People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 154 Five Camps of Divine Generals [Please subscribe]

"Western zombies? Vampires!"

Zhang Jingyun is still very curious about the priest vampire underground. This thing has many similarities but is completely different from the zombies in the East.

Judging from the appearance, both have long fangs, but vampires can retain their appearance in life, usually with pale skin, sharp canine teeth, scarlet lips, long nails, and cold hands.

Most of the zombies have green faces and fangs, are hideous and terrifying, have rigid bodies, jump and walk, and usually cannot speak but can only roar.

From the perspective of lifespan, they are all undead creatures. They also feed on blood, and the objects sucked by blood will be transformed into the same kind.

In addition, zombies generally have no consciousness before death. Even if they are revived, they rely on instinct. Only zombies that have evolved to a certain level can possess human wisdom.

Vampires are different. Apart from the difference in image, vampires are not much different from humans in terms of intelligence. They can talk, unlike zombies who can only roar.

In addition, on the night of the full moon, zombies and vampires will receive varying degrees of increase, and their strength and speed will generally be greatly improved.

"It's strange. Even if Uncle Jiu has an unexpected physique, he can always encounter evil ghosts. But in the past few days, he has encountered three female ghosts, a zombie and a vampire. Isn't it too frequent?"

Zhang Jingyun had some doubts in his heart.

In the evening, the thunderstorm weather finally eased down. After the wind and rain, the air became fresher and many people came out for a walk.

Various activities in the town were not affected at night. As one of the most prosperous towns within a radius of several hundred kilometers, Renjia Town was quite lively at night.

Those who stand on the street stand on the street, and those who set up stalls set up stalls.

Sometimes when I see a girl shouting "Come on, come on", she is basically bare-faced, and Zhang Jingyun suddenly feels very "simple".

Zhang Jingyun did not tell Uncle Jiu what had just happened. He was a disciple of Maoshan's corpse-refining method and would be "jealous" when encountering all kinds of powerful zombies.

These days, Zhang Jingyun practices Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique. There are many powerful techniques in it, but Old Master Ren alone is far from enough.

Zhang Jingyun didn't know if Western vampires could be refined into Eastern zombies. Anyway, he had to give it a try. If it didn't work, then he would subdue the demons and eliminate them. Just consider it as completing the task.

Arriving at Yizhuang.

Uncle Jiu discussed the Feng Shui issue with Zhang Jingyun again. They both enjoyed the conversation and gained something from each other. At the same time, Uncle Jiu also realized that Zhang Jingyun’s Feng Shui attainments were actually no less than his own, or even better.

In fact, Uncle Jiu guessed it right.

Zhang Jingyun has raised the sixteen-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui secret technique to a perfect state. In terms of Feng Shui, even Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng are no more than this.

"To untie the bell, you must tie the bell. Even if we rearrange the village's feng shui, if we don't know the reasons for the broken feng shui, we will only be treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

Zhang Jingyun said.

Uncle Jiu asked him: "How to cure the root cause?"

"In my opinion, this matter has nothing to do with the church on the mountain. In all likelihood, the demon that the priest fought against has not yet completely died.

In addition, Uncle Master, I am also curious about something. Why have so many demons and monsters appeared recently? It seems that they have all agreed to revive them together. "

Zhang Jingyun asked out his doubts.

Uncle Jiu touched his chin and explained the reason: "You may have been concentrating on practicing Taoism but you may not have noticed that a few days ago there was a rare eclipse of the Tengu Moon.

When Tengu eclipses the moon, the sky and earth become dim and Yin energy gathers. When Tengu spits out the moon, there will be a phenomenon of Yin prosperity and Yang decline.

Once the moonlight shines on ghosts, they will become demonic, so we often encounter ghosts recently. The moon is full after the Tengu eclipse, which must have awakened many demons. "

Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized.

Then Zhang Jingyun suddenly came to his senses and said, "So the reason why my uncle doesn't give Qiusheng and Wencai pocket money is because he is afraid that they will be in danger when they go out to play?"

Uncle Jiu nodded. He usually seemed stingy, but this time he was really worried about his two apprentices. With their cultivation levels, they were most likely to be harmed by ghosts, so it was better to stay at home.

