mansion are not enough to kill my wife and Xiao Qing.

Considering that it would be unprofitable for both parties to fight to the death, I returned to Lin'an City with Mr. Liang in an extremely cooperative manner and cured Mr. Liang's head ailment.

This is our sincerity. It's not that I'm afraid of you. As for the four treasures, I can make the decision to return two of them and leave the remaining two in our hands. Isn't it better for both of us? "

Prince Liang glanced at Zhang Jingyun twice. At first glance, Zhang Jingyun did seem to be a soft-boiled person. However, after several verbal exchanges, Prince Liang, who boasted that he could make a difference in the court, could not do anything to him.

Zhang Jingyun wanted to keep something in his hands, and King Liang could understand, because Liang Lian had already sent a letter on the road to investigate Xu Xian's life experience.

In Liang Lian's view, it doesn't matter if he can't deal with Xu Xian now. In the future, he can slowly start with the people around Xu Xian. People always have weaknesses.

However, Zhang Jingyun’s reaction.

Liang Lian felt like he didn't know where to start.

King Liang had to agree no matter what, Liang Lian was so aggrieved that he suddenly said: "Don't think you are the only ones who are experts in Xuanmen!

What kind of people can’t be found in Prince Liang’s Mansion? At worst, I will go to Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang to ask Master Fahai to come down the mountain for a walk! "

Zhang Jingyun's face sank, and he still dared to mention Fahai?

Zhang Jingyun immediately gave Bai Suzhen a wink, and the latter understood. She pointed her finger, and a ray of light instantly penetrated Liang Lian's body.

Liang Lian fainted in the next second.

"Lian'er!" King Liang was shocked.

Zhang Jingyun said in a deep voice: "Don't be serious, your young master seems not to know my wife's abilities. This time it is just a warning. I will give King Liang three days in the world to find an expert in Xuanmen to remove the spell for him.

Including what kind of Dharma your master mentioned, just let him try it. If he can solve it, we will naturally listen to him. If he can't solve it, King Liang will be prepared to lose his beloved son! "

"This...Doctor Xu, I didn't invite Fahai, but asked your lady to collect the spell. How about we do this as you say?"

When King Liang saw that Bai Suzhen could easily make people faint and control life and death with ease, he would never dare to mention going to Jinshan Temple to find Fahai again.

And the most important thing is…

Three days,

One trip to Zhenjiang is not enough!

Zhang Jingyun was a scheming person. Even if Fahai could save people, King Liang would not dare to gamble because he only had one son, Liang Lian, and could not afford to gamble.

King Liang relented, but Zhang Jingyun did not give him any face, "Huh, you think my wife's magic is street acrobatics? Can I show you the fun?"

In these three days, I will give you and Captain Liang a lesson. Don’t think that Prince Liang is unkind to me. You can also go to Fahai. "

King Liang: “…”

For three days, King Liang had been grinding on Zhang Jingyun, hoping that big things would be reduced to trivial matters. At the same time, he was also secretly looking for Taoist masters to help Liang Lian solve spells.

It's a pity that the master he found is very ordinary in Taoism, not even as good as Xiao Qing, let alone Bai Suzhen, who has 1800 years of Taoism.

Three days later.

King Liang knelt down in front of Zhang Jingyun and others with a puff, and begged Bai Suzhen with tears and snot to stop the spell and spare Liang Lian's life.

Bai Suzhen closed the spell, and Liang Lian gradually regained consciousness, but his consciousness was still a little blurry. His stomach was growling. He had not eaten or drank for three days, and he was about to starve to death.

After this incident, Prince Liang's Mansion knew that Zhang Jingyun and others could not afford to offend them, so they stepped back until they agreed to put the four treasures with Zhang Jingyun for safekeeping.

The premise is that it can no longer be displayed to the outside world.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to hide the secret deduction of tribute.

"Officer, will King Liang really stop here? If we force him like this, do you think he will retaliate behind his back?" Bai Suzhen asked worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? He will even thank us!"

Xiaoqing felt that sparing Liang Lian was already a mercy. If she had had her previous violent temper, she would have skinned Liang Lian and made him unable to survive or die.

Sure enough, when Zhang Jingyun and others left, King Liang ran all the way to everyone and said, "Thank you so much, Doctor Xu, Mrs. Xu, and Miss Xiaoqing."

Xiaoqing squinted her eyes and smiled, as if saying to Zhang Jingyun: "Look, what I said is indeed right, he will thank us!"

"Prince Liang, you don't have to be like this. I will restrain my family more in the future, but Prince Liang must also understand that doing more good deeds is also a way of accumulating negative virtue. I'll say this and say goodbye!"

Zhang Jingyun and others left Prince Liang's Mansion.

Until they left Linchuan, Zhang Jingyun still felt a little uneasy. It was basically certain that nothing would happen to the palace.

As for whether something was perfect or not, Zhang Jingyun didn't know. Maybe the uneasiness came not from Prince Liang's house, but from someone else.

It took Zhang Jingyun and others three days to come to Sichuan, riding in sedan chairs on the way. Now that they are returning home, Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen just want to go as quickly as possible.

Bai Suzhen formed a seal with her hands and was about to cast a spell when she suddenly heard Zhang Jingyun say, "Madam, I have just mastered the magical power of shrinking to the ground, how about we compete?"

"Officer, you are too confident."

Bai Suzhen covered her face and chuckled: "You have practiced shrinking to an inch for less than a year, but you are already quite powerful at being able to display this magical power. How dare you compare with me?"

