People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 191 The End of Return【Please subscribe】

"It turns out to be the power of a real dragon. I'm going to eat you!" Pudu Cihang became extremely excited when he was frightened by the power of the dragon and revealed his true form.

In his opinion, Zhang Jingyun was just a Taoist priest. He had the blood of a real dragon in his body that even he was afraid of. He was simply unlucky.

Pudu Cihang lurked in the court to absorb the dragon energy. He dreamed of transforming into a dragon. If he could eat Zhang Jingyun and take away the true dragon blood in his body.

Then transforming into a dragon will be easy.

Therefore, in Pudu Cihang's eyes, Zhang Jingyun was even more fresh and delicious than the current emperor. Eating him was like taking a great tonic, and his cultivation would definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

In Cihang's main hall, Pudu Cihang was circling over. His body that was dozens of feet long was not slow at all, and he was crushing all the way with a terrifying momentum.

Zhang Jingyun flew to the sky above Cihang Hall and confronted Pudu Cihang. On the other side, Fu Qingfeng and Zuo Qianhu were also besieged by other monsters.

"The form and spirit are like swords!"

With a thought in Zhang Jingyun's mind, the demon-slaying sword flew out and turned into a strange rainbow light that shot towards Pudu Cihang's huge body.

"Maoshan disciples also know how to control swords?"

Pudu Cihang's surprised voice resounded in the palace. He noticed that Zhang Jingyun started from joining Master Maoshan in Jiang Mansion to kill the Millennium Zombie King.

Pudu Cihang knew very well the methods of the Maoshan sect, mainly the talismans. How could he, a peerless demon, not know the name of the Three Mountains talismans?

It is not easy for Pudu Cihang to hide in the imperial court. Since ancient times, the imperial court has supported Taoist sects, and now one sect is the leader in Taoism.

If a thousand-year-old demon wants to hide in the palace for a long time, he must suppress these sects. This is why Pudu Cihang targets Maoshan.

Maoshan has been merged into Zhengyi. Just in case, Pudu Cihang secretly targeted him. It was precisely in this way that he accidentally noticed Zhang Jingyun.

It can only be said that Zhang Jingyun thought things too simply, thinking that when the Tengu eclipses the moon, Pudu Cihang will definitely be weakened.

Any world is full of variables.

Zhang Jingyun was indeed unlucky this time.

But even so, Zhang Jingyun will not be afraid. Although Pudu Cihang is powerful in his prime, his demon-slaying sword is not disadvantageous either.

"The divine sword subdues the demon!"

Zhang Jingyun used his sword skills to fight against Pudu Cihang. Sword lights flashed across the sky above Cihang Hall. The golden Buddha statues in the hall were occasionally affected by the sword energy. Some of them had their arms missing, and some had their heads chopped off.

On the other side, Fu Qingfeng and Zuo Qianhu were waiting in full formation. The guards and disciples around Pudu Cihang were also accomplished monsters and should not be underestimated.

I saw several figures flashing in front of Zuo Qianhu. Zuo Qianhu was holding a simple knife and was about to take action, but these figures disappeared in an instant.

Zuo Qianhu paused and lost his target. One of the banshees took the opportunity to stealth and attack Zuo Qianhu with a sharp blade, trying to cut off his arm.

However, at this moment, Zuo Qianhu slashed his sword with unexpected accuracy, directly cutting the banshee who sneaked up on him into two halves.

"No! He can see us!"

The other banshees were all astonished. They never expected that Zuo Qianhu, a man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and an upright look, would actually use his tricks to carry out sneak attacks.

"Not only can I see you, but I will also kill you all!"

As soon as Fu Qingfeng finished speaking, his body suddenly flew up, and he slapped a banshee with a light palm. She was immobilized in the next second.

When he looked at the palm of Fu Qingfeng's hand, he saw that it was an "order". He bought the amulet drawn by Zhang Jingyun for Fu Qingfeng, just to deal with these monsters.


Zuo Qianhu then followed up with a sword to kill the banshee. With the cooperation of the two, Pudu Cihang's escort disciples had no power to resist.

If the blind monk version of Zuo Qianhu were to deal with them, he might even be injured, but Zuo Qianhu with his heavenly eyes open could kill monsters like a dog.