"If I had known this, I would have stopped them." Zhang Jingyun said suddenly, and Uncle Jiu had a bad feeling in his heart.

"What did they do again?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "When I first came back, I saw the two of them sneaking around and preparing to steal my uncle's money to play at night..."

Uncle Jiu immediately became anxious.

"These two bastards!"

Poor knowledge of Taoism and Dharma would just be a hindrance. These uncles could tolerate it, but stealing his money to go out for fun was definitely not an option.

This is worse than being beaten by zombies!

Seeing that Uncle Jiu was about to get angry, Zhang Jingyun said quickly, "Uncle, don't be angry yet, I have already stopped the two of them."

Uncle Jiu sighed: "Their tempers are such that they won't let it go. You must have given them money, right?"

Zhang Jingyun smiled softly.

It's just a little money, Zhang Jingyun really doesn't care. Although Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai always lag behind, they are all from the same school after all, and their lives were tight in the past.

"I hope the two of them don't encounter ghosts..."

Uncle Jiu suddenly said expectantly.

However, Zhang Jingyun's heart skipped a beat after hearing this, "It's fun, Uncle Jiu raised the flag again. If nothing else happens, something will happen to the two of them."

as expected.

Just when Zhang Jingyun and Jiu Shu were discussing the Maoshan Method, there was a sudden noise outside, and it turned out to be Qiu Sheng's shout.

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu went out one after another and asked.

Qiu Sheng looked panicked and pointed at Wen Cai and said, "Master, Senior Brother Zhang, Wen Cai seems to have been possessed by a ghost."

It turns out that Qiu Shengwen was haunted by a female ghost when he came back. The two of them acted on a whim and were brave enough to have the psychic talisman stolen from Uncle Jiu.

So Qiu Sheng first used a psychic talisman to possess the female ghost. After seeing the memories of the female ghost during her lifetime, he found it interesting and asked Wen Cai to use the talisman to possess the female ghost.

Later, Wencai also read the memories of the female ghost during her lifetime. It turned out that the female ghost was a singer who did not sell her skills, but unexpectedly she was spotted by bandits.

Women have a strong temperament and would rather die than obey.

Rather Stick to your guns,

Finally, a group of bandits brutally killed him.

When Qiu Sheng saw Wen Cai's face turned pale and his whole body was twitching, he immediately knew that something was wrong and quickly asked for help. Uncle Jiu glared at Qiu Sheng: "I'll take him back to settle the score with you."

After finishing speaking, Uncle Jiu looked at Wencai, shook his head, then picked up Wencai, shook him, and then threw Wencai like a sandbag.

"Jingyun!" Uncle Jiu looked at Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun didn't need to say much, he just took out the altar. As he activated his magic power, a figure flew out from Wen Cai's body and was absorbed by the altar.

Wencai also woke up.

Uncle Jiu saw this and scolded Qiu Sheng Wencai, "You bastard, you must not tell outsiders about the female ghost. Moreover, you have to help the female ghost get her body back. Only in this way can the female ghost be reincarnated as a human being."

Qiu Sheng grimaced: "Why us?"

Zhang Jingyun sealed the jar and said with a smile: "Who allowed you two to be possessed by a ghost? This is cause and effect. If you can't find your jade body, the female ghost will not let you go."

"Can't we suppress her?"

Wen Cai asked weakly.

Zhang Jingyun said seriously: "Wencai, this female ghost is already so miserable, why do you still suppress her? Is this something human beings do?

In this world, not all ghosts must be suppressed. Maoshan Taoist priests must help both people and ghosts. This is the way to practice. "

Wencai quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

Uncle Jiu couldn't help but said when he saw that the two apprentices were useless, "I'm making you laugh. If my two apprentices were half as good as you, I would wake up laughing even in my dreams."

"Uncle Master, you can't force this kind of thing."

Zhang Jingyun talked to Uncle Jiu again and left. The next day, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai went to the town to help the female ghost recover the jade body. The so-called jade body is the corpse. Only by retrieving the body for burial can the ghost be reincarnated.

The people who killed the singer were a group of bandits and bullies. Although Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were not very good at Taoism, they were more than capable of dealing with these bandits.

Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu don't need to interfere.

