People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 166 The End of Return【Please subscribe】

"The soul in the realm of refining qi has left the body?" Uncle Jiu shook his head, "The soul and the physical body are closely connected. Only by entering the realm of refining can the soul be cultivated.

In the realm of Qi refining, the soul has not yet been stabilized. Even if special methods are used to separate the soul from the body, it is still very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die. "

Uncle Jiu's words made Zhang Jingyun's heart move, "In other words, is there really a special way to get the soul out of the body?"

"That's right, if the soul does not rely on external objects to leave the body, it must be Lian Shen Zhenren, but in the secret arts of my Maoshan lineage, using talismans and formations to assist can achieve the method of leaving the body in the realm of refining energy. "Uncle Jiu said.

"Does Uncle Master know this kind of secret technique?"

Uncle Jiu smiled, shook his head and said, "The soul left the body and traveled towards Beihai Mu Cangwu. What kind of fortune is this?

Not only Maoshan and Zhengyi, but also in the Jindan sect, there is a similar saying about the Yang God. The real person Zhang Ziyang can pick Qiong flowers from thousands of miles away.

Using secret techniques to assist the soul to leave the body cannot be compared with Taoist real people like Zhang Ziyang, but it is close to becoming an immortal, so it is an extremely valuable secret technique among all sects. "

Zhang Jingyun understood that this secret technique may be more important than the thunder method in Maoshan. There must be only a few people who master it, and Uncle Jiu is not qualified to learn it.

"The Maoshan Sect may only have the Senior Brother Association now, but you also said that the Senior Brother has even manipulated the techniques and techniques given to you, so it is unlikely that he will teach them to you."

Uncle Jiu said slightly disappointed.

Zhang Jingyun is a Taoist genius who is rare to see in a century. When such a person becomes a disciple of Maoshan, he can make a sect prosper again, which is rare.

In any sect, they are the most valued talents, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they put all their efforts into cultivating them, but senior brother Shi Jian wants to destroy Zhang Jingyun.

Of course Uncle Jiu couldn't understand.

After thinking about it, Uncle Jiu said sternly to Zhang Jingyun: "We can't just let this matter go. Even if we fight with Senior Brother, I have to make the decision for you."

Zhang Jingyun felt hot in his heart. Uncle Jiu was okay. He would really rush forward when something happened. Shi Jian was so strong that Uncle Jiu dared to fight him.

However, Zhang Jingyun didn't want to break up with Shi Jian yet: "Wait a moment, don't be in a hurry, I've noticed that his apprentice's face is a bit special these days."

"Shi Shaojian?" Uncle Jiu asked.

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "It's Shi Shaojian. I think his appearance and Shi Jian's look should be father and son. Shi Jian secretly kept the illegitimate son around as his apprentice. This may be the reason why he targeted me."

Uncle Jiu looked surprised. Maoshan disciples could get married, but Shi Jian himself claimed that he would never marry in order to practice Taoism. He did not expect that his sons would be taller than him.

"Is this still Senior Brother?"

Uncle Jiu also realized that Shi Jian had indeed changed a lot. In the past, he was determined to cultivate Taoism. Although he was talented, he was not as murderous as he is now.

"I'm afraid he has fallen into evil ways."

Zhang Jingyun said in a deep voice.

In fact, this is an indisputable fact.

It's just that Uncle Jiu still has illusions about Shi Jian and doesn't want to admit it.

"Shi Shaojian has an evil nature in him. Uncle Jiu should pay attention to it these days. If Shi Shaojian does anything harmful to the world, we can use him to make Shi Jian throw a tantrum."

Uncle Jiu showed a strange smile on his face and said: "You are holding the emperor hostage to order the princes, I know you will not suffer.

Anyway, if Shi Shaojian really does something inappropriate, Shi Jian is also responsible for his lax discipline, and he is not worthy of controlling the secret skills of the Maoshan Sect. "

Uncle Jiu agreed with Zhang Jingyun’s idea.

