People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 118 The Fifth World [Please subscribe]

The cultural relics in the British Museum can be called wonders of the world, just like the various products handed down from China. They have been carefully selected by Zhang Qian and selected by Zheng He.

The British man Stein was a scum in the archaeological world. He seized a large number of cultural relics from China, which was very shameful. However, it must be said that the things he took away were the pinnacle works of the cultural fields of various eras.

This is like the chaebols of the Western Eight Kingdoms. You can always trust their aesthetics of girl groups.


Zhang Jingyun stood in the museum for several hours. A large amount of antique aura came from all directions and finally merged into the golden eyes.

Zhang Jingyun closed his eyes tightly, and his spiritual energy became more and more abundant. The purple-gold spiritual energy became deeper and deeper. Not only did the total amount of spiritual energy increase, but the quality also improved.

The British Museum has a collection of more than eight million items. Due to the size of the exhibition hall, only less than one percent of the total collection is currently on public display.

For Zhang Jingyun, this is not a problem. The golden pupil has upgraded and evolved, and he can absorb the spiritual energy in the antique without touching it with his hands.

As long as he is within the range of perception, he can absorb spiritual energy with a thought, gather it in his eyes and transform it into purer purple-gold spiritual energy.

Unknowingly, the purple-gold aura in his eyes was more than twice what it was before. The British Museum had given Zhang Jingyun such a gain.

What a huge profit!

"Even if I have imperial rights in the Ming Dynasty, I haven't collected so many antique collections. The old empire on which the sun never sets still has some heritage."

Zhang Jingyun had to admit.

The total amount of spiritual energy absorbed by the previous worlds is not as much as what the British Museum provides. What is ridiculous is that there are not many British native cultural relics in the museum.

“You have to rely on robbing to get rich!”

Zhang Jingyun had a clear understanding, and after absorbing the spiritual energy, he followed the crowd and left the museum, not long after Zhang Jingyun left.

In the British Museum, many fragile cultural relics, especially those that are older, have lost their aura and fallen into pieces as the aura of antiques has dissipated.

This change caused quite a lot of trouble.

After many precious cultural relics in the museum were shattered, there was no way to repair them, and the museum was even temporarily closed for three days.

Of course, Zhang Jingyun, the instigator of all this, had already left. He returned to the hotel and spent another night with the beautiful stewardess.

He returned home the next day.

With the golden pupil spiritual energy absorbed to this extent, Zhang Jingyun felt that the possibility of upgrading was very small, but the total amount of spiritual energy doubled, which also doubled his telekinesis power.

Originally, it could only barely float a bottle of mineral water, and it would consume a lot of mental energy to move even slightly, let alone move at will.

It's different now.

With the gravity technique, he can control heavy objects within ten kilograms at will. Judging from the attributes of telekinesis, this is already very lethal.

An object weighing ten pounds is indeed not too heavy.

But what if the speed is so fast that it is unimaginable? A bullet becomes a deadly murder weapon if it speeds up. Zhang Jingyun can easily kill ordinary people with just a thought.

"It's a pity that if the total amount of spiritual energy is increased twenty times, I can barely fly in the air, and flying to the sky and escaping to the earth will be just around the corner."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head slightly.


time flies.

In the third world, the world of Fearless Yuanjia has thawed, and Zhang Jingyun has multiple worlds that he can travel to at will. The power of the world of Fearless Yuanjia is still much lower than that of the martial arts world.

There are very few warriors in the realm of divine transformation.

Cheng Tinghua, Li Shuwen, Yang Shaohou, Li Cunyi... these masters cannot compare with the internal strength masters in the martial arts world.

The upper limit of Chinese martial arts in this world is not high.

It would be wonderful if it were the world of Dragon Snake Romance. Masters of Huajin can initially resist bullets. When bullets are shot into the body, they can be squeezed out with muscles!

Dan Jin, Gang Qi, breaking the void and seeing the gods are not bad. Each of these realms is more powerful than the last. It is easy to turn iron into clay. It is fun to chop up the reinforced concrete floors of dozens of bungalows with one kick.

During this time, Zhang Jingyun was practicing double cultivation with Han Yujie. Han Yujie was the wife Huo Endi gave him and gave birth to a son. She was a model of a good wife and loving mother.

