People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 104 Why not kill all the Tatars【Please subscribe】

Zhang Jingyun has already perfected the practice of the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, and now he is practicing it with the woman in yellow shirt, and he has traveled thousands of miles every day.

In addition, Zhang Jingyun also wanted to take a look.

Is there any difference between the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra in the two worlds? The Jade Girl's Heart Sutra that is proud of the Jianghu world can only cultivate to the master level at most.

In the world of Yitian Slaying the Dragon, the power is stronger, and there are innate masters who are higher than the master level, such as Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Wuji who have mastered the skills.

The Jade Girl Heart Sutra is a magical skill that can follow the Quanzhen Mind Dharma. In theory, it can be cultivated to the innate realm, so it should have five levels.

However, with the woman in yellow's current cultivation level, Zhang Jingyun's four-level perfect Jade Girl's Heart Sutra is enough to practice dual cultivation with her.

At that moment, the two began to prepare.

Suddenly, Zhang Jingyun suddenly reacted and said: "Girl, I have already told you your name, but I don't know her maiden name yet."

"Huh? Haven't you already opened Suhui? Why don't you know my name yet? I thought you knew it all."

"I only know that the girl's surname is Yang."

The girl in yellow shirt said, "Then let's call her Miss Yang."

Zhang Jingyun smiled and didn't ask any more questions immediately. Just like the little dragon girl, if she asked her name, such as Long Bixia, it would ruin the beauty.

"Miss Yang, you should know the conditions for practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, right? If you feel there is any difference between men and women, I can cover your eyes with a piece of cloth."

Zhang Jingyun said in a deep voice.

Although he used Kai Suhui to fool the girl in yellow, it was the first time for the two of them to meet, so they took off their clothes and sat facing each other to practice, which was inevitably embarrassing.

"Is there a difference between men and women?"

The girl in yellow shirt was slightly puzzled. She had been practicing in the ancient tomb since she was a child. She had no distracting thoughts and knew nothing about worldly affairs.

The key to the training of the Ancient Tomb Sect is to restrain the seven emotions and six desires. Therefore, the girl in yellow shirt did not know that there was anything wrong with the difference between men and women, and she had never thought about it.

But since Zhang Jingyun offered to cover his eyes, it showed that he was aboveboard. After all, she wouldn't have thought of it if Zhang Jingyun didn't tell her.

Therefore, although the girl in yellow shirt does not understand the ways of the world, in her opinion, Zhang Jingyun is definitely not the bad man her aunt said.

"Just follow what you said."

After that, the girl in yellow shirt found a black belt from the stone room, blindfolded Zhang Jingyun with her own hands, then began to untie her belt and take off her clothes.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Zhang Jingyun is wearing a black belt or not. With the golden pupil's ability to see through things, he can see even if the woman in yellow wears eighteen layers of armor.

The reason for this is that we still have to take the girl in yellow into consideration. Although she is innocent and ignorant of the world, there is still an old world in the ancient tomb.

If she knew that as soon as she entered the Tomb of the Living Dead, she was practicing the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra with the girl in the yellow shirt eye to eye, she would definitely think that she was a disciple.

Covering yourself with a black cloth naturally leads to fewer worries but more worries.

Zhang Jingyun was also ready, stretched out his palms, and faced the girl in yellow. With their four palms facing each other, a cold feeling came to his heart.

For the past sixteen years, the girl in yellow had been cultivating in the tomb, sleeping on the cold jade bed day and night. Her complexion turned pale and bloodless, and even her skin was extremely cold.

But as I practice, I gradually get better.

Both of them began to emit a burning aura. If this burning aura were to accumulate in their bodies, they could be seriously ill or even lose their lives. They must not be careless.

Time flies.

Two and a half days passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Jingyun and Huang Shinu's cultivation are on the right track. This kind of internal strength progress is more than three times faster than Huang Shinu's previous cultivation.

You must know that the girl in yellow shirt is already a first-class master and a powerful figure in the world. Although she is not as good as the famous and upright heads such as He Taichong and Miejie Shitai, she is not far behind.

