People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 183 I want both【Please subscribe】

In the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story, Ning Caichen is Zhuge Wolong, a scholar who became strong after being framed and imprisoned.

Later, Zhuge Wolong showed Ning Caichen a secret path and helped him escape. He even gave Ning Caichen a token representing his identity.

So much so that in the story of A Chinese Ghost Story, Ning Caichen was always mistaken for Zhuge Wolong, and even Zhiqiu Yiye believed it.

Zhang Jingyun heard about Zhuge Wolong from Mr. Jiang, and his heart suddenly moved. Could it be that the plot of the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story is about to begin?

However, although it is said to be the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story, in fact, the plot of the second part has no connection with the first part except that the protagonist is still Ning Caichen and the heroine Fu Qingfeng happens to look the same as Nie Xiaoqian.

Although Fu Qingfeng looks exactly like Nie Xiaoqian, she is definitely not Nie Xiaoqian. After all, Nie Xiaoqian had just been reincarnated at this time.

Calculated, it should still be a baby.

"But sisters Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi are truly stunning in the world." Zhang Jingyun thought of the two most charming women in the world.

Needless to say, Fu Qingfeng.

She looks the same as Nie Xiaoqian, but in human form. She seems to have good martial arts skills. Even in the world of martial arts, she is still a master.

As for Fu Qingfeng’s sister Fu Yuechi…

The actor is Michelle Reis, who has just turned 20. What is a stunning beauty in the world? That's it, in terms of appearance, he is definitely no worse than Wang Zuxian.

Shaking his head, Zhang Jingyun didn't think much about it.

The most important thing now is to solve the troubles in the Jiang Mansion and eliminate the Millennium Zombie King and the hundreds of wax corpses that are about to turn into corpses underground in the Jiang Mansion.

Wait for Jiang Mansion's housekeeper to leave the room.

Master Jiang is preparing to add some wax to his beloved wife. Since his wife died and was made into a wax corpse, Master Jiang has been with her every day, as if his wife is still alive.

So this wax corpse needs to be repaired every day.

Suddenly, Mr. Jiang noticed something moving in the room. After putting down his beloved wife who had been made into a wax corpse, Mr. Jiang drew his sword and walked over.

When he looked closely, he saw that a Taoist priest had come uninvited and was sitting at the table drinking tea. Mr. Jiang couldn't help but frown as he was in such a deserted place.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Master Jiang holds a long sword, and he also has some earthly energy. He is a former policeman, has strong martial arts, and his sharp swordsmanship is even more invincible.

Zhang Jingyun glanced at him.

He can fight Yan Chixia for fifty rounds without losing. If his martial arts is indeed not weak, judging from the aura on his body, he must have entered the innate realm.

"I heard that Mr. Jiang thinks that the Taoist methods are useless and that Taoists are incompetent. I came here to see Mr. Jiang to give you some advice." Zhang Jingyun said slowly.

"The words of the Taoist priest cannot be trusted. Jiang would rather believe in the sharp sword in his hand. Your Excellency, please go back. Jiang will not pursue the matter of trespassing into Jiang's house."

Mr. Jiang has a tall and straight figure, two locks of long hair on his temples, and a beard. If his face were painted red, he would look like the Holy Lord Guandi.

Upon closer inspection, Zhang Jingyun recognized this person. He was really related to Guan Yu. Mr. Jiang in Zombie Age was actually played by Yu Rongguang.

"You don't even know that Jiang Mansion is in danger. The real person is right in front of you, but you would rather believe in the sharp sword in your hand? You are so stupid!"

Zhang Jingyun scolded, and at the same time waved his hand in front of Mr. Jiang. In an instant, Mr. Jiang saw various scenes in front of him.

"Yao Dao! What did you do to me?"

Master Jiang raised his sword and scolded him, but at this moment, he suddenly saw the housekeeper of the Jiang Mansion conspiring with a slender man.

The man looked to be in his thirties or forties. Although he was a little thin, he had thick arms and calluses on his hands. He looked like a martial arts practitioner, and the more he looked at him, the more familiar he looked.

