People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 157 A vixen can also practice dual cultivation [Please subscribe]

At night, the moonlight is hazy.

There was a sound of trampling footsteps.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, a team with strange movements was walking on the rugged mountain road. It is not accurate to say walking, it should be jumping.

These people formed a straight line.

The people behind put their arms on the shoulders of the people in front. Although they are one after another, they walk in uniform, as if they were one person.

The person leading the way, holding bells and lanterns, is the legendary corpse chaser. Corpse chaser is an extremely mysterious profession in western Hunan.

Generally speaking.

Corpse chasers are divided into three types: upper, middle and lower.

Those at the lowest level are said to be corpse chasers, but in fact, under the guise of corpse chasers, they do some shameful things, such as transporting cigarettes and so on.

During the Republic of China, there were local warlords who did this kind of thing. To a certain extent, it was these people who exaggerated the mystery of the corpse exterminators.

The purpose of the middle-level corpse chasers is indeed to transport corpses and allow people who have died in foreign lands to return to their homeland, but these people do not have the miraculous secret skills of corpse chasers.

They brought the corpse back to their hometown mainly by carrying it. First, they processed the corpse and removed all the internal organs and so on, making the corpse extremely light.

After that, two people team up and use slender bamboo poles to pass through the armpits of the corpse to fix the arms. Two bamboo poles can lift four or five corpses.

Because all the corpses were covered with black robes, and the bamboo poles pierced under the armpits could not be seen from the outside, so to outsiders, it seemed as if the corpse exterminators knew some magic to control the corpses.

In essence, this method is hard work. Although the corpses have been processed, it is still the limit for two people to carry four or five corpses.

The highest level of corpse exorcism is to use real Taoism, that is, the corpse exorcism technique used by Taoist Master Four Eyes. Using the soul-catching bell combined with the corpse exorcism technique, one person can easily transport the corpse to any place.

"Master nephew, do you want to try it?"

At the front, Taoist Master Simu suddenly said.

Along the way, Taoist Master Four Eyes had already taught Zhang Jingyun the art of exorcising corpses. However, even if Taoist Master Four Eyes learned the art of corpse refining, it took him a year to get started.

The reason why Taoist Priest Four Eyes said this was because he wanted to test whether Zhang Jingyun had the talent to exorcise corpses. In Yizhuang, Uncle Jiu praised him to the extreme, saying that he was a monastic genius that could only be seen in a century. Taoist Priest Four Eyes did it on a whim.

"Okay, uncle, let me try."

Zhang Jingyun's hands have been itching for a long time, and just now, he has spent attribute points to upgrade the corpse exorcism technique to the second level, so there will be no problem.

"Nephew, don't hurt my guest."

The four-eyed Taoist priest chuckled, then recited a spell, and all the corpses immediately froze. Then he gave the position of the corpse exorcist to Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun took a deep breath and stood in the leading position. He could see that his hands and fingers were agile, and he could easily use the seals used in the corpse exorcism technique.

"Yin people go on the road, Yang people retreat!"

As Zhang Jingyun shouted, all the corpses raised their hands and put them on the shoulders of the people in front of them. Zhang Jingyun also felt a pair of cold palms pressing on his shoulders.

For a moment, his body moved slightly.

Zhang Jingyun felt a pressure on his body, like a thin man weighing 100 kilograms suddenly being pressed down by a big man weighing 200 kilograms.

It would be difficult for ordinary people to bear it.

However, despite Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level, this pressure could not help him at all. After he got used to it, there was basically no pressure at all.

"This boy has so much strength!"

Taoist Priest Simu was slightly surprised.

If you want to learn to drive away a corpse, you must first bear its weight. The first step is to bear the weight of the corpse. Once you break through this level, it will gradually feel less heavy.

If you practice the corpse exorcism technique to a high level, you won't even feel the slightest pressure when expelling the corpse, and the human body and the corpse will become one, just like an arm.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes was convinced that Zhang Jingyun's performance did not reveal how talented he was, but his brute strength was truly astonishing, and this was also a different approach.

As Zhang Jingyun takes steps.

A series of zombies jumped behind him. When Zhang Jingyun encountered a stone, he jumped over and could avoid the zombies behind him accurately.

We walked like this for half an hour.

Zhang Jingyun was still in high spirits and showed no sign of fatigue. Taoist Priest Simu wanted to let Zhang Jingyun rest, but it seemed completely unnecessary.

"My nephew, in addition to driving away the corpses ourselves, we sometimes use animals to help us. We only need to stuff the avatars into the animals' mouths, but we must be careful not to let the animals run around. It is definitely not possible to travel for a long time."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes said at the right time.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. He had learned the substitute talisman before and had practiced it to the point of perfection. Even Uncle Jiu was not as good as him.

As for the effect of the substitute talisman, as the name suggests, it allows other creatures to act as a substitute for itself. Whoever swallows the talisman can be controlled by the person who drew the talisman.