But Shi Jian lived in seclusion, and it was difficult for Uncle Jiu to meet him. Time passed, and seven days later, Uncle Jiu finally saw Shi Jian in a Western restaurant.

Uncle Jiu took Zhang Jingyun, Qiu Sheng, and Wencai, and Shi Jian took Shi Shaojian wherever he went, just like a loving father.

"Uncle Master, why would the owner of this Western restaurant ask you to read Feng Shui?" Zhang Jingyun was curious. Most people who have been influenced by Western culture think this is superstition.

Qian, the owner of the Western restaurant, believes this very much.

"The business of his Western restaurant has not been very good since it opened. When I was young, I showed his family Feng Shui for more than ten years, and I only believed it after getting benefits."

Zhang Jingyun nodded. This is indeed very Chinese. It is different from the Western way of belief. Westerners generally believe in God and so on, and pray for blessings. If they do not receive blessings, they are not pious enough.

Chinese people are different.

We trust whoever treats us well.

All gods believe in it.

"I burned a lot of banknotes for the underworld ghost before, so I'm a bit tight on money. Boss Qian is from a good family and I'll ask him for the amount later."

Uncle Jiu stretched out a hand and shook it.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai understood this and asked for money. How could the master say such a thing? Wouldn't that look very philistine?

The disciple must speak out.

Withdrawing his right hand, Uncle Jiu felt a little ashamed. In the past, he always stretched out two fingers when looking at Feng Shui. Today's price increase was an exception among exceptions.

When Boss Qian came over and had a discussion, Boss Qian still believed in Uncle Jiu's ability, so he asked Uncle Jiu to make a price.

Uncle Jiu smiled and said nothing, picked up the tea and took a sip. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai simultaneously extended a hand and shouted the price: "Five hundred oceans!"


Uncle Jiu spurted out a mouthful of tea.

I never expected Qiu Shengwen to be so bold and able to buy half the street for five hundred dollars. Boss Qian's expression also changed.

"Junior brother, we only only need ten oceans, but you actually want five hundred?" Shi Jian, wearing a black and white robe, walked out of the private room and said.

"Five hundred oceans? How dare you ask for it! That's it, I'll leave this to Uncle Jian." Boss Qian chose Shi Jian without hesitation.

Uncle Jiu had a pained face. He only wanted five oceans, which was half less than Shi Jian. Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, these idiots, would only get in the way.

Then Shi Jian chatted with Uncle Jiu and Zhang Jingyun. He still looked domineering with Uncle Jiu, but he was obviously very friendly with Zhang Jingyun.

I am especially concerned about Zhang Jingyun’s practice.

Knowing that Zhang Jingyun had mastered the second level of thunder technique, Shi Jian couldn't help but smile, thinking of a kind elder who was particularly pleased.

Wait for both parties to leave.

The smile on Zhang Jingyun's face gradually disappeared. After spending so long with Shi Jianxu and Wei Snake, this should be his last happy moment.

He won't be able to laugh even if he wants to.

"Master, I found out that Shi Shaojian pulled Boss Qian's daughter's hair. This bastard must be trying to do something bad."

Qiu Sheng finally made some difference.

Uncle Jiu shook his head, but Zhang Jingyun was right. Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian were completely hopeless because the upper beam was not straight and the lower beam was crooked.

Shi Shaojian's little tricks couldn't be hidden from Qiu Sheng's literary talents, and naturally they couldn't be hidden from Uncle Jiu and Shi Jian. Shi Jian's face darkened immediately after leaving the western restaurant.

"What are you doing? If you want to do it, why don't you stay away?" Shi Jian scolded in a low voice. Shi Shaojian shrank his head and agreed casually, "I know, dad."

Shi Jian looked left and right: "How many times have I told you, when we go out and call ourselves master in public, now is not the time to expose our relationship."

"Yes, Master, my son has remembered it."

Shi Jian: "..."


Until evening.

Shi Shaojian quietly ran to a mountain forest, sat on a stone, and spread a formation robe engraved with runes on it.

Then he took out the talisman and used magic power to ignite it.

