People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 216 The Ghost King of Mangshan【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun looked at the system panel.

【Nine Heavens Xuanyuan Dafa Seven Levels of Perfection】

From the beginning of the skill to the current seventh level of perfection, Zhang Jingyun has consumed a total of 440 attribute points. At the same time, the completion of the seventh level of the skill also means that Zhang Jingyun's realm has reached the middle stage of virtual refining from the early stage of refining the void.

Zhang Jingyun had many adventures in the Lingyun Cave, and his greatest blessing was to obtain the Dragon Veins of the Nine Provinces and gather the luck and spiritual energy of the Nine Provinces to practice.

Now that we have come to this world, the spiritual energy is more intense. It is a real world of cultivation. Countless people have become immortals and attained Taoism. Zhang Jingyun will not have so many constraints when he improves his cultivation level.

In the middle stage of the Void Refining, Zhang Jingyun has already completed half of the final step of the fourth level of Taoism. When he completes the Void Refining in the future, he can consider ascending to immortality.

According to the current speed of practice, Zhang Jingyun thinks that this process will not take more than three years, of course, provided that there are enough attribute points.

In this regard, Zhang Jingyun has confidence in Bai Suzhen. As long as the lady is by his side, there will never be enough attribute points.

In case there is a shortage of attribute points.

Zhang Jingyun thinks Xiaoqing can also join in...

It's all nonsense that rabbits don't eat grass from their nests. After spending so long with Xiaoqing, Zhang Jingyun probably felt uncomfortable one day when he saw Xiaoqing marrying someone else. Sisters love each other deeply. Marrying someone is not like kissing. Get married?

As the skill is upgraded to the seventh level of perfection.

Zhang Jingyun's other skills must also be upgraded to match the middle stage of refining the void, which is a big expense.

Just one skill, if you want to upgrade from the sixth level of perfection to the seventh level of perfection, you have to consume one hundred and sixty attribute points.

The exercises that Zhang Jingyun majored in include the method of collecting energy by gathering light, the method of super clear thunder, and the Kunlun Jue which he had previously learned from the Kunlun post-academic scholar Zhiqiu Yiye.

Upgrading these three skills requires 480 points, but the skills are only the smallest expense, and the improvement of various spells is the major expense.

The spells Zhang Jingyun has practiced range from 70 to 80, but also to 30 or 50. He upgrades them one by one, and even a year and a half of practicing the attribute points is not enough.

Needless to say, the Maoshan method is a powerful spell, and its own talismans must be upgraded. There are also several Tiangang methods and earth evil methods in the Kunlun method, which are powerful.

In addition, Zhang Jingyun also needs to practice Zhong Kui's Dharma. Currently, he has only mastered the Ghost-Eating Secret Technique and Zhong Kui's Dharma. He has not yet mastered the Five Ghost Soul-Eating Technique.

Time is tight and the task is heavy.

Fortunately, Bai Suzhen transformed into a dragon and her body underwent transformation. Zhang Jingyun practiced the latter every day and responded to every request, so the spell upgrade progressed quickly.

On this day, Zhang Jingyun asked Xiaoqing for a little help. The latter had just asked for a flying sword from him as hush money, so his attitude was particularly good.

"What do you want to do for me, official? Xiao Qing can go up to the mountain of swords or the sea of ​​fire without blinking an eye." Xiao Qing said with a wink.

Zhang Jingyun was speechless for a while. Ever since he knew that he was a cultivator, Xiaoqing no longer had the same attitude towards mortals as before.

When Xiao Qing was treated as a mortal, Xiao Qing was afraid of irritating herself no matter what she did. Sometimes being angry was also a kind of torture for her, because Xiao Qing was afraid that she would accidentally beat Zhang Jingyun to death in anger.

Now that Zhang Jingyun is better, Xiaoqing is no longer restrained, and her attitude towards Zhang Jingyun has changed drastically.

"Huh, sir, I feel sorry for you, but it's too late for you, and I'm willing to let you go to the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire? You call the ghosts from five directions to help me do something." Zhang Jingyun said.

