Even the founder of the puppet art, Monzaemon, may not be able to stand out! 】

  [Liedou: No, if Chiyo has been studying the art of puppets in the village!

  Then what happened to the red sand scorpion? 】

  [Luo Sha: The first generation of adults, the scorpion of red sand, he is your grandson! 】

  【Liedou: ... 】

  【Senju Tobirama: What?The Scorpion of Red Sand is actually Chiyo's grandson?This...this is so sinful! 】

  [Kondo Mumao: I seem to have discovered something incredible! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: Nima, this news is too hot, is mother-in-law Chiyo still human?It can even do such a thing! 】

  [Ghost Lantern Moon: This is not a simple old cow eating young grass! 】

  [Kondo Wumao: Yes, all the tender grass planted in front of my house has been eaten, it's terrible...]

  [Uchiha Quanna: I didn't expect people in the Land of Winds to hate so much, it seems that I died too early!

  If you can die a little later, you might be able to witness the miracle of history! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: It's all the old man's fault, the old man should have been merciful to you back then, Quan Nai...]

  【Uchiha Izuna: ... 】

  [Uchiha Madara: Quan Na, in the future, you should not insert 0.9 words on such a boring topic.

  That guy Tobirama is now looking for a needle, and he wants to pretend when he gets a chance. Don't create another chance for him! 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: Okay, big brother, I get it! 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: 嘁~ It's really boring, I'm dead, in the boring and long years, pretending to be a force to pass the dull time, and even being stopped! 】

  [Senju Hasuma: Second brother, don’t say a few words, we don’t care about other people’s village affairs, just sit back and watch the jokes, this is the essence of diving! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Damn, as expected of the big brother, you can dive into the big truth! 】

  [Thousands of Hands: Cough!Low-key and low-key, I don't want others to misunderstand anything! ],

  【Senju Tobirama: Understand... 】


Chapter 488

  [Lie Dou: Luo Sha, is what you said true?Is that red sand scorpion really the grandson of this old man? 】

  like everyone else.

  After learning that the red sand scorpion is his grandson.

  The first generation of Fengying was also stunned in place.


  What he was shocked by was not the messy relationship between the mother-in-law Chiyo and the Scorpion of the Red Sand.

  It is the identity of the red sand scorpion.


  When I learned in the live broadcast room that my son was killed by Konoha Shiroya during the Second Ninja World War!

  Although he didn't say anything.

  But he was very angry and desperate.

  Because he has no heirs!

  However, he never thought of it.

  Before his own son died, he even left a seed!

  The news for him!

  Simply an exciting hope!

  [Luo Sha: It is absolutely true, that child has been taken by the mother-in-law Chiyo since childhood!

  In order to let him get rid of the sustenance of his parents, the mother-in-law Chiyo gave him all her life's puppet skills!

  And the scorpion didn't disappoint the mother-in-law Chiyo. With his talent as a puppet, he grew at an astonishing speed!

  In just a few short years 16, his puppet technique surpassed that of the mother-in-law Chiyo!

  And developed a lot of powerful puppets!

  I once thought that he would die for the future and hope of our Sandyin Village.

  But unfortunately!

  Later, for some unknown reason, he actually shot and killed the three big wind shadows! 】

  [Liedou: Aunt who died~ As expected of the grandson of the old man, he was able to kill a village shadow just by learning the puppet technique in just a few years! 】

  [Three Kazekage: The first generation of adults, are you saying this too much?

  After all, I am also the wind shadow of our village. I was killed by your grandson!

  And you, as the first generation of Kazekage in the village, don't scold him!

  Even helping him to laugh at me? 】

  [Lie Dou: Sorry, the third child, the old man was just excited for a while, so he didn't control his emotions.

  The scorpion guy is young and frivolous, and what he does is really too much! 】

  [Sandai Fengying: Is it just too much? 】

  [Liedou: Then what do you want?You can't beat my grandson by yourself, it's your own skills that are inferior to others!

  Do you still want the old man to apologize to you for what Scorpion did back then in this live broadcast room? 】

  Seeing the anger of the first Hokage, the third Kazekage immediately persuaded!

  [Sandai Fengying: First Generation Lord, don't get me wrong, I...I didn't mean that! 】

  [Lie Dou: Since that's not what you mean, then you should shut up the old man, nothing big or small! 】

  [Three generations of wind shadows: ... ]

  [Three generations of Raikage: I said that you ninjas in Hidden Sand Village are really funny, why do you keep entangled in the matter of the red sand scorpion killing the three generations of Kazekage!

  In my opinion, the abnormal relationship between Chisha Scorpion and Chiyo's mother-in-law is the most explosive, isn't it? 】

  [Liedou: Not your sister!Three generations of Raikage, hurry up and shut up the old man, or the old man will abolish you! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: Oh ~ you said it yourself just now! 】

  [Liedou: What did we say? 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: Didn't you just say that Chiyo's mother-in-law is very fond of the red sand scorpion?

  The word doting is always used on a partner! 】

  [Luo Sha: Fart, you are still playing with the connotation idiom, and you don't even know the meaning of 'to spoil'!

  That word can be used not only between partners!

  The care of the elders for the younger generation can also be used, okay? 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: This old man really doesn't know! 】

  [Luo Sha: If you don’t know, go to the dictionary, don’t talk nonsense about Jill all day long, and damage the reputation of our Shayin Village! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: There is no dictionary in the Pure Land world, please burn a copy for this old man! 】

  [Luo Sha: I'm already fucking dead, how can I burn it for you...]

  [Three generations of Raikage: Then you ask the old man to look up a Gill dictionary! 】

  【Luo Sha: ... 】


  outside world.

  That's when everyone started arguing with each other about the question of Granny Chiyo and the Scorpion of the Red Sand!

  Mute, who was stopped by Tsunade, has also retreated from the stalemate with Yakushi!

  "Tsunade-sama, are you alright?"

  Mute came to Tsunade, looked at Orochimaru vigilantly, and asked.

  "I'm fine for now..."

  Tsunade looked at Mute calmly!

  Immediately, he turned his head to look at Orochimaru!

  His eyes narrowed slightly, and he said without a smile, "Oshe Wan, you should know my character very well, right? Don't play with me..."


  Speaking of it.

  Tsunade's tone suddenly stopped.

  When Orochimaru saw this, his face couldn't help changing.

  Because at the moment Tsunade's tone stopped.

  He felt an extremely terrifying chakra from the other party!

  That chakra instantly wrapped Tsunade's body.

  And began to converge towards her right hand.

  In an instant.

  A suffocating force was uploaded from Tsunade's right fist!

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