It's hard to describe Captain Yamamoto's mood at this moment.

Shocked, puzzled, even a little confused!

He even felt that the Canri Prison Clothes he had worked so hard to develop had some fatal flaw.

If not, why was he beaten until his nose and face were swollen even though he was wearing a robe of flame condensed with 15 million degrees of flame and could annihilate all the attacks from Kurosaki Ichigo, even the limbs he attacked from? ?

But Captain Yamamoto soon realized the reason, because he had seen similar things recently!

Ishida Uryū, whose body was on the verge of collapse, suddenly abandoned his body, his soul jumped out, and with his unparalleled fighting spirit, he blasted Nirvana into pieces in front of him.

After thinking about this, Captain Yamamoto saw that because he was too close to the Zanri Prison Clothes, his body was being annihilated and evaporated all the time, but he was incredibly tenacious and reorganized, enduring the pain of being burned by the sun, and also bravely Kurosaki Ichigo throwing a punch.

Look at the pair of eyes that have lost their eyelids and even their eyes are constantly wandering between being burnt, black and withered, and rapidly reorganizing!

Firm and pure, strong and passionate!

The belief that you must carry out your own will even if you beat the whole world is so bright and dazzling.

Because he doesn’t just say it, he also does it.

Even if he was facing a real"sun", there was only one thing he had to do, and that was to rush over and beat him with all his strength with his fists!



Then, this is the path to power that Ichigo Kurosaki has chosen. He will use his physical fists to completely defeat all odds!

"These little devils of the new era, one or two, are really fucking awesome!"

Perhaps he was infected by Kurosaki Ichigo's pure fighting spirit. Captain Yamamoto, who was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, sighed a little in his heart, and then narrowed his eyes slightly to cover up the increasingly intense madness in his eyes!

The brats of the new era are very... It was powerful enough, but how could he, an old man from the old era, be inferior to them? He held the charred Liubian Ruohuo tightly in his right hand, and then swung the knife lightly! But it was faster than what the naked eye could detect.

Kurosaki Ichigo's body, which had been annihilated for more than half, was split into two in an instant, and the middle part of the two divided halves was completely annihilated.

"Residual Fire Taito·East - Rising Sun Blade!"

Concentrate all the heat of the flames like fire on the tip of the knife. It does not burn or release explosive flames. It just erases everything it touches without leaving a trace.

Thousands of years ago, Yhwach was defeated, but could not really kill it. He left him room for resurrection, which made Captain Yamamoto ashamed, and was also one of the driving forces for his continuous training and practice for thousands of years. There are many challenges, and Yhwach is one of them, even the most important one.

Even if he is defeated, Yhwach can still come back again and again, and every time he comes back, he can.

With his own king's blood, the Quincy clan was reborn, but Captain Yamamoto and the Seireitei era he created did not even have a chance to make a mistake.

As long as one mistake was made, the consequences would be unimaginable in these thousands of years.

, Captain Yamamoto has always been thinking about how to really kill Yhwach, and the Rising Sun Blade move is the answer he spent thousands of years to create, because this move is also the foundation of the swastika sword.

And the core.

Control the flames compressed to the extreme, sublime into the absolute power of burning everything, to kill everything that was once untouchable.

However, Captain Yamamoto knew that Kurosaki Ichigo's incredible reorganization and recovery. His strength was overwhelming, so he swung a few more swords,

Kurosaki Ichigo turned into Kurosaki Half Guard, then quickly turned into Kurosaki Eighth Guard, and quickly developed into Kurosaki Sixteenth Guard. The heart , brain, internal organs, spiritual knots and spiritual connections where spiritual power runs were all severely damaged. At the same time, Captain Yamamoto also focused on destroying

Kurosaki Ichigo's soul.

Before the body of flesh and blood passes away, the soul of life is closely integrated with the flesh and blood in a mysterious way. After passing away, it still needs to be attached and tempered by the spirit son in order to transform from the soul into the soul body. , this is also the reason why the civilian ghosts in Rukongai need food containing spirit children to truly be full and to grow further.

In a sense, the essence of the Shinigami is the transformation of the souls of living beings. That’s why the spirit son living body is so different. At the same time, this is also the reason why the God of Death can alleviate the stagnation of the spirit son, and why the eye monk told Yhwach a thousand years ago that the dominance of the world must be handed over to the God of Death. The reason.

But leaving aside these, Kurosaki Ichigo's apparent essence at this moment is that of a Quincy. A Quincy is a life of flesh and blood, and his soul is hidden deep in his flesh and blood, even as the Quincy's strength increases. , this connection will become stronger and stronger, forming a relationship of mutual loss, so few Quincy can turn into soul bodies after death!

