People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 123 King Level Devouring Beast【Please subscribe】

Uh-huh! The sharp sword light flashed!

A monster's head was cut off by Zhang Jingyun's sword. This was the snake-dog that caused headaches to countless hunters on the lighthouse.

The name Snake Dog obviously comes from its shape, because it really looks like a snake head combined with a dog's body.

In the pole-devouring beast camp, the snake-dog level is not high, but it can communicate with its companions through its tentacles. It is the "part-time worker beast" of Mana's ecology.

The snake dog absorbs the source of life, and then "pays rent" to the flower of mana for its own evolution. The flower of mana will conduct ecological transmission to ensure its immortality.

This is what makes Mana Eco special.

After the Devouring Beast is killed, as long as the core is not broken, it will be resurrected with full health through the ecological transmission of Mana. However, the core of the Devouring Beast is not fixed. Lighthouse does not know this yet, and it does not have the technology to lock the core.

Therefore, Lighthouse has fought countless battles with the Devouring Beast and is lucky to be able to collect supplies, and fighting the undead requires great courage.

"How could it be possible? There are actually pole-devouring beasts outside!" At the entrance of the spacecraft, Donnie and Penny said with urgency.

What shocked the two of them even more.

Zhang Jingyun actually used a broad sword to cut off the head of the snake dog.

How can this be?

Because when a snake dog suddenly encounters a strong attack, it will retract its head into its body like a turtle and protect its head with the foreskin around its neck.

The skin on the snake dog's neck is so hard that even bullets cannot leave a mark on it. How much force does Zhang Jingyun have to use to cut it off?

"That knife of his is no ordinary knife either."

Penny was deep in thought as Zhang Jingyun slashed with the knife, emitting airflow visible to the naked eye and leaving obvious knife marks on the metal bulkhead of the spacecraft.

"The Devouring Beast has sneaked into the area where the spaceship is. We must evacuate immediately. Haven't the dustmen finished moving the supplies?" Donnie asked urgently.

"Not yet. There are a lot of supplies in the spaceship. The dust people are already seizing the time. It's better to inform Captain Mark to evacuate as soon as possible."

The blond Penny held a pistol and said in warning. Downey nodded and was about to inform Mark when he suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

"Damn the common people! What are you doing? Why don't you hurry up and get to work at this time! Believe it or not, I will send you to the law school!"

Tangny scolded him sternly, and at the same time he flew up with a kick, kicking a dustman who was trying to pry the gold Rolex watch off his wrist, rolling him around several times and throwing him to the ground.

"Why do you hit people?"

The one-inch-headed mortal had a look on his face and was furious. He was kicked in public and lost all face. He dared to rebuke Donnie loudly.

"Seeking death!" When Tang Ni saw that Chen Min dared to resist him, his face suddenly turned ugly. He raised his spear and pointed it at Chen Min's head.

"I'm sorry, sir, he has a brain problem. We will move the supplies right now to ensure the completion of the task." A yellow-haired dustman next to him said quickly, and hurried to move the supplies.

"Donnie, there's spinegu!"

At this time, Penny's voice came.

I saw a large-faced insect suddenly emerge from the flesh and earth that the common people had been shocked by just now. Judging from its appearance, it can be determined that it belongs to the phylum Arthropoda in the eukaryote domain.

The spine Gu is symmetrical on both sides and segmented irregularly. The body and legs are segmented. There is a pair of appendages on each body segment, and the body is covered with a chitin exoskeleton.

The weirdest thing about the spine Gu is its ability to control nerves and language. Moreover, it does not have an exoskeleton that completely covers the outside of the body, but a large number of muscles are exposed to hold it up section by section.

In addition, the spinal cord can also release scaratine. Scarlet in the spinal cord has the function of exchanging information and transmitting intelligence.

It has a very strong hallucinogenic effect on people. In the original plot, Downey fell into madness due to inhaling scarlet pigment and accidentally killed Penny, who loved him deeply. Before his death, Downey kept shouting: They are all shells! !

"Wherever there are pole-devouring beasts, there is indeed a spinegu. There must be some connection between these two creatures, but it's a pity that not many people know about it."

