People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 164 Thunder Method: The Gate of Hell is Wide Open【Please subscribe】

The thunder method has always been a secret of various sects. As the most powerful magic in Taoism, the inheritance of the thunder method is naturally strict and orderly.

Among the Maoshan sect, senior brother Shi Jian is not the only one who can practice the thunder method, but besides Shi Jian, those who practice the thunder method are all highly skilled.

The so-called high power means stepping on the pole and fighting, communicating with humans and gods, preaching on behalf of gods, and saving people and ghosts. Among the deacons of the Taoist altar, high power ranks first.

High Gong is generally held by highly respected Taoists. These people are also top powers in the Maoshan Sect and have the qualifications to practice Thunder Method, but they will also be supervised and must not teach it to others.

Only Shi Jian in the Maoshan sect can teach the thunder method, so if Zhang Jingyun wants to learn the thunder method, he can only get in touch with Shi Jian through Uncle Jiu.

Shi Jian's Taoism is extremely profound and he is proficient in the Shangqing Thunder Technique. His lightning running thunder fist can easily beat the spirits of evil spirits to pieces.

Uncle Jiu went there several times but did not see Shi Jian. He said that he was out to subjugate demons, so naturally he had no chance to ask Shi Jian to teach Zhang Jingyun the thunder method.

Zhang Jingyun felt something was wrong.

I went to see Shi Jian several times, but I couldn't stay outside all the time. Shi Jian didn't have Uncle Jiu's special fate. No matter how strong he was, he wouldn't encounter so many ghosts.

Zhang Jingyun asked again in detail.

turn out.

The last few times Uncle Jiu came to visit, he didn't bring any gifts. Zhang Jingyun immediately understood the mystery, but this time he asked Uncle Jiu to send Shi Jian five hundred yuan.

Sure enough, Uncle Jiu was lucky enough to meet Shi Jian.

Shi Jian was not surprised to hear that Uncle Jiu wanted to recommend Zhang Jingyun to learn the thunder method. He was already the first person in charge of Maoshan Taoism and the main lineage of Maoshan's various dharma lines.

However, other Dharma lineages can still recommend disciples to practice Maoshan Thunder Clearing Technique, and the next generation leader of Maoshan will also be selected from these people.

Shi Jian thought that Uncle Jiu wanted to compete for the next generation to be the leader. Their generation was living in the shadow of Shi Jian, and Shi Jian's talent was indeed outstanding.

Although Uncle Jiu was powerful, there was still a gap between him and Shi Jian. Faced with Shi Jian's weirdness, Uncle Jiu naturally assured Zhang Jingyun that he had no such idea.

But Shi firmly believed it or not.

However, Uncle Jiu said that Shi Jian didn't react much and kindly told him that it would be okay even if Zhang Jingyun wanted to be the leader, and that competition among disciples from different dharma lines was a good thing.

A strange smile appeared on Zhang Jingyun's face, "Uncle, do you think what the uncle said is true? He really doesn't mind?"

Uncle Jiu thought for a while: "Senior brother is so profound that he shouldn't care much about these things. He has no wife and no children, so he must be telling the truth."

According to Uncle Jiu, there is indeed no problem.

Shi Jian is so strong, and he is pursuing the realm of refining gods, rushing to become immortal and ascend. If the Maoshan sect wants to prosper, disciples from all branches of the law should compete, and the capable one will take the top spot.

So I don’t mind Uncle Jiu recommending Zhang Jingyun.

But Uncle Jiu probably never would have imagined that, on the surface, he was selfless and devoted his whole life to cultivating Taoism. In fact, secretly, he could not bear the loneliness and had an illegitimate child, and he even took the illegitimate child with him to train him in the name of his disciple.

The Maoshan sect was intended to be passed on to his son.

Although Zhang Jingyun asked Uncle Jiu to send 300 yuan, it was not a small amount, but compared with his precious son, money was just an extraneous thing.

There must be some calculation involved.

"Uncle Master, I will go see Master Uncle tomorrow." Regardless of whether he had a plan or not, Zhang Jingyun was not afraid of seeing Shi Jian.