But the miracle created by Ishida Uryu gave Captain Yamamoto a memory, Therefore, he did not intend to give Kurosaki Ichigo this opportunity.

Not to mention the results, although the essence of the Rising Sun Blade is to compress and control the flame to the point of the blade, without releasing it or detonating it. The horror of its nature is self-evident.

After entering the swastika state of the residual fire sword, just releasing the spiritual power surrounding the body is enough to explode into a star-level high temperature of 15 million degrees. These are all compressed to a tiny point at the tip of the knife. With such mass, just existing is enough to change everything!

At this moment, with Captain Yamamoto as the center, many buildings within a radius of dozens of kilometers suddenly burst into flames!

This is not a simple high-temperature fire. You must know that the bricks and tiles in the Jingling Court are all made of materialized souls. At this moment, they suddenly burn, which means that the souls that build the foundation of all things have also begun to burn. It's burning!

Under this influence, many weak Shinigami felt the pain of suffocation coming from their lungs, as if the air had burned and began to burn their bodies and minds.

Every time Captain Yamamoto swings a sword, more buildings will burn, and the scope of influence will suddenly expand and strengthen. Many weak Shinigami are falling down one after another.

The entire Jing Ling Ting, just because of the existence of the residual fire sword, is heading towards irreversible destruction. If this continues, even the entire Soul Society will be irreversibly affected, and the impact on the Soul Society will also affect the other two. boundary.

At this moment, many people couldn't sit still, including Kisuke Urahara, who was known as the smartest man in the three worlds and was hiding in a dark corner, silently spying on the battle!

"Although I had known that this old man would be in trouble once he went crazy, this level of trouble was still a bit unexpected!"

Kisuke Urahara had long ago understood the madness behind Captain Yamamoto's kind and stubborn appearance. But at that time, his crisis plan could only make Captain Yamamoto go crazy and start massacring those disgusting people. The aristocratic class wants to dominate the Jing Ling Ting.

Captain Yamamoto pushed the three realms towards the edge of destruction.

This kind of trouble was not at all what he expected.

After several iterations, it was specially designed to target Captain Yamamoto's various"gadgets", but Kisuke Urahara was still hesitant.

A cute little strawberry, he transformed into the strongest creature on earth in a very short time.

At this moment, he had an inexplicable intuition that Kurosaki Ichigo was not defeated yet, or in other words, he subconsciously believed that Kurosaki Ichigo could still create a series of A miracle that he could not understand.

This kind of intuition and trust had not been betrayed.

At this moment, the situation of the war suddenly changed significantly and irreversibly.

A strange pulling force suddenly appeared between the heaven and the earth. Swallowing the unparalleled heat wave emitted by the residual fire sword,

Captain Yamamoto immediately noticed where the strange sucking and devouring power came from, just a few feet away and within sight. In front of him...

Even after being divided into sixteen equal parts, Kurosaki Ichigo's fighting spirit had not faded.

His heart, brain, internal organs, and all the structures needed for the operation of spiritual power were completely destroyed, but that was not important.

For a true fighter, even if the body has been completely destroyed, there is still a soul carrying blood and faith.

Even if the soul has been irreversibly damaged, there is still an undying fighting spirit in this place of high purity!

In the face of the overwhelming fighting spirit, even death is just a weak little brat who will roll into the corner and cry for three days after being punched!

This is the most fundamental power of the reorganization of the spirit child, with absolute power! With its purity, it defeats death, shatters fate, and turns the impossible into possibility...

At this time when his body and soul were both collapsed by the Rising Sun Blade, Kurosaki, as the strongest creature on earth, was driven by the reorganization of the spirit son. Ichigo has evolved again.

There are three parts of memories, three parts of sadness and three parts of joy in the half-mutilated eyes.……

"Facing the overwhelming power, it turned out that Fisher burned everything he had with such a mood. Old man, thanks to you, I finally know what the perfect Fist of Heaven should be like.……"

The throat has long been cut off, but the ethereal voice of the soul echoes in the ears of those who are watching through the transmission of fighting spirit.

After feeling the unstoppable and absolute power of the Rising Sun Blade from the front, and feeling the will on the tip of the blade that was enough to shake the Three Realms, Kurosaki Ichigo found that the beating he gave with all his strength was not enough. He defeated the enemy, but the hardness of his fist was far different from that of the blade.

But it doesn't matter, because his response attitude was described to Aizen a long time ago during the chat in the cafe.

If beating with all your strength is not enough, then beat beyond the limit!

At that time, Aizen did not continue to ask.

If he continues to ask, he will hear Kurosaki Ichigo's final conviction.

