People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 121 I want to take charge of the Dawn Hall [Please subscribe]

The hunters came to Zhang Jingyun's residence one after another and were stunned when they saw the mess in the house. It would take several bombs to explode to have such power, right?

"Are you playing with missiles in your room?"

Erica asked in shock.

Zhang Jingyun glanced at Erica and thought, can the empire's missiles be used casually? But it is really difficult to make such a big noise accidentally.

Mark looked at Zhang Jingyun with empty hands in front of him, and a strange look flashed across his face. Zhang Jingyun was still in the dormant cabin when he went to the lighthouse, and he definitely had no weapons on him.

Can flesh and blood cause such destruction?

High-strength wall panels cannot be penetrated by bullets, and alloy doors can initially resist electromagnetic guns. Even if he really plays with missiles in the house...

Then there must be missiles, right? "

Mark didn't understand. He knew that Zhang Jingyun had some secrets, but Zhang Jingyun had no intention of telling anyone, and he was not yet a Lighthouse person, so Mark didn't ask.

"I'm Mark. There was an accident in the residential area. The situation is basically under control. I will report it in detail. There is no need to send a legal priest."

As the hunter commander, Mark's duty is to collect supplies for the lighthouse. If Mark and others hadn't happened to come nearby just now, Zhang Jingyun would have made such a big noise, which would have definitely alerted the Law Priest.

The Law Priest is the lighthouse manager under the Light and Shadow Society, responsible for maintaining the order of the lighthouse and supervising the changes in everyone's light and shadow values.

"If it weren't for Captain Mark, you would be in trouble. The Light and Shadow Society are not so easy to talk to. We should try to avoid them."

Erica explained quietly.

Zhang Jingyun nodded and thanked: "Captain Mark, you first brought me back from the ground and then rescued me. Thank you very much."

"We all know from your genetic test results that the super gene is of great significance to the lighthouse. We will keep in touch in the future."

Mark said slowly. He has always been approachable. Most of the residents of the lighthouse did not treat ordinary people as human beings, but Mark was different.

He has a good reputation among ordinary people.

Zhang Jingyun was new here and didn't understand the rules of the lighthouse. Mark helped as much as he could, not just because of his super genes.

Even if Zhang Jingyun is an ordinary person.

Mark will also take care of it a little bit.

"You are a survivor of the old world. Can you tell me what the old world was like? There are no records of the old world on the lighthouse."

The person who spoke was a tall girl who looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a pure face, delicate features, and short white hair.

"Ran Bing! The old world has completely passed. Since the lighthouse has no records of the old world, it naturally doesn't want us to talk too much about it."

Mark said in a deep voice, and Ran Bing stuck out his tongue. It seemed that she and Mark had a good relationship. If someone else were here, she would most likely not ask this question.

"Actually, there is nothing that cannot be said in the old world. I know there are many taboos on the lighthouse, but it shouldn't hurt to tell a few stories."

Zhang Jingyun casually talked about stories such as Sun Wukong causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace, Chang'e flying to the moon, Agarwood splitting mountains to save his mother, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai...etc.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Mark was originally hearing words related to love, but he was supposed to interrupt Zhang Jingyun because old-world family relationships have been banned on the lighthouse.

Marriage, love, and family affection do not exist here. If Zhang Jingyun continues to talk like this, it is very likely to shake the three laws that everyone believes in.

But I don't know why.

Zhang Jingyun talked endlessly, but Mark forgot to interrupt as he listened, seeming to be obsessed with the ancient oriental story.

"Why did Sun Wukong eat peaches when he and the Seven Fairies were on a breeding mission? Isn't he afraid of being blamed by the Jade Emperor?" Ran Bing suddenly asked.

Erica also spoke at the right time, "And Chang'e, why did she hide the carrots under her skirt, and why did the Jade Emperor in the sky snatch her carrots?"

Mark asked: "Is it okay for Agarwood and the little fox to be together? Doesn't this seem to be cross-species? Isn't there reproductive isolation?"

Zhang Jingyun said casually: "Sun Wukong doesn't want to perform a breeding mission with someone he doesn't like, so he would rather eat peaches when facing the Seven Fairies.

The Jade Emperor used his authority to break the rules and wanted to perform a breeding mission with Chang'e. Chang'e refused, and the carrot she brought became Hou Yi.

