People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 151 Talisman, subdue ghosts and channel gods [Please subscribe]

"How much do you know about the monastic realm?"

Uncle Jiu was curious. Zhang Jingyun could make Mao Zong. He was obviously a rising star in the corpse-refining lineage. His master must also be a hidden master in Maoshan.

Unfortunately, Uncle Jiu guessed wrong.

Zhang Jingyun's master, the old Taoist priest Xuan Qingzi, is simply a Ye Maoshan, and he has just started to enter the realm.

Xuan Qingzi was able to leave a large inheritance to Zhang Jingyun, amounting to thousands of dollars, which was countless times more than Uncle Jiu's net worth, but most of this money was obtained through fraud.

People like Uncle Jiu are orthodox Taoist priests of the Maoshan sect. They are extremely disciplined in their behavior and work. Although they live in poverty, it is also a kind of practice.

Facing Uncle Jiu's question, Zhang Jingyun thought for a while and said: "In terms of realm, Master only told me about magicians, warlocks, mage, etc."

"A warlock? A person without knowledge or skills."

Uncle Jiu shook his head and said something shocking as soon as he opened his mouth. In Zhang Jingyun's impression, the old Taoist priest still had a few warlock friends. Unexpectedly, in Uncle Jiu's eyes, he turned out to be uneducated and incompetent.

"As I said, the reputation of warlocks is too bad. In the past, warlocks still had an effective system, but unfortunately it has gradually declined.

These warlocks now take side paths. If they want to reach the end point, they have to take shortcuts, but most of them are steep cliffs and there are many poisonous obstacles and traps.

Many warlocks take shortcuts and lose their true intentions. They have no bottom line in doing things and are no different from evil spirits. In order to achieve their goals, they do not hesitate to make people angry and resentful. How can they survive the catastrophe of heavenly thunder and achieve righteousness? "

Uncle Jiu briefly said something. Today's warlocks are just like Ye Maoshan. Their reputations have been ruined, resulting in warlocks being ignorant and incompetent and practicing evil ways.

"Master, that is, Master, is also commonly used to describe those of us who practice Taoism. It is the same title as Taoist priests and Taoist priests, and has nothing to do with the realm of Taoism.

But some titles can also reflect the realm. For example, Master, there are Celestial Master, Earth Master, and Mage. Taoism has four great Celestial Masters, which are more powerful than the Mage at first glance.

In addition to the title of master, there are also lord and respect. For example, the founder of the Maoshan sect, Sanmao Zhenjun, has already become an immortal and attained enlightenment.

Even higher up, the Shangqing Tianzun, in terms of realm, is infinitely higher than Jun. However, the realms of Jun and Zun are too illusory for us.

The realm of the teacher is already the level that we as Taoists explore throughout our lives, so the realm of Taoism also stops at the teacher.

The journey of cultivating the Tao is concise and concise. The four realms of refining essence, refining Qi, refining spirit, and refining void are similar to the four realms of inner alchemy. "

When it comes to inner alchemy, Zhang Jingyun has the right to speak. He has also practiced inner alchemy, such as the authentic Quanzhen Longmen method, which is the Eight Parts of Vajra Technique.

However, Zhang Jingyun has perfected the inner alchemy technique, but it has not reached a level that is too shocking, that is, his life span has been extended to about 150 years.

At this time, Uncle Jiu said again: "The inner elixir technique focuses on qi and blood, and those who practice Taoism mainly focus on the soul. The four realms of Taoism are different ways of cultivating the soul.

When refining the essence, at the beginning of practicing Taoism, the soul cannot be felt. The soul lives in the mind. In the Niwan Palace, it is also called the sea of ​​spirit.

To grow, the soul needs energy. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be used as the energy of the soul, but the ascetic cannot drive the soul at this time.

Therefore, if you want to refine your essence, you still have to rely on food to replenish your energy without getting rid of the cycle of grains. The so-called hundred-day foundation building is also a process of refining your essence.

I just saw that you also have a good level of magic power. You should be able to understand this process. Your body will undergo transformation at this stage. "

"Is this happening?"