No matter how powerful Shi Jian is, he doesn't dare to deal with him openly. Moreover, Zhang Jingyun feels that although Shi Jian's Taoism is almost the ceiling of this world, it is probably impossible to kill him.


The next day, Zhang Jingyun met Shi Jian.

Sure enough, he was full of power. When the ghosts saw Shi Jian, they felt as if they were seeing a ghost. He was wearing a simple black and white Taoist robe, and he was obviously more stressed than Uncle Jiu, who was wearing a yellow Taoist robe.

"Disciple Zhang Jingyun, pay homage to the great uncle."

Zhang Jingyun said in greeting.

"Zhang Jingyun, the thirty-sixth generation disciple of Maoshan, belongs to the Corpse Refining lineage. His master is Xuan Qingzi. Am I right or not?" Shi Jian stared and asked.

His eyes were full of pressure when he glanced at it, but Zhang Jingyun was not frightened, and he admitted it without being humble or arrogant.

"So you are Ye Maoshan!"

Shi Jian stood up impatiently.

"The Yemaoshan Dharma lineage is also recognized by the ancestor, but its reputation has been smeared by many unscrupulous people. However, the disciple has never done evil things, but has done many good deeds to subjugate demons and eliminate demons. If you don't believe me, you can send someone to investigate."

Shi Jian looked at Zhang Jingyun's eyes. They were clear and crystal clear, and there seemed to be divine light in the depths. He suddenly showed a surprised look.

"How old are you this year?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "Twenty-eight years old."

"You have already reached this level at the age of twenty-eight. Lin Zhengying is right. You are indeed a monastic genius that is rare to see in a century."

The divine light that Shi Jian saw from Zhang Jingyun's eyes was, in Taoist terminology, the spiritual light of the original spirit. As the so-called spiritual light and spiritual light returned to my body quickly, the spirit returned to the Qi point, and the five internal organs were mysterious, it showed that I was very close to the realm of refining the spirit. .

"Thank you for the compliment, uncle."

Zhang Jingyun was slightly confused. Shi Jian's words were sincere and there was no sign of them being directed at him. Could it be that he really loves talents?

This time, even Zhang Jingyun couldn't figure out what he was thinking. He only heard Shi Jian say: "I have cultivated to your level after the age of thirty-five. Now it has been nearly thirty years and I still haven't understood the true meaning of god refining. I don’t know if there is still a chance to go further…”

Shi Jian's tone was a bit sad.

Zhang Jingyun didn't say anything. He couldn't tell the truth. He accused him of indulging his stupid son to do some unethical things and wanted to break through the master of Lian Shen? I'm afraid you're thinking shit...

Shi Jian sighed with emotion for a moment and said kindly to Zhang Jingyun: "You have reached this level at a young age and you will not be worse than me in the future. Especially since you are still in the corpse-refining lineage and have you sacrificed armored corpses?"

"How can the corpse-refining line not sacrifice the armor-refining corpse? The disciple is not talented and only sacrifices two hair zombies. One of them will survive the thunder tribulation and will soon be promoted to a flying zombie."

Zhang Jingyun said truthfully.

Shi Jian suggested: "The corpse-refining lineage has always emphasized corpses rather than methods. They often pay more attention to the level of zombies and neglect their own cultivation.

And you also sacrificed two zombies at one time, which takes a lot of energy from you. Even cultivating green zombies will take ten years of hard work...

Wait, what did you say?

Two hairy zombies, one of them has survived the thunder tribulation, will he be promoted to a flying zombie soon? Nephew, are you kidding me? "

"Everything my disciple said is true."

Zhang Jingyun could see the subtle changes in Shi Jian's face. He was shocked, confused, and then obviously kinder. A smile could be squeezed out of the rigid and stern face.

"Master nephew, you are really different. Well, Maoshan has such an outstanding disciple as you. There is no reason why we should not train him well. I will teach you the Shangqing Thunder Technique of my Maoshan sect."

Shi Jian said with appreciation.