As for agarwood and the little fox, in the face of love, regardless of age or species, even if they are broken into pieces, it is not a problem..."

"What are you talking about? It's so lively?"

While he was talking, a beautiful figure came slowly over. He was tall and had a cold expression. It was Jing Nan who had been called to discuss matters by City Lord Morgan.

Zhang Jingyun knew it when he saw Jingnan.

The lighthouse has made arrangements for itself.

"Zhang Jingyun, congratulations on obtaining the status of a superior. Lighthouse will give you 50,000 contribution points every month. From now on, you will be a member of Lighthouse."

Jingnan said slowly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Erica, Ran Bing, and everyone exclaimed. The reason was for no other reason than that the treatment was so good.

"Fifty thousand contribution points per month, which is more than mine!" The little lolita Erica was immediately envious, thinking that Zhang Jingyun must reward her. After all, she was also one of the people who picked up Zhang Jingyun.

Ran Bing was also surprised, "With so many contribution points, I'm afraid he has to do a lot of dangerous tasks. Does the city lord want him to be a wilderness hunter?"

You have to earn dedication points by yourself. There are clear standards for various positions. So many dedication points can only be earned by dangerous jobs such as hunting.

Jing Nan shook his head: "Super genes are very rare. How could the city lord let him risk his life? Zhang Jingyun's job..."

Saying that, Jing Nan paused.

Everyone looked curious, "What is it?"

Jing Nan's face turned red and he said calmly: "He only needs to perform breeding tasks at least six times a month."

As soon as the words fell, there was silence.

A moment later, there was a roar of mountains and tsunami, "Isn't the breeding task the responsibility of every citizen of the lighthouse? Is this considered work?"

"I'd rather die doing this kind of work."

Mo Cheng, the hunter who heard the discussion in the distance, said that he walked over and looked at Zhang Jingyun, and suddenly he had the thought of comparing people to each other, which would make people angry.

"Why am I not a super gene!"

While they were talking, another person came over and said, "What is the city lord doing? He is taking too much care of the newcomers. He is keeping in good health six times a month!"

Zhang Jingyun looked at him and said, "Who are you?"

"Hunter, Xuefeng."

Zhang Jingyun was in awe, "Breeding pacesetters!"

The hunter Xuefeng has a strong body, a dark complexion, and a steady walk. He once performed an average of thirty breeding missions per month for half a year and was awarded the distinguished title of breeding pacesetter.

Xuefeng was stunned, "Have you heard of me?"

Zhang Jingyun raised his wrist, pointed at his watch and said, "When I learned about the situation at the lighthouse, I saw your records."

Xuefeng smiled shyly, "Young people have strong firepower and keep up with nutrition. I didn't expect to break the record accidentally. If you need it, I have some experience..."

Jing Nan was getting more and more off-kilter as he listened and quickly interrupted: "Okay, let's talk about our breeding experience later. For now, let me apply for the status of a superior citizen."

"Don't be in a hurry to apply for identity."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly said at this time.

"What?" Jing Nan was confused.

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said, "I first came to Beacon, and I didn't know much about you at first, but now I have a rough idea.

After listening for so long, there are now tens of thousands of people in the lighthouse, but I am the only one with a super gene. This means that the lighthouse needs me especially, right? "

When Jing Nan saw Zhang Jingyun's smile, he had a bad feeling. Zhang Jingyun wouldn't want to raise the price, right?

Sure enough, Zhang Jingyun said: "In the old world, there were no breeding tasks at all. Do you think six breeding tasks per month are preferential treatment?

Big mistake! This is trampling on my dignity. Does your City Lord Morgan think that my dignity is worth only 50,000 contribution points? "

Jing Nan opened his mouth and said hesitantly: "You may have misunderstood. I am fighting for you to contribute 50,000 points. At the beginning, the city lord only wanted to contribute 30,000 contribution points every month!"

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

Zhang Jingyun didn't expect Morgan to be so blind that he would contribute 30,000 points just to beg for food. Do you really think Zhang Jingyun would be willing to carry out any breeding tasks?

"Please take me to Morgan."

Zhang Jingyun said to Jingnan.

"I need to apply to the city lord, please wait a moment." Jingnan applied immediately, but to her surprise, Morgan agreed to her application.

