People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 186 Zuo Qianhu, the strongest mortal [please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun found footprints in a forest, which were larger than the palm of his hand and had only three toes. From the distance of the steps, he could determine that the monster was taller than a human.

"Senior, I'm sure this time it's really a monster. I only learn magic to conquer monsters. I don't care about things in the court, but I won't let the monster go."

Zhiqiu Yiye's face was excited. Among the Kunlun sect, he was a post-academic scholar. He had not been down the mountain for long and he had great enthusiasm for conquering demons.

"Let's go back to the villa. If the monster wants to eat people, it will definitely follow. Let's wait and see." Zhiqiu greeted Zhang Jingyun and said.


Zhang Jingyun and the two returned to Zhengqi Villa quickly. Although it was already past midnight, so many things happened that night, and they were no longer sleepy.

While waiting for the monster.

Zhiqiu Yiye suddenly said, "You don't know magic, you'll see what I can do later, but just in case, you still have to have some means to defend yourself."

Zhang Jingyun smiled. What level of cultivation is he now? In the late stage of God Refining, he is only one step away from the realm of Void Refining. How can he still be afraid of an ordinary monster?

In the original plot, the monster behaved very lightly. Apart from its excellent ability to escape with one hand, there was nothing else worthy of praise.

After all, a monster that can be defeated by Chiaki Kazuyo is definitely not a powerful character, and he knows with his feet that he doesn't need to take any precautions.

Zhang Jingyun didn't want to hide his strength and said immediately: "Don't worry, I still have the ability to protect myself. Don't worry about me, just concentrate on dealing with monsters."

However, Zhiqiu Yiye could not see the realm of Zhang Jingyun, and only thought that he was a mortal who knew some kung fu, so he refused without hesitation.

"You are a scholar of Tongtian. If you are injured, how can I bear it? Come on, I will draw a body-fixing charm for you to defend yourself." Zhiqiu Yiye said enthusiastically.

Then I just heard a "hehe!"

Zhiqiu Yiye grabbed Zhang Jingyun's hand accurately, spit a mouthful of phlegm on Zhang Jingyun's hand, and then sprinkled cinnabar to draw talisman on his hand.

This set of actions is completed in one go.

As smooth as flowing clouds and flowing water.

Zhang Jingyun subconsciously moved the muscles on his face and stared at the red runes in his hands, even his lips trembled slightly.

"How dare this bastard spit on my hand?"

Zhang Jingyun's dagger-like gaze swept over and landed on Zhiqiu Yiye. As a result, the guy's face kept smiling and he was completely unaware of it.

"Okay, you'll be safe with this."

Zhiqiu Yiye looked like he was done.

Zhang Jingyun held back his nausea and wanted to wipe the talisman on his hand. At this moment, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he found a monster within the scope of his spiritual energy exploration.

At that moment, Zhang Jingyun was no longer anxious. His attitude changed and he asked Zhiqiu Yiye: "There are only talismans and no method to use them. How can I use them?"

Zhiqiu Yiye said without thinking: "It's simple, you just need to point the rune in your palm at the person you want to freeze and say 'fix'."

"Understand, is that so? Set it!"

Zhang Jingyun said, pointing his palm at Zhiqiu Yiye and shouting to freeze at the same time. The next second, Zhiqiu Yiye was indeed frozen on the spot.

The smile on Zhiqiu Yiye's face froze instantly, and she was thinking in her heart: "It's so fixed, but why does this idiot want to freeze me?"

Zhang Jingyun saw Qiu Yiye rolling his eyes crazily, obviously trying to express something to him, but it was probably too obscure.

That's not all, Zhiqiu Yiye rolled his eyes and discovered that the monster they had been waiting for had already arrived behind Zhang Jingyun.

But Zhang Jingyun seemed completely unaware of all this. Zhiqiu Yiye's forehead and cheeks were instantly covered with a thin layer of sweat beads, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

Zhiqiu Yiye was about to cry.

