People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 203 Xu Xian, written in Chinese [Please subscribe]

The system's voice sounded in Zhang Jingyun's mind: "The eighth world is about to open. Please prepare the host in advance."

Before I knew it, three months had passed.

Zhang Jingyun had many adventures in the world of wind and cloud, the most important of which was taking the Nine Provinces Dragon Vein from the Yellow Emperor's tomb for his own practice.

With the blessing of dragon veins, his cultivation speed has been rapid. In just two months, he has broken through the realm of refining the void, and is one step closer to ascending to the sun.

Zhang Jingyun's creation is something that many people can't envy. In myths and legends, which immortal has not experienced many catastrophes, or even accumulated for many lives before attaining enlightenment and ascension.

Looking at Zhang Jingyun again, he has only been cultivating Taoism for ten years. During this time, he has already reached the realm of refining the void, and is not far away from attaining the Tao and ascending to heaven.

This kind of cultivation speed must be quite explosive if you look at the entire monastic world. The opportunity of Fengyun World is a big help.

"If there is still a chance to return to Fengyun World, I can compete with Emperor Shitian, Xiao Sanxiao and others. It is better to return to the main world now."

The next mission world is about to open.

Zhang Jingyun didn't care about being thorough. With a thought in his mind, he summoned the door to the world of adventure. As the door opened again, a suction force acted on Zhang Jingyun.

The next second his vision went dark. When he opened his eyes again, Zhang Jingyun had returned to the familiar main world. He opened the data panel and looked at it. There was less than an hour left before the next time he traveled.

Although I don’t know what level the next world is and what its combat power is, according to the style of the system, the next world is at least a higher level than A Chinese Ghost Story.

If A Chinese Ghost Story World is a low-end version of the Xianxia World, then the next world is probably on the level of Shushan or even Legend of Sword and Fairy.

Zhang Jingyun remembered that he had encountered a major crisis in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, that is, he had a conflict with the demon king, the old demon Black Mountain, in the underworld.

The Black Mountain Old Demon is the most powerful monster Zhang Jingyun has ever seen. In terms of cultivation level, he is more powerful than Pudu Cihang, who has been cultivating for thousands of years.

This kind of monster, with Zhang Jingyun's cultivation at that time, would not necessarily be his opponent even if he used the Xuanyuan Sword. However, he was able to escape from the underworld in the end, and even seriously injured the old Black Mountain monster, all because he brought a big treasure before traveling through time.

A nuclear bomb nearly destroyed the underworld.

Nie Xiaoqian's reincarnation has been affected by explosions. It can be seen that when the physical attack is strong enough, it is no different from the spell that destroys the world.

Zhang Jingyun thought to himself: "Nuclear bombs are really easy to use. I don't think I'll be able to bring one with me this time around. I'll have to ask Yuekui's wife for a few more."

Thinking of this, Zhang Jingyun communicated directly with the system and appeared in the central command hall of the lighthouse in the spiritual cage world.

The central command hall is the private space of the city lord. Except for routine court meetings, only people who are trusted by Zhang Jingyun, such as Bai Yuekui and Jing Nan, can enter.

Zhang Jingyun called Bai Yuekui and Jing Nan in turn, quickly handed over the public rations, and then explained his requirements to them.

"Nuclear bomb? Did you use that one last time?"

Logically speaking, the noise of a nuclear bomb explosion would not be small. Bai Yuekui had also paid attention to Zhang Jingyun's movements, and the results were not abnormal.

"Are you doing human nuclear explosion experiments?"

Bai Yuekui suddenly asked.

Zhang Jingyun was drinking tea and spit out: "Human nuclear explosion experiment? Yuekui, do you think too highly of me?"

Although Zhang Jingyun is now a master of Lianxu and is not far away from attaining enlightenment and ascending to heaven, you must know that even if a real immortal is hit by a nuclear bomb, he may not be able to escape unscathed.