"Follow me!" Jing Nan took Zhang Jingyun away, leaving only Mark and the other hunters standing there, looking at each other in disbelief.

"Fifty thousand contribution points are not enough?"

"What does this man think?"

"If it were me, twenty-six times a month would be fine!"

"Holy shit, you don't want your life?"


Zhang Jingyun followed Jing Nan through several doors and came to a special elevator. What he saw was an electromagnetic railgun launcher with a diameter of dozens of meters.

Jingnan said: "This is the central electromagnetic gun of the lighthouse. It is not normally turned on, but is used as a lifting platform to go directly to the central command hall.

Only when necessary, such as a lighthouse crisis or encountering a king-level pole-devouring beast, will the central electromagnetic gun be fired. Once it is fired, it will consume 90% of the lighthouse's energy. "

Zhang Jingyun looked slightly strange, "I remember that the lighthouse originally did not have a central electromagnetic gun. You have a lot of capable people in the lighthouse."

"There used to be a group of cutting-edge scientists on the lighthouse. It was they who designed and modified the lighthouse that gradually formed the means to fight against the king-level reality."

Zhang Jingyun did not speak. The water in the lighthouse was very deep. Zhang Jingyun actually knew a lot of information that was not in the watch, such as the predecessor of the lighthouse.

It is actually the air prison of the old world.

Therefore, the lighthouse can also be said to be the descendant of criminals, and the prisoners in prison are not ordinary people. Cutting-edge scientists are only some of the criminals.

The prisoners held by the predecessor of the Lighthouse can be divided into four categories. The first category of criminals: the leaders of criminal groups that the world's police cannot control, the leaders of extremists, drug lords with business all over the world, ultra-high IQ criminals who threaten the world, etc.

The second category of criminals: powerful people who escape legal sanctions or are above the law, cult leaders with followers all over the world, national leaders who work for secret organizations and harm national interests, etc.

The third category: Dangerous people who possess national secrets, including retired top agents, multi-faceted butterflies who travel around the world, and core personnel who develop dangerous cutting-edge technologies.

Category 4: People who have done significant research in the field of "consciousness", including "hypnotists" and so on.

Lighthouse had concealed all this information, and Zhang Jingyun only knew it with foresight. From this, we can see that the establishment of Lighthouse was by no means simple.

Perhaps the lighthouse was designed early to prepare for the end of the world. Human beings are not as simple as imagined...

Zhang Jingyun understood that the water in the spirit cage world was very deep, and even he had to be careful, but he had nothing to worry about on the lighthouse.

Zhang Jingyun arrived at the central command hall through the elevator. Sitting on the highest seat of the city lord was an old man with an old face and thin hair.

His eyes are very deep and a little anxious, giving people the feeling that you are thinking about some question but you still don't have the answer.

"It's a miracle that survivors from the old world have super genes. The lighthouse hasn't seen outsiders for decades."

Morgan said slowly, his voice was calm, but it sounded weak. Zhang Jingyun could tell at a glance that he didn't have long to live.

"I didn't expect the world to become like this." Zhang Jingyun politely replied. Morgan single-handedly developed the lighthouse into what it is today, and is also a legend.

"I heard from Jing Nan that you are not satisfied with the arrangement of the lighthouse. What do you want? You can tell me." Morgan said in a deep voice.

"The city lord asked, so I'll get straight to the point. I'm from the old world, and I can't accept Lighthouse's current breeding system.

I don’t need to tell you what having a super gene means to the lighthouse. I guess the city owner also knows very well that we can cooperate and win-win. "

"What kind of win-win solution?"

"The city lord is just interested in my super genes. The six breeding tasks per month are not heavy, but I cannot accept matching breeding.

Why don't you, the Lord of the City, let me take charge of the Dawn Hall? It's up to me to decide who will carry out the breeding mission. The Lord of the City agrees to my conditions..."

"Do you think I will agree?" Before he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun was interrupted by Morgan. He couldn't even listen to such ridiculous conditions.


Zhang Jingyun's words were astonishing.

"Just because you are a super gene? You have to know that even without you, the lighthouse will not fall. Agreeing to your request is digging your own grave."

Morgan originally thought that Zhang Jingyun was just sitting there raising the price, thinking that he had super genes and wanted to sell himself at a good price.