He knows a lot of spells, but he is not proficient in many. He is unable to get rid of these hidden dangers even if he is not fooled by Zhang Jingyun today. He may suffer big losses in the future.

Zhang Jingyun naturally felt that the monster was approaching, and it was a temporary motive to tease Zhiqiu Yiye, but the fundamental purpose was still to teach Zhiqiu Yiye.

Sometimes people cannot remember the truth when they teach it, but once it is taught, it is enough. Zhiqiu Yiye will definitely know his own shortcomings after experiencing this disaster.

"What do you mean your eyes are turning so fast?" The monster has opened its mouth, as if it will bite off Zhang Jingyun's head at any time, but Zhang Jingyun still looks like he hasn't noticed anything.

Zhiqiu Yiye, who was immobilized by the Immobilization Technique, was in despair and subconsciously wanted to close his eyes. He couldn't bear to see such a talented mage die before he could take off.

But at this moment.

Zhiqiu Yiye's pupils suddenly shrank.

It turned out to be Zhang Jingyun who was smiling in front of him. He turned around without looking back, and his right hand turned into a knife and inserted it into the monster's heart.

"Destroy the monster with one hand? It turns out I was wrong." Zhiqiu Yiye's heart was filled with panic. The monster's defense was extremely strong, and even the use of weapons could only leave a white mark on its body.

Unless a warrior at the pinnacle of martial arts is holding a sharp blade, he may be able to break through the monster's defense, but such a thing requires the use of weapons, and Zhang Jingyun can directly break through the monster's defense with his flesh and blood body.

Zhang Jingyun also didn't expect that the monster's defense was so weak. From martial arts training to Taoism, he never stopped tempering his physical body. It seems now.

The monster's defense is not as good as Zhang Jingyun's.

Zhang Jingyun easily spoke some heartfelt words to the monster behind him, and quickly stirred his body with one hand, as if searching for something.

"How dare you come here to harm people without even forming a demon pill?" Zhang Jingyun was immediately angry. He didn't even think of doing anything to such an unworthy little monster.

"Zhiqiu Yiye, I leave it to you."

Zhang Jingyun pointed his other hand at Zhiqiu Yiye and said "solution"! As soon as he finished speaking, Zhiqiu Yiye immediately resumed action.

The feeling of being free again was so wonderful. Zhiqiu Yiye quickly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then cast a spell to deal with the monster in front of him that almost scared him to death.

"The magic spirits of heaven and earth, the order to expel ghosts and exorcise demons!"

Several talismans were thrown at the monster by Zhiqiu Yiye. As the spell was activated, the talismans burned and turned into flames. Paper cranes descended on the monster.

Zhang Jingyun took a few steps back to watch Zhiqiu Yiye cast: "Magic Spirit of Heaven and Earth! Tiangang Five Li Fire!" This is another spell.

As the magic power was activated, the flames on the monster's body burned again and became more and more powerful. Zhang Jingyun could hear the sizzling sound of flesh and skin burning as he stood nearby.

However, even so, the humanoid monster still moved its legs and ran away quickly, while Zhiqiu Yiye chased after him and dealt a lot of damage.

Black lines had begun to appear on Zhang Jingyun's face. Zhiqiu Yiye was hitting him with spells one after another, making him dizzy. The result was injuries to his skin and flesh.

"Don't the disciples of the Kunlun Sect even know how to use a sword?" Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but scolded, and only then did Zhiqiu Yiye realize that there was a peach wood sword on his back.

"Turn the world around!"

The peach wood sword on Zhiqiu Yiye's back soared into the sky, streaked through the air, forming a sword circle, and then stabbed the sword secretly, so that the monster could not react at all.


With a flash of sword light, the monster was cut in half, and its upper half even flew up to escape. Zhiqiu Yiye quickly burned it to death with a talisman.