And as Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level got higher and higher.

He needs a lot of attribute points to practice a skill, such as a profound internal force skill, which requires sixty attribute points to reach perfection.

So attribute points are becoming increasingly insufficient.

Even if it's five times a day, one o'clock a day, it's only thirty o'clock in a month, and this is my beloved wife.

How could you be so willing to do so?

Because of this, Zhang Jingyun had Wang Chao's boxing skills, but he did not practice immediately, for fear that he would be unable to move forward in the next world without any attributes.

Time flies, and one month is about to pass.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the data panel.

【Pacesetter System】

[Host: Zhang Jingyun]

[Realm: Shattered Void]

[Life span: 27/? ,46/428]

[Gong Technique: The five-level perfection of Everlasting Eternal Spring Gong, the five-level perfection of Great Yin-Yang Fu, the five-level perfection of Purple Qi from the East...]

[Skills: The fifth level of Great Universe Palm is perfect, the fifth level of Great Soul Searching Hand is perfect, the Nine Swords of Loneliness is perfect at five levels, the Six Meridians Divine Sword is perfect at five levels...]

[Attribute points: 365]

Zhang Jingyun put away the panel, and after returning to the main world, practicing Changchun Kung consumed part of his attribute points, and then replenished dozens of attribute points, leaving only more than 300 points in the end.

Even though more than 300 attribute points are not a small amount at the moment, one of the Eight Classics can cost up to 60 exercises, so attribute points are in short supply.

However, this lifespan column surprised Zhang Jingyun. Previously, the lifespan of his soul was still 418 years old. Now, after he absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy, it has increased by ten years.

This just confirmed Zhang Jingyun's guess.

The aura contained in antiques is a certain kind of spiritual power, which can not only increase the life span of the soul, but also give birth to a power similar to telekinesis.

As for the realm, Zhang Jingyun thought about it.

In Yitian World, if one's strength exceeds that of the Xiantian Grandmaster, one can shatter the void and leave, but this is not necessarily the case in other worlds.

Therefore, the Shattered Void realm is actually not very accurate. If given the opportunity, Zhang Jingyun can break through the internal force technique to the sixth level and think of a more accurate realm.

"I don't know what the next mission world will be?" Thirty days passed by in a blink of an eye, and Zhang Jingyun was just thinking about it when he suddenly heard the voice of the system in his mind.

"The fifth world is about to begin!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Jingyun's vision suddenly went dark, and he disappeared instantly, being pulled into an unknown space again.


Not so long ago.

As human civilization continues to expand in the universe, out-of-reach interstellar development and interstellar immigration have become the norm.

In the process of continuously exploiting the earth's resources, humans unexpectedly discovered a huge plant that is different from the surface ecology.

After the huge body of this plant blooms, it will release some kind of spores. After the spores invade the living body, after a certain incubation period, a flower will be born that can absorb and store biological energy.

This flower is named the Flower of Mana.

The giant plant that gave birth to it is called the ground vine. Humans discovered that this giant plant would bring unimaginable benefits.

So seven cutting-edge scientists took advantage of this to establish Nirvana Company, which was the source of the disaster, Nirvana Biological Company.

Nirvana Company is trying to use the flower of Mana as a basis to study the characteristics of storing energy so that humans can obtain similar storage and release capabilities, thereby extending life.

After finally combining the genes of animals and plants in the world, Nirvana Biological Company made a breakthrough. They injected the developed embryos into the human uterus.

The larvae born through natural breeding become the first-generation organ containers that can be perfectly adapted to all living things on the earth.

Nirvana Biological Company cloned a large number of larvae and sold them, and obtained astonishing profits. The whole world began to join in the research of Mana Flower and Ground Vine.

As research continues to deepen, human beings think that they have obtained the power of gods, but they do not know that a huge disaster is about to come.


After an unknown amount of time, Zhang Jingyun regained consciousness and his vision went dark. Along with his thoughts, the task bar instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

[Current Progress: Spirit Cage World]

[Task bar: Task one, breed pacesetters, task two, kill the pole-eating beasts. Note: The more pole-devouring beasts you kill and the higher the level, the richer the reward will be. 】

"It's actually this world?"

Zhang Jingyun was stunned. He had an impression of the world of spiritual cages and doomsday. He even said that the impression was very deep.