What if going beyond the limits is not enough?

Then burn it out!

And this final answer is also the most important thing Ichigo Kurosaki learned from his opponent Fisher in the first shocking battle in his life after he started to become a fighter.

But at that time, I just learned it, and now, Kurosaki Ichigo finally feels... what is burning out!

Then, he finally understood what Fisher's unfinished final punch should look like.

Absolute field 50%……60%……70%!

The power is increasing at an incredible rate, and all of this is just to truly reveal the unfulfilled Heavenly Fist to the world.

Kurosaki Ichigo clenched his fist of invisible but qualitative fighting spirit.

The endless power quickly collapsed and compressed in the fist, turning into an invisible door.

Then, the invisible door slowly opened, and the strange power that swallowed everything flowed out from the door, spreading violently, touching everything it could touch wantonly.

Captain Yamamoto also felt the changes happening close at hand, and he even had a strange hallucination!

Above the endless gravel and barren land, an evil and bright moon hangs in the sky!

But at this moment, the bright moon is shaking, even squirming, turning into an invisible mouth that wants to swallow everything!

The scattered moonlight also flickered, turning into the breath of the devouring mouth. Every exhalation is hunting, and every inhalation is eating.

Regardless of the evil bright moon or the breathing moonlight falling on the world, they are both evil and strange, but they also contain a power that is too tyrannical to understand, and all of this is placed in Kurosaki Ichigo's fist.

After forcibly breaking away from this strange illusion, the first thing that came to Captain Yamamoto's mind was an enemy he met in the early years before the residual fire sword was created. And that enemy made the so-called strongest He suffered a rare defeat in his life.

That enemy is a virtual person who has awakened his ancient bloodline and completely returned to his ancestors!

His fierceness and cunning are exactly the same as those of Kurosaki Ichigo at this moment!

But Captain Yamamoto was not angry but happy, and even thanked fate for the gift from the bottom of his heart.

It is a beautiful thing to be able to hack to death a young man who is wearing the dawn of a new era, and this young man has also awakened the same power that defeated his enemy, giving him the opportunity to avenge his shame, which is even more beautiful. The two beautiful things added together are simply the supreme blessing in life!

Therefore, Captain Yamamoto raised the Ryūrenwahuo in his hand!

Captain Yamamoto is extremely particular about perfecting the swastika mode of the residual fire sword. The Rising Sun Blade has the strongest one-on-one skill, the Army of Skeletons is a siege skill, and the Resin Sun Prison Clothes is a skill that combines attack and defense.

Being able to fight in single combat and in groups, integrating offense and defense, there is no weakness to speak of, what is important is the comprehensive development of a hexagon.

So, what is missing in the Canhuo Taishou Swastika mode?

The answer is simple, that is the ultimate killing move that can annihilate everything!

"Little devil, give me a happy death! Residual Fire Tai Sword·North - The world is completely ashes!!!"

In an instant, the heaven and earth were filled with immeasurable light and heat, leaving only a vast expanse of absolute white in the world. All the onlookers, even Aizen, could not see through this pure white composed of immeasurable light and heat. Seeing any valuable information, one can only feel the terrifying absolute destruction that covers everything!

But at this moment, the voice of Kurosaki Ichigo's roaring soul echoed throughout the Serenity Garden!

"Old man, you are the one who should fight. 80% of the absolute field has been used up. Really, the Fist of Heaven, defeat me!!!"

And in the endless pure white, the deep and terrifying darkness suddenly emerged, monstrous and swaying, stretching its body like a giant python in the world, opening its bloody mouth enough to swallow the world, swallowing up the infinite light and Hot!

At this moment, Ishida Uryū, who was escorted to the place of execution and hung on the execution rack, also opened his eyes at this moment!

But Ishida Uryū didn't feel any sense of his situation at this moment! Surprised, my mind was completely occupied by another thing:

"Is this feeling of coldness the aura of Fisher's gay guy? But how is this possible? Hasn't he been killed to pieces?"

Ishida Uryū's awakening added another dimension to the changes in the battle situation, but this was not the most critical point. Even Kurosaki Ichigo burned out his sublimation and exchanged special moves with Captain Yamamoto. , are not really critical nodes for the irreversible change in the war situation. They can only be said to be the key points.���incentives and weights.

What really caused a major and irreversible change in the battle situation was the invisible Spirit King Palace in the sky. After observing for a long time, the fat monk finally made up his mind and stepped out of the Spirit King Palace.

When the figure of the fat monk left the Soul King's Palace and appeared in the Soul Society.

The eyes that fell from the vast sky and were everywhere in the world locked on him at the first moment!

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