Zhang Jingyun always felt weird when he saw this expression. Shi Jian was too talkative. Wasn't he afraid that he would compete with his son for the position of leader?

For the next two days, Shi Jian taught him the Thunder Technique. The Thunder Technique was a secret that was not passed down and was not shown on paper, so it was taught orally and face-to-face throughout the ages.

Until the third day.

Zhang Jingyun returned to Yizhuang.

"Eldest Brother is really a person who loves talents. Senior nephew, with your talent, it is only a matter of time before you become someone like Eldest Brother." Uncle Jiu said happily.

"Maybe I'm thinking too much..."

Zhang Jingyun decided to upgrade his thunder spell to the full level first. As long as he mastered the strongest spell, would he have to worry about Shi Jian if he could rub thunder and lightning with his hands?

"Uncle Master, how is the business with Underworld?" Zhang Jingyun asked, changing the subject. During the previous conversation with Taoist Huang, he had thought that Uncle Jiu could communicate with Underworld to do some business with Tiandi Bank.

Uncle Jiu was beaming with joy, and it seemed that he had gained a lot: "Simu and I tried together, and finally succeeded. You don't know that the common people have been burning paper all year round, making the money in the underworld worthless.

And the silver notes I outlined with runes were equivalent to real money underground, with strong purchasing power, and they were vying for them.

But this business can't be done casually. There is a quota. The ghost from the underworld gave me a share of four thousand taels per month. No more will be enough. "

Zhang Jingyun smiled. Uncle Jiu really wanted to take the position of president of Tiandi Bank. In the future, the Mingbi business might be under Uncle Jiu's control.

The business with the underworld made Uncle Jiu immediately rich. The shabby Yizhuang will soon become history, and Ban will move into a new house in a few days.

Zhang Jingyun was quite happy to see the money-loving Uncle Jiu making a fortune, with a smile on his face. He stopped helping with the moving. During this period, he had been busy practicing the Shangqing Lei method, and he had the same thoughts.

"System, add more!"

As Zhang Jingyun roared, the data panel suddenly changed, the skill bar flashed, and the just-generated [Super Clear Lightning Technique Uninitiated] instantly turned into [Super Pure Thunder Technique Beginner].

Consumes five attribute points.

Zhang Jingyun's mind was shaken, and a large amount of knowledge about thunder magic poured into his mind. The secrets of thunder magic practice were displayed before his eyes without any reservation.

Thunder method is an orthodox practice method, which is the most yang and the most strong. It is also divided into four realms: refining essence, refining energy, refining spirit, and refining void. Each realm has two levels of techniques.

Zhang Jingyun can practice the two-level magic formula of the refinement realm successfully in a year and a half if he does not rely on the system.

Zhang Jingyun has accumulated more than 200 attribute points in the past two months, which is more than enough to practice a thunder technique. There is no need to be careful.

With twenty attribute points added.

The skill bar flashes continuously.

It becomes [the perfect level of super clear thunder method]!

Zhang Jingyun tried it, but he couldn't rub thunder and lightning with his hands. He could only slightly feel the power of thunder and lightning, but it was fine for using it to draw talismans.


Another twenty attribute points were consumed.

[The second level of Shangqing Thunder Method is perfect]


The third level of Shangqing Thunder Technique is already at the realm of energy refining. Each upgrade costs ten attribute points. When the forty attribute points are added, the skill bar freezes.

[The three levels of Shangqing Thunder Method are perfect]

Zhang Jingyun felt numb!

Wisps of electric light traveled across Zhang Jingyun's body, and a large number of memories of thunder method practice flooded into his mind, which were deeply engraved in the depths of his soul.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly opened his eyes.

There seemed to be lightning flashes in both eyes.

"So this is the thunder method, it is indeed very powerful!" Zhang Jingyun stood up on the spot, with the magic of transforming into thunder at his fingertips.

With the thought in mind, Zhang Jingyun held a mahogany sword and drew a talisman. This talisman is called "Heaven and Earth Branches", which can open up the heaven and earth. At the same time, he burned it with "Jade Jue" incense with one hand.