The two of them went to the village to investigate the feng shui problem. The villagers were digging a well, but they only dug the well for a long time but no water came out.

At this moment, a villager's shovel collided, as if he had dug something hard, and several people suddenly started whispering in the pit.

Next to him, Ah Wei, who was feeding his cousin grapes, saw that the villagers were not working, but gathered in a group to study something, and he immediately went over to take a look out of curiosity.

"Get up, what did you dig?"

Awei grabbed a banana and casually glanced down. He couldn't take his eyes away. Under the deep pit, he unexpectedly found a gem.

In the excitement, Ah Wei calmly asked everyone to pull the things up, and then they discovered that the gem was inserted into a corpse.

However, as soon as everyone pulled the body away, a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky. The sky was first covered with dark clouds, and then a violent storm began to fall.

At this time, Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu arrived.

“Who moved the landmark?”

Uncle Jiu frowned, because the place where the villagers dug the well was not the location where he had determined the well yesterday. Someone had moved the landmark inserted in the ground, and even dug out a stiff but not rotten corpse in the ground.

"The eyes are red, rotten and unchanging, a strange phenomenon from birth. Uncle Master, this situation is even weirder than when you moved Ren Fa's grave!"

Zhang Jingyun said and looked at the corpse. On the chest was a Holy Cross sword inlaid with purple gems. It was this Holy Cross sword that had suppressed vampires for more than ten years.

However, the vampire's life should not be cut off, but by chance, he caught up with the tengu moon eclipse that only happens once in a century, and used the power of the moonlight to move the landmark and let people dig him out.

"Uncle Jiu, what should we do?"

Ah Wei looked at the purple gem reluctantly. According to Uncle Jiu's opinion, the body must not be saved, but it was a pity for the gem.

"Corruption without transformation is a sign that the corpse will turn into a corpse. I propose to cremate it on the spot!" Uncle Jiu said without hesitation after hearing this.

"Okay!" The village chief agreed readily.

Zhang Jingyun thought that if Ren Fa was so happy and his father was kind and his son was filial, maybe nothing would happen to Mr. Ren.

"First carry the body into the house to prevent it from being exposed to the rain. You follow the village chief to grab the firewood and pile it into a pile for cremation!" After that, Ah Wei went into the house to rest.

Uncle Jiu didn’t think there was a problem.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the situation in the house with his golden eyes. Firewood was being prepared outside, while Ah Wei and his cousin were eagerly picking at the gems on the Holy Cross Sword.

Seeing that they couldn't dig it out, the two just used saws. Zhang Jingyun frowned. This Holy Cross sword can suppress vampires. It is obviously a treasure and cannot be wasted by two idiots.

Zhang Jingyun thought together and used his telekinesis.

Before the hacksaws in their hands touched the cross sword, they somehow scratched their wrists. Blood dripped on the vampire's shriveled body. The chest of the vampire priest, who had turned into a mummy, was rising and falling undetectably.

Ah Wei and his cousin were completely unaware.

The gem was not dug out, but the village chief outside had already urged Awei to take out the body and burn it. Awei was anxious when he suddenly had an idea.

He covered a nearby wooden sculpture with a white cloth, pretended it was a mummy, and had people carry it out and throw it onto a two-meter-high firewood pile.

Uncle Jiu was about to take a look, but was interrupted by Ah Wei: "Uncle Jiu, it seems that there are really bats in the church. I will trouble you to go and take a look later."

"Oh? Why didn't you find it yesterday?"

Interrupted by Ah Wei, Uncle Jiu did not lift the white cloth. At this moment, Ah Wei asked someone to light the firewood pile, and flames shot into the sky.

"Hey, I haven't read it yet..."

Uncle Jiu stepped forward and lifted the white cloth, but it was too late. The flames were blazing, and he couldn't tell whether it was a mummy or a wood carving, so he had to give up.

At night, Uncle Jiu became more and more confused as he thought about it.

It always felt like something was wrong.

At the right time, Zhang Jingyun entered the room and said, "Uncle, something happened. The wooden sculpture that was burned just now was resurrected by sucking the blood of Ah Wei and his cousin."

"This idiot who succeeds in nothing but fails in everything! He must be thinking about the gems on the mummy!" Uncle Jiu quickly went to check with Zhang Jingyun.