Before acquiring the system, Zhang Jingyun was still a homebody, earning a living by collecting rent every month. It was common for him to stay up late to cultivate immortality, play mobile games, and watch anime.

The anime "Spirit Cage" was a hit at the time. Except for the protagonist Mark, who was parasitized by a spinal bug and evolved into the president of a certain country, Mark Dragon. He sucked his wife dry with his own hands, and then her wife was shot to pieces.

Of course, the most impressive thing about the spirit cage world is definitely the Golden Hall, which is a place where all men dream of going.

Zhang Jingyun even wants to use his good luck in the next life. Change your identity as a lighthouse citizen, just to dedicate your strength to the golden hall.

"Interesting, the mission of breeding pacesetters, the pacesetter system. It seems to be tailor-made for me. Who else would give me the important task of breeding pacesetters?"

Zhang Jingyun's mouth curved slightly.

This really accurate at judging people!


Although I have learned about this world.

But after so many years, it was difficult for Zhang Jingyun to remember the details so clearly. He only knew that people in this world lived in misery.

The world view of the spirit cage is very huge.

Even Zhang Jingyun couldn't figure it out for a while. Before the official plot of the spiritual cage began, the technology in the main world was already extremely advanced.

Humanity has already broken through controllable nuclear fusion technology. Interstellar navigation is not a problem, and resources on the moon can be mined on a large scale.

The energy issue is no longer a social contradiction. It is even an issue of eternal life that humans have sacrificed their lives to pursue since ancient times. The spirit cage world has also studied it deeply.

Biotechnology and genetic medicine far surpass those in the main world, and most diseases have been overcome. Some companies are even trying to research "immortality potions" that can rejuvenate people.

It's a pity that in this technologically advanced world. Because a huge disaster struck, countless monsters appeared on the ground.

Humanity's technological power failed to survive in the face of countless monsters. Humanity was completely defeated, and its ground power was almost completely lost.

There is only one air prison. Because of its special characteristics, the survivors in the sky who escaped from this disaster named it "Lighthouse".

The meaning illuminates the final future of mankind.

As for this disaster, Zhang Jingyun didn't know much about it. Some said that when the immigration to the moon was proceeding in an orderly manner, a sudden lunar phase movement occurred.

Some unknown change occurred on the moon, maybe the moon shifted or something, and then a geological disaster occurred on the earth.

Geological changes occurred on the earth and the earth collapsed, which lasted for decades. Then mysterious plants appeared on the ground, attracting large-scale monster erosion.

This kind of monster is named by humans as the Extreme Devouring Beast. The Extreme Devouring Beast is extremely powerful. Even in the spiritual cage world with such advanced technology, it is difficult to kill the Extreme Devouring Beast.

Because even if such monsters are killed on the spot, they will be resurrected soon after, so the life of the pole-devouring beast is renewable.

Human beings have only one life.

Therefore, human beings are in despair. In the apocalyptic world, if there is still a glimmer of hope, how can it be called the apocalypse?

Before the disaster, there were billions of people on the earth. After the disaster, there were almost no humans on the ground, and the lighthouse population was only 20,000 to 30,000 at its peak.

Of course, there are actually people on the ground.

Zhang Jingyun only knows from God's perspective that compared to the people on the lighthouse who are almost being ruined, the ground is the future of mankind.

Zhang Jingyun still vaguely remembers it.

There is a super powerful woman in the ground camp who seems to have been alive since before the catastrophe and has spent decades without aging or dying.

Because she doesn't age, most people don't know that this long-legged girl who looks like she is eighteen years old is actually a grandmother who is over eighty years old.


"Age is not a problem at all, appearance is. What's wrong with being eighty years old? I am a cultivator, so it doesn't matter if I am older."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, that's just how people are. Sometimes the three views follow the facial features. As long as you are beautiful and are 800 years old, it is not unacceptable.

After Zhang Jingyun determined what kind of world this was, he was also quite stressed. For no other reason than the combat power of the spiritual cage world was not low.

Zhang Jingyun can be considered a master in this world, but the white-haired girl on the ground and the giant pole-devouring beast taller than the mountain are equally powerful.

Zhang Jingyun may be able to dominate on the lighthouse, but that's not necessarily the case on the ground. Zhang Jingyun, an ordinary pole-devouring beast, can definitely kill him.