Fu Qingfeng's body-holding technique was not enough to kill him. In the blink of an eye, dozens of demons and ghosts under Pudu Cihang were killed by the two of them.

"Zhiqiu Yiye is still inside, go and save him quickly." Fu Qingfeng said to Zuo Qianhu, who acted upon hearing the sound, lifted his robe, and fired dozens of flying knives to kill seven or eight monsters. .

Above the Cihang Hall, Zhang Jingyun had a panoramic view of everything. Although Pudu Cihang was strong, his subordinates were just rubbish.

"Kill my guards, hurt my disciples, you will die!" Pudu Cihang's huge thousand-year-old centipede body unexpectedly returned to human form again.

It turned out that Zhang Jingyun's real dragon power gradually dissipated and lost the dragon's power and intimidation. Although Pudu Cihang did not reveal his true body, he was able to stabilize the Danding's vitality and use it to perform various powerful methods.

"Namo Amitabha!"

Pudu Cihang put his hands together, and the sound of Buddha suddenly sounded. He was chanting a mantra quickly, and the invisible power enveloped the entire Cihang Hall.

"Put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"

"Put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!"


The strange melody crazily entered everyone's ears. Even Fu Qingfeng was bewitched by the Buddhist sound and was about to put down his hands.

"Miss Qingfeng, what's wrong with you?"

Zuo Qianhu looked upright and ignored the Buddha's message and was not affected at all. On the other side, Zhang Jingyun's face instantly darkened.

"You know the Sanskrit sound that demands life, and I know howl like a ghost!" As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he opened his mouth and howled loudly.

Naturally, he was not yelling randomly, and he was very disciplined. Zhang Jingyun's methods were endless. What he was using now was not magic, but martial arts.

That is, the Ghost Prison Yin Wind Roar from the Nine Yin Manual, combined with the Shaolin Lion Roar Kung Fu and other sonic skills, can not only hurt people with sound, but also retrieve souls with sound.

You can also use sound to spread Gangqi, which is extremely powerful. Its sound is like the roar of hell ghosts and the gusts of dark wind, making people retreat without attacking and shudder.

Because of the addition of Yinbu Gangqi, it even bounced back Pudu Cihang's life-seeking Sanskrit sounds, but the Buddha's sounds filled the sky and disappeared in an instant.

Pudu Cihang stopped chanting the incantation. He put down his hands and looked at Zhang Jingyun and others with sharp eyes, murderous intent rising in his heart.

"Amitabha, you are all evil demons and heretics. I, the abbot, cannot surrender. I can only invite the Tathagata Buddha from the West to come, and you have not yet shown your true form!"

Pudu Cihang's voice was compassionate. As soon as he finished speaking, the Dharma body disappeared instantly, and a golden Buddha appeared in the sky above Cihang Hall.

The Buddha was bathed in the Buddha's light, his face was full of compassion, and there seemed to be a pure land of bliss behind him, which seemed to be the legendary Buddha's country.

When Zhang Jingyun saw this golden Buddha, he subconsciously thought: There is a Buddha in the west, six feet tall and golden in color.

"A golden body six feet tall?"

Zhang Jingyun's face changed slightly. This is the Tathagata's Dharmakaya, one foot six feet tall, in true golden color. It is one of the three bodies of the Buddha, and it is also the smaller body in the transformation body.

Despite this, this is no longer an ordinary spell, but one of the many magical powers of Buddhism, with incredible power.

"This dharma body was actually cultivated by him." Zhang Jingyun subconsciously used his golden eyes to see through the essence of this dharma body.

Before this, Zhang Jingyun had asked Zhiqiu Yiye to test Pudu Cihang, but he was defeated as expected.

But Zhiqiu Yiye also forced out the Tathagata's golden body, which was the Zhangliu golden body in front of him. At that time, Zhang Jingyun couldn't tell the truth from the false.

Now that he had seen it with his own eyes and confirmed that it was true, Zhang Jingyun naturally looked like a dog in the sun. Is there any justice for this monster to be able to cultivate a six-foot-long golden body?