Then I saw Shi Shaojian's body shaking continuously, as if he had taken ecstasy, just like the crazy state of the Maoshan Taoist priest when he performed the magic of inviting gods.

Finally, Shi Shaojian's body was shaken!

Another identical Shi Shaojian appeared, appearing in front of his physical body. It was still a bit illusory at first, but after a moment it solidified like a real person.

"This Shi Jian passed down the secret method to his illegitimate son, and even personally decorated his son's array robes and wrote talismans, just to make this beast do evil?"

Uncle Jiu originally had the last glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that Shi Jian could discipline Shi Shaojian, but he didn't expect that he would actually be a helper.

"What is he going to do?"

Wencai asked stupidly.

Qiu Sheng patted Wen Cai on the head and said: "Idiot, of course you are raping, plundering, and morally corrupt. Doing bad things out of your soul is more exciting than being with ghosts."

Several pairs of eyes stared at Qiu Sheng.

"How do you know?" Wencai asked.

Uncle Jiu sneered: "Tell me more about the excitement."

Zhang Jingyun thought of something and asked Qiu Sheng, "Isn't the female ghost who confused you that day still pestering Qiu Sheng?"

"No, Xiaoli is very nice."

Qiu Sheng said without thinking.

Only then did everyone realize that during this period, Qiu Sheng had been at war with the female ghost Xiaoli, and he had been weak for several days.


"Uncle Master, please go and see if Shi Shaojian is doing anything harmful to nature. If he is, arrest his soul.

The rest is up to me to take his soul and body to ask Shi Jian for an explanation. "Zhang Jingyun turned to Uncle Jiu and said.

He and Shi Jian are brothers after all.

Even if Uncle Jiu was justified in killing fellow students, he was unwilling to face it. Letting Zhang Jingyun do it saved Uncle Jiu trouble.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you."

Uncle Jiu followed Shi Shaojian's spirit and gradually disappeared. Zhang Jingyun picked up the formation robe under Shi Shaojian and looked at it again and again.

The formation that can assist the refining realm soul to leave the body is naturally extremely mysterious and Zhang Jingyun cannot understand it, but it doesn't matter, he still has a system.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved.

The skill bar flashes, and then the skill is generated.

[Not yet started with the Taiyin Divine Refining Array]

"It turns out that this formation is called the Taiyin Divine Refining Formation. Let's upgrade it to see what the mystery is." Zhang Jingyun then added twenty attribute points!

[The first level of the Taiyin Divine Refining Formation is complete]

A stream of mysterious and complex knowledge flooded into his mind, and Zhang Jingyun understood it in just a moment, gaining a deep understanding of this formation.

"Good fellow, this is actually an excellent formation that uses the power of moonlight to refine the soul. It is an untransmitted secret technique controlled by successive leaders of the Maoshan sect.

Refining the soul with the power of the moon can speed up the breakthrough to the realm of refining the soul. As long as you reach the realm of refining energy in the formation, the soul can temporarily leave the body.

Shi Shaojian's cultivation level could allow him to leave the body for half an hour, and he used this half hour to rush to the Qian Mansion to prepare to defile Boss Qian's daughter. "

Zhang Jingyun looked strange.

half an hour? Using the Taiyin God Refining Formation to leave one's body, the soul cannot wander outside the world like the real God Refiner, and can travel thousands of miles away in an instant.

Shi Shaojian's soul left the body just like ordinary people. It was not very fast. It took more than ten minutes to get to Qian's Mansion from here, and it took more than twenty minutes to go back and forth.

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth and was speechless: "What the hell, it will be over in five minutes, and you still have the nerve to rape and plunder??"

Zhang Jingyun kicked Shi Shaojian's body away and threw it heavily to the ground. Then he sat on the formation robe on the stone and practiced the Taiyin Divine Refining Formation.

Another twenty attribute points are added.

[The second level of the Taiyin Divine Refining Formation is complete]

Zhang Jingyun's body surface shone brightly, his body trembled, and his soul seemed to be able to leave the body at any time. This was a sign that his soul was about to leave the body.