If you are besieged by a group of pole-devouring beasts.

Zhang Jingyun may also have to avoid the spotlight for a while.

"The end of the world is really a crappy world!"

Looking back, Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but be curious, "I don't know what my identity is in the spirit cage world, but don't try to become a commoner."

In a cruel doomsday, survival is the biggest problem. The lighthouse is the only survivor camp in name. If you want to continue the fire of human civilization in the doomsday, you must formulate a set of effective rules.

The era before the catastrophe is called the old world. The system of the old world is almost the same as that of the main world, except that the technology is more advanced.

After the old world was destroyed, the lucky ones on the lighthouse created another set of rules and order, of which the Shangmin and the Chenmin were one of them.

The division between superior and ordinary people is not determined by humans, but is judged by the formula of the law of life through the merits of genes.

People with genetic defects will be judged as dust people. Dust people have genetic defects and do not even have names, only numerical codes, such as 4068, 6969, 9527...

In the eyes of Shangmin, ordinary people only waste food and are a burden to the lighthouse. They eat worm cakes and live in crowded pigeon cages.

Dustmen are only qualified to do the dirtiest and most tiring work on the lighthouse. They have no right to reproduce. In the eyes of some upper-level citizens, every fiber of the dustmen should be despised.

Shangmin's treatment is much better. He is an elite and is responsible for the management of lighthouses, weapon research and development, breeding offspring, etc.

Except for the hunter.

Shangmin's life will not be in danger.

If Zhang Jingyun is classified as a commoner by the life formula, then why not go to the golden hall? He may not even have the right to reproduce.

Just as Zhang Jingyun was thinking.

In the blur of consciousness, I heard a voice, "It was discovered that the dormant cabin in the old world has no wake-up record. The dormant cabin is functioning normally and is suspected to be able to wake up humans in the old world."

This is a low and magnetic male voice. The voice is very calm, without any emotion, as if he is reporting a very ordinary thing!

"Hibernation cabin? This technology has also been developed?" Zhang Jingyun was slightly surprised, and his consciousness seemed a little weak.

Hibernation cabin technology can actually be seen in many movies. After a member sleeps in the hibernation cabin, dozens or hundreds of years have passed outside.

Also, before the catastrophe in the spirit cage world, the technology of interstellar navigation was already available. The universe is so vast. How can we travel far without sleep cabin technology?

"After so many years, there have been no human beings living on the ground. I didn't expect to find humans from the old world while collecting materials today."

This was a female voice. The voice was clear and melodious. Just like the male voice, it seemed very unexpected but always remained calm.

"Humans in the old world still have such a rare species? The lighthouse has stopped accepting survivors on the ground for a long time. How to deal with him?"

Another person asked.

"I heard that humans in the old world were genetically defective and have been lying in dormant chambers for decades. Could it be that those who are terminally ill want to wait for future breakthroughs in medical technology before awakening them for treatment?"

"The medical technology in the old world was even higher than now, and almost all terminal diseases have been overcome. Your guess is not valid."

"The hibernation capsule was originally tens of meters underground. It was later broken out by violent geological movements and left in this unknown base.

If the previous underground geological distribution were restored, the shape would look like a tomb from the old era, with the dormant cabin serving as a coffin. This person is quite interesting. "

"Ah, have we become grave robbers?"

"It took geological movement to shake out the hibernation capsule. If we hadn't come here, this would really be a coffin. By then, it would be considered archeology at best."


Zhang Jingyun: "..."

Zhang Jingyun was speechless after listening to the discussion. He didn't expect that he had robbed too many tombs, and in the end, they were discovered by others.

But the people at the lighthouse know a lot.

Tomb robbing, archeology?

You must have read some banned books from the old world.

In the end, the sleeping cabin was taken away by everyone, and the all-terrain vehicle flew all the way, and finally came to an open place to wait.

The low, magnetic voice sounded again: "Hunter Mark called the navigation control room, the collection mission is completed, requesting to return."

"Decentralize the ES01 lifting platform."


"Wake up the people in the dormant cabin."

As the dormant cabin opened, in the cryogenic solution, Zhang Jingyun slowly opened his eyes and looked at the figures standing in front of him.

"Welcome to the lighthouse!"

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