People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 193 Moving mountains and unloading ridges【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and the door to the world of adventure opened, and he gained adventure without risking his life.

"Then this door is a bit too powerful. In all the worlds, there are countless protagonists who have had adventures. Can it intercept their adventures?"

Zhang Jingyun thought of many protagonists who had adventures, including those who picked up grandfathers, those who picked up rings, and those who picked up rings with grandfather inside.

It would be cool to hear this randomly. If you pick up a small green bottle or strange beads before someone, wouldn't it be a real profit?

But with Zhang Jingyun's current cultivation level.

The adventures in the ordinary world will not bring much growth to his cultivation, but the good thing about this reward is that it is random and has infinite possibilities.

Zhang Jingyun bet that his luck would not be too bad.

However, he did not open the door immediately. Anyway, the time in the world of adventure did not intersect with the main world. No matter how many years he spent in the world of adventure, the real world was just an instant.

And just now, Zhang Jingyun suddenly noticed that another mission world was successfully unfrozen, that is, the world of Mr. Zombie, and he entered it with his thoughts.

Mr. Zombie World.

After senior brother Shi Jian was purged by Zhang Jingyun, the few remaining high-ranking officials in Maoshan were originally quite dissatisfied with Zhang Jingyun.

In their view, although Shi Jian indulged his son to do evil, in the final analysis, it did not endanger the survival of the sect. In short, it was a crime that would not lead to death.

After all, Shi Jian is so powerful that few people in the monastic world can match it. To put it bluntly, Shi Jian is regarded by them as the face of Maoshan.

If Zhang Jingyun killed Shi Jian like this, outsiders would only think that the Maoshan faction was fighting among themselves, which would damage the reputation of Maoshan.

However, Zhang Jingyun had the ability to kill Shi Jian, and his cultivation was naturally strong. These so-called high-level talents did not target Zhang Jingyun too much.

However, there was no trace of Zhang Jingyun during this period. He could not guard the sect like Shi Jian, which gave these high-ranking officials a reason to criticize him.

As soon as Zhang Jingyun entered this world and met Uncle Jiu, he found that Uncle Jiu was hesitant, and finally told Zhang Jingyun the whole story.

"That's it. Although Senior Brother has evil intentions, he has indeed made contributions to the development of Maoshan. You have been traveling to slay demons and demons in recent times, so those high-ranking officials are dissatisfied with you." Uncle Jiu said slowly.

Zhang Jingyun's thoughts changed and he said to Uncle Jiu, "Those old men won't give up easily since they are in trouble. Is it Uncle Junior who helped me out?"

Uncle Jiu smiled and said, "You've helped me a lot, and you're a junior, so naturally I'll help as much as I can. It's just that my senior brother and I are very close, and there are always people who say the opposite."

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while, Uncle Jiu's strength was not weak, but it was not as good as Shi Jian's. His attainments in talismans might be almost the same, but he was destined not to be recognized by everyone because he didn't know how to use thunder.

"I know, Uncle Master, I will take care of the rest. This is the elixir I got by chance when I was traveling. It is good for my cultivation."

Zhang Jingyun gave Uncle Jiu a bottle of elixir.

He obtained this from the Cihang Hall, which is the home of Pudu Cihang. Over the years, Pudu Cihang has stolen high positions and used the power of Tongtian to search for elixirs for himself.

Zhang Jingyun's bottle of spiritual elixir for improving cultivation was made by Pudu Cihang himself using elixirs, including many inner elixirs from other monsters.

Pudu Cihang's ruthlessness can be seen in Zhang Jingyun. This guy not only attacks humans, but also the same kind of monsters. He has a determined goal and just wants to transform into a dragon.

The Spirit-Toking Pill increases one's cultivation, but it is only useful before the early stage of God-Refining. Uncle Jiu's cultivation has not reached the level of God-Refining, and is now at the Qi-Refining realm.