Although he will not die, the immortal's defense is not as strong as imagined, and Zhang Jingyun is not arrogant enough to conduct human nuclear explosion experiments.

"Oh, I thought your strength had grown by leaps and bounds again. It happens every time you disappear for a while. We are used to it." Bai Yuekui said calmly.

"How many nuclear bombs can there be?"

Zhang Jingyun asked helplessly.

“Actually, before the catastrophe, we had a large stockpile of nuclear bombs. Otherwise, the Coast Alliance would not have announced the use of neutron plumes to purify the world!

There are some stocks in the base left by my father. Over the years, we have traveled to various continents and collected a lot from major military bases. "

Bai Yuekui's words completely reassured Zhang Jingyun: "Okay, prepare a few big ones for me, preferably comparable to the Tsar Bomba."

"Okay!" Bai Yuekui said happily.

A moment later, Zhang Jingyun returned to the main world again. Ten nuclear bombs, including more powerful hydrogen bombs, had been placed in the system space.

All matter in the system space is relatively static, and there is no doubt about its safety. As time goes by, the eighth world officially begins.

The next second, Zhang Jingyun disappeared instantly and was pulled into an unknown space. When he opened his eyes again, the world had changed.


The beautiful scenery of West Lake in March,

Spring rain is like wine and willows are like smoke.

Some people say that the West Lake in March is the spring beauty of the world, and when it comes to the beauty of the West Lake, it will be linked to the willow trees, just like He Zhizhang's popular poem: Jasper makes up a tree as high as ten thousand green silk ribbons hanging down.

In addition to willows, peach trees are also a standard feature of the West Lake scenery. The phrase "pink peach and willow green" can sum up many charms of spring in West Lake.

The trees are tall and low, and the colors are red and green. They are scattered and scattered, like a melody. Together with the lake embankment and the mountain tower, the combination has both natural beauty and humanistic charm.

Zhang Jingyun's mood was just like the scenery of West Lake at this time, which was extremely beautiful. He was lying on the shore, basking in the sun leisurely, feeling very uncomfortable.

The reason for being so happy.

In fact, this time travel gave him an unexpected gain. If this world is like this, Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level cannot be said to be that strong.

In A Chinese Ghost Story, with Zhang Jingyun's strength, he can basically walk sideways in the world of Yin and Yang. After all, even the old demon from Montenegro was reduced to disgrace by him.

But in this world.

Even if Zhang Jingyun has a nuclear bomb, he still has to use it carefully. After all, if one of them is used incorrectly and hurts innocent people, there may be soldiers all over the sky to attack him.

That's right, there are real gods and Buddhas in this world, there are many people who have achieved enlightenment and become immortals, and who ascend in the daytime. Any NPC may be the incarnation of some big boss.

Zhang Jingyun was worried at first.

Although his cultivation level is already at the realm of virtual refining, it would be very difficult for him to conquer some powerful fairies when he encounters them. He has already encountered his assigned mount, and he will probably be killed in return.

However, as Zhang Jingyun gained insight into his identity and what kind of person he was, Zhang Jingyun's worries disappeared.

"I am Xu Xian, the betrothed Xu, the fairy of gods. I am written in Chinese and given the name Cao Mang Hero. I am a member of Qidian Orphanage. Both my parents died when I was young.

Raised by his sister Xu Jiaorong and her brother-in-law Li Gongfu, he was originally a scholar in Qiantang County, Hangzhou, and was later recommended by his sister to work as an apprentice in a drug store.

During the Qingming Festival, by the West Lake, I, who is handsome, pretty, hard-working and promising, met Bai Suzhen, the white snake who rescued me in my previous life 1,700 years ago to repay my kindness. From then on, I lived a happy life without shame. He is a winner in life! "

Zhang Jingyun was lying on the bank with his mouth almost reaching his ears. He couldn't help but laugh out loud in his dreams. His last wife who was older than him was Bai Yuekui.

