People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 168: Sword Controlling, Ju Ling and Dispatch the General [Please subscribe]

Return to the real world.

The system prompt sounded in Zhang Jingyun's mind, "Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The rewards are being settled, please wait..."

Various memories flashed through Zhang Jingyun's mind quickly, like a slideshow, until he had browsed through all the memories.

[Current Progress: Mr. Zombie]

[Task bar: Conquer demons and slay demons. The more demons you conquer and the higher the level, the more generous the corresponding rewards will be. 】

[The mission is completed and the reward has been distributed. 】

The data panel in front of Zhang Jingyun flashed, and you could see the picture of him slaying demons and monsters in Mr. Zombie's world for nearly a year.

There is Zhang Jingyun controlling Old Master Ren and then refining the corpse, sacrificing the armored corpse is also a way to complete the task, and he uses talismans to eliminate female ghosts and so on.

"Huh? This can be considered as slaying demons?"

Zhang Jingyun saw the scene with Dong Xiaoyu. The scene was extremely cruel. He was just cultivating with a beautiful female ghost. Is this also a way to slay demons?

"Then it must be a double cultivation with the little vixen." Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart, and then he saw the figure of the little vixen again.

In addition, the quality of tasks such as killing zombies from all walks of life, eliminating Western vampires, and destroying zombie nests in Tengteng Town are all very high.

After counting all the scenes of slaying demons and monsters, the system gave an excellent evaluation, which means that the quality of the rewards is very high.

Zhang Jingyun opened the panel to receive the reward.

Taking a closer look, the four rewards are arranged from top to bottom. It is a four-choice reward mode. This kind of reward generally does not disappoint.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the first reward, skill category: Tongtianlu, and raised his eyebrows. This reward is very suitable for him.

"Tongtianlu, which one is better than one person?"

Zhang Jingyun knows that the animation "Under One Person" is a rare masterpiece among Chinese comics, and its various skills and stunts are eye-catching.

The Tongtian Ru is one of the Eight Wonders.

The Eight Wonders are one of the eight miraculous stunts that appeared out of thin air during the Jiashen Rebellion in 1944. The person who understood them was Zheng Zibu of the Shangqing sect.

In the one-person animation, the users of the Talisman are Lu Jin and Zhang Lingyu. Its characteristic is that there is no need to set up an altar or perform Qi when using the Talisman.

No preparation is required beforehand.

After all, even a Shangqing master who specializes in talismans would take several hours to complete the drawing of talisman, but the Tongtian Rui allows people to draw talisman at will.

A large number of talismans were drawn in a very short period of time. During the fighting, the talismans that each sect regarded as treasures were scattered like beans.

"This Tongtian Ru is matched with the Maoshan method. In the world under one person, the so-called Shangqing sect is the Maoshan sect.

I have practiced various Maoshan methods intensively and am also proficient in talisman. My skills in drawing various talismans have reached an advanced level. The process of drawing various talismans is indeed cumbersome. "

Even Zhang Jingyun takes a lot of time to draw the talismans. Don't look at the various talismans thrown hard during the fight. It is also true that it is hard to draw the talismans behind his back.

Zhang Jingyun understands that the Eight Wonders of Tongtian Lu is equivalent to a divine skill that combines the various talisman skills of the Maoshan Sect and is the pinnacle of talismans.

Moreover, Zhang Jingyun also knew that the eight magical skills were related to the emergence of immortals. Wang also speculated that the birth of the eight magical skills was probably related to the founders of certain schools of extraordinary beings.

"Become an immortal? At least it is the realm of refining the void. In the world under one person, I am afraid that the old master is the closest to this realm, right?"

Zhang Jingyun was very impressed by Lao Tianshi, because the name of the anime is related to Lao Tianshi. When Lao Tianshi is happy, he will be under the control of one person. If he is not happy, he will be alone.

Zhang Zhiwei, a member of the Heavenly Path, is the pinnacle of the alien world and a ceiling-level figure. Even Zhang Jingyun dare not say that he can beat him.

Zhang Jingyun thought for a moment and looked at the second reward, Ganoderma lucidum grass, which comes from the Legend of the White Snake. It is the fairy grass that Bai Suzhen stole to save Xu Xian.

Zhang Jingyun still knows the story of the Legend of White Snake. Bai Suzhen sneaked into Kunlun Mountain to steal Ganoderma lucidum, but was stopped by the crane and deer immortals, and then lost.

At this moment, the Antarctic Immortal gave Bai Suzhen Ganoderma lucidum out of sympathy. However, Fahai took the opportunity to kidnap Xu Xian. Bai Suzhen stole the Ganoderma lucidum grass, but Xu Xian disappeared after returning.

After finally stealing the fairy grass and reviving Xu Xian, Fahai still refused to give up and deceived Xu Xian to Jinshan Temple and placed him under house arrest. She knelt down at Jinshan Temple and begged Fahai to release Xu Xian, but her plea failed and eventually the water flooded Jinshan Temple.

"Ganoderma lucidum obviously has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. At that time, Bai Suzhen drank realgar wine and showed her original shape. Xu Xian was frightened when he saw it.