Zhang Jingyun thought in his mind.

It's hard to explain the secrets of the spirit cage world clearly, and Zhang Jingyun doesn't know much about it. If he really wants to know, it's better to turn to Bai Yuekui.


Downey invited Penny to shoot the spinegu together, while Zhang Jingyun stayed beside the snake and dog corpses while observing the surrounding situation.

Zhang Jingyun could see that the core of Snake Dog's body was a blue ball of light the size of an egg, which was clearly visible in front of the golden pupil.

The ability of golden eyes to see through is a weapon of Tianke for snake dogs, even though the core position in the body of each pole-devouring beast is different.

Zhang Jingyun can also see clearly.

Theoretically, as long as the core of the Devouring Beast is destroyed, the connection between the Devouring Beast and Mana's ecology will be completely severed, and it will not be able to be resurrected.

Zhang Jingyun was not in a hurry to take action.

He wanted to see how the Flower of Mana resurrected Snake Dogs, and what method Mana Ecology used to instill resurrection energy into Snake Dogs.

It takes less than a few minutes.

Suddenly, the six tentacles on the snake dog's body flashed with faint blue spots. Immediately, the snake dog's head was originally separated and its head was connected, and then it shook its body and stood up again.

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Zhang Jingyun is so novel and amazing. How Mana Ecology mastered this ability is simply the power of God.

How Snake Dog was resurrected, even Zhang Jingyun is not sure yet, but he can roughly understand that Snake Dog is a wireless terminal, and the Mana Ecosystem formed by the Flower of Mana is a super power bank that almost covers the earth. Through wireless " "Charge", the snake dog will be resurrected.

Zhang Jingyun didn't understand the specific principle.


The snake dog's angry eyes suddenly stared at Zhang Jingyun. It remembered very clearly that it was Zhang Jingyun who killed him just now, and it wanted revenge.

Zhang Jingyun was slightly startled.

"This is clearly a human gaze."

You must know that Zhang Jingyun started practicing Chinese martial arts and has the most profound research on the essence and spirit of the human body, and the eyes are the windows to the human soul.

The spirit of a person.

You can almost see it in your eyes.

Zhang Jingyun didn't pay too much attention. More and more pole-devouring beasts were gathering within the range of his perception. It must be the guy in front of him who tipped off the news.

It has to be said that the information sharing ability of the Devouring Beasts is simply a magical skill for marching and fighting. As long as there is danger at one point, all the Devouring Beasts will know about it.


The Devouring Beast chased Zhang Jingyun back and forth. In the small space, Zhang Jingyun used superior light skills to make the Devouring Beast unable to even touch its shadow.

But in terms of speed, the Devouring Beast is not very fast. By now, Zhang Jingyun has already had a preliminary idea of ​​the Devouring Beast on the ground.

Ordinary pole-devouring beasts will be killed indiscriminately when encountered!

"Death!" Zhang Jingyun tossed and turned in an ethereal form, like an immortal coming to earth, but at this moment, Zhang Jingyun was so fierce that he stabbed the Devouring Beast in the left chest.

Purple-gold light flashed in Zhang Jingyun's eyes, and through the steel-hard skin of the Devouring Beast, he could see very clearly that the blue, round, and shining life core was cut through by the dragon-slaying knife.


The snake-dog who was still alive and kicking just now suddenly fell to the ground. Not only that, the skin and flesh that were originally as strong as steel were instantly corrupted into a puddle of black water.

"The Devouring Beast is dead!!"

Downey, who was fighting with the spinegu, glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw an incredible scene. Since the emergence of the poleeater, there has never been a precedent for killing the poleeater.

This is an unprecedented first time.

Zhang Jingyun frowned slightly, not too proud. If even he couldn't kill the Devouring Beast, he might as well just breed pacesetters when he came to this world.

The reason why he frowned was because he felt that at this moment, a large number of spine Gu gathered, and it was definitely not Zhang Jingyun who caused the spine Gu to gather.

That was obviously Downey and others.

In the original plot, Penny's strong love for Donnie was part of the reason for the strange movements of the Spine Gu. In addition, there was also a dustman who pried the watch. He wanted to give the watch to another dustman girl, which would also produce strong emotions.