When he turned back to deal with the monster's lower body, Zhiqiu Yiye's eyes widened because the headless half of the body actually moved its feet and ran very fast.

After a while, he had escaped from the attack range. Zhiqiu Yiye looked at Zhang Jingyun in embarrassment. He was so embarrassed that he had escaped from such a monster.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head.

He pointed at the sword and shouted: "It looks like a sword!"

A flying sword with a dark red body and a blood line on the sword flew out in response. With a flash of red light, the monster with only half of its body was instantly killed by the flying sword.

"Swordsmanship? Senior is from the Shushan sect!"

Zhiqiu Yiye asked with his eyes bright.

Zhang Jingyun took back the demon-slaying sword and glanced at him and said: "The Shushan sect has been in decline for many years, and even the orthodoxy has been broken. I just got this sword-controlling skill by accident, and I am not a Shushan disciple."

"I originally thought that Yan Chixia was the only one in the world who knew how to wield a sword. I didn't expect that Senior Zhuge could do it too, which is really enviable."

"Yan Chixia?" Zhang Jingyun smiled and said, "That bearded man knows nothing about sword control, but he only has a few fragments of it."

Zhiqiu Yiye heard this and asked in disbelief: "Senior Zhuge, do you still know Yan Chixia? To be honest, since I came out of the mountain, I have dreamed of slaying demons with Yan Chixia."

Zhang Jingyun had a strange expression on his face: "Then you are overthinking it. The bearded man has a withdrawn personality and is very annoying to strangers."

Zhiqiu Yiye was slightly startled.

Zhang Jingyun added at the right time: "But once we get to know each other, the bearded man is still very good. A few days ago, he and I dealt with a thousand-year-old tree demon in Lanruo Temple, and we even broke into the underworld together. We are very familiar with him."

Zhiqiu Yiye's eyes lit up: "Senior Zhuge, if you are free, can you take me to meet Senior Yan Chixia."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

"To be honest, I was immobilized by the body-fixing technique just now. I almost greeted my ancestors, but I didn't expect you to be giving me instructions."

Zhiqiu Yiye said with a sincere face.

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"Speaking of this, I have to say something to you." Zhang Jingyun said seriously: "So many kinds of spells are cast in turn, but they are not good at it. Is this how your master taught you?"

"Senior, please give me more advice."

Zhiqiu Yiye accepted it humbly.

Zhang Jingyun nodded, "It doesn't hurt to give me some advice. Please tell me the practice formulas for the three spells of holding one's body, escaping from the ground, and moving mountains and seas."

Zhiqiu Yiye: "???"

Zhang Jingyun glared at him and said: "Idiot, how can you know the shortcomings if you don't know the formula? Do you understand teaching students in accordance with their aptitude?"

Zhiqiu Yiye suddenly realized: "Junior understands that I am not good at body-holding and moving mountains and seas, but I feel that I am still very proficient in the art of escaping from the earth. Does senior still need to give me some advice?"

"Nonsense, no matter how good you are at escaping from the ground, you can't ride a horse as fast as me. If you use a sword, you can't even touch a shadow."


Zhiqiu Yiye said the formula honestly, but after he said it, he felt strange. Zhang Jingyun didn't even know how to teach spells?

Even if Zhang Jingyun is of a high level and can learn and sell now, he still doesn't understand it after practicing for 20 years, right? At this moment, Zhiqiu Yiye doubted whether Zhang Jingyun was cheating on his spell.

I know that one leaf in autumn will be full of doubts.

Zhang Jingyun noticed that his attitude and expression remained unchanged, and he even raised the corners of his mouth in a smile, while he was opening the data panel in his mind.

"System, add more!"

[Introduction to Earth Escape]

[Perfect Earth Escape Technique]

[Perfection of the Second Level of Earth Escape Technique]

[Perfection of the fifth level of Earth Escape Technique]

My mind was shocked, and a huge amount of spiritual knowledge poured into my mind like a flood, and finally turned into spiritual experience and was engraved deep in my soul.