Zhang Jingyun was slightly startled. After practicing the technique, he directly used the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to nourish his soul. His need for food has long been cut off, and his body has not undergone any transformation.

"I don't even know how you cultivated magic power? What is the Maoshan method that your master taught you?" Taoist priest Simu on the other side couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Jingyun said: "The method of gathering light and energy."

"Huh? It turns out to be this method. It's not simple. The method of gathering light and energy ranks among the top three in Maoshan. However, it is famously easy to learn and difficult to master. Even in Maoshan, not many people have mastered it."

The four-eyed Taoist priest was slightly surprised.

Uncle Jiu said: "The reason why it is difficult to practice the method of gathering light and energy is because this technique is originally a technique for those who are in the realm of refining essence and refining energy.

The realm of refining is only the basis for cultivation, but many people are very talented and can feel the spiritual energy between heaven and earth and practice directly with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

In the first two stages of cultivation, refining is just excessive. Most people can cultivate to the state of refining Qi. You are considered to be at the state of Qi refining, and so are we, but the difference is huge.

The level of Taoism depends not only on the depth of magic power, but also on talismans, incantations, etc. As for refining Qi, breaking through and refining God, it is even more difficult than reaching the sky. "

Zhang Jingyun was curious, "What did Lian Shen say?"

Uncle Jiu chuckled, "Refining the gods means practicing directly with the soul. The soul is more in line with the heaven and earth. What is the scene like when the soul swallows the spiritual energy of the world?

Once the Yuan Shen is successfully cultivated, he can easily leave his body, fly with a sword using his Yuan Shen, and travel to Mu Cangwu in the North Sea. In the past thousand years, few people have entered this realm. "

Zhang Jingyun had an idea in his mind.

Refining God is probably at the level of Yan Chixia, and the world of Ghost Story should be a bit higher than the combat power level of Mr. Zombie's world.

Among them, Zhiqiu Yiye was not able to leave the body with his soul, and he was able to get out of the body with the help of Yan Chixia. However, due to insufficient cultivation, he was unable to return to his original position.

Zhiqiu Yiye is also the closest to the realm of refining the gods. Otherwise, if he throws an ordinary person to Yan Chixia, he will not be able to help the soul to leave the body.

The ceiling of Mr. Zombie’s world combat power is Shi Jian, the senior brother of the Maoshan sect. He can rub thunder and lightning with his hands. His cultivation level cannot reach the level of god refining, but he is at the peak of Qi refining. Rubbing thunder and lightning with his hands is actually his intensive cultivation. The effect of Maoshan Thunder Method.

The Thunder Technique is not a unique skill of Longhushan Tianshi Dao. The so-called Thunder Technique is a Taoist practice that combines human internal exercises and talismans.

Thunder method can be used to summon wind and rain, cast down demons and catch ghosts, pray for sunshine and rain, and stop floods and droughts. According to research, it originated in the Northern Song Dynasty and flourished in the Southern Song Dynasty.

The thunder method of Taoism has been inherited by many sects such as Tianxin, Qingwei, Beidi, Shenxiao, Donghua, Zhengyi, and Shangqing.

Tianshi Dao is the Zhengyi sect, and Maoshan is the Shangqing sect. However, with the rise of Longhu Mountain, Maoshan and other factions gradually merged into Longhu Mountain, and their status is not what it was before.

"To be honest, the Taoist techniques taught by my master are all based on the Maoshan method. The Maoshan sect emphasizes both magical power and talismans.

But my ability to draw talismans is really insignificant. If possible, I usually want to ask Uncle Jiu some knowledge about drawing talismans. "Zhang Jingyun said.

Uncle Jiu said without hesitation: "We are all Maoshan sect, and we should support each other. If you have anything you don't understand, just ask me."

In fact, Uncle Jiu admires Zhang Jingyun quite a lot.

After all, Zhang Jingyun was completely different from his two apprentices. Uncle Jiu was determined to teach him what he had learned throughout his life, but his apprentices were not up to par.

"What about the Ren family?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

"Ren Tingting is the only one left in the Ren family now. Although he is taken care of by his cousin, I think he is also a villain with a deer head and rat eyes, so I have to guard against him.