Bai Suzhen has practiced Taoism for 1800 years, and has transformed into a dragon. Her strength is extraordinary. Even if the pregnancy spell works sometimes, she is no worse than Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun said: "It is indeed difficult to beat the lady, but I am confident that I will not lose too much."

"Okay, let's compare. If the official's speed can be half as fast as mine, I will lose." Bai Suzhen said confidently.

Zhang Jingyun agreed, and then the two of them each took a sedan chair, with Xiao Qing acting as the referee. The two of them cast spells at the same time to help bless the two bearers carrying the sedan chair.


As soon as Xiao Qing finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun cast a spell. He formed a seal with his hands and recited a mantra: "Shrink the ground and walk thousands of miles, climb mountains and ridges and walk on flat ground!"

The next second, the two bearers seemed to turn on the accelerator, covering a distance of tens of meters with each step, and the speed was getting faster and faster. The same was true for Bai Suzhen.

Xiao Qing was able to keep up with her at first using her body skills, but later she used her flying skills to barely be able to keep up with Zhang Jingyun's sedan.

Bai Suzhen is far ahead.

Zhang Jingyun arrived at Baoantang Pharmacy at noon that day. Although Bai Suzhen had been there for a long time, she was still shocked when she saw Zhang Jingyun.

The main reason is that not only did he perform Shrinking, but he also seemed to be able to do it with ease, but due to the limitations of his cultivation, he was not as fast as Bai Suzhen.

However, even so, Zhang Jingyun's speed was much more than half of Bai Suzhen's speed, so Zhang Jingyun unexpectedly won this competition that should have been without any suspense.

"Officers are really not simple!"

Bai Suzhen examined Zhang Jingyun.

From the beginning, she didn't see Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level, but after getting help from him several times, Zhang Jingyun was far more powerful than she imagined.

A small competition made Bai Suzhen change her impression of Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun also clearly saw that the gap between himself and Bai Suzhen was getting smaller and smaller.

"When I first met my wife, she was still out of reach. Now the gap between me and her is very small. One day I will surpass my wife."


The treasure theft has come to an end.

Zhang Jingyun was still performing his duties in the security hall, but Prince Liang's house was a little depressed. Prince Liang kept silent about what happened that day.

Even though he was feeling aggrieved, he didn't have much time after all. Before he died, King Liang didn't want to go any further. He just wanted Liang Lian to be stable.

However, Liang Lian was arrogant and always worried about what happened that day. He thought that he was the one who controlled King Liang's thoughts, and that was why he was manipulated.

King Liang also advised Liang Lian to be more open-minded.

People in Xuanmen pursue immortality and ascension to immortality. They have little interest in worldly rights, so they don't mess with them if they can.

Liang Lian believes that Bai Suzhen can do whatever she wants with her magic skills, and there must be someone in the world who can control her.

As long as you are willing to plan, revenge may not be impossible.

Moreover, having the handle in someone's hands is also a thorn in the side. Now, Zhang Jingyun, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing are the thorns in Liang Lian's heart.

Liang even dreamed of pulling out the thorn.

For several days, Liang Lian was almost in a daze. King Liang felt helpless and aggrieved, so he simply sent Liang Lian to Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang to ask Fahai for enlightenment.

Jinshan Temple, Fahai has a kind face.

"Master Liang, I have used the golden bowl to see that Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing are both thousand-year-old snake monsters. The best result is that Prince Liang's palace is safe and sound."

Fahai's tone was calm but his heart was in turmoil. What did he see? The two green and white snakes are both thousand-year-old snake monsters.

Especially that white snake!

He had formed a relationship with her thousands of years ago.

Fa Hai looked at Bai Suzhen's reflection in the golden bowl. This purple golden bowl was a treasure given by the Buddha. It had supreme power and endless mysteries.

Bai Suzhen's true identity was exposed in an instant.

Thousands of years ago, the Buddha thought of practicing in Fahai and complained about his sufferings. He devoted himself to the Buddha and gave him an elixir that could help Fahai improve his Taoism for at least six hundred years and become a Buddha as soon as possible.

However, as soon as the elixir was given, a white shadow flashed past. It turned out to be a white snake who had successfully cultivated. He took away the inner elixir with his backhand. Fahai was furious and fought with it.

However, he then realized that the white snake that snatched the inner elixir was actually the poor little white snake that he almost gutted in front of more than 700 people.

Fortunately, a shepherd boy intervened.

Only then did Bai Suzhen escape.

The hatred of seizing the elixir is no less than preventing him from becoming a Buddha. Fahai has been grudged against Bai Suzhen from then on. However, over the years, he has searched and found no trace of Bai Suzhen. Now he has really gone through the iron shoes and can't find it. No effort required.

Fa Hai couldn't wait to accept Bai Suzhen immediately.

However, he looked at the golden bowl and hesitated again: "Buddha gave me a golden bowl to slay demons and become a Buddha as soon as possible.

Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing did not do any harm to nature, nor did they cause trouble. They also opened a medicine shop to save the world. How would they explain to the Buddha if they were taken in? "

Suddenly, Fahai had an idea and said, "That's right! Since the two green and white snakes have done no evil, then as long as they are forced to violate heaven's rules, I can legitimately subdue the monsters!"

The old grudge with Bai Suzhen was still unresolved, and the hatred was difficult to calm down. Fa Hai could not humbly worship the Buddha, and unknowingly he had evil thoughts in his heart.

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