Donnie was not left behind either. His attitude towards ordinary people was engraved in his bones with contempt, and any drastic change in emotion would attract spinal cord poison.

The more the spine Gu gathered, the two of them poured bullets, but they couldn't kill them all. In fact, the spine Gu began to release scarlet pigment.

The more irritable people are, the less resistant they are. In the original plot, only Downey and two other people who were about to go bankrupt were infected with scarlet pigment, which is evidence of this.

"Penny, you retreat first, I'll stand in the way." Donnie's only advantage may be that he stands in front of Penny every time.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed something strange. The spine Gu crawling in front of him were falling one by one, and the "lasers" one after another pierced the spine Gu's head.

"Who's shooting?"

Danny turned around subconsciously.

It turned out to be Zhang Jingyun who shot out terrifying sword energy one after another. What's even weirder is that the sword energy came out from Zhang Jingyun's fingertips.

Donnie: "???"

"Organize everyone to evacuate. Your weapons can't even kill the spinegu. If you continue to struggle, you will only end up killing them one by one."

Zhang Jingyun used the Shaoshang Sword among the Six Meridian Divine Swords. Its sword path was powerful and earth-shattering. It was capable of piercing through gold and stone even in strong winds and rains. These spine Gus were naturally difficult to resist.

Shooting hundreds of Six Meridian Divine Swords in a row consumes a lot of energy. However, Zhang Jingyun got what kind of fortune. The Nine Yang Divine Art automatically operates and the true energy is endless.

After killing the spine Gu, he said something to Donnie and the others, and hurriedly left the entrance. He felt that there were many pole-devouring beasts fighting with other wilderness hunters.

Arriving at another entrance to the starship.

Zhang Jingyun saw several hunters driving mechas, fighting dozens of snakes and dogs, and there were bullets pouring out like tongues of fire.

"This little lolita is really good at driving a heavy three-dimensional vehicle." Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed, and he saw through perspective that the driver inside the mecha was none other than Erica.

"Come on, come on, you ugly monsters!"

Erica drives a special MU-2 heavy three-dimensional vehicle, which is a heavily armored defense type and can be called a mobile fortress. Its weapons are retractable explosion-proof shields and double-barreled Gatling. Erica's mission is to suppress fire.

Da da da! Da da da!

Gatling, who was smoking blue fire, was strangling snakes and dogs.

Zhang Jingyun noticed that snakes and dogs were indeed unable to withstand heavy weapons. The two snakes and dogs fell to the ground after being shot in the head by Gatlin.

"Hey, this is the sixth one today!"

Erica killed her very quickly, and her partner was Hunter Jeff. His special heavy body was the MU2 field-controlled heavy body, equipped with a high-capacity heavy three-dimensional shotgun and a heavy three-dimensional anchor cable. gun.

In addition, there was a mobile tank in the distance. On top of the tank was Feixue wearing a mechanical mask. She put down her electromagnetic sniper rifle and used a six-barrel Vulcan cannon to deal with the large number of snakes and dogs that had gathered. The sound of gunfire was endless.

In an instant, flesh and blood were everywhere in the field.

Dozens of snakes and dogs were suppressed and beaten by the hunter team. Zhang Jingyun was shaken and his eyes were bright. This was a real heavy firepower gun battle.

"It's fun, it's fun!"

Zhang Jingyun wandered around the field, and everyone had the upper hand. He hit the snakes and dogs that fell to the ground one by one, killing them one by one.

"Can that person from the old world kill the Extreme Devourer?" Seeing Zhang Jingyun's actions, the Hunter team looked as shocked as Downey.

"The Devouring Beast turned into black water and is really dead." The Gatling in Erica's hand paused and was suddenly thrown to the ground by a snake dog.

The snake dog's claws hit the surface of the heavy solid with a bang, causing Erica inside to groan. The bad thing about the heavy solid was that it was not flexible enough.

It was difficult to stand up after being pushed down by the Devouring Beast.

"Are you okay?" Jeff shot a shotgun to the head, and the snake dog that fell on Erica fell limply to the ground.