In various films and TV shows shot by Lin Zhengying.

Substitute talismans are often used as a way to trick people. In fact, this kind of talisman has many uses. Taoist Priest Four Eyes likes to use toads to chase away corpses for himself.

Zhang Jingyun glanced around and saw a toad. He immediately released the spell to immobilize the body, and reached out to grab the toad in front of him.

"Hurry as the law dictates!"

Zhang Jingyun recited the incantation silently, held the talisman in his hand, folded it to the size of his thumb, opened the toad's mouth and stuffed it directly.

The whole process is lightning fast.

The toad didn't even react.

Then it jumped, with a long line of corpses behind it, and then jumped forward with the toad. It seemed to be successful, but there was obviously a problem.

It’s just that toads are difficult to control.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes can drive away corpses, but it is difficult to drive away toads. Not only toads, but even pets that have been strictly trained have uncontrollable risks.

However, this is not a problem for Zhang Jingyun. He also has taming skills. He can directly tame the toad in front of him with his mental power. The toad then becomes a tool under Zhang Jingyun's command, and it jumps forward all the way.

A string of corpses moved forward in unison.

Taoist Master Simu had a strange look on his face, "I told you, my nephew, to imitate you, but not to surpass me. If you act like this, my uncle will almost be unable to eat."

Zhang Jingyun's performance was indeed beyond his expectations. He could learn the art of exorcising corpses in one go, and even mastered it to perfection. Taoist Master Four Eyes had only been practicing for ten years at this level.

"It's all thanks to my uncle's good teachings."

Zhang Jingyun said modestly, and Taoist Master Simu was pleased. Who in this world doesn't like to hear good words? The main reason is to feel comfortable.

But at this moment, Zhang Jingyun suddenly stopped. Within the range of the golden pupil's spiritual energy, he clearly sensed someone following not far behind him.

However, when Zhang Jingyun used his golden eyes to see through the illusion and see clearly the true face of the person who attempted it, he was still instinctively stunned.

Because the other person is not a human being at all.

Its true face is a vixen that has transformed into a human form. While Zhang Jingyun was stunned, the vixen suddenly appeared in the form of a woman in white.

Almost in a flash.

The vixen snatched a corpse from the corpse team and flew it to an ancient tree. It seemed that he didn't even let go of the corpse to absorb the essence.

"Dare you steal my customers?"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes immediately became angry. As a corpse exorcist, he values ​​credibility the most. If a customer who paid a deposit was eaten by a mountain spirit monster, Maoshan would be completely disgraced.


Taoist Priest Four Eyes drew out his mahogany sword and went to grab the body. Zhang Jingyun's heart moved and he said before Taoist Priest Four Eyes: "Uncle Master, I'll subdue her!"

Zhang Jingyun is as fast as lightning.

Just the movement of mana was faster than Qinggong, leaving an afterimage on the ground, and then appeared in front of the vixen in a flash.

"Stinky Taoist, come here!"

The vixen slapped him, and in an instant, like a fox's paw grabbing at his neck, Zhang Jingyun used his body skills to transform into nine phantoms, which shocked the vixen.

By the time she reacted, Zhang Jingyun had already snatched the body and threw it to Taoist Priest Four Eyes, while holding a mahogany sword in his other hand, he stabbed the vixen in the shoulder.

"You can't hit me..."

The vixen's unusually confident voice stopped abruptly. She had amazing speed and the ability to create illusions, but they were completely useless in front of Zhang Jingyun's precise talent.

After a scream, the vixen fell from the tree and fell to the ground with a plop. Her thin gauze clothes were even more scattered, and her snow-white and smooth skin was exposed in front of Zhang Jingyun.

Seeing this, the vixen went along with the situation.

She hooked up her long legs, revealing a large area of ​​skin. Her hazy curves made people unable to take their eyes away, and her voluptuous figure was flawless.

"Taoist Master, you have to be merciful and merciful~"

Zhang Jingyun's figure was tall and straight, and he was a very smart vixen. He leaned directly on Zhang Jingyun's legs and raised his head to beg for mercy with slightly frightened eyes.

Look at her like this.

Zhang Jingyun blurted out, "You are so coquettish!"

The vixen was stunned for a moment, with shame and anger flashing in her eyes. If Zhang Jingyun hadn't been too strong, there would be no need for her to be coquettish and just suck people's energy.

"Master nephew, don't be afraid! Master uncle is here!"

A voice sounded.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes rushed over with a magic weapon, a mahogany sword. Although Zhang Jingyun was very powerful, in his eyes he was still a junior, and he had to go first if something happened.

"Taoist Priest, please spare my life!"

The vixen can feel the magical power of the four-eyed Taoist Priest, which is extremely powerful. It is obviously more than enough to deal with wild monsters like himself.

For the current plan, I can only pray to Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the vixen, with golden eyes, fluffy ears, and a beautiful and charming face. He could not fully transform into a human form because he was not good at teaching.