"Qiu Sheng is a literary talent, look at Shi Shaojian's physical body." Zhang Jingyun ordered the two of them, and asked Dong Xiaoyu to protect him secretly.

Because Zhang Jingyun is ready to continue upgrading.

Forty attribute points added.

[The third level of the Taiyin Divine Refining Formation is complete]

Zhang Jingyun's consciousness rushed out of the Tianling Gai in an instant. At this moment, endless feelings came to his heart, and the shackles on his body were suddenly released, and he was completely free.

Lowering his head, Zhang Jingyun saw his physical body. The soul was exactly the same as the physical body. This realization was really strange. This is the beauty of the Taiyin God Refining Array. It allows people in the Qi Refining realm to feel the soul leaving the body in advance, making it easier to break through to the refining level. Divine realm.

Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian, father and son!

Using this superior formation to rape and plunder has simply tarnished the reputation of Maoshan. I feel sorry for the founder of the Taiyin Divine Refining Formation.

Zhang Jingyun was immersed in the comfort of Yuehua Divine Refining, and unknowingly, he raised the level of Taiyin Divine Refining Array to the fourth level of perfection.

This is the limit of the realm of refining energy. If you want to use more power of moonlight to refine your soul, you have to upgrade your magic power to the realm of refining the spirit.

Originally, Zhang Jingyun was still hesitant to break through the realm. After all, the energy refining in this world has reached its limit. Breaking through the god refining will definitely cost a lot.

But after the Yuanshen was refined by the Taiyin God Refining Formation, Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level went further, and he could vaguely see the threshold of the God Refining Realm.

It was at this time.

The system prompt sounded in my mind: "Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the minimum return standard. Do you want to return to the main world immediately?"

Zhang Jingyun's thoughts changed: "It's so fast. How can Shi Jian return to the main world before he has processed it? He won't return for the time being."

At the right time, Uncle Jiu came back with Shi Shaojian's soul: "Nephew, how can you also be able to leave your body?"

Shi Shaojian was about to slander Boss Qian's daughter. Uncle Jiu showed up in time to put him into the magic weapon. As soon as he came back, he saw two Zhang Jingyuns.

"It's with the help of the power of the formation."

Zhang Jingyun said, Uncle Ninth looked under him. The runes on the surface of the array robe were shining brightly, and large swaths of moonlight shrouded Zhang Jingyun's body.

"It's amazing." Uncle Jiu sighed repeatedly.

"Uncle Master, I have taken away Shi Shaojian's soul. While the soul is out of body, I am going to find Shi Jian and settle all grievances. Please keep my body."

Zhang Jingyun said with a happy heart.

Uncle Jiu quickly stopped him: "Don't be too impulsive. The soul is most afraid of thunder in its out-of-body state. How do you deal with Senior Brother's Lightning Thunder Fist?"

Zhang Jingyun's soul was instantly bathed in thunder and lightning and said, "I can also do thunder. Compared with Shi Jian, I am not inferior to him. Master, I will come back as soon as I go."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Jingyun turned into thunder and lightning and flew away. Compared with Shi Shaojian's half-hearted cultivation, Zhang Jingyun's soul was obviously closer to the real person Lian Shen.

Shi Jian's cultivation level cannot be at the level of god refining, so how could Zhang Jingyun be afraid of Shi Jian? Unless he breaks through to the realm of refining gods on the spot.

Uncle Jiu helplessly looked at the direction in which Zhang Jingyun disappeared. In less than a year, he actually had the courage to challenge his senior brother Shi Jian.

"Is something going to happen?" Uncle Jiu was worried.


Half an hour later.

Uncle Jiu's worries were unnecessary.

Zhang Jingyun's soul returned to his position, and before Uncle Jiu could react, the sky was filled with calamity clouds and bursts of thunder.

"Thunder Tribulation! How could it be Thunder Tribulation?"

Uncle Jiu didn't know what Zhang Jingyun did in the past half hour. He gathered the calamity cloud. Could it be that he broke the sky?

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