If one were to practice some of the ancient tomb sect's attack moves, such as Nine Yin Divine Claws and Double Swords... even Master Miejie and others were not as good as the woman in yellow.

The girl in yellow shirt started practicing Buddhism at the age of six.

She practiced the Jade Girl Heart Sutra and the Nine Yin Sutra Internal Strength, and with the blessing of the Cold Jade Bed, one year of hard training was too exaggerated to be as strong as ten years, but five or six years in one year was normal.

In this way, the girl in yellow shirt also has fifty or sixty years of internal strength. She practices the top Taoist skills, so she can naturally compete with Mr. Tieqin and Master Miejie.

Even if it weren’t for the fact that there were too few disciples of the Tomb Sect.

It is the third martial arts sect.

That night, Zhang Jingyun and the girl in yellow shirt finished their work. Since Zhang Jingyun entered the ancient tomb, the two of them practiced the Jade Girl Heart Sutra during the day and slept on the cold jade bed at night.

The cold jade bed was of little use to Zhang Jingyun. This level of cold was not enough for Zhang Jingyun to use his internal energy to resist.

The reason why I sleep in bed…

It mainly depends on who you are around.

The woman in yellow shirt put on her clothes to cover her perfect figure, then untied Zhang Jingyun's eye belt, and gave Zhang Jingyun the usual honey and wild fruits to eat.

Zhang Jingyun saw that she had only eaten these things for many years, and was going to hunt some game outside the ancient tomb. However, Zhang Jingyun was stopped when he reached the door.

A skinny palm hit him in front of him, forcing Zhang Jingyun back to the stone room, and stood side by side with the girl in yellow shirt beside the cold jade bed.

"Auntie, when did you leave seclusion?"

When the woman in yellow shirt saw the old woman, her eyes fluctuated slightly, obviously she was happy. Over the years, there were only two people living together in the ancient tomb.

"We'll talk about it later."

The white-haired old woman was unreasonable and slapped her again. This time Zhang Jingyun did not force her to retreat, but faced her palm to compete with her internal strength.

Zhang Jingyun took into account that the old woman was the aunt of the girl in yellow shirt, so naturally she did not use all her strength. Seeing that Zhang Jingyun was too young, Zhang Jingyun also restrained herself.

However, the internal strength competition was extremely dangerous. After a while, one could already see wisps of white smoke rising upward from the top of the white-haired old woman's head.

But nothing happened to Zhang Jingyun.

The old woman was slightly surprised and actually asked: "Good boy, I have used five points of my internal energy. If you can resist it, you are considered to be a rare young man. Your future is unlimited. How many points of your internal energy have you used?"

Zhang Jingyun pondered for two seconds and said: "Senior, just consider it as two points of internal strength!"

In fact, Zhang Jingyun's own internal strength accumulated through cultivation lasted for more than a hundred years. Coupled with the internal strength absorbed and transformed before, it has reached almost three hundred years.

The real age of the white-haired old woman is probably over ninety. Even with the internal power of the Nine Yin Scriptures of more than eighty years, five-fifths is about forty years.

If Zhang Jingyun wanted to compete with her in terms of internal strength to maintain balance, he would have to use one to two points of internal strength. In order to take care of her face, he would just give it two points.

Unexpectedly, the old woman became angry and said, "I'll kill you!"

In an instant, the two separated and started to attack each other. The white-haired old woman used the Nine-Yin Divine Claw and the Great Demon-Suppressing Fist, both of which were skills from the Nine-Yin Manual.

Zhang Jingyun's figure rose and fell, and he used his plum-breaking hand to deal with it, so he switched to Wudang Kung Fu. After dozens of rounds, the old woman was already breathing heavily.

Zhang Jingyun is still very active.

"Stop fighting!"

Seeing the stalemate between the two, the woman in yellow couldn't help but say. After a while, the old woman finally couldn't hold on any longer and asked, hunched over while suppressing her anger.