"Huh? This isn't my wife's brother. What's his name? Tang Long, right?" Mr. Jiang muttered, while Zhang Jingyun next to him didn't say anything and waited for him to finish reading.

When he saw that Tang Long and the housekeeper were plotting against his family property, and that even his daughter-in-law was an undercover agent sent by Tang Long, Mr. Jiang became furious.

"Two beasts! What beasts!"

That's not all. Mr. Jiang also saw the housekeeper and personally admitted that six consecutive wives of the Jiang family were poisoned to death by him with snake venom!


With a loud noise, Mr. Jiang smashed the tea table into pieces, "I see. No wonder Mr. Zhuge Wolong said that my family's misfortune was caused by a villain. It turns out that the villain is around me but I didn't even know it!"

"Mr. Jiang, do you still doubt Pindao?"

Zhang Jingyun withdrew his spell and asked calmly. The scene in front of Mr. Jiang's eyes shattered like a mirror, and his consciousness suddenly became clear.

He didn't know that he had met an expert, "Jiang really deserves to die. Sitting in a well and looking at the sky, I don't know how powerful the real person is!"

Mr. Jiang knelt down in front of Zhang Jingyun and kowtowed nine times without hesitation. How important was Zhang Jingyun's suggestion just now? This saved the Jiang family!

"Sir, the Jiang family has been in this situation because of villains over the years. Please allow me to beat the villain to death first and let out a bad breath!"

Mr. Jiang said that he was going to beat the housekeeper to death.

Mr. Jiang would not let go of Tang Long and Tang Long's sister Shanshan, but Zhang Jingyun suddenly stopped him.

"Wait a minute, the evil housekeeper is indeed worthy of his death, and Tang Long is his accomplice and cannot be spared, but your daughter-in-law is still pretty good."

"What does this mean, Zhenmao?"

Mr. Jiang was puzzled. He didn't understand how Zhang Jingyun knew that his daughter-in-law was good.

"Tang Long has been urging her to look for treasures in Jiang's house. Have you seen her come to inquire with you these days?" As soon as Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth, Mr. Jiang reacted.

Indeed, Shanshan has been very quiet since she married into the Jiang family. She usually doesn't leave the house except to say hello to him, and she doesn't look like she is planning the family fortune.

"So, Jiang almost hurt an innocent person." Mr. Jiang said with a sigh of relief, and then looked at Zhang Jingyun: "The real person has great magical powers. He is aware of any trouble in the Jiang family, and you still show up to give guidance. I wonder what Jiang can do. Made by a real person?”

As soon as he finished speaking, a smile appeared on Zhang Jingyun's face. Mr. Jiang still knows how to be a human being and knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

"I do have something for you to do. First of all, a few days ago, another Taoist friend and I tracked an evil creature with powerful power. That thing was attracted by the underground atmosphere of Jiang Mansion, so I appeared here. "

Master Jiang panicked when he heard what was under the Jiang Mansion. He naturally knew what was hidden under his house, but he didn't expect the source to be here.

Zhang Jingyun then spoke again: "Secondly, I heard that you got Zhuge Wolong's guidance. When things get done here, I want to meet this strange man."

Mr. Jiang immediately said: "This is not difficult. After the real person's affairs are finished, find time to walk around the county and you will see Zhuge Wolong soon."

Zhang Jingyun began to be puzzled.

But it soon became clear.

"Okay, you can take care of your affairs and leave Jiang Mansion for the time being. I will let you know when I come back."

"Yes, real person!"

Mr. Jiang, who had just said that the Taoist priest's words could not be trusted, was now sincerely convinced by Zhang Jingyun and would do whatever Zhang Jingyun said.

That night.

Mr. Jiang was ready to operate on the housekeeper.

It's just that Mr. Jiang didn't expect that the housekeeper was so bold that it wasn't enough to kill his six daughters-in-law, and now he even wanted to kill his seventh daughter-in-law.

The housekeeper was pouring poison into the soup, and he was so excited that he turned around and saw that it was Mr. Jiang. He was so frightened that he spilled the hot soup on the ground.

"Master...Master, please listen to my explanation!"

As the housekeeper was talking, someone came from behind Mr. Jiang. It turned out to be his foolish son, who came looking for something to eat with an innocent look on his face: "Dad, I'm hungry!"