Mr. Ren has been refined into an armored corpse by you, but even zombies have the characteristic of killing blood relatives, so you have to take precautions. "

Uncle Jiu reminded, Zhang Jingyun understood.

In the evening, Zhang Jingyun walked around Ren's house.

Captain Awei of the patrol team always stays at Ren's house these days because of the zombie infestation. He pesters Ren Tingting from time to time, trying not to be too obvious.

After Ren Fa died, Ren Tingting didn't have the time to think about this, so she avoided Awei whenever she could these days, but this was not a long-term solution.

Ah Wei's plan was known to the neighboring counties. Didn't he just want to take Ren Tingting and her family property as his own?

This evening.

Ah Wei greeted Ren Tingting as usual and took the opportunity to take advantage. Suddenly, Ah Wei saw a beautiful woman in white standing next to Ren Tingting.

"Ah, there is such a beautiful woman. Do you know that it is illegal to break into a house without permission? Do you believe I will take you back to the police station?"

Ah Wei said with serious eyes.

Ren Tingting also followed Ah Wei's gaze and looked over. She felt a dark wind blowing by, but saw no one.

"Where did the woman come from?"

Ah Wei was stunned: "Such a big living person, dressed in plain white clothes, is taller than you, but his breasts are not as big as yours..."

As he spoke, Awei made exaggerated gestures and drew an outline next to Dong Xiaoyu. Seeing him like this, Ren Tingting felt a chill down her spine.

"Cousin, there is obviously no one here..."

Ren Tingting's voice was trembling. Upon seeing this, Ah Wei stopped trying to take advantage and turned to look at Dong Xiaoyu, who was dressed in white.

He stretched out his hand and passed through Dong Xiaoyu's body. At this moment, Ah Wei's arms were covered with goosebumps and his whole body was numb.


With a scream, Awei ran away.

Ren Tingting also felt terrified. At this moment, Dong Xiaoyu slowly appeared, and the sudden appearance almost pulled her down.

"Don't be afraid, we know Uncle Jiu."

Dong Xiaoyu's words shocked Ren Tingting. She was just wondering who we were when she saw another figure walking into the room.

"Zhang Jingyun of the Maoshan School..."

Zhang Jingyun first asked Dong Xiaoyu to scare away Ah Wei, and then showed up to meet Ren Tingting and told her to refine himself into Mrs. Ren and solve the zombie scourge.

Because of Mrs. Ren, if she encounters trouble, Ren Ting can come to Zhang Jingyun. In this way, the relationship between Zhang Jingyun and the Ren family is finally settled.

When Zhang Jingyun drifted away, looking at his back, it seemed that it was imprinted in his mind. Ren Tingting could not look away for a long time, and her face turned slightly red after a moment.

"Master, she seems to have taken a liking to you."

Dong Xiaoyu saw Ren Tingting's eyes and joked that this was actually normal. Ren Tingting's family was in trouble and she was helpless, so she needed help.

Zhang Jingyun is different from Ah Wei. Ah Wei, to put it bluntly, is just greedy for Ren Tingting's body, while Zhang Jingyun comes quietly and then floats away, wearing the same outfit and appearance as A Zu.

By comparison, what is Aweina?

After hearing Dong Xiaoyu's words, Zhang Jingyun paused, looked around, and then said helplessly to her: "I have told her so many times, call me master at home and Taoist priest when I go out."

Since playing ordinary games with Dong Xiaoyu several times, Dong Xiaoyu seemed to have figured out some of Zhang Jingyun's hobbies and followed them.

Zhang Jingyun also felt it.

Female ghosts are indeed quite difficult to deal with.

"I understand, Master!"

Dong Xiaoyu was swinging around Zhang Jingyun. After this period of double cultivation, Dong Xiaoyu's ghost body became more and more solid.

Moreover, the gloomy ghost energy on his body gradually faded away, and he became more like a human being. This was a change brought about by the Xuannv Sutra, which was more effective than practicing the ghost cultivation method.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and stopped correcting her. As for Ren Tingting, in the past, Zhang Jingyun might have followed the trend and, like other time-travelers, tried to find a way to give Ren Tingting a shot.