With this bottle of divine elixir, and after decades of hard training, he can have a sixth-level chance of breaking through to the realm of divine refining, which can be regarded as Zhang Jingyun's reward for teaching him the Tao method in the first place.

"This elixir that can improve your cultivation is so precious. I accept my nephew's wish, but you are still young and need this bottle of elixir even more."

Uncle Jiu quickly declined after learning the result.

Zhang Jingyun pushed it over and said: "Uncle, please keep it. With my nephew's current state, he no longer needs to take these pills."

Zhang Jingyun has now completed his spiritual refining. He is only one step away from breaking through the realm of refining the emptiness. He is refining the essence, refining the energy, refining the spirit, and refining the emptiness. He is the fourth level of cultivation. Zhang Jingyun has already stepped into the last level with half of his foot.

Uncle Jiu didn't react at first.

In his opinion, no matter how powerful Zhang Jingyun was, he might still be a little more powerful than Shi Jian. The legendary Lian Shen Zhenren had not been born for nearly a hundred years, and he had never thought about it at all.

Until Zhang Jingyun left with his sword.

And in one day, he eliminated all the demons and ghosts that were causing harm to the people in the surrounding area for thousands of miles and then took the corpses and threw them in front of the masters of Maoshan. Uncle Jiu realized that Zhang Jingyun was too powerful.

These high-level practitioners were dissatisfied with Zhang Jingyun because of this. Maoshan had great influence. If evil spirits appeared, the people nearby would seek help from Maoshan Taoist priests.

Uncle Jiu and others can eliminate ordinary evil spirits, but Shi Jian has always been the more powerful one. Now Zhang Jingyun has replaced Shi Jian and has to take over this responsibility.

Zhang Jingyun can slay demons, but these masters are always dissatisfied with this or blaming others, which makes Zhang Jingyun really unhappy.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun asked someone to notify Gao Gong to come out of seclusion, and he came with a sword, soared into the sky, and threw several monster corpses in front of everyone.

"From now on, the affairs of Maoshan will be taken care of by Uncle Jiu. If Uncle Jiu can't solve it, he will burn the talisman and ask me. After all, who is in favor and who is against?"

Zhang Jingyun's gaze swept over the high-ranking practitioners, and everyone felt a surge of energy. Zhang Jingyun's gaze seemed to penetrate their hearts.

"This boy is so strong? It's scary. If he doesn't... not manage the affairs of the sect personally, it would be quite reasonable. What do you think?"

"Yes, it should be so."

Several high-level practitioners agreed without hesitation.

"It is our sin to delay our practice."

"I'm in luck!"

Zhang Jingyun was very satisfied with the reaction of these old men. He was joking, but it was not okay to be dissatisfied. Zhang Jingyun came with a sword and was in the realm of divine refining.

In one day, the monsters that covered thousands of miles in radius were killed, which was even more impressive. It was just like Lu Zu who used to pick qiong flowers from thousands of miles away in the past.

This kind of strength can't be overstated if you build a golden body.

Even Uncle Jiu was shocked by Zhang Jingyun's strength. Not only that, one of the people who had targeted him before was now sweating on his forehead, hoping to put an end to the past.

Zhang Jingyun said to Uncle Jiu: "Things are going on here, my nephew has to go out for a trip, and the affairs of the Maoshan sect will trouble my uncle."

"You can practice with peace of mind and leave the secular affairs to me." Uncle Jiu agreed, and Zhang Jingyun explained the affairs of the underworld. He had already used the Xuanyuan Sword to divide Yin and Yang, and had negotiated with the big shots in the underworld, and he would authorize the underworld's money printing business in the future. Give it to Uncle Jiu.

Not only Uncle Jiu will benefit, but the entire Maoshan Sect will also benefit a lot from this business in the future. Compared with conquering demons and eliminating demons, this is the move that can make the sect prosper.

When Uncle Jiu learned about this, he couldn't believe it for a moment. Zhang Jingyun could actually enter and exit the underworld at will? Can you still negotiate business with big shots in the underworld? Did it finally work?