Mr. Jiang looked at the soup spilled on the floor, and then at the poisonous soup left in the soup basin. If he had not appeared, he was afraid that the housekeeper would not only kill his daughter-in-law, but also his only flesh and blood.


Master Jiang was furious and swung his sword fiercely, directly cutting off the butler's head. A column of blood immediately surged up in his cavity, covering his whole body.

"Kill someone, kill someone!"

Young Master Jiang was so frightened by the bloody scene that his legs became weak. Master Jiang quickly comforted his son, "Don't be afraid! This is the medicine dad gave you! Come on, son, you will become smarter after eating this steamed bun!"

According to folklore, white steamed buns are dipped in the blood of evil people, and eating them will cure all diseases. Maybe Master Jiang was really cured by the human blood steamed buns.

Master Jiang soon left Jiang Mansion with his family. Only Zhang Jingyun and Mao Ji were left in the huge house, but they never waited until the wind, rain, thunder and lightning converged.

"Master Mao, now we can only join forces." Zhang Jingyun finally decided to take action. Mao Ji recovered most of his magic power and felt a little more confident in his heart.

"It's better to choose a different day than to hit it, today is the day."

After the two looked at each other, they split up and took action. Mao Ji arranged the Nine Palaces and Bagua array with Jiang Mansion as the center to suppress the wax corpses under Jiang Mansion.

Zhang Jingyun is responsible for killing the Thousand-Year Zombie King. At dawn, the sky is bright. At this time, the alternation of yin and yang is when the Thousand-Year Zombie King changes from prosperity to decline.

Zhang Jingyun looked peaceful, and the organs in his body seemed to be interacting with the celestial phenomena in the sky, just listening to the words he muttered.

"When the clouds come out, they are steaming, and when the rain has not yet arrived, the qi is inflamed and the arms are hazy, the breath is short of breath, the movement of electricity is the itching of the eyes, the vision suddenly flickers, the movement of thunder, the sound of the three dantian, and the five internal organs suddenly And cry!"

Zhang Jingyun seemed to have entered the realm of unity between heaven and man. Suddenly, there were bursts of thunder in the sky. Thunder is the cardinal link between heaven and earth. The practice of thunder method is to grasp the cardinal link between heaven and earth through one's own practice.

Summon God to send out officials and send them out as thunder!

"Thunder Spell!" Mao Ji exclaimed when he saw this scene. He never expected that the spell Zhang Jingyun cast was the Maoshan Thunder Clearing Spell.

You must know that even he, an authentic Maoshan Taoist priest, has not mastered the Shangqing Thunder Method, otherwise he would not be able to fight a zombie with wits and courage.

Leifa is the ancestor of all laws.

Its power is unknown to all those who practice Taoism. Once the thunder method comes out, all magic spells are eclipsed.

The Thousand-Year Zombie King had already been seriously injured, but now Zhang Jingyun used all his strength to explode it in batches using thunder techniques.

One of the green beads flew out in response. After Zhang Jingyun saw it, he directly used his telekinesis to capture the green bead in his hand.

"Zombie inner elixir?"

Zombies can form inner elixirs only when they step into Fei Zombie. Most of the zombies are formed through thousands of years of accumulation and transformation. They are often very powerful. How can they be easily killed by Taoist priests like this and even have their inner elixir taken away?

Zhang Jingyun looked overjoyed and quickly put the inner elixir away. On Mao Ji's side, as the aura of the Thousand-Year Zombie King spread, the wax corpses underground in the Jiang Mansion were stimulated and began to transform into corpses one after another.

The surging corpse energy soared into the sky and condensed into black clouds. Mao Ji suppressed the corpse transformation with the Nine Palaces and Bagua Formation. However, even though the Lian Shen Zhenren was several levels better than ordinary zombies, the impact of the gathered corpse energy of thousands of zombies could not be changed quantitatively. The qualitative change also caused Mao Ji's mana to fluctuate.

In addition, Mao Ji's magic power had not returned to its peak, and suddenly he was injured after a few blows from the zombie energy, and the formation was shaky.

Zhang Jingyun looked up.