"However, this fox girl's appearance is more charming than the complete transformation!" Zhang Jingyun glanced at her thoughtfully.

The vixen suddenly became excited, "No way, I'm a goblin, what else can he, a human Taoist priest, do to me?"

Zhang Jingyun took out a few holding charms and put them on her head, then turned to Taoist Master Simu who came over and said, "Uncle, don't worry, I'm fine, this is a vixen."

"Vixen? I'll kill her!"

Taoist Priest Four Eyes was about to kill him immediately.

Zhang Jingyun stopped him: "Uncle, wait a minute. This vixen's crime is not worthy of death. She planned to snatch the body from the beginning instead of killing the two of us, which shows that she still has a conscience in her heart and did not commit any rash crimes."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes thought this was the case.

"What about this goblin?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "Of course I'll keep her with me first to see if she does anything bad. After she's been trained, let her go free."

About training.

Zhang Jingyun still has experience.

Dong Xiaoyu has been trained very well by him now. Zhang Jingyun originally thought that dual cultivation with Dong Xiaoyu and attribute points would be enough, but now it is not enough.

Just then the vixen came to my door.

Zhang Jingyun considered studying with King Zhou.


The sky is bright.

Zhang Jingyun and Taoist Master Simu also arrived home.

The residence of Taoist Priest Four Eyes is surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear waters. Except for Master Yixiu next door, there are no outsiders within a hundred miles. The corpse exorcists lurk day and night, so it is more convenient to work in a remote place.

"Master, you are back. Who is this?"

A young man came after hearing the sound. He was tall and handsome, and when Zhang Jingyun saw him, he blurted out, "Qiu Sheng?"

Taoist Master Four Eyes chuckled and said, "This is not Qiu Sheng. His name is Jia Le and he is my disciple. Qiu Sheng is actually his cousin."

"That's it. No wonder it's so similar."

Zhang Jingyun and Xu Jiale got to know each other for a while, and then Xu Jiale skillfully arranged the corpses brought back by Taoist Priest Four before offering incense.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes fell asleep.

Zhang Jingyun was not sleepy. After another half an hour, the sound of knocking on wooden fish came from next door. Zhang Jingyun could hear the sound of the four-eyed Taoist priest covering his head with a quilt in anger.

"This is Master Ikkyu next door doing morning lessons. Master and his schedule are exactly opposite. I have often quarreled with Master Ikkyu over the years."

Xu Jiale said.

Zhang Jingyun nodded and suddenly shouted: "Don't move!" Xu Jiale, who was about to move the vixen next to the corpse, made a move.

"She is not a guest. I will take her back to the room later." Zhang Jingyun said softly, and Xu Jiale felt excited when he saw the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Senior brother, I admire you!"

Xu Jiale gave a thumbs up and said.

Zhang Jingyun didn't explain too much, chatted for a while, and then went back to their rooms. Fortunately, Taoist Master Simu's residence was big enough, and there was still room for each person.

Sound insulation arrays are arranged in a familiar manner.

Zhang Jingyun uncovered the talisman on the vixen's head. When she regained her freedom, she seemed to understand what Zhang Jingyun was going to do next.

"Taoist Master, aren't you afraid that I will suck your yang energy? You may be playing with fire and destroying your Taoism." The vixen said calmly.

"Playing with fire and burning yourself? You can try it."

Zhang Jingyun is going to let the vixen help him practice.

The vixen didn't take it seriously. After all, she was a spirit. It was instinctive to absorb yang energy and essence. Don't blame her if Zhang Jingyun brought it to his door.

I'm preparing for a major replenishment.

The vixen suddenly noticed that the power in his body was losing, and was pouring it into Zhang Jingyun's body. In an instant, the vixen panicked.

"Master Taoist, spare your life, spare your life!"

Zhang Jingyun ignored her begging for mercy, Xuannv Sutra, instinctive operation, yin and yang, also injected another force into the vixen's body.


Naturally, this kind of vixen doesn't know about the secret method of dual cultivation. She only knows that she helps Zhang Jingyun practice, and Zhang Jingyun also gives her a lot of benefits. It's a win-win situation.

[Practice once, attribute points +1]

[Attribute point +1]


Zhang Jingyun was shocked. The efficiency of this kind of dual cultivation was even higher than that of Dong Xiaoyu. As he chased Bai Yuekui, Zhang Jingyun suddenly found that the partner of his dual cultivation seemed to be getting weirder and weirder without even realizing it.


evening! Zhang Jingyun felt refreshed.

The attribute points increased by as many as nine.

Nine is the number of extremes. According to the tips of the Xuannv Sutra, daily practice should not exceed the extreme number, otherwise it will be too much or even damage the body.

Zhang Jingyun went out and didn't see Taoist Priest Simu or Xu Jiale. When he came to the yard, he saw a girl who looked like Li Lizhen.

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