"Who is he? Why is he in the stone chamber?"

The white-haired old woman looked at Zhang Jingyun with an unkind look, and then at the woman in yellow shirt. She noticed that the two of them seemed to be very familiar with each other, and she couldn't help but feel a pang in her heart.

"Auntie, he is the man who came to your door. I have been practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra with him these past few days, and my internal strength has developed rapidly."

The woman in yellow shirt said crisply.

As expected, when the white-haired old woman heard this, she became furious. Her five fingers turned into claws, and she was about to use the Nine Yin Divine Claws to destroy the enemy's leader, like piercing through rotten soil!

"Senior, please calm down."

The white-haired old woman froze.

Zhang Jingyun said quickly, "I am Song Qingshu, my father Song Yuanqiao, a disciple of Zhenren Zhang of the Wudang Sect. Please forgive me for any offense."

"Wudang Song Qingshu?" The old woman rolled her eyes and said, "A few days ago, at the 100th birthday party of Master Zhang, the jade-faced Mengchang who forced out the monk of emptiness?"

Zhang Jingyun cupped his hands and said, "It's a junior."

The murderous look in the white-haired old woman's eyes disappeared slightly and she said: "Since you are a disciple of Wudang, why did you sneak into the Tomb of the Living Dead? My niece is still young and doesn't understand human affairs. What have you done that you shouldn't have done?"

Zhang Jingyun said, "This junior did not sneak into the ancient tomb, but came in openly through a waterway, but you have been in seclusion and did not dare to disturb me."

The girl in yellow shirt didn't know why her aunt was angry, so she said, "Aunt, we practice the Jade Girl Heart Sutra. He said there are differences between men and women, so he asked me to blindfold him."

The old woman's anger softened and she complained to the girl in yellow: "You are such a naive girl. How can you pass on the skills of the Tomb Sect to outsiders casually?"

"He knows it himself. In addition to the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra, he also knows the skills of the Heaven and Earth Net, the Bird Catching Technique, the Combination of Two Swords, and the Nine Yin Sutra."

The white-haired old woman didn't believe the words of the girl in yellow shirt at all, "Nonsense, these are all ancient tomb sect techniques, how could an outsider know them?"

Zhang Jingyun then told the story about Su Hui again, but the white-haired old woman in front of him was obviously not as easy to fool as the girl in yellow shirt.

But Zhang Jingyun does know these skills.

She was doubtful.

Seeing that she was still doubtful, Zhang Jingyun continued, "To be honest with you, senior, I do have many memories from the ancient tomb in my mind.

Look at this cold jade bed. When you sleep on the cold jade bed, the exercises will run automatically. Even in your sleep, you can practice automatically. One year of hard work can be as good as others' five or six years.

But most people don't know that in my memory, there was a young man who was forced to sleep on a cold jade bed by a woman dressed in white who looked like a fairy.

The young man didn't know how to practice spiritual practice. He tried to get out of bed several times, but was beaten severely by the fairy-like woman and forced him to sleep on the cold jade bed. "

The girl in yellow shirt asked: "That boy doesn't know how to practice. Wouldn't he freeze to death while sleeping on the cold jade bed?"

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "The woman in white also reacted and taught him some formulas to let the boy experience the beauty of cultivation.

But the boy's beating was in vain, and the woman felt guilty, but the boy knew that the woman beat him because she cared about him, and said that no matter how hard his aunt beat him, he would still like it..."

The woman in yellow shirt is curious.

"Does this boy like being beaten?"

The white-haired old woman was already blushing upon hearing this, "Children, don't be curious about this. Wudang sect boy, this is the story of my ancient Tomb sect Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu's ancestors when they were young. How do you know?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "I know it naturally. I also know more stories about the tomb. Senior wants to hear me tell you one by one."

Half a day later, the white-haired old woman told Kai Su Huizhi that she believed her nine points. She felt complicated when she thought that her niece, whom she had raised as her daughter for sixteen years, was just like a blank slate, falling into the hands of Zhang Jingyun.