The sound of weapons entering the body was heard.

Zhang Jingyun stabbed the core of the snake dog with his dragon-slaying knife. Seeing Erica lying on the ground having difficulty getting up, he enthusiastically stretched out his hand to pull her up.

Erica looked confused.

This is a heavy three-dimensional mecha weighing several tons. Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hand and pulled it up. This is not scientific at all, okay?

"You're not a humanoid pole-devouring beast, are you?"

Erica opened the mecha and revealed her little head and asked, "What do you think?" Zhang Jingyun gave her a look to let Erica understand for herself.

"Huh?" Erica put her head in front of Zhang Jingyun and blinked her big, watery eyes. Her long eyelashes almost touched Zhang Jingyun's nose.

Zhang Jingyun reached out and pinched her tender little face, "No matter how you look at me, I am still a human being, so go play with your Gatling."

"Gatling is not fun. The bullets are too weak. It's hard to kill an ugly monster. Hmph! I will definitely use more powerful guns in the future!"

Zhang Jingyun almost blurted out: I have it.

But at this moment, Zhang Jingyun's golden pupils suddenly flashed, and it turned out that hundreds of pole-devouring beasts had gathered in this small area unknowingly.

The number of pole-devouring beasts killed by the crowd was far less than that gathered together. As black shadows flashed past, snakes and dogs jumped from the top of the spacecraft one after another.


Jeff was knocked down by the Devouring Beast. He fired repeatedly. The special shotgun knocked back the snakes and dogs one by one, but more snakes and dogs rushed towards him in the next second.

"Ugly monsters, get out of here!"

With a solemn expression, Erica carried the Gatling and fired. At first glance, she looked like a female Bodhisattva. However, this female Bodhisattva was not very flexible and was surrounded by several snakes and dogs. She was quickly unable to deal with it.

The pressure on Feixue and others on the other side doubled. Bullets were flowing like a torrent, and there were more and more pole-devouring beasts. Even Zhang Jingyun was targeted by several snakes and dogs.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes turned a clear purple-gold color, and in an instant, everything around him seemed to slow down several times, and he could clearly see the trajectory of the bullet.

This is the super auxiliary ability of Golden Eyes.

At the beginning of Golden Eyes, the so-called bullet time was not a problem for Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun was highly concentrated and his body was flying through the gap.

Swish, swish, swish!

Zhang Jingyun almost left an afterimage on the ground, waving the dragon-slaying knife repeatedly in his hand. He was using exactly the moves in Xinyou Knife Technique.

Dozens of snakes and dogs were killed by his set of combos. The dragon-slaying knife was designed to break through the core. The snakes and dogs that fell under his knife had no chance of resurrection.

Erica was also knocked down by the snake dog and stepped on the ground with a blaster. When Zhang Jingyun passed by, he kicked Erica seven or eight meters away with her heavy physical strength. She was out of the battle circle, and Gatlin had a chance to use her again.

Zhang Jingyun finished cleaning up the snakes and dogs at close range, then used Qing Kung Fu to step on her head and use his strength to jump to Feixue's side. He kicked up the electromagnetic sniper rifle she had not used yet and held it in her hand.

"Lend me this thing."

Zhang Jingyun was delighted to see the hunting spirit. After a little manipulation, he understood the structure of the electromagnetic sniper rifle, and then he felt like a swallow possessed by a double eagle.

The electromagnetic sniper rifle fired repeatedly.

"Hey, aim and shoot!"

Feixue couldn't help but remind him that the electromagnetic sniper rifle is much more lethal than ordinary guns, but every shot needs to store energy and cannot be fired continuously, so it is designed as a sniper rifle. As long as you aim, the gun will kill you. .

Zhang Jingyun smiled slightly and said, "There is no need to aim my gun at all."

As soon as he finished speaking, Feixue looked over and saw a face with wide eyes under the mechanical mask. Sure enough, as Zhang Jingyun told him, he didn't aim at all. The gun in his hand felt like he had eyes.