In fact, Xu Xian's soul has not dissipated, but three souls and seven souls have left the body. Bai Suzhen only needs to know a Maoshan Taoist priest to summon Xu Xian's soul. "

Zhang Jingyun had already learned how to summon spirits. Talismans could control ghosts and communicate with gods. As long as the person died within three days, Zhang Jingyun was sure to summon the spirit back.

Unless there is no underworld in that world.

For example, in the main world, when Zhang Jingyun came back, he found that there was no trace of the underworld. This world was so clean that there were no ghosts at all.

The Age of Ending Law is so terrifying. After a person dies, his soul will gradually dissipate after five minutes of separation from the body. The underworld may be shattered under the influence of the rules of Ending Law.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. Compared with Tongtianlu, Ganoderma lucidum grass was not that attractive to him. The effect of Ganoderma lucidum grass on bringing back the dead is similar to that of summoning souls.

At best, the service is attentive.

It makes people's soul and body become one, without the danger of leaving the soul. It is a panacea for ordinary people, but it is useless for Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun has broken through the spirit refining, the real person refining the spirit, and has become a soul. It is easy to leave the body. His soul cannot be broken apart unless it is broken up by an expert, but it is impossible for Ganoderma lucidum to save him at this time.

Then, Zhang Jingyun looked at the third reward, which was still an item: Jiuzhou Ding, from Jiuding Ji, it is the most original artifact in the Jiuzhou world.

"Jiuding Ji? It turns out to be a book by that great god. The story takes place in the world of Kyushu. More than 6,000 years ago, Emperor Yu was the first powerful person in Kyushu, the first unifier of Kyushu, and the founder of Taoism.

Emperor Yu split the mountain with his five axes, unified the world and divided the nine states, and set up nine tripods. One tripod suppressed the most violent area in the land of a state.

For thousands of years, Jiuding has become more and more consistent with heaven and earth, and various magical abilities have been born. Those who are recognized by Jiuding have the best chance of breaking through to the strongest! "

Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly. The world of Jiuzhou was actually a world of high martial arts with revived spiritual energy, and sect warriors ruled the world.

When Neijiaquan reaches its extreme and becomes the strongest, it can break the void in a true sense. It is not the world of dragons and snakes that breaks the void and sees the gods as indestructible.

Breaking the virtual void, what kind of power is this? Even the space is broken. It is similar to the combat power of Fengyun World, an absolute world of high martial arts.

As for the functions of the Kyushu Cauldron, they have different functions. Some can take people through the world, and some can gather spiritual energy to form the effect of a heavenly paradise.

Essentially, it is a treasure that assists in spiritual practice.

Teng Qingshan, the master of internal martial arts, relied on Jiuding to travel to the world of Kyushu and become the strongest person. However, Zhang Jingyun felt that Jiuding's auxiliary effect was not as good as the system.

With Jiuding, you still have to practice on your own.

The system is different, you can improve by adding points.

Zhang Jingyun then looked at the last reward, skill category: Sword Controlling, Sword Riding on the Wind, Killing Demons Between Heaven and Earth, from The Legend of Sword and Fairy Mo Yixi.

Speaking of Mo Yixi, Zhang Jingyun had not yet reacted, but when it came to The Legend of Sword and Fairy, Zhang Jingyun immediately reacted, "Jiu Sword Fairy!"

Zhang Jingyun remembers that when he watched this drama, he was directly shocked by the appearance of Jiujianxian. The summary can be summed up in one word, handsome!

It's a pity that Jiujianxian is open-minded, upright and full of righteousness. As a proud disciple of Shushan, he still cannot get rid of the trouble of the word "love".

"If it's a normal flying skill, there's really no need to choose sword control, but Jiu Jian Xian's sword control is different.

In addition to being able to fly, the sword-controlling technique is also the most orthodox sword-controlling and demon-killing technique in Shushan. It is unrestrained and uninhibited, and has astonishing lethality. It is a Taoist magic. "

Zhang Jingyun feels that the Taoist transformation in The Legend of Sword and Fairy is almost the same as the legendary transformation into an immortal. It has reached another level, and mortals are like ants in front of it.

Zhang Jingyun could choose one of the four rewards as the final reward. After thinking about it, Zhang Jingyun excluded the two item rewards.

Compared with the martial arts, Jiuding's effect on Zhang Jingyun is not that great, and Zhang Jingyun does not need Ganoderma lucidum grass.

That is to choose one from Tongtianlu and Sword Control. Zhang Jingyun shook his head. He actually had a little difficulty in choosing.

The Tongtian Ru can allow Zhang Jingyun to reach the peak of Fu Rui, and sword control is an extremely powerful offensive spell. After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Jingyun chose the latter.

"The Tongtian Lu is indeed the pinnacle of talismans, but I still have a system to upgrade my skills. Any talisman that can be upgraded to the perfect state does not have to be Tongtian Lu.

Moreover, sword control has greater potential. In the Immortal Sword World, the combat power level is definitely higher than in the World Under One Person, so it is reasonable to choose sword control. "

Zhang Jingyun thought together and chose to receive the skill. Suddenly, a strange memory flooded into his mind, all of which were the key points of sword-controlling practice.