I saw the windows in the house wide open.

A gem-encrusted Holy Cross sword fell on the ground. Ah Wei and his cousin turned pale, with two fangs sticking out of their mouths. When they saw Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu, they licked the corners of their mouths greedily, and then rushed towards them.

"Become a zombie? Be as urgent as the law!"

Uncle Jiu subconsciously threw a real fire talisman back. When the talisman touched Awei, it instantly ignited. Awei was bathed in real fire and kept screaming, but he did not die.

"Huh? The real fire talisman is useless?"

Uncle Jiu was surprised that Awei should have been transformed into a zombie after being bitten. He was the most common zombie. The True Fire Talisman was useful for both green zombies and hairy zombies. It was impossible to kill ordinary zombies like Awei.

Zhang Jingyun could see that Ah Wei was indeed injured, but it was caused by the flames burning in the talisman and had little to do with the magic power in the talisman.

When the talisman is burned out, the flame disappears.

Ah Wei is still not dead.

With his thoughts in mind, Zhang Jingyun performed the Dragon Capturing Skill, grabbed the Holy Cross Sword on the ground in his hand, and then thrust it into Ah Wei's body with his backhand.

A puff of smoke rose.

Awei suddenly became silent.

Uncle Jiu first looked at the Holy Cross Sword in his hand and found that the effect of this thing was much better than the talisman, and the idea of ​​​​competition arose in his heart.


I saw Uncle Jiu pull out a money sword from his back. The sword was tied with a copper coin link with a red thread. Uncle Jiu used his magic power to touch the copper coin sword, and the sword suddenly shone golden.

The cousin turned pale with fright, huddled in the corner, and looked at Uncle Jiu's magical weapon, the copper coin sword, in fear. However, she was already a vampire, and Uncle Jiu didn't know how to let go.

The copper coin sword pierced the chest.

My cousin screamed repeatedly, with a big hole in her chest, but she managed to survive and ran out, shouting at the same time: "Don't kill me! I don't want to die."

"Can zombies still talk?"

Uncle Jiu was shocked.

Zhang Jingyun captured his cousin back with a Dragon Capturing Kung Fu, "Uncle Master, this zombie is different from our Chinese zombies. Even the magic power has no effect."

After speaking, Zhang Jingyun used a holding charm.

This kind of immobilizing talisman can immobilize the zombie as long as it is attached to the forehead of the zombie, but the cousin tore off the talisman on his head with a puzzled look.

"What do you want to do?" The cousin looked scared.

"It's really useless?" Uncle Jiu also came over and tried it. Ordinary talismans had no effect. Powerful talismans, such as the True Fire Talisman and the Evil-Breaking Talisman, would have some effect, but they would not kill the opponent.

If he slashed a few times with the copper coin sword, he should be able to kill him, but his cousin was such a precious "special zombie" that Uncle Jiu was reluctant to kill him directly.

"Because you still have intelligence, I won't kill you first! Jingyun, that more powerful zombie just left, let's hurry up and chase it!"

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking to Zhang Jingyun, he took out the rope, tied up his cousin and hung her on the roof, waiting to catch the zombie before coming back to deal with it.

Zhang Jingyun stood in front of the window and looked around. This is where the vampire escaped. He should be going to resurrect his girlfriend.

Immediately, Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu chased them all the way until they reached a mountainside and found traces. Zhang Jingyun used his golden eyes to scan and found two familiar figures.

"Did Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai find Yu Shen here?" Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. He remembered that they seemed to have made a mistake in looking for the female ghost Yu Shen. In the end, they took away the vampire's girlfriend. This led to the vampire's constant hatred of Uncle Jiu and his apprentice. In pursuit!

"Uncle Master, I found that Western zombie. Ordinary spells are useless against him. We have to take out what's at the bottom of the box!" Zhang Jingyun said seriously.

Uncle Jiu's heart trembled, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Jingyun said in a deep voice: "In the contest between the East and the West, we must come up with a trump card. I am going to set up a five-camp array of divine generals to deal with this Western zombie!"

"How many battalions of divine generals do you want to invite?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "Invite all the divine generals from the five camps!"

Uncle Jiu took a breath, how cruel!

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