Bai Yuekui is only eighty years old.

At most, call me grandma.

Bai Suzhen is amazing. She has practiced Taoism for nearly two thousand years and is only one step away from attaining Taoism and ascending to heaven. There are only a handful of people in the human world who can surpass Bai Suzhen.

Even Fahai couldn't defeat Bai Suzhen head-on. Oh, Zhang Jingyun subconsciously slapped his forehead. It depends on which version of Fahai it is.

If it were Zhao Wenzhuo's version of Fahai...

"Then even if the Buddha comes, he will have to fight against his two big guys first, right? A set of mighty dragons is so fierce that Bai Suzhen has to avoid the edge for a while."

Zhang Jingyun didn't dare to speak too fully.

Bai Suzhen's Taoist practice for nearly two thousand years is indeed very powerful, at least at a higher level than Zhang Jingyun, but it is far from enough to walk sideways in the world.

The water in the world of White Snake is very deep.

Zhang Jingyun wanted to work hard to become an immortal at first, but since the system gave him the identity of the reckless hero Xu Hanwen, he had to take on the role.

"You don't have to do anything, you just have to wait and be a beautiful man quietly, and you will soon meet your destined fate.

I practice double cultivation with the White Snake who has practiced Taoism for two thousand years every day, but my attribute points are still not taking off? Even Huang Di didn't receive such treatment at the beginning, right? "

Zhang Jingyun decided to lie down and wait for the day when he would be married to a woman dressed in white gauze as white as snow lotus on Tianshan, take him home to get married.

"But I heard that the mating time of reptiles has always been extremely long, especially for snakes. It usually takes most of a day. God knows how my predecessor Xu Hanwen created Xu Shilin."

A mortal who can leave a name in mythology must have a specialty. Zhang Jingyun is also quite stressed about this. After all, it is his first time and he has no experience.

But Bai Suzhen is still very challenging.

"Although I am not talented and my cultivation level is not as good as that of Bai Suzhen, I am still better than ordinary people. Xu Hanwen is too much. I think I can leave a strong mark in the myths and legends."

Naturally, Zhang Jingyun would not refuse Bai Suzhen's repayment of kindness. Bai Suzhen's purpose of repaying her kindness was to attain enlightenment and ascend to heaven. She must be given this opportunity, right?

Good people do good deeds, and Zhang Jingyun has never been left behind.

"I hope this lady who is nearly 2,000 years older than me is Zhao Yazhi or Liu Tao. If she is Wang Zuxian, she will die if she meets Zhao Wenzhuo's Fahai!"

Zhang Jingyun was so full of expectations that he even considered whether the child he would give birth to with Bai Suzhen in the future would have a human face and a snake body, creating a Nuwa?

Not every son of Xu Xian is a Wenquxing

What if I give birth to a daughter, and when she grows up and gets married, she finds a scorpion spirit, and ends up being obsessed with an old man who grows gourds.

A weak woman versus seven strong men...

How does the old father Zhang Jingyun feel?

So Wenquxing is still reliable. After winning the first prize, he directly rescued his parents and took them with him to achieve enlightenment and become immortals.

This version of Xu Xian has never practiced cultivation for a day. In the end, he and Bai Suzhen fly to the sky and continue to live a happy life. They are really enjoying themselves.

"So in theory, I can lie down quietly, rely on my wife in the early stage, rely on my son in the later stage, and finally ascend in the daytime?"

Zhang Jingyun's mouth curved slightly.

What is a winner in life? Xu Hanwen!

Unknowingly, Zhang Jingyun's consciousness was completely emptied, the spiritual platform was clear, his thoughts gradually dispersed, and finally he fell asleep, which was rare.

Ever since Zhang Jingyun embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

Although he often sleeps with women, he rarely sleeps. He only sleeps under particularly relaxing conditions. This time, he not only fell asleep, but even dreamed.

There's just something strange about this dream.