But if you think about it carefully, Zhang Jingyun is not surprised. In Journey to the West, the closer Sun Wukong and his party get to Lingshan, the more powerful the monsters they encounter.

Who dares to say that Lingshan and monsters have nothing to do with each other?

Speechless, Zhang Jingyun didn't pay much attention to the golden Buddha in front of him. Pudu Cihang's six-foot-long golden body obviously didn't practice enough.

As the two Buddha statues of Pudu Cihang collided with each other, the terrifying Buddha's light seemed to transform Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun was not afraid at all. The demon-slaying sword flew into the sky, flickering in mid-air and forming a circle.

"The sky is righteous, the sun and the moon are shining together!"

This move is a defensive move of Shushan swordsmanship. It uses flying swords to form a sword circle to resist the opponent's attack or even rebound it.

Sure enough, the Buddha's light was blocked by the sword light and reflected back, hitting Pudu Cihang's six-foot-long golden body. The kind and majestic golden Buddha quickly retreated, and finally flew directly out of Cihang's hall.

"Aren't you a monster afraid of the backlash of Danding's vitality?" Zhang Jingyun chased after him with his sword, and he reacted violently as soon as he finished speaking.

It turns out that after such a long fight, the Tengu Moon Eclipse has passed, and Pudu Cihang no longer has to worry about the lunar energy disrupting the vitality of his alchemy cauldron, nor does he need to be confined to Cihang Hall.

"What a stinky Taoist priest, I survived this calamity and swallowed you to turn into a real dragon!" Pudu Cihang let go of his hands and feet, and his six-foot-long golden body crashed back.


Thunder suddenly exploded in the sky.

Pudu Cihang raised his head and saw a full moon in the sky. Where did the thunder come from? The next second, his heart trembled. The thunder actually came from Zhang Jingyun.

Lightning Thunder Fist!

Zhang Jingyun's punch was shrouded in infinite thunder. Since he practiced the Shangqing Thunder Method, Zhang Jingyun has cultivated it to an unprecedented level.

The six-level perfect thunder method corresponds to the perfection of the realm of refining gods. At this point, Zhang Jingyun has reached the realm of refining gods. He just wants to go one step further and break through the realm of refining the void.

"You can do it too, Leifa?"

Pudu Cihang's never-perfect golden body was completely shattered by the thunderous bombardment. The life-threatening Sanskrit sound and Zhangliu golden body were broken one after another. It seemed that Pudu Cihang's methods could no longer threaten Zhang Jingyun.

However, no one could guarantee until the last moment whether the other party had more powerful means, and Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but become cautious.

"If Pudu Cihang was counterattacked by the Danding energy, I would have dug out his dragon balls, but now I can't do anything to him."

Zhang Jingyun was quite helpless. Pudu Cihang's cultivation level was only slightly higher than his. He was just one step away from being able to transform into a dragon. At that time, he would be at the lowest level of the Void Refining Realm.

There is no advantage in cultivation, the monster's defense is still strong, and Zhang Jingyun's demon-slaying sword can't do anything. If the fight continues for a few days and nights, there will definitely be no difference.

"Taoist, you can't do anything to me now, and I can't do anything to you. Why don't you and I just let it go? How about we let the water in the well stay within the river?"

Pudu Cihang’s voice was calm.

Naturally, Zhang Jingyun would not agree and said: "It's ridiculous. If we stop here, will you eat the emperor and turn into a dragon and then come back to kill me?"

"As long as I, the abbot, transform the emperor's dragon energy into a real dragon, and you can accept this national destiny, it will not be difficult to break through the realm. Aren't you excited?"

Zhang Jingyun is naturally excited. With the blessing of luck and rapid progress in cultivation, why does Taoist sects always like to be favored by the emperor? Just to please the emperor?

Of course not. For example, if a Celestial Master in the Tianshi Mansion is granted the title by the emperor of the current dynasty and is blessed with good luck, it would be difficult to practice slowly. If he stands on the cusp of good luck, even a pig can become an immortal.

Just joining forces with monsters to steal the country's destiny would involve a lot of consequences, and Zhang Jingyun had his own chance, so there was no need to get involved with him.

"Are you done? Then die!"