I didn't expect Zhang Jingyun to have such an idea.

Let him manage the Dawn Hall? You can carry out the breeding mission with whomever you want to carry out? Want to turn a lighthouse into your own harem?

"You are too whimsical."

Jing Nan couldn't help but say that with such outrageous conditions, not to mention Morgan's disapproval, even Jing Nan refused without even thinking about it.

Assuming Morgan agrees, doesn't that mean that Zhang Jingyun will carry out the breeding mission with Jingnan today, and the breeding mission with the Light Bearer tomorrow...

Stop dreaming!

"Isn't it weird that you will soon know that my conditions are not enough with super genes alone, but what if I can kill the Extreme Devouring Beast?"

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, you could hear a pin drop.

Kill the pole-eating beast? Lighthouse has been researching for decades, but has been unable to kill the Extreme Devouring Beast. In fact, Lighthouse has already concluded that the Extreme Devouring Beast cannot be killed.

Five years since the lighthouse, the Devouring Beast has appeared.

Human technology can only kill the pole-devouring beast for a short time. This kind of monster will be resurrected shortly after death. There has never been a precedent for true death.

"Have you ever killed a beast?"

Morgan asked in surprise.

Zhang Jingyun immediately said: "No!"

Morgan: "......"

Jing Nan was also speechless. He had never killed the Extreme Devouring Beast, how could he dare to talk nonsense? Who gave him the courage to think that he could kill the Extreme Devouring Beast?

Zhang Jingyun didn't waste any more nonsense, "I know you don't believe it, but if I can really kill the Extreme Devouring Beast, will Lighthouse agree to my conditions?"

Killing the pole-devouring beast means being able to return to the ground. At this moment, even Jingnan's heart is shaking, and Morgan is also hesitating as he stares at Zhang Jingyun.

After a moment, Morgan said firmly: "If you can really kill the Extreme Devouring Beast, I will consider this condition."

The words fell.

Jing Nan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Even Victor, the commander-in-chief of the city defense army who stood still next to Morgan and remained silent, was quite surprised when he heard Morgan's decision.

Victor couldn't help but said: "Lord City Lord, do you really believe his lies? He said he can kill the Extreme Devouring Beast. Let me first see what he is capable of."

Victor said as he walked over with a pistol in hand, loading bullets as he walked. Although the lighthouse had high-end items such as electromagnetic sniper rifles, they were not in large numbers.

Most people still use ordinary guns.

But they used special bullets with high lethality. After loading the bullet, Victor walked up to Zhang Jingyun and felt a pain in his wrist before he could react.

Look down.

The gun has been taken away by Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun said in time: "Believe me, I am saving you, because I will kill anyone who points a gun at me, regardless of whether he fired in the end."


Victor's spine trembled. He couldn't react at what speed this was. If Zhang Jingyun wanted to kill someone, it would be too easy.

Seeing that Victor's gun was taken away, several city defense troops were about to take action when they heard Zhang Jingyun's light voice.

"Don't create trouble that you can't control, otherwise you will pay the price. The gun in your hands is just a toy, a toy that cannot be played well."

Zhang Jingyun fiddled with his pistol and his disdainful tone made Victor and others dare not speak out in anger. Zhang Jingyun naturally noticed this.

But in the next second, Zhang Jingyun turned the muzzle of the gun, pointed it at his own temple, and then pulled the trigger under the shocked eyes of Jing Nan and Morgan.

"Are you crazy?" Jing Nan couldn't help shouting.

Morgan stood up from his seat in shock.

boom! A gunshot!

Jing Nan subconsciously closed her eyes. After a moment, she subconsciously looked at Zhang Jingyun, only to see a horrifying scene.

Zhang Jingyun stood still, holding out two fingers in front of his temples. Between the fingers, the special bullet had been pinched and deformed.


Zhang Jingyun dropped the bullet on the ground and said calmly: "I can catch the bullets. The city lord should believe in my strength, right?"

Morgan sat back, but shocked.

Zhang Jingyun turned his eyes and looked at Jingnan and said: "Commander Jingnan, please arrange for me to land on the ground, and I will see if I can kill the Extreme Devouring Beast."

Jingnan woke up with a start, breathing slightly quickly.

"Ah, okay! You can land at any time."

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