"There are nine levels of sword control in total, and I don't know how many realms they correspond to. Maoshan method generally has eight levels, which correspond to the four major realms of Taoism.

They are both monastics, and the systems are not much different. The world of Mr. Zombie is only difficult to break through because of the advent of the Dharma-ending era.

Experts in the realm of refining gods and refining emptiness, in terms of strength, are also masters in the world of fairy swords, but there are no such people in the world of Mr. Zombie.

If you look at it this way, there are nine levels of sword control. The first eight levels correspond to the four realms of Taoism, and the last level should be the level after entering the Tao. "

Then Zhang Jingyun tried to add some points to practice sword control. As expected, the first two levels had five attribute points, which was the same as the first level of Taoism.

As for the third and fourth levels, each upgrade requires ten attribute points. A total of 120 attribute points are required to upgrade to the fourth level.

However, after the level of swordsmanship reached the fourth level, it stopped changing. Zhang Jingyun tried several times but failed to upgrade.

[Attribute points: 8]

Zhang Jingyun slapped his forehead.

Attribute points are not generated out of thin air. You have to work hard, and hard work will yield rewards. Zhang Jingyun practiced various talisman spells in the zombie world, and his attribute points were consumed very quickly.

There were only more than ninety points left when returning to the main world.

Zhang Jingyun had no choice but to spend more and more attribute points to upgrade his skills. Upgrading a spell to the fourth level required 120 points.

The sixth and seventh levels involve the realm of refining gods. Each upgrade requires 20 attribute points, which increase at a rate visible to the naked eye.

The attribute points were not enough, so they naturally needed to be replenished. Zhang Jingyun had never thought about accumulating a lot of attribute points in the zombie world before returning.

Because there is no need at all!

Zhang Jingyun felt for a moment, the mysterious connection, the new world thawed, it was the spirit cage world, as long as there was the spirit cage world as a backing.

Does Zhang Jingyun still lack attribute points?

Practicing with Dong Xiaoyu only gives you 0.8 attribute points, while practicing with the vixen gives you 1 attribute point. The objects of dual cultivation are getting farther and farther away from human beings, so much so that Zhang Jingyun misses Boss Bai's beautiful legs.

"Boss Bai is still strong. The effect of dual cultivation is stronger than Dong Xiaoyu. He is really a fairy." Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

The attribute points were in a hurry, and Zhang Jingyun refused to accept him. He wanted to enter the spiritual cage world and kill everyone. Before entering, Zhang Jingyun received the reward of the hidden mission.

This was his reward for killing Shi Jian.

The system directly issued a reward: Ju Ling Dispatch General, another Eight Wonders skill. Although it was not a magic weapon, it still made Zhang Jingyun's eyes shine.

The Eight Magic Skills have no useless skills. The spirit-detaining general can imprison and manipulate the soul, and even use some of its abilities for one's own use.

To turn it into one's own use is to swallow the spirit, devour the soul, and obtain a small permanent enhancement. This is also the most controversial point of the Juling Commander.

The Wang family and the Feng family inherited the Ju Ling sent general. The two families were at odds with each other. The Wang family and the Feng family also tested each other during their cooperation. From a plot point of view, the Wang family's Ju Ling sent general had great flaws.

Especially swallowing spirits will definitely have sequelae.

There are similarities between Ju Ling Qian Jiang and Maoshan Shu, but they are more domineering. In Maoshan Shu, the Qing Shen Technique also uses the word "please" to show respect, while Ju Ling Qian Jiang has a different attitude.

No need to ask, I'll get it myself.

After perfecting this skill, even ghosts and immortals may be controlled. Exorcising ghosts and eliminating demons is just a matter of Zhang Jingyun's thoughts.

The skill of controlling swords, restraining spirits and dispatching generals.

Both skills were of great help to Zhang Jingyun. With a thought in his heart, Zhang Jingyun took out the magic weapon Taomu Sword from the system and stepped on the blade.

A portal suddenly opened in front of him.

This is the door to the world.

Zhang Jingyun left with his sword, passed through the gate of the world, and entered the world of the spirit cage. This time Zhang Jingyun not only wanted to double cultivate to increase his attribute points, but also asked Bai Yuekui to forge a sword for himself.

When performing sword control, an ordinary magic weapon, a mahogany sword, cannot carry much magic power at all, but the weapons in the spirit cage world are unique and very powerful.

Zhang Jingyun then used his magic power to refine the weapon into a magic weapon. It must be at the level of a magic weapon in the real world of immortals.

"You can fly so fast even at the fourth level of Sword Controlling. Ordinary planes can only fly so fast! As for fighter jets, you still have to give it a try."

Zhang Jingyun mobilized all his magic power, and his speed increased dramatically. There seemed to be some kind of shackles. Breaking through this shackles would be a different world.


Zhang Jingyun's hand was holding the sword secret, and golden light flashed all over his body. His magic power was already overloaded, and Zhang Jingyun's speed reached its peak.


There was a roar, the sound in the ears seemed to disappear, the air exploded, and in the freezing wind, Zhang Jingyun's speed exceeded the speed of sound, creating a sonic boom.

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