Zhang Jingyun made a sword hand with his hand and shot the demon-slaying sword, turning into a dark red giant sword, which secretly locked onto Pudu Cihang, leaving him with no way to escape.

In an instant, the landslide and the earth cracked.

Pudu Cihang once again appeared in his original form as a thousand-year centipede. In front of this huge body, the demon-slaying sword that was more than ten feet long seemed extremely small.

The demon-slaying sword was nailed into the body of the thousand-year centipede.

This injury was not even considered a minor injury to Pudu Cihang, who locked the demon-slaying sword and restrained Zhang Jingyun.

Not only that, Pudu Cihang suddenly opened his mouth and spat out, only to see a golden, round thousand-year-old dragon ball smashing towards Zhang Jingyun.

The dragon ball carries the power of wind and thunder, which is unstoppable.

In front of Zhang Jingyun, lightning flashed and bursts of thunder were unleashed. However, Pudu Cihang, the dragon ball, had experienced countless thunder baptisms and was no longer afraid of the power of thunder.

The Dragon Ball is the essence of Pudu Cihang's body. It is the result of many transformations of his own inner elixir, and its power is far beyond Zhang Jingyun's imagination.

If it gets hit, I'm afraid I'll either die or be injured.

However, Zhang Jingyun saw through everything from the beginning. The dragon ball in Pudu Cihang's body would definitely kill him with one strike at the most critical moment. How could he not be prepared?

"Here comes the sword!" Zhang Jingyun shouted,

Pudu Cihang was proud of himself, "Although your flying sword is sharp, it is locked by my flesh and blood. You have no sword to use!"

"Really?" Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hand, and a golden flying sword suddenly appeared in the void. It contained infinite divine power and was a divine sword for killing demons.

"Who am I telling you? Even if I borrow the sword from you, you should say hello in advance." A voice came from a distance. It was Yan Chixia who was chasing her Xuanyuan Divine Sword all the way.

"When I meet a powerful one, I can only borrow the sword and use it. I will tell you after I kill this old monster." Zhang Jingyun was holding the Xuanyuan Divine Sword, and his strength matched perfectly with this divine sword.

Zhang Jingyun had been able to activate this sword long before. The magic power he developed through practicing the Xuannv Sutra had the same origin as Huang Di, so he could naturally use it with the sword.

"Xuanyuan Divine Sword? My Dragon Ball!"

Pudu Cihang was completely panicked when he saw this sword. The Xuanyuan Divine Sword was so sharp that it was easy to break his Dragon Ball.

But at this moment, it was useless even if the dragon ball was withdrawn quickly. The flying sword was so fast that it could cut off a person's head from thousands of miles away. As Zhang Jingyun thought, the dragon ball was cut in half with a bang.

The dragon ball was shattered, and the Danding's vitality was in chaos.

Pudu Cihang's huge body suddenly shattered, and his thousand years of practice turned into dust. The two halves of the dragon ball still had the potential to heal, but they were sealed by Zhang Jingyun in time.


At the same time, Zhang Jingyun suddenly noticed something strange. Pudu Cihang's soul was actually immortal. He left his body and wanted to escape, but he met Zhang Jingyun.

"Ju Ling dispatches generals!"

Zhang Jingyun's eyes were dark, and he imprisoned his soul, "Good fortune, not only obtained the Dragon Ball, but also imprisoned Pudu Cihang's soul, wouldn't it mean that he could also obtain the magical power of the six-foot-long golden body of Buddhism?"

A moment later, Yan Chixia arrived late.

Seeing Zhang Jingyun holding his divine sword in his hand, I suddenly felt like my daughter-in-law had remarried, as if even her hair was green.

"Have you killed such a great demon that is comparable to the realm of refining the void?" Yan Chixia looked at the situation and couldn't help but say nonsense.

"I would also like to thank Brother Yan for his divine sword."

Yan Chixia said resentfully: "It's almost yours. No, you and I are at the same level now. If I can't beat you now, I won't have a chance in the future. Let's compete!"

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "Okay!"

Ten minutes later.

Yan Chixia lay on the ground with a tired look on her face.

Zhang Jingyun was about to speak when his mind suddenly shook, "Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. Do you want to return to the main world immediately?"

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