"Five Directions Ghosts? What do you want them to do?" Xiaoqing's smart eyes flickered and couldn't help but said: "Guanren, you haven't caught any ghosts recently, so you want to use Five Directions Ghosts to kill you?" Achievements, right?”

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

Xiao Qing kept chattering: "Although the Five Directions Ghosts are a bit weak, they are well-behaved and obedient and have helped me a lot. How can the officials be willing to harm them?"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. I asked you for the Five Directions Ghosts. I'm just a little busy and asked them to help. If you really wanted to kill them, they would have been killed together with you."

Zhang Jingyun said with a glare.

Xiaoqing knew that what Zhang Jingyun said was true. When she and Wufanggui were defeated by Zhang Jingyun, she almost thought that her life was over. Now that she thought about it, Zhang Jingyun was quite a good person.

Then Xiao Qing summoned ghosts from five directions with a summoning spell, and five figures appeared beside Xiao Qing. Bai Fu said with a smile: "Miss Qing, do you have anything to tell me?"

"Go to the official in a while and listen to his words."

Xiao Qing clapped her hands and said, Logically speaking, the ghosts from the five directions in the underworld are under the control of black and white. However, the ghosts from the five directions are restless and greedy by nature, which is similar to the original Xiao Qing, so they have been mixed together.

"Don't worry, Miss Qing, leave it to us."

The five ghosts played with each other and jumped all the way to Zhang Jingyun's room. They were very curious to see Zhang Jingyun sitting still and looking like he was practicing something.

"When did officials learn to meditate?"

"Look at how cool he is!"


The ghosts from five directions were secretly casting spells and discussing. At this time, Bai Fu asked: "My lord, what do you want us to do?"

Zhang Jingyun opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light. The ghosts in the five directions looked horrified when they saw this scene. The divine light in their eyes could not be faked. Zhang Jingyun looked like a successful practitioner.

"I want you to help me practice!"

As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, Wufanggui suddenly had a bad premonition. After a while, there were screams in the room, and Xiaoqing was trembling outside.

"Fifanggui, it's not me who wants to harm you. If I want to blame you, just blame the officials for being too rude!" Xiaoqing quickly fled from here.

After a while, Wufanggui lay softly on the ground. He didn't look happy at all. At this moment, he just wanted to sleep quietly.

"It's just a practice of the Five Ghost Soul Swallowing Technique once. This technique needs to be practiced seven times in a row. Take the time to rest and come back later!"

Zhang Jingyun's words made the five ghosts feel cold in their hearts. They were confused after entering this door. Zhang Jingyun directly arrested the spirit generals to control the five people, and then practiced the five ghosts magic circle to practice the five ghosts soul-eating technique.

It can be said that from now on, the master of Wufang Ghost will no longer be Xiao Qing, but Zhang Jingyun. For a while, Wufang Ghost felt like a fly in the sun.

"The emperor has no shortage of hungry soldiers. Don't worry. From now on, I will give you ten taels of silver per month and I will not restrict your freedom!"

After Zhang Jingyun said that, the Five Directions Ghosts immediately resurrected with full health, "Official, are you serious about what you say? Do you really not restrict our freedom?"

"I keep my word as a man, but the premise is that when I cast a spell against the enemy, you must return to your position in time."

"Hey, the officer told you earlier. If he had known this, we would have cooperated well. Everyone, hurry up and practice the Five Ghost Formation again!"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the five ghosts who were in a new state, and subconsciously twitched the corner of his mouth. Sure enough, sometimes the little ghosts are the most difficult to deal with.

Half an hour later.

Zhang Jingyun's practice of the Five Ghost Soul Swallowing Technique was initially effective. Later, he did not need the cooperation of the Five Ghosts, but could directly use attribute points to upgrade.

Zhang Jingyun's practice has made rapid progress.

Bai Suzhen encountered a lot of trouble. As the time approached and the Dragon Boat Festival was approaching, Bai Suzhen's transformation into a dragon had just begun, but it was not yet stable. The body should retain some characteristics of native snakes.