The gun hit, snakes and dogs fell to the ground one after another, Zhang Jingyun showed a strange smile on his face, the electromagnetic sniper rifle combined with the golden pupil hit the core, it was simply a magical weapon!

"Is this okay?" Feixue looked at Zhang Jingyun blankly. The electromagnetic pulse sniper rifle was in his hand and Zhang Jingyun's hand, completely in two modes.

Zhang Jingyun was killing indiscriminately. If she killed a snake or dog, she would have to move to another place. Then she saw that the snake and dog came back to life very quickly and could not be killed at all.

Feixue wanted to touch Zhang Jingyun's gun for a moment to see if it was his sniper rifle. Why did it feel like it was a blessing in Zhang Jingyun's hand?

Zhang Jingyun fired dozens of shots.

The snakes and dogs whimpered and fell to the ground one after another.

Zhang Jingyun looked around and found that these snakes and dogs had been almost cleaned up by him. There were still pole-devouring beasts gathering further away, but it would take some time.

That's when.

Mark arrived in a dark red heavy plane. This was his exclusive heavy plane. It was also modified from a white shark. It had an improved power system, and was equipped with a shoulder cannon and a saw chain blade, giving it the ability to fly briefly.

With super mobility and a chain saw blade, many snakes and dogs were killed by Mark. There were more and more snakes and dogs. Mark couldn't wait to come to support, but he never imagined that the situation was completely different from what he thought.

"You can kill all these snakes and dogs?"

Sitting on Mark's shoulder was Ran Bing holding a sniper rifle. The two of them cooperated tacitly and were the best partners, but they didn't seem to work here.

"Captain, almost all the Devouring Beasts were killed by him." Jeff pointed at Zhang Jingyun and said solemnly, "And he killed them in the true sense."

In the past, the pole-devouring beast that was killed by everyone would soon be resurrected on the spot with full health, so there was no such thing as killing it.

Zhang Jingyun broke the precedent since the establishment of the lighthouse. In the eyes of everyone, this is hope, which means that humans still have a chance to return to the ground.

"Retreat and return to the lighthouse immediately."

Mark will report this matter to Lord Morgan. Everything today will affect the pattern of the lighthouse. The lighthouse will change because of the man in front of him.

"Give it back to you, thanks!"

Zhang Jingyun returned the electromagnetic sniper rifle to Feixue. Feixue quickly touched the gun, wondering why the same gun was more powerful in Zhang Jingyun's hands.

If she asked, Zhang Jingyun might tell her, because men will strengthen their guns...

The Waste Hunters resisted the Extreme Devouring Beast for the first time, allowing the Dustmen to transport a large amount of supplies, and the retreating convoys were all fully loaded.

Zhang Jingyun was sitting in the car and suddenly turned his eyes and saw two mountains in the distance filled with many pole-devouring beasts that were different from snakes and dogs.

These pole-devouring beasts have thick limbs like a red bull. Lighthouse named them Earth Roar. They belong to a higher level of pan-eating pole-devouring beasts.

Dihou has long-range attacks. Under its neck, there are bulging vocal sacs. When the vocal sacs light up red, it means they are about to emit energy pulses.

Not just a roar.

There were hundreds of snakes and dogs running from a distance. The most frightening thing was that a super-large pole-devouring beast with a size of more than fifteen meters rushed towards them like a mountain of meat.

This giant beast's head alone is bigger than a transport truck. Its back is covered with sharp thorns. It has a beast body and a human face. The ferocious human face seems to pull everyone into the abyss of fear. Just one look at it will leave your soul. Tremble.

In the spirit cage world, the more advanced the pole-devouring beast is, the more human it is. The human face of this giant pole-devouring beast can illustrate the problem.

This is a king-level pole-devouring beast, a giant-toothed double-jawed beast. It is like a moving mountain peak, running towards it, and the ground is shaking violently.

As the giant-toothed double-jawed beast approached, at this moment, everyone except Zhang Jingyun thought of the fear of being dominated by the pole-devouring beast!

"It's so big!"

Even Zhang Jingyun was not sure of killing this giant beast. At this time, he also noticed a white-haired girl with beautiful legs and a mink coat standing on the shoulders of the double-jawed beast.

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