Uncle Jiu's head was full of questions.

After leaving Jiu Shu Yizhuang and resting somewhere, Zhang Jingyun called softly: "Come out." The next second, a plump female ghost appeared in front of him.

"Master!" Dong Xiaoyu called softly.

Zhang Jingyun looked at Dong Xiaoyu. Since his practice, Dong Xiaoyu has made great progress and has reached the late stage of Qi refining.

"This is the magic pill. You can take one pill every month." Zhang Jingyun took out another pill for Dong Xiaoyu to practice and take.

Dong Xiaoyu's cultivation level is worse than that of Nie Xiaoqian. One practice with him will increase the attribute points by 0.8, so he must improve his cultivation level and reach the early stage of god refining as soon as possible.

"Thank you Master for the elixir. I wonder what reward Master wants?" Dong Xiaoyu has been unable to extricate herself since she played the female ghost servant at Zhang Jingyun's request.

Zhang Jingyun's face was slightly red, and he glanced at Dong Xiaoyu. Since practicing the Xuannv Sutra, the yin and yang have been harmonized, the ghost energy on his body has become more peaceful, and his appearance has become more beautiful.

Seeing her like this, Zhang Jingyun sighed, and then said with a serious face: "Xiaoyu, squat down and open your mouth!"

Half an hour later.

[Practice once, attribute points +0.8]


Added another 7.2 attribute points.

Zhang Jingyun used Ju Ling to send generals to take away Dong Xiaoyu. She has decided to practice ghost cultivation skills and can stay with Zhang Jingyun from now on.

After leaving Renjia Town.

Zhang Jingyun went straight to Xiangxi.

When he was killing demons and ghosts within a thousand miles radius, he faintly sensed demonic energy in the direction of Xiangxi. He should be a demon that had become a spirit, and his cultivation level was not weak.

I just happened to go over this time to find out.

However, this time, Zhang Jingyun could only perceive the general range of the monsters in western Hunan. Unlike the monsters he killed before, they were all monsters that often did evil and whose locations were found out by Maoshan Taoist priests.

Otherwise, even if Zhang Jingyun could fly with a sword, he would still be unable to search out all the monsters in one day.

While wielding the sword, Zhang Jingyun also noticed in the sky that the world of Mr. Zombie was in the midst of the war in the Republic of China. There were many warlords fighting against each other in western Hunan, and the people's lives were still miserable.

"In troubled times, evil spirits emerge. In the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, the country is about to perish and all parties are in turmoil. That's why there are so many monsters.

However, the world of the Republic of China was far worse than that of the late Ming Dynasty. If Pudu Cihang came to this world, he would definitely eat whoever he wanted. "

Zhang Jingyun went to Xiangxi with his sword and began to search. For several days, he was haunted. He clearly felt that there was evil spirit but he couldn't find the direction.

"There are monsters in this world that I can't find?" Zhang Jingyun didn't believe it. His cultivation level was unparalleled in this world.

What monster could escape his search?

In a few days, Zhang Jingyun added dozens of attribute points. Looking at Dong Xiaoyu under him, he suddenly thought that he had taken in a more powerful soul.

It's not accurate to say it's a soul.

Strictly speaking, he is more advanced than Dong Xiaoyu, because he is the body of the primordial spirit, which is the Pudu Cihang primordial spirit that Zhang Jingyun detained in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story.

Pudu Cihang's dragon ball was split in half by Zhang Jingyun, his cultivation was completely destroyed, his body disintegrated, and his remaining soul was still trying to escape Zhang Jingyun's pursuit.

Little did they know that Zhang Jingyun's spirit-restraining generals were able to restrain the soul body. No matter the ordinary soul or the soul body, they could not escape Zhang Jingyun's control.

"General Ju Lingqian can temporarily possess the soul. At this time, he can explore the memory of the soul body. Pudu Cihang has been practicing for more than a thousand years, and his memory is so vast. His six-foot-long golden body and the life-threatening Sanskrit sound are just convenient for me."