"Since you have this connection with my Ancient Tomb Sect, I won't stop you from practicing the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra with my niece.

But you have to remember that you are not allowed to bully her in the future. Although we are the only two people in the Tomb Sect who depend on each other, they are not easy to bully. Although Wudang is a big sect, not everyone is Zhang Zhenren. Do you understand? "

"Junior understands."

Zhang Jingyun's heart trembled. These words were straightforward. Except for Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Jingyun, no one else in the Wudang Sect was a match for this white-haired old woman.

The next day, Zhang Jingyun and the girl in yellow shirt continued to practice, but this time, the girl in yellow shirt did not blindfold Zhang Jingyun again.

"Did Miss Yang forget something?"

Zhang Jingyun kindly reminded.

The woman in yellow shirt shook her head, "My aunt told me that you took advantage of it, but I think it's only fair that we both blindfold ourselves."

Having said that, the girl in yellow shirt actually sat down to practice in front of Zhang Jingyun without any secret, but she had a vague feeling from her recent practice.

From now on, she only wants to be with Zhang Jingyun.

Instinctively resist others.

This is the subtle effect of the Jade Girl Heart Sutra. Once both men and women practice the exercises, they will gradually become connected.

Closer than relatives, deeper than lovers.

In The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Xiao Longnu and Yang Guo, when they first practiced the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, they took into account the differences between master and disciple and the difference between men and women.

Later, the Heart Sutra of Jade Girl gradually became silent, and the difference between master and disciple was not as important as the other. Even when Xiao Longnu was insulted, she thought it was Yang Guo. Not only would she not be angry, but she would be very willing to do so.

The girl in yellow shirt's cultivation is already top-notch, and Zhang Jingyun is an innate master who has penetrated the Ren and Du channels and penetrated the bridge between heaven and earth.

Just a few days.

The characteristics of the Jade Girl Heart Sutra have already begun to appear. This change is positive, follows the practitioner's original thoughts, and is in line with the true meaning of dual cultivation in Taoism.

It's a pity that Lin Chaoying worked so hard to create the technique, but Wang Chongyang never came to practice with her once, otherwise they would have been as loving a couple as Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu.

Naturally, Zhang Jingyun would not let this magical skill down. In about two and a half months, Zhang Jingyun and the woman in yellow shirt had completed the first seven sections of the Jade Girl Heart Sutra.

At this time, the practice has reached its most critical moment. The woman in yellow cannot stop her practice for a moment. Zhang Jingyun must stay by her side every day.

Another two and a half months passed like this.

Zhang Jingyun and Huang Shinu have completed the ninth level of training, and the Jade Girl Heart Sutra has just begun to be completed. What is left is the accumulation of internal strength over time, but even so, the growth rate of internal strength is more than twice that of normal practice.

However, Zhang Jingyun and Huang Shinu practiced for five months. Before the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra was completed, Zhang Jingyun had nothing to do with her.

Now, the time has come.

On this day, the girl in yellow shirt practiced with Zhang Jingyun as usual. After taking off her clothes, she saw that Zhang Jingyun was not doing the exercises with his palms as before.

"You...if you do this, your aunt will hear you." The girl in yellow shirt did not expect that Zhang Jingyun, who had been practicing dual cultivation for five months, suddenly changed to another dual cultivation method.

"She has been here for a long time."

Zhang Jingyun said something, and then walked up to another stone room. Even though it was several stone rooms away, with her nine-yin internal strength of more than 80 years, how could she not hear this weird sound?

With a slightly red face, the white-haired old woman sighed, "This kid endured for five months and practiced the Jade Girl Heart Sutra to become a talent... He is indeed not a mortal."

The old woman was also a beauty when she was young. The ancient tomb sect not only had powerful skills, but also had strong genes. All the men were as handsome as Yang Guo.

Like the founder of the Emei Sect, the female hero Guo Xiang, when she saw Yang Guo, she naturally imitated the immortal like Xiao Longnu.