If you are afraid of realgar, you are easily affected by the Dragon Boat Festival weather. The Dragon Boat Festival on May 5 is one of the four major festivals in the year. May is the Poison Month, the fifth day is the Poison Day, and the noon on the fifth day is the Poison Time, ranking at the top of the three poisons. .

Therefore, the Dragon Boat Festival is also called "May Dragon Boat Festival".

May is the beginning of the hot weather. The five venomous snakes become active, and ghosts and monsters become rampant. Therefore, we must focus on eliminating disasters and poisons for children on this day at the end of May.

Therefore, people refer to the Dragon Boat Festival in May as: "Children's Day" or "Doll's Day". In order to disinfect, ward off evil spirits and ensure safety, people often use realgar and mugwort leaves to drive away snakes, rats, cockroaches and ants.

Snakes are particularly afraid of realgar and mugwort leaves, so they are afraid of the Dragon Boat Festival. However, for successful aliens like Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing, the Dragon Boat Festival is actually a natural disaster for aliens.

The sky is getting hot and dry, and the true fire of the sun will burn the soul. Even Xiaoqing, who has practiced Taoism for thousands of years, cannot resist it, and finally reveals his true form.

However, Bai Suzhen has practiced Taoism for nearly two thousand years, and she has managed to survive the recent Dragon Boat Festival catastrophes with the help of her deep magic power.

However, this year's Dragon Boat Festival is different from previous years. First of all, Bai Suzhen has completed the dragon tribulation, and the snake-like characteristics in her body have not completely disappeared, otherwise she would not suffer this torture again. Secondly, Bai Suzhen is pregnant and her own magic power is also limited.

"Sister, I really can't hold on any longer. Why don't you follow me back to Qingfeng Cave in Qingcheng Mountain to avoid the disaster?" Xiaoqing's breath was unsteady, and it seemed that she could hardly control the green snake's true form.

Bai Suzhen fanned her to no avail: "Xiaoqing, you go back first. After all, I am already the body of a real dragon. I only retain some of the characteristics of snakes. It is not difficult to get through it.

The key is you. If your true colors show up here, the officials are timid and might be scared to death by you! So go back quickly to avoid the disaster. "

"Okay, then I'll take the first step."

As soon as Xiaoqing finished speaking, she cast a spell and left.

Zhang Jingyun also noticed Bai Suzhen's abnormality. Although the Dragon Boat Festival was a bit warm and humid, it was not so hot that she sweated like Bai Suzhen, and her body temperature was far beyond the normal range.

Zhang Jingyun did not point out all the strange situations, and even thoughtfully built an air conditioner for Bai Suzhen, making ice to cool down, making the room cool.

However, Bai Suzhen was still unbearably hot.

The temperature of the environment does not affect Bai Suzhen. Her hotness is due to the true fire of the sun. This is a disaster. If she cannot survive it, she will show up.

Bai Suzhen was afraid that Zhang Jingyun would notice something strange about her, so she deliberately pretended that nothing happened every day. In fact, this was even more painful.

Zhang Jingyun could only stay in Baoantang Pharmacy for so long that Tao Ren, the shopkeeper, thought Zhang Jingyun and Bai Suzhen had a conflict and wouldn't let him in.

"In the original plot, Bai Suzhen could have survived the Dragon Boat Festival, but that idiot Xu Xian even knew that Bai Suzhen was pregnant and persuaded her to drink realgar wine.

In the end, he was scared to death by Bai Suzhen who showed his true form. He was really a waste. Now if it were him, at least Bai Suzhen would not have to scare herself to death. First, she went to Yaochi to steal the elixir and was scolded by the Holy Mother of Yaochi. Later, she was beaten by the crane boy under the throne of the Antarctic Immortal. hurt. "

Zhang Jingyun knew that because of himself in this life, Bai Suzhen should be able to spend the Dragon Boat Festival safely, but the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind continued.

Some people suppressed conflicts with Bai Suzhen and waited until the critical moment of the Dragon Boat Festival before suddenly attacking.