Zhang Jingyun seemed to dream that he was back when he was a child. The strange thing is that Xu Xian did not have these scenes in his memory when he was a child.

"What's the situation? Although Xu Xian's parents are dead, he has lived with his sister and brother-in-law since he was a child. His brother-in-law, Li Gongfu, is the chief catcher in Qiantang County and eats from the public family. So the living conditions are not bad. How can he be allowed to feed cows since he was a child?"

Zhang Jingyun was quite surprised. The scene in front of him was of a cow grazing in the mountains, and he was an eight or nine-year-old shepherd boy.

The shepherd boy has red lips and white teeth. He carries this flute with him. He plays the melodious melody while herding the cows. Unknowingly, the cows have eaten until the afternoon.

At this time, the shepherd boy saw a snake catcher walking through the forest, and the leaves in the forest were rustling. Suddenly, the snake catcher raised his foot so fiercely that he hooked up a five-foot-long snake.

The five-foot-long snake was spinning in mid-air. The snake catcher flew up, hooked his five fingers, and caught the snake firmly in his hand. The position of his pinch was just right, just seven inches and the neck of the snake. At first glance, he looked like a snake. Experienced snake catcher.

Sure enough, the snake catcher took out the scissors, scratched the snake's belly and squeezed it with his hand, then cut it again with the scissors, took out the snake's gall and put it into a bottle.

The whole set of movements was done in one go. From the moment he saw this man to the time he finished taking the snake gallbladder, the shepherd boy didn't even exhaust his breath while playing the flute.

"Huh? Is there any unexpected gain?"

The snake catcher chased the snake all the way. As soon as he finished handling it, he glanced and saw a rare white snake coiled up in the grass. When he saw the snake catcher, it was so scared that it didn't dare to move.

The snake catcher quickly picked up the white snake, took out the scissors and was about to remove the snake's gallbladder in the same way, but at this moment, the shepherd boy couldn't bear it.

"Dear father-in-law, please let it go!"

The snake catcher was stunned for a moment, and then dismissed the shepherd boy with three melodious "go" words. However, the shepherd boy still begged the snake catcher eagerly.

"Child, do you think it is pitiful? I am pitiful. After climbing half the mountain, my whole body is soaked and there is smoke coming out of my mouth..."

The shepherd boy spoke eloquently and said quickly: "Hey, dear, please wait. Aren't you sweating and very thirsty? This is the peach I just picked. Can you try it? It's so sweet!"

"Huh? This..."

As the snake catcher said this, he subconsciously took the peach. Just when he relaxed his guard, the white snake in his other hand was full of energy and suddenly bit the snake catcher. The snake catcher was so shocked that he quickly threw the snake away.

"Hey, I catch snakes all year round, but I got bitten by a snake, and it's all because of you, a bastard, that you gave me a peach!" The snake catcher sucked out two mouthfuls of poisonous blood from the wound, and still spoke lively.

"Don't be angry, old man. You eat the peach and I'll play the flute for you!" The shepherd boy continued to play the tune after he finished speaking. The snake catcher felt comfortable and took a bite of the peach in his hand. "Don't tell me, it's really sweet!"

After a while the snake catcher went to the next mountain.

The shepherd boy continued to herd the cows and suddenly heard a voice: "Brother shepherd boy, thank you for your life-saving grace. I will repay you in the future."

Behind the tree, a girl with fair cheeks and rosy cheeks raised her head and spoke to the shepherd boy in a crisp voice. The latter looked confused: "What kind of repayment?"

The girl looked at him deeply, and the next second, she disappeared into the forest. The shepherd boy rubbed his eyes and thought it was an illusion.


Zhang Jingyun suddenly woke up. It was obviously a dream, but it was so profound, as if it had actually happened thousands of years ago.

"Could it be that...the girl is the original Bai Suzhen, and what I had was not a dream, but a childhood memory from several lifetimes ago?" Zhang Jingyun reacted.

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