Then use the "Sword Jue" to write the "Five Thunder Quickly" talisman, open the heavenly gate, close the ground door, leave the human door, block the ghost road, and cover the top with the "Haoguang Jue" with both hands.

It can be seen that Zhang Jingyun's hands are flying with all kinds of mysterious tricks at his fingertips, as if he has been practicing hard for decades.

Zhang Jingyun uses his third eye to transport the golden light, uses both hands together, and uses the Demon-Subduing Pestle Technique to tell the truth, and uses his left hand to pick out the five fires, sky fire, earth fire, and thunder fire, which are used to burn dry grass with the Samadhi divine fire of the sun at midday.


There was thunder and lightning, and Zhang Jingyun actually rubbed the lightning with his hands. The thunder and lightning as thick as his fingers danced in front of him like a flashing thunder snake.


The beams above the head were broken by Zhang Jingyun's thunder and lightning, the tiles shattered, and a crunching sound sounded, indicating that the house was about to collapse.

Eventually, the house collapsed.

After a moment, Zhang Jingyun jumped up from the ruins. Although his face was gray and gray, the joy on his face could not be concealed.

"It's done, I've also mastered the thunder method."

Zhang Jingyun looked at his hands and saw thunder and lightning floating in the air. This was a real thunder and lightning that could be charged super fast even when taking out a mobile phone.

"Why does it feel like Shi Jian's lightning skills are a little different?" Zhang Jingyun clenched his hands and punched, and the lightning was shooting out. It was indeed quite different from the scene in the plot where Shi Jian was bathed in thunder and lightning.

"It seems that Shi Jian has reached the fourth level of cultivation. Bathed in thunder and lightning, he seems to be the Dharma King of Thunder and Lightning, the Taoist priest who is closest to the real God Refiner."

Zhang Jingyun was about to reach the full level in one go, when suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, and he noticed something unusual right after he finished using the thunder method.

"Why are the thunder techniques I use different from those taught by Shi Jian? The double thunder technique is divided into five sections. In order, they are the abdominal cavity of the ancestral palace, the waist of the divine palace, the chest of five qi, and the thunder. For the ear, Niwan Gongnao is on top of Tiangu.

There is no problem in refining the magic formula, but when you reach the realm of refining Qi, the magic formula is completely reversed and starts from the Niwan Palace. Then won't you be directly struck by lightning and become a fool? "

Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized.

It turned out that Shi Jian used this method to plot against himself and gave him the wrong thunder method. Of course, it was not entirely wrong. There was no problem in the realm of refining essence, but it was a trap in the realm of refining qi.

The thunder method is reversed and the sky thunder is empowered.

Direct Maoshan one-stop funeral service.

It's a pity that Shi Jian didn't know that Zhang Jingyun still had a system, and Zhang Jingyun's practice of Thunder Technique was not just about chewing on the techniques taught by him bit by bit.

The advantage of adding points to upgrade the skills in the system is that as long as this skill exists, the rest depends on the concept. Concept-level practice does not care whether you change the skills or not. Anyway, the skills generated by the system will be correct in the end. of.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun only discovered that a small part of the techniques taught by Shi Jian were wrong after he mastered the thunder method. In theory, as long as the thunder method is generated in the skill column, there is no need to look at the rest taught by Shi Jian. The magic formula given to him is not necessary at all.

"This Shi Jian is so sinister."

Anyone else would have been tricked to death by Shi Jian.

There is no flaw in this guy's appearance at all. In the original plot, he was even willing to kill his own son. This kind of mentality is already called a perversion.

Expecting him to get better is wishful thinking.

It was intolerable to manipulate the magic formula to kill Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun happened to have a fate that was contrary to Tiangang, which seemed to be prepared for Shi Jian.

Just kill Shi Jian and become the number one person in Maoshan.

He will definitely complete the hidden mission.

Zhang Jingyun was preparing to make plans, but suddenly his heart tightened, and there were dark winds around him, as if the door of hell was wide open and a hundred ghosts were walking at night.

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