Pudu Cihang's soul has been controlled by Zhang Jingyun. Under the influence of Ju Ling's general, he still has a heart of resistance and can only let him be sent.

Zhang Jingyun soon obtained the Zhangliu Golden Body Technique, as well as the life-calling Sanskrit sound. It turned out that this thousand-year-old centipede spirit originally made its nest in a temple, and gradually understood human nature as a result of listening to Buddhist teachings every day.

The Zhangliu Golden Body Technique was discovered under the temple near the golden body of an abbot who had died many years ago. The Life-Calling Sanskrit Sound was a technique he learned after eating a monster monk who was good at deceiving people.

Only later did I realize how useful it was.

It seems to be a coincidence that the demon monk wanted to kill him and take the inner elixir to improve his cultivation. Because he listened to the Dharma and understood human nature, the Sanskrit chant was ineffective on him.

After Pudu Cihang tasted the sweetness of cannibalism, he became unable to extricate himself. In the end, he was so bold that he sneaked into the court to stir up trouble.

"You have a predestined relationship with Buddha, but now you are insular. It's a pity! Just as you are kneeling down, I want to ask you something. You are also a monster. How can you detect a hidden monster nearby?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

Pudu Cihang: "..."

"There are two possibilities for the difficulty in detecting the monster's aura. One is that it is deeply cultivated and can hide the aura. The other is that the aura is isolated by the external environment, which can be a formation or some special terrain."

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while, it was impossible for him to have deep cultivation, and no matter how powerful he was, he would not be better than him. The same was true for the formation, and the Maoshan formation was also very powerful.

"Special terrain?"

Zhang Jingyun asked him: "How to find it?"

Pudu Cihang said with experience: "If you can't find the target, then look for nearby monsters. If you search slowly, you can eventually find it."

Zhang Jingyun thought so, and immediately expanded the scope. All nearby monsters that became spirits could not escape his golden eye search until midnight.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly and he found a little demon with a very light aura. He looked like he had just become a spirit. He could at most be capable of some illusions.

In the mountains and forests, slowly.

Zhang Jingyun followed all the way and came to a river. He saw clearly that the goblin was a raccoon spirit and was performing illusions by the river at the moment.

The point is, there are still people who have been tricked.

"Well, it turns out that he is a mortal with no cultivation. He knows some martial arts, but not much. He fell into the illusion of this raccoon spirit. Do you want to have your intestines cleansed?"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly. Li Zijing was good at illusions. This generation in Xiangxi was also called Yuanguang Shu. Li Zijing loved eating clean intestines, so he would use illusions to cleanse the target's intestines over and over again.

The patient does not feel pain and is conscious. Unfortunately, he can only watch helplessly and gradually loses consciousness in despair.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't stand it anymore, and just when he was about to take action, he heard a voice: "The heaven and earth have righteousness, and they are mixed and endowed with manifolds. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars. What people call it is awe-inspiring, and it fills the sky." !”

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a Taoist approaching from far away. First, he used a song of righteousness to break the illusion of the raccoon spirit. Then he flew up and kicked Zijin Guan upside down, using physical methods to subjugate and eliminate demons.

Zhang Jingyun felt that this Taoist didn't look like a real Taoist. After all, he didn't feel any magic power from him, but his skills were still good.

After the Taoist rescued the person, Zhang Jingyun was surprised that the two actually talked about the spring code, which is the incision. One person said: "There are tall buildings on Changsheng Mountain. Heroes from all over the world come here. Dragons and phoenixes make old friends as they wish, and the sea water surges from all over the world."

The Taoist who rescued him said: "If you move mountains, don't move Changsheng Mountain. What you burn is dragon and phoenix Ruyi Incense, and what you drink is the sea water from all over the world!"

Zhang Jingyun was amused when he heard this, "Moving mountains, unloading mountains? It turns out that these two people are Partridge Shao, a Taoist who moves mountains, and Chen Yulou, the general leader of unloading mountains!"

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