Such a strong corpse energy almost enveloped the whole town. Even if he teamed up with Mao Ji, he couldn't suppress it, so he could only use the stupidest method.

"The sky is righteous, the sun and the moon are shining together!"

The demon-slaying sword clanked and shot away on the spot, drawing a strange red line in the air and passing through dozens of transformed zombies.

Then Zhang Jingyun made a sword gesture with both hands.

He shouted sharply: "The sword transforms into thousands!"

The demon-slaying sword with a dark red blade and a demonic blood line on its spine instantly split into dozens of flying swords and attacked the zombie army.

"Shushan swordsmanship?"

When Mao Ji saw Zhang Jingyun displaying even thunder techniques, he was determined to be a disciple of Maoshan, but he never expected that he would display the lost sword-controlling skills of Shushan.

The flying sword is divided into thousands of parts, and although its attack power will be weakened, it is more than enough to deal with ordinary zombies. Many zombies cannot take care of it and continue to attack the Nine Palace Formation.

The formation shook endlessly, blood flowed from the corner of Mao Ji's mouth, and he activated his magic power again. Many houses in Jiang's mansion were even shaken down.

Ten minutes later.

Mao Ji fell from the sky above Jiang Mansion.

The dignified Lian Shen Zhenren actually exhausted all his mana. Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun was also fast. As the Nine Palaces Formation was shattered, he killed thousands of zombies in the Jiang Mansion until only a few were left hiding in the corner.

"Master Mao has been cultivating for decades after this calamity. Maybe Maoshan will have many great masters of virtual refining." Zhang Jingyun felt that the magic power in Mao Ji's body seemed to be changing.

It is inevitable that he will break through to the late stage of God Refining when he wakes up. Given time, it is not impossible to break through to the realm of Void Refining.

"It's such a strong corpse aura. Is the master here?" Zhang Jingyun turned his eyes and saw that four of them followed the corpse aura, and they were Mao Ji's disciples.

"Master Mao, it's time for me to leave. See you later." Zhang Jingyun left a three-talent formation beside Mao Ji, and the four major disciples would find it soon.

When things happened here, Zhang Jingyun flew away directly and arrived at the place he had made an appointment with Mr. Jiang. Mr. Jiang hurriedly paid his respects and said, "I have seen the real person, and I have already beaten that fellow Tang Long to death. Thank you very much for your kindness."

"You don't have to be polite. I just affected the Jiang Mansion and most of it collapsed. If you go back, you have to rebuild it. It's my fault for making you homeless."

Mr. Jiang quickly said: "If it weren't for a real person, our Jiang family would never know what kind of harm it would be caused by villains. It's just a mansion. Real people don't have to worry about it.

If you don’t break it, don’t build it. If you break it, build it. I thought about it. At worst, I would go to another place to live. As long as my son and daughter-in-law have a good life, that is more important than anything else. "

Zhang Jingyun looked at his stupid son beside him: "A person's wisdom is determined by three souls and seven souls. Your son has been stupid for more than 20 years after losing one soul and one soul.

There happens to be a ghost nearby who is unwilling to die. I will cure your son. From now on, your Jiang family will do more good deeds to accumulate negative virtue. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun's eyes instantly darkened, and he used Ju Ling to arrest the butler's soul who was still unwilling to be beaten to death by Master Jiang.

Taking one of his souls to make up for the fool's soul, Zhang Jingyun even mercifully sent the butler's remaining soul to reincarnation, letting him experience being a fool in his next life.

"Thank you, senior!"

With tears in his eyes, Mr. Jiang knelt down and kowtowed. However, Zhang Jingyun had disappeared. Mr. Jiang shouted loudly: "Master, Zhuge Wolong, I have already taken care of you..."

There was no reply to Mr. Jiang's call, but he was sure that Zhang Jingyun heard it. The real person's magical power was not something that mortals could understand.


Waiting to return to Guobei County.

Zhang Jingyun was walking on the street, thinking in his heart, in A Chinese Ghost Story, Fu Qingfeng and Fu Yuechi are both stunning. If you choose one, how should you choose?

Think about it.

Zhang Jingyun feels that he must have both.

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