But now, Zhang Jingyun has no idea at all. Practicing with her four times is equivalent to practicing with Dong Xiaoyu once. The female ghost is still exciting.

In the evening, I fought with Dong Xiaoyu until midnight.

The next morning.

Zhang Jingyun came to Yizhuang and asked Uncle Jiu for advice on how to draw talismans. Taoist Master Simu and Taoist Qianhe had bid farewell to Uncle Jiu yesterday and went about their own affairs.

"This is me sorting out the corpse refining skills left by Master. After Uncle Ninth reads it, he can give it to Uncle Four Eyes on my behalf when he has the opportunity." Zhang Jingyun sent a booklet.

Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique is also the essence of Maoshan Method. Taoist Master Si Mu, as a member of the Corpse Refining Lineage, has always dreamed of learning the Corpse Refining Technique, but unfortunately he has never been able to do so.

"Jingyun, you are serious."

Uncle Jiu put it away without looking through it. Corpse exorcism and corpse refining were closely related to each other, but Uncle Jiu's lineage did not require corpse refining skills, so there was no need to look through it.

Zhang Jingyun wanted to ask for advice on how to draw talismans. Uncle Jiu also understood that two apprentices were incompetent. It was rare for a junior to be willing to surpass these things. If it were his apprentice, Uncle Jiu would probably laugh out of his dreams.

"The talisman is made up of countless secret texts. It has the magical effect of conquering ghosts and summoning the gods. The talisman came from more than three generations. Fuxi drew the Eight Diagrams and was the first to open the talisman.

During the Xuanyuan period, the Yellow Emperor saw traces of fairy birds and spiritual insects in the sand, and heard the crows of wild beasts and the roars of lions, and he knew in his heart that there was innate wisdom contained in them.

When Chi You was in trouble, Huang Di met the Queen Mother of the West on the way and was taught the secret of the talisman. Then he realized that Huang Di took insects as traces and combined them into talismans, and the sounds of animals were translated into curses.

The way of talismans has become prosperous.

Talisman can control ghosts and spirits, and drawing the talisman is the most important, just like when a person writes a pen and works, one stroke cannot be careless or too small.

The reason why talismans can control ghosts and communicate with gods is that ghosts and gods can read the secret text. If there are no errors in the talisman drawn, the ghosts and gods will obey their orders. If the talisman is drawn incorrectly, the ghosts and gods may laugh secretly. "

Uncle Jiu said and finally smiled.

Zhang Jingyun listened carefully, and Uncle Jiu continued: "Drawing amulets depends on talent and hard work, otherwise you may not be able to master it just by telling you.

I'll draw an exorcism charm and show it to you. "

After speaking, Uncle Jiu began to draw the talisman.

First write the word "Ghost", then make three tunes on both sides, write the word "ear" and "listen" in the middle, make a circle in the middle, continue to the left and right for a total of six circles, fold down in the middle and circle to the upper left, and make two upward tunes to the lower right.

After a talisman was completed, Zhang Jingyun could clearly feel that there was a flow of energy injected into the talisman, giving it some special power, that is, it could work with ghosts and channel gods.

Only by drawing the talisman can Zhang Jingyun realize what it means to be frightened when the pen falls, and Uncle Jiu's righteousness is even more unique.

It can be described as awe-inspiring and full of energy.

Zhang Jingyun turned on the learning mode and drew while learning. There was such an artistic conception of the unity of man and nature that Uncle Jiu couldn't bear to interrupt his movements.

"It's really a piece of jade!"

Uncle Jiu nodded secretly. Zhang Jingyun was serious and hard-working. He came to ask for advice at four or five o'clock in the morning. He turned around and went into the room to see his apprentice Wencai again, but he was still sleeping soundly.

"It's really Kuchiki!"

Uncle Jiu's face suddenly darkened, and then he felt relieved. He shook his head and covered the sleeping Wencai with a quilt, "This kind of person is the most suitable person to look at Yizhuang!"

As he went out again, a sudden burst of energy suddenly emerged.

Uncle Jiu paused and the talisman was completed.

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