This feeling.

It’s like practicing it yourself for decades.


Zhang Jingyun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

In just a blink of an eye, attribute points were consumed one after another, and Zhang Jingyun had already mastered the Earth Escape Technique to a level that surpassed Zhiqiu Yiye.

The fifth level of perfect earth escape technique consumes a total of 200 attribute points. In the middle stage of god refining, you can only reach the fifth level of perfection at most.

Zhiqiu Yiye was in the early stage of spiritual cultivation.

Naturally not as good as Zhang Jingyun.

Zhiqiu Yiye felt strange when he looked at Zhang Jingyun. At this moment, some inexplicable changes seemed to have occurred.

"Zhiqiu Yiye, do you think I'm lying to you about my magic?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked.

Zhiqiu Yiye trembled and quickly explained: "Senior deigns to give guidance to juniors. This is the blessing of juniors. How can you doubt it!"

Zhang Jingyun nodded, "Whether you have any doubts or not, I have to tell you that if you practice to my level, you can master any spell at a glance.

So it’s still easy to give you guidance.

Take the earth-escape technique that you are currently best at as an example. There is still a lot of room for improvement. If you don’t believe it, try to see if you can catch up with me underground. "

Hearing this, Zhiqiu Yiye immediately became excited. Although Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level was higher than his own, if he could surpass him in earth-escape skills with just one glance, wouldn't he have practiced it on a dog for so many years?

"Senior, please go first."

Zhiqiu Yiye suspected that Zhang Jingyun could not penetrate the ground, but the next second Zhang Jingyun escaped into the ground and was gone in the blink of an eye.

"Holy crap, you can't, can you? Escape!"

Zhiqiu Yiye quickly used the Earth Escape Technique to catch up. If he couldn't catch up with Zhang Jingyun, he wouldn't be the most talented disciple of the Kunlun School.

It was very novel for Zhang Jingyun to use the ground escape technique for the first time, but escape underground was obviously not as fast as running on the ground due to the resistance, let alone compared to flying with a sword.

However, the Earth Evasion Technique is not mainly used for traveling, its concealment is the most valuable. This can surprise someone who is trying to sneak attack and keep it.

"Do you really dare to chase this silly boy Zhiqiu?"

Zhang Jingyun sensed that someone was chasing after him behind him, and it couldn't be anyone other than Zhi Qiu Yiye, so he immediately speeded up to let him understand what it meant to have someone else.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Jingyun disappeared in front of his eyes, and he didn't know where he was going. Zhang Jingyun even took advantage of this opportunity to learn the body-holding technique.

"This should be the direction of Shiliting, right?" Zhang Jingyun naturally rushed to join sisters Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi all the way.

However, halfway through the journey, he suddenly noticed the convoy. Zhang Jingyun rose slightly and looked closer to the surface. It turned out to be the Jin Yiwei escorting the prisoners.

Not only that, one of the Jinyi Guards Qianhu had an extremely keen sixth sense, and Zhang Jingyun was noticed by this person just as he was slightly close to the ground.

"Who is it? He hasn't revealed himself yet!"

The Jin Yiwei Qianhu shouted sharply, and in the next second, several flying knives were fired at Zhang Jingyun. It turned out that this man had hundreds of small flying knives hidden in his clothes.

Each flying knife has a power close to that of a grenade. The flying knives can be flown out all at once, or used individually, or even fly underground to track opponents.

Not only that, in addition to the flying knife in his clothes, this man also held a five-foot-long plain knife in his hand, two lancets on his waist, and five sharp Yanling knives stuck on his back. Extraordinary valor.

Zhang Jingyun naturally recognized this costume when he saw it. Isn't this the same Zuo Qianhu who claims: I am invincible below the immortals, but I can kill demons with a mortal body, Zuo Qianhu, the strongest mortal?

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