He was Wang Daoling, who was ruined by Bai Suzhen. He carefully planned to defraud tens of thousands of taels of silver. In the end, because of Bai Suzhen's words, he was ordered by the founder of Xuantan to return it to the deceived people.

Zhao Gongming is a god who specializes in money.

No action taken by Zhao Gongming could escape his eyes, so the end result was that Wang Daoling and Bai Suzhen would fight to the death.

He knew that Bai Suzhen was a thousand-year-old white snake. Monsters like snakes would be scared to death during the Dragon Boat Festival. Even if Bai Suzhen relied on her deep cultivation, she wouldn't be able to use much of her magic power at this time.

"It's time for revenge!"

Wang Daoling learned the lesson from the last time. If he doesn't move, he will be killed. He will not give Bai Suzhen a chance to stand up. Even considering Xiaoqing, Wang Daoling specially invited a colleague who has known him for many years to come to help.

"Brother Wang, I am living a good life in the underworld, why do you remember that I am here?" This ghost is known as the Ghost King of Mangshan and has a lot of history in the underworld.

"What you don't know is that I have a pair of enemies, the two blue and white snakes who are successful practitioners. This Dragon Boat Festival Tribulation is the time for me to eliminate the demons."

"The snake demon is approaching the Dragon Boat Festival, do you still need me to take action? Brother Wang, isn't it a bit of a fuss? How can you kill a chicken with a bull's knife?" Mangshan Ghost King said in a deep voice.

Wang Daoling said: "The two green and white snakes are weak. I can still win with all my strength. However, there is a mortal beside these two demons. I have calculated that this person will ruin my affairs. Please ask the Ghost King to capture his soul." Come on, wait until I subdue the two green and white snakes and then release them back."

Although I don’t know why such a result was calculated, Zhang Jingyun is a mortal, so he won’t ruin his own affairs, right? But to be cautious, Wang Daoling still invited the Ghost King of Mangshan to help.

"Taking a person's soul is harmful to the harmony of heaven, and heaven will not allow it. Brother Wang wants me to take over the cause and effect for you. It's okay, but..."

The Ghost King of Mangshan paused, and Wang Daoling asked quickly, "Don't worry, Ghost King, as long as you help me get rid of the two green and white snakes, feel free to ask for it."

"You have to pay more!"

Mangshan Ghost King agreed happily, "The conditions agreed before are fulfilled. In addition, I also want the demon pill. I just need the green snake demon pill to cultivate my weak point."

Wang Daoling felt a pain in his body. He asked for the White Snake Inner Elixir, but he would not give it to him. Fortunately, although the Ghost King of Mangshan asked for a lot, he was always very powerful at critical moments.

The two hit it off immediately.

At night, Wang Daoling and the Ghost King used the Soaring Cloud Technique. When they came to the sky above the security hall, they could feel Bai Suzhen's breath. It was so chaotic that they didn't even notice the arrival of two powerful enemies.

"This white lady has such a good look!"

Mangshan Ghost King's eyes lit up when he saw Bai Suzhen.

Wang Daoling said: "She is a first-class beauty. I was obsessed with her at the beginning, and I was beaten to reveal my true form after I set my sights on Bai Suzhen."

"That's because you are too weak!" Mangshan Ghost King said excitedly: "You said before that the White Snake is married to a woman, are you serious?"

"Isn't this obvious? Look at that man. His surname is Xu Mingxian and his Chinese character is Chinese. He is the husband of Bai Suzhen, the snake demon."

"Okay, another wife is more to my liking."

Wang Daoling had a flash of inspiration and suddenly remembered something. It seemed that in his previous life, the Mangshan Ghost King was a thief who loved wives.

Shaking his head, Wang Daoling said to the Ghost King of Mangshan: "Let's do business first. Please ask the Ghost King to arrest Xu Hanwen's soul first."

The secret must not be leaked. Although Wang Daoling did not know how this mortal would ruin his good deeds, since the Ghost King took action, the overall situation was decided.

On the other side, in the security hall.

Zhang Jingyun also raised his head at the right time.

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