With the face of the girl in yellow shirt, any man would inevitably have distracting thoughts in his mind. She has a face that makes people want to commit a crime. Practicing? What a fart!

It would be nice if it doesn't go too far.

In a sense, Zhang Jingyun was not only recognized by the old woman in terms of force, but was also quite perfect in terms of character.

"He is indeed the disciple of Zhang Sanfeng and Master Zhang, and he has inherited Master Zhang's supreme concentration." The old woman murmured.

In the entire martial arts world, there is no one who does not admire Zhang Sanfeng's centuries-old boyhood. The white-haired old woman also had a relationship with Zhang Sanfeng when she was young, but nothing happened.

The next day, Zhang Jingyun slowly woke up.

Attribute points increase by two points.

The girl in yellow shirt is already a top-notch expert with a perfect body. She will recover after a few exercises, but there is someone listening in the corner next door.

Zhang Jingyun shouldn't be too reckless.

But even so, when he saw the white-haired old woman the next day, he could feel her unkind gaze. Zhang Jingyun knew that he could no longer stay in the ancient tomb.

I was just thinking of finding time to take the girl in yellow shirt out for a walk, but I didn't expect that the old woman actually offered to go out for a while.

Zhang Jingyun lived in the tomb with An Xin and the girl in yellow shirt, practicing hard every day. With the blessing of another dual cultivation, the girl in yellow shirt's cultivation speed increased again.

Another six months passed like this.

Zhang Jingyun worked hard to accumulate a large number of attribute points, and then upgraded the Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu and the Xuan Ming Divine Palm to the fifth level of perfection.

The two skills were completed, one hundred and twenty attribute points, half a year's results and previous accumulation were completely consumed.

With a thought in his mind, Zhang Jingyun opened the panel.

【Pacesetter System】

[Host: Zhang Jingyun]

[Realm: Innate Grandmaster]

【Lifespan: 17/289】

[Kung Fu method: The fifth level of Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu is perfect, the fifth level of Yijin Forging Bone Chapter is perfect, the fifth level of Purple Qi Donglai Divine Kung Fu is perfect...]

[Skills: The five levels of Lonely Nine Swords are perfect, the Xuanming Divine Palm is five levels perfect, the Tiyunzong is five levels perfect, the Nine Yin Divine Claws are five levels perfect...]

[Attribute points: 0.4]

Zhang Jingyun took back the panel.

In terms of skills, it has less and less impact on life span. Zhang Jingyun feels that three hundred years is a hurdle. If he wants to break through, he may have to break through the innate realm.

This point can be discussed with Zhang Sanfeng. Thinking of Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Jingyun found that he had not returned to Wudang for a year without realizing it.

"Can I take you back to Wudang?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the girl in yellow shirt. They had been together for a whole year, and it was time to return to Wudang to tell the elders the good news.

"Okay!" The girl in yellow shirt naturally agreed,

After staying with Zhang Jingyun for a long time, she was inevitably curious about the outside world. All she heard in the ancient tombs were the legendary experiences of Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu's ancestors. It was also a good story that she could be like her ancestors with her beloved now.

Aunt Yang didn't reply for a long time, so the girl in yellow left a letter telling her whereabouts and telling her not to worry. Then she and Zhang Jingyun walked down Zhongnan Mountain, out of Shaanxi, and headed toward Wudang Mountain along the Han River.

Arriving at a village to settle down.

Suddenly, a Yuan soldier was seen running out of the village on horseback. On the horseback was a woman wearing a wedding dress, whistling past Zhang Jingyun and his wife.

"How is this going?"

Zhang Jingyun said, “The Tatars regard twenty households as one armor, and one armor is guarded by one Tatar, and that Tatar will treat the twenty households as personal property.

And if someone from these twenty households gets married, on the day of the wedding, the bride’s first marriage will be taken away by the Tatars. This is a bad thing that the Tatars often do. They regard the Han people as slaves! "

"Is he the bad guy my aunt calls him?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "Worse than those people."

The woman in yellow shirt is strange.

"